Jews take root in Capitol Hill
Published: 09.11.06, 12:52
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91. #38
Joe ,   NY, NY   (11.09.06)
The Democrat(ic) Caucus is not "infested by Israel-hating Leftists." Such people constitute a small minority. (And your comment doesn't even pertain to Senate Democrats.) Just like a small minority of the Republican Party wants to make Christianity the national religion. Oh wait, that's not a small minority... There are several things you need to understand, and since you asked, I'm going to tell you. First, as I said above, the GOP is regarded by Jews as a Christian Party. It doesn't look to us like a big tent, notwithstanding their assertions to the contrary. And while we Jews appreciate the fact that this administration holds itself out as pro-Israel (and many neocons are in fact Jewish), it is EXTREMELY distasteful to us that W's support of Israel rests in any part on his belief that Israel need be in Jewish hands when Jesus comes back for the recknoning. No offense to evangelicals but that makes us go "ew." Beyond our worries about the GOP making Christianity the de facto state religion, we simply DO NOT agree with most of the GOP's social stances. Redistribution of income? No. Abortion? No. Labor issues? No. The environment? No. Civil rights for racial minorities, women & gays? No. Immigration? No. We simply don't identify with the GOP on any of these points. I could go on and on but the point is Jews are not rifle-shooting gay haters. While the Jewish people has flourished in America, it wasn't always that way. I for one am proud that Jewish people in this country, despite their success as a group, still care about groups who have not been so fortunate. Understand that Jews feel very proud of their participation in the civil rights movement (they were probably overrepresented in that endeavor moreso than they are in the Senate!). We won't abandon our principles just because of scare tactics. "A vote for the Democrats is a vote for the terrorists." "A vote for the Democrats endangers Israel." That's McCarthyite bullcrap and we're too smart to take the bait. Please understand that the vast majority of American Jews -- Democrats & Republicans -- are pro-Israel. I call myself a Zionist with no shame or hesitation whatsoever. (That's not to say I have no problems with Israel, just like I can't say I have no problems with America, but on balance I think these two countries are two of the, if not THE, world's greatest democracies.) Do you think I, a Zionist, would vote so enthusiastically for the Democratic Party if I thought they were anti-Israel or even neutral? No. They're not -- and you think they are because you have listened to too much talk radio. I remember in 2004, Krauthammer wrote what I considered to be a vile, disgusting and transparent op-ed piece urging Jews to abandon the DNP because a vote for Kerry was a vote against Israel. Disgusting. And, more to the point, WRONG. Look at the names listed in this article -- you think any of them are anti-Israel? I am simply not worried -- at all -- about our policy towards the Middle East being in the hands of Democrats. Although I am admittedly partisan, I consider myself a moderate in many ways. For a long time, I wondered whether I could convince myself that Democrats were up to snuff on foreign policy. Well, the bottom line is this: THEY CAN'T BE ANY WORSE THAN THE REPUBLICANS WHO HAVE MADE A SERIES OF GRIEVOUS MISTAKES. Do you think GWB has done right by Israel? Do you think the world is safer? Do you think he has lessened the chance that Israel will be attacked? Do you think he has increased or decreased world sympathy for Israel? America is losing the PR battle and taking Israel down with it. This administration -- this party -- has failed. 60% of the American public knows that. Richard Perle and the other architects of "Operation Iraqi Freedom" knows it, for pete's sake! In conclusion, there's not "a" reason nearly 9 out of 10 Jews vote Democratic. There are many, many, many, many reasons. And very few to vote Republican.
92. #51
Joe ,   NY, NY   (11.09.06)
Yeah, Mitch, the people who died in the camps -- it was their fault. You're so much wiser and stronger than they were. As for the rest of your post, I don't think you helped Matt at all. Your child-like position is that taking the toughest, most aggressive stance possible is the best thing to do. Wrong, dude. You're right -- I do have my head in books, and on TV, and in papers. I read right-wing sources, left-wing sources. I want to know what everyone is saying. Do you know what 60+ percent of Americans are saying? You and your fellow war hero, George W. Bush (wait...) were wrong to support the invasion. You know what, so was I for not opposing it. But as a thoughtful person, I realize I was wrong. We shouldn't have leaders in this country WHO DON'T LISTEN TO THE MILITARY during a war. Everyone but W, Laura and their stupid dog know this war was a mistake. Any credibility you earned by serving in the military is completely undermined by your repeatedly inane and juvenile comments. You don't understand how the world works. Being ignorant (not reading books) should not be a source of pride, Mitch. It must be nice to know you would have survived the Holocaust, though.
