Security around pope beefed up
Nir Magal and agencies
Published: 17.09.06, 00:00
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61. Pope's Right.. read on
John ,   NZ   (09.17.06)
62. Islam's true colors shown.
Michael ,   USA   (09.17.06)
This is incredible. How can a religion claim to advocate peace and respond by acting this way? These actions ought to show those outside of the Jewish faith in the West a taste of what we have to go through everyday. Look what a few words said by your religious leader escalates into. Now put yourself in our shoes for a second and afterwards try to convince yourself that these people truly mean to erradicate us all. UP FOR MODERNITY!! DOWN WITH BACKWARD NOTIONS!! May we all learn from our mistakes as a global community, not consistently make them.
63. Will ANYONE stand up to these fascists?
Jake ,   Richmond, VA   (09.17.06)
The Pope gave a lecture condemning violence in the name of ANY religion. Muslims around the world Rrespond with threats, violence, and attacks on churches. And people want the POPE to apologize?!?! (I see the New York Times, quislings to the end, have attacked him) BTW: Isn't it remarkable how, in countries with no free press, mass protests against a lecture that wasn't even COVERED in the western media when it was given (the first accounts of the Pope's speech in western media were stories about the PROTESTS.) I note too some outlets comparing this Pope unfavorably to the last one. I can't help but recall that John Paul II was shot by a Muslim--and there was no outcry against Islam. The Pope even forgave his attacker. One doubts we'd see the same recaction if someone carrying a rosary ever shot an imam.
64. Sick irony in Muslims' actions
Kevin ,   Steubenville OH USA   (09.17.06)
"Those who call us violent will be beheaded" I don't think it matters how much the Pope apologizes (and I don't think he should, anyway), these people will use anything as an excuse for violent. I'm Catholic, but you don't see us blowing up mosques when they compare the Pope to Hitler. You don't see Jews inciting violence after these hypocrites compare the IDF to the SS. You only see the violence coming from one place.
65. Not hearing one another
yitzak ,   Seattle, WA   (09.17.06)
This situation is needlessly volatile. It's an example of people with a gripe looking for a pretense and overreacting. Read the pope's statements in context (, and you'll see that he is in no way suggesting anything about Islam's violent past. Nevertheless, in the calls to violence in Gaza and elsewhere, Muslims are certainly not helping their case. If it is a "religion of peace," then let's see peaceful discussion and not denouncements and angry demands for an apology. Listen first, then speak!
66. Muslim sensitivity
JN ,   Bergenfield, USA   (09.17.06)
They are sensitive to the truth. A sure sign of a guilt.
67. Mohammedism peaceful, on what planet?
Jake Hanson ,   arlington   (09.17.06)
Islam a peaceful religion? Who they trying to kid? All of North Africa for centuries was Christian until the Mohammedans massacred them and took over in the 7th century on until today, all of N. Africa. Look at the saints in those centuries from there, Augustine, the dessert fathers, on and on, now all Muslim. Some tolerance. Constanople for 1,000 years was built by and ruled by Christians until the hoards of Muslims attached and killed and destroyed it and all of Byzantine, all Christians there in the empire killed including all woman and child were put to the sword along with knights and other defenders of their homeland. You call this peaceful? The last emperor while praying at the altar had his throat sliced and was kicked down the altar steps. This is peace? Oh, that's real love isn't it? Spain was under Muslim control for 800 years until Queen Isabelle and King Ferdinand finally freed the country, 800 years later! Peace loving neighbors? HELLO. Vienna almost fell in the 1500s with Muslims trying to conquer all of Europe, but were repelled. Peaceful people, peaceful religion? The Holy Land was Christian for 7 centuries until the Sejuk Turks from central Asia, 1,000 miles away and now Muslim began a jihad and slaughtered and massacred the entire Christian Holy Land, Palestine, the whole freaking middle East fell to them, and thus Pope Urban 11 called for a crusade to fight the Muslims back and push the infidels bask to where they came. This Mohammedan religion is no peaceful religion. They do not even believe in loving their enemies nor praying for them, as Christians are obliged. Loving your enemy and praying for them is totally against the tenant of Islam and most Christians do not even know this bit of knowledge of Islam, but it is fact. Islam is the religion of death of the devil. Christians have always been marked for death or enslavement fast or slow by the fact and fascist face of Mohammedism. There’s no escaping that historical fact.