93. a democratic desk lamp could have won this district
mitch mitchell ,   Mpls, MN   (11.09.06)
I would think that your readers would benfefit from the entire story surrounding this guys election so please post these facts.. 1) The district that elected him consists of the most ultra-liberal residents in this wannabe mini-San Francisco city. Therefore, his "victory" was predetermined by the states Democratic Party leaders simply by virtue of their blessing his campaign through granting him a Democratic endorsement during the primary. 2) Congressman-elect Ellison has numerous violations on his record (totaling in the thousands of dollars)for failure to pay outstanding traffic tickets and taxes. As such, there are already documented examples of his refusal to follow some of the very laws that he will be swearing to uphold as a public servant. Needles to say, his is a legislative position that will not be designed so much to provide a voice for the sentiments of his constiuency as it will be to provide a platform for his already mapped out "blame America first" agenda. Good Luck people of Minnesota's 5th congressional district.
94. Oh Joy!
Glasunov ,   New York, NY   (11.09.06)
We can rest easy knowing that we will continue to have carte blanche with all our actions. Some more cluster bombs, more barbwire for fences, a couple billion more in handouts from the US taxpayer. I'm thrilled to be supporting the great democracy of Israel. If any other candidate - I refer to Joe Lieberman - were to put the interests of another nation in front of that of his constituents he would be unemployed.
95. Jews are overrepresented, ...
Neal ,   _USA   (11.09.06)
Fringe thinking, no matter what the origin does not serve a diverse country. Anyone who imagines a black/white choice is, themselves not rational about the world stage. There is no good/evil split and those who imagine this to be incorrect don't listen as much as they talk. That there are a lot of people who have aspired to lead in the US is the result of hard work and listening to those they will lead. This is not the result of a power grab as it might be in some other countries. That there is muslim representation speaks to this. That there is a "woman" being selected to speak for 335 of the legislators in the US speaks to fact that women are deserving of powerful roles in the world. Again, ... don't be fooled into thinking that the former good/bad or good/evil posture the US had is the one that most folks in the US support. That would be terribly naive.
96. Democratic Jews in Israel
None of-your busines ,   Somewhere inUSA   (11.09.06)
Take ours from the US! Be glad to let you have them.
97. To Dan (#70)
Dave ,   Portland, USA   (11.09.06)
You obviously don't know your history well. Israel captured much land in the 1967 war with their hostile neighbors. Most was subsequently returned. Barak offered the terrorist Arafat 99% of what Arafat wanted during the Camp David meetings with Clinton in 2000. But Arafat walked away. Btw, did you know that at the time of Arafat's death (according to Fortune magaznie), his fortune was estimated at US$100,000,000?! He syphoned off so much aid to the Palestinians who desperately needed, all to "Arafatten" his wallet and prolong the plight. Talk about morally apprehensible! Dan, you are very very ignorant.
98. Republican allies
Scott ,   Miami, USA   (11.09.06)
I appreciate the feedback on the historical link between Jews and Democrats. It has been hard to understand the snub of the Republican party given the unconditional support this administration has offered to Israel. It would have been very easy for them to turn their backs on Israel, and won points and standing in the Muslim world. I do not believe Israel will get the same free rein to carry out questionable actions under a Democrat president. Their treatment of Leiberman is indicative of the loyalty they will show to those who understand the Muslim threat to Israel.
99. Nothing to celebrate
Asylum Aleikum ,   U.S.A.   (11.09.06)
Neither the majority of Jewish Americans, nor Israel, are going to benefit from the increased number of Jews in Congress.
100. Jewish Republicans
Jonathan Kalbfeld ,   La Crescenta, CA, US   (11.09.06)
There are a few. Arlen Specter, Ken Mehlman, John Bolton, Joe Lieberman
101. Understand Jews
Paula ,   Florida   (11.09.06)
If Jews thrive, in Israel or in any other country they usually bring forth good things for that history shows time and again. It is too sad that the Arabs who lived in the area now known as Israel didn't welcome the Jewish refugees from Europe in 1947 instead of reacting to the Nazi influences on their religious leaders to resist and to flee. Hindsight shows they'd have no isue of 'right of return' and would have been part of the great growth of that barren area. Jew's really are about peace and making a good life for their families, while trying to live in peace and not be periodically murdered and thrown out of a country they called their home after centuries of living alongside Christians and Muslims. Israel is that place. Thank heaven for the USofA who gave the wandering Jews that opportunity.