68. Pope rocks
toledano   (09.17.06)
69. Declare that Islam is a religion of peace, or else...
Dan ,   Los Angeles, USA   (09.17.06)
Isn't there something ironic in the ultimatum, "Either declare that Islam is a religion of peace, or else we will blow up churches..." Perhaps the Pope purposely provoked this situation in order to bring to the surface the very unsavory elements that are causing problems in the Islamic world and threatening the free world and free expression. It will be interesting to see if the Mullahs in Iran impose a Fatwah on the Pope as they did on Salaman Rushdie.
pcs ,   PA / USA   (09.17.06)
Can thease people find something else to cry about, it seems as if they look for reasons not to go to work or whatever they do. I have never seen so much crying in my life, if we christians say or think something that offends them they start whinning and crying then attack anything that resembles the west. If this is a religion of peace why dont they send those people out but no they would rather counter with actions that offend everyone else in the world. I guess thats OK because the rest of the world is above this kind of low class actions.
71. More of the Same
Owl Creek Observer ,   Illinois, USA   (09.17.06)
Everyone who says anything negative about "the religion of peace" or its "prophet," will be marked for death by Muslims. They've been doing this for centuries,so why is anyone surprised to see it happening again?
72. Responses to Pope's Remarks
Jim ,   USA   (09.17.06)
Fire bombs, gunfire, arson, and threats of war -- how could the Pope not have seen that Islam is a religion of peace.
73. Not at all.....
Ziggy ,   USA   (09.17.06)
"Sorry that it p---ed you off" is a world of difference from "Sorry that I SAID it". The Holy Father has NOT said the latter and God willing he WILL NOT. Let them refute what he said by listing the ways that the world is better for mohamed having been born. It shouldn't take long, Then they can go back to seething and being offended.
74. The Dimmhization of the pope
malcolm   (09.17.06)
Last year it was freedom of speech and now it is catholicism and the EU (Solana crawling to lick Larjani's boots these past two weeks ). If the pope blinks expect mass conversions to Islam in the 3rd world. This is another Islamo-fascist attempt to dihmmization (Islamaic enslavement) of the non-Muslim world. The pope must show balls because that is the only thing Muslims respect. Reason is not in the modern Islamic equation.
75. Time For Islamic Leaders To Speak Against Terrorism
Frank ,   Houston   (09.17.06)
I'm still waiting to hear the Islamic leaders to speak out against terrorism.........the sword that was refered to in the Pope's reference.
76. angry Muslims
Donald Cole ,   Lost Springs, Kansas   (09.17.06)
So if I understand this correctly the Pope mentioned that one of his predecessors believed that the Muslims were a violent bunch and because of that a whole lot of Muslims got angry and denounced the remark and blew up a bunch of Church buildings to prove they aren't violent ?
77. how dare the pope imply that moslems are violent!
david ,   miami usa   (09.17.06)
that's so offending that they will burn churches and murder people just to show how wrong he is.
78. you misunderstand
Brandon ,   Texas   (09.17.06)
That was not an infallible statement. If you want to learn about the doctrine of papal infallibility, please see God bless, B
79. Muslim selfisness.
Paul ,   Atlanta USA   (09.17.06)
The Muslims should stop being so selfish, thinking only about how their poor feelings are hurt. They need a thicker skin. Does the Pope hack people's heads off with a rusty sword?
80. What a bunch of whiners!
Blues ,   Portland, USA   (09.17.06)
When I was little my mom taught me to toughen up and not let what people said bother me. Muslims are the biggest whiners! Don't draw cartoons about us! Don't tell the truth about our religion! You'll make me cry! Jihad! Jihad! Grow up already!
81. The Pope
MEB ,   Kansas City, MO USA   (09.17.06)
Based on the predictable response from the usual extremist suspects, it sounds like the Pope's quoted description was embarrassingly accurate. Enough already. Calm down. Take a pill. Meditate. Hum. Do good works.
82. Pope's words
Jane ,   Arlington, TX USA   (09.17.06)
Sounds like the Pope was in an academic situation quoting a Byzantine emperor. So what! I don't think Muslims should get so upset about that! The Pope doesn't believe himself what the Byzantine Emperor believes and it isn't the official position of the Church, so why react with violence?? Muslims are almost trying to convince us that what was said is true? Protest if you like, but not with violence....or it appears the Emperor's words may hold water.
83. The Pope Was Right
eb ,   L.A. USA   (09.17.06)
The Pope told it like it is. The Muslims have shown their ignorance in their response. They are the worst combination of far left Communism and far right fascisism. The more buildings they blow up, people they be-head etc. will just lead to uniting Christians, Jews and all free thinking people. Then lets see what happens.
84. Ignorant Pope
Christian ,   Lebanon   (09.17.06)
God have mercy on the soul of John Paul II. He was a man of peace and everybody loved him....The new pope cannot even be compared to the shoes og JPII....This what need as Christians a Pope that ignite wars....The time of the crusaders is over, we dont want another crusade. Previous crusades brought only war and suffering to the true Christians of the East......
85. Our beloved pope
Gerard ,   Singapore   (09.17.06)
It's amamzing how Muslims are offended by what the Pope said. If they spent a little time to read the context of his speech they would realise the truth of what he was saying, there is no justification for jihad...ever.
86. Muslim anger
Roland ,   United States   (09.17.06)
How do Muslims around the world expect us to treat them as equals when anything someone does to "offend" them result in murder and destruction? How would they like it if Christians or Jewish people acted the same way any time one of our own was attacked or killed? It is a bizzare mentality that is exhibited and as long as the majority of the Muslim world tolerates this behavior we will never be able to peacefully coexist in peace.
87. The Future of the Church and the World
C. Martel ,   Poitiers, France   (09.17.06)
You should read what says this catholic author on the future of the Church and the World, the book is free at or By the way , he was the first man to give the name of the Pope Benedict, when everybody was speculating after the death of John Paul II . He was helped by a good understanding of the prophecies of Malachie (the Irish priest). Very interesting, even for a jew, despite some mistakes ... I personally think that the Pope has decided to sacrifice his life to awaken the World and show us the true nature of Islam , the so called religion of Peace (see ) .
88. PanzerKardinal strikes again !
Hiram ,   Adana   (09.17.06)
By tradition , J.P II set aside, a pope has to be 1) old , 2) fairly senile 3)convinced that he is bestowed with the HoLy Truth .... In this later point , there is finally no difference with any Islamist predicator which considers that Jihad is a must for any " kosher Muslim" that is . Surely, Pope Benedict , also known before as Panzer Kardinal, is not aware of what should be thought-but not worded out - and he is to be excused as he is fairly know at his popy job ...But this poor man may have thought that the truth could not hurt a few excited islamists through the world .... and the truth did hurt ! It is never good to stigmatize the extremes in any religion...Judaism has its zealots who tie up telephones in Mea Shearim , the Christians have theirs in Europe including those who believe that Aids is a punishment form "god " so indeed, there is not that much difference and we all have to clean up our acts ......However, even if a few excited bearded Islamist are raising hell about the pope's statement....this statement is simply true and the facts cannot be changed : the Jihad is a Moslem concept used by feable minded tyrants and intellectually deficient wisemen who want to impose their obscurantist vision of the world against the vast majority of the population , including in Moslem countries. This certainly does not mean that all Moslems are terrorists or feable minded...far from it . It simply says that 1 ) Terrorist organisation worldwide , linked or not to Al Qaeda are waging a terror war against the West 2) Islamic terror states are using feable minded clerics to spread hatred in the name of religion 3) Islamic terrorist leaders have no respect for human life, including the life of their own people 4) The Holy Qoran has been ill-digested by a large Moslem population which has been forced to stay behind for the interest of a few . Although the subject is sensitive enough, it is so funny to read about excited terrorist, setting up Jihad plans against the great Satan and Europe, having bank accounts in the UNited States ( all terrorist connected transaction are finalized in US dollars ) or in any other "crusader's countries ! ( France, Germany, and some banks in Jersey in which JIhad money is cleared through additional accounts in the Cayman Islands !!!. We are not only talking about a Holy Jihad ....but also setting up fortune for a few selected " trusted spiritual guides " when the vast majority of the Moslem population lives below poverty level ! If Islam had nothing to do with terrorism, it would be known. There is ONLY one way to change things : a collective statement signed by the arab leaders before the United Nations commiting Moslem countries ( Syrya and Iran included ) to full cooperation with the rest of the world against the spreading of Jihad and engaging their nations on the way to democracy ! But we all know that it is impossible as Theocracy and dictatorship are the only way for Islamic nations to survive and to maintain their people in the middle ages ! Oh ! I forgot ! The Madrid bombings, the Londonistan killings, and 9/11 were the rersults of a plot by the Vatican and the Zionist ennemy ! I bet you guys did not know that ?
89. #84 You, Christian in Lebanon
Sabientje ,   Weston, USA   (09.17.06)
You say John Paul II was loved by everyone. Are you stupid, dumb or retarded? Have you forgotten that it was a MUSLIM TERRORIST who tried to kill John Paul II? WE ARE LIVING THE CRUSADES!!!! Islam is a religion of terrorist. The Prophet Muhammad was killed by his own people. Fatima's husband, Muhammad's son in law was killed by Muslims... Must I say more? You get my point, Idiot?
90. Islam is a Religion of Death and terrorism...
Sabientje ,   Weston , FL   (09.17.06)
Only in the religion of Islam can a poor man be sentenced to die for converting to another religion. To kill an innocent person for his religious belief...I call that MURDER. What Muslim cleric said that Islam is a religon of peace?,7340,L-3304575,00.html The Muslims terrorists so called "clerics" are now talking about "WAR" Let's remind these murderers that those who live by the sword...die by the sword!!!!
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