102. Ellison
Lois ,   NY   (11.09.06)
Please read MikeTky's post (#30) on Ellison. He is a black muslim, and was an aide to Louis Farrakhan. He is a menace to the US and Israel.
103. Reply to David
John Devar ,   NJ   (11.09.06)
You are loser
104. To #90
Dave ,   Portland, USA   (11.09.06)
Israel has and continues to give back lots to the world! I think you are jealous of the great Jewish mind. ;) The Middle East has been growing date palms for centuries. The average tree is about 18-20 feet tall & yields about 38 pounds of dates a year.* Israeli date trees are now yielding 400 pounds/year & are short enough to be harvested from the ground or a short ladder. *Israel, the 100th smallest country & with less than 1/1000th of the world's population, can lay claim to the following:* The cell phone was developed in Israel by Israelis working in the Israeli branch of Motorola, which has its largest development center in Israel.* Most of the Windows NT and XP operating systems were developed by Microsoft-Israel.* The Pentium MMX Chip technology was designed in Israel at Intel.* Both the Pentium-4 microprocessor & the Centrino processor were entirely designed, developed & produced in Israel. * The Pentium microprocessor in your computer was most likely made in Israel.* Voice mail technology was developed in Israel.* Both Microsoft and Cisco built their only R&D facilities outside the U.S. in Israel.* The technology for the AOL Instant Messenger ICQ was developed in 1996 by four young Israelis.* Israel has the highest percentage in the world of home computers per capita.* According to industry officials, Israel designed the airline industry's most impenetrable flight security. U.S. officials now look (finally) to Israel for advice on how to handle airborne security threats.* Israel has the highest ratio of university degrees to the population in the world.* Israel produces more scientific papers per capita than any other nation by a large margin -- 109 per 10,000 people -- as well as one of the highest per capita rates of patents filed.* Israel has the highest concentration of hi-tech companies in the world -- apart from Silicon Valley, Calif.* Outside the U.S. and Canada, Israel has the largest number of NASDAQ listed companies.*
105. #90 - here's more!
David Hold ,   Portland, Oregon, US   (11.09.06)
24% of Israel's workforce holds university degrees, ranking third in the industrialized world, after the United States & Holland, AND 12% hold advanced degrees.* Israel is the only liberal democracy in the Middle East.* In 1984 & 1991, Israel airlifted a total of 22,000 Ethiopian Jews (Operation Solomon) at risk in Ethiopia to safety in Israel.* When Golda Meir was elected Prime Minister of Israel in 1969, she became the world's second elected female leader in modern times.* When the U.S. Embassy in Nairobi, Kenya was bombed in 1998, Israeli rescue teams were on the scene within a day -- and saved several victims from the rubble.* Israel has the third highest rate of entrepreneurship -- & the highest rate among women & people over 55 -- in the world.* Relative to its population, Israel is the largest immigrant-absorbing nation on earth. Immigrants come in search of democracy, religious freedom & economic opportunity (Hundreds of thousands from the former Soviet Union).* Israel was the first nation in the world to adopt the Kimberly process, an international standard that certifies diamonds as "conflict free."* Israel has the world's second highest per capita of new books.* Israel is the only country in the world that entered the 21st century with a net gain in its number of trees, made more remarkable because this was achieved in an area considered mainly desert.* Israel has more museums per capita than any other country.* Israeli scientists developed the first fully computerized, no-radiation, diagnostic instrumentation for breast cancer. * An Israeli company developed a computerized system for ensuring proper administration of medications, thus removing human error from medical treatment. Every year in U.S. hospitals several thousand patients die from treatment mistakes.* Israel's Given Imaging developed the first ingestible video camera, so small it fits inside a pill. Used to view the small intestine from the inside for cancer and digestive disorders .* Researchers in Israel developed a new device that directly helps the heart pump blood, an innovation with the potential to save lives among those with heart failure. The new device is synchronized with a camera to help doctors diagnose heart's mechanical operations through a sophisticated system of sensors.* Israel leads the world in the number of scientists & technicians in the workforce with 145 per 10,000 as opposed to 85 in the U.S., over 70 in Japan & less than 60 in Germany. * With over 25% of its workforce employed in technical professions, Israel places first in this category as well. * A new acne treatment developed in Israel, the Clear Light device, produces a high-intensity ultraviolet light-free, narrow-band blue light that causes acne bacteria to self-destruct -- all without damaging surrounding skin or tissue. *** All the above while engaged in regular wars with an implacable enemy that seeks its destruction & an economy continuously under strain by having to spend more per capita on its own protection than any other country on earth.
106. ooops, I meant to 94
Dave ,   Portland, Oregon, US   (11.09.06)
sorry, didn't mean to direct that at #90
107. Jews in Congress
Andre ,   Toronto, Canada   (11.09.06)
Any US Jew who votes dem these days (yes, that means 87%) needs to have his/her head examined. Appeasement towards Islamo-fascists will come from the dem, and the US abandoning Israel will too. The dems are the ones fighting Bush every step of the way when he is the only one seeing islamo-fascism for the existential threat that it is. Can you see Pelosi agreeing to a strike against Iran? No freaking way. So, with the Dems controling congress, Israel is on its own.
108. Isreal is supported by American Christians!
John ,   Jacksonville, FL   (11.09.06)
Those outside of America think American Jews are the driving force for the support of Israel. They are wrong. Christians know that the God of Abraham chose the Jews as His people. God's covenant with Abraham will not be broken and those who set themselves against the people of Israel formerly known as Jacob will be enemies of God. I trust God to be powerful enough to do what His word says He will do. That's why America supports Israel.
109. Just what the USA needed....
Jeff ,   USA   (11.09.06)
...more connections with Israel. Your spying networks should now find our soon to be relaxed security environment conducive to your success.
110. Who cares
mitch ,   palm city florida   (11.09.06)
Who cares what religion people are? How does your religion effect you doing your job?
111. #73. great example
Republican Jew ,   NYC   (11.09.06)
Thank you for giving us the insight of the left. Defeatist thinking, need I say more. Oh btw I know many jews that are serving Iraq right now or that have served. So stfu and go hang out with Sheehan and sing kumbaya.
112. reply to 98. Republican allies
Neal ,   _US   (11.09.06)
Wow, please stop drinking the cool-aid. The Republican party has no exclusive grip on support for Israel. The treatment of Leiberman is not about his positive actions, it was (in the primary) about his support for following blind leadership into a pre-emptive war and being deluded to think that this makes the world safer. Data to the contrary, the world is not much less safe. Aside from those who are fanatic and wished to wipe out Israel and other western societies before, there is a very vibrant movement (or otherwise rational people) being drawn into the fight to out the invader (the good ole' USA). Whether or not there were weapons to be found, there have not been any recovered and that is "the" great failing. The US invaded a soverign country, removed their leader and destroyed their way of life. All of that is data, not opinion. That the country was lead by a tyrant is also data. That the country was poised to do horrible things to their neighbors may also be considered data, ... but in the result of the outsider invading, there has been a desimation of their culture and limited quality of life. They have every right to hold the US accountable and the lack of planning for the day after the war as well. The Republicans were their own enemy, Democrats simply rode the wave of anger to put themselves back in office. History will be a harsh judge if there turns out to not be a plan for turning things around now that they have the bigger stick in Washington.
113. Diversity
Rick ,   Miami, USA   (11.09.06)
Nice to see that we are all not alike in the world. Makes it a better world to all be different.
114. Jewish Democrats and Israel
Shira ,   Los Angeles, CA   (11.09.06)
I don't know who on earth gave you all the idea that Jewish Democrats are anti-Israel. My entire family is composed of Jewish Democrats, and we are Dems because we actually care about what happens to American citizens, and we put our belief in social justice and moravalues above the most base economic greed and megalomania. We are NOT anti-Israel; we love Israel and always have it on our minds when deciding about our choice of representatives. Now, if you ask whether the Left is anti-Israel, then I wholeheartedly agree. It's just that American citizens buy into the crazy media notion that "very liberal" is at the left-most edge of the political spectrum. Clearly this reflects the beliefs of people who haven't been to university. If they had, they'd know what leftist politics are really like. Democrats are relatively moderate. What I don't understand is why some American Jews seem to think Republicans are friends of Israel. Most of the right-wing Christian support for Israel comes from some wacky notion that all the Jews are supposed to move there and then either convert to Christianity or die in the End of Days. It's spiritual genocide - with friends like that, who needs enemies? When will American Republican Jews learn the lesson that America herself can't seem to learn (hello Taliban and al Qaeda)? THE ENEMY OF YOUR ENEMY IS NOT YOUR FRIEND and shouldn't be treated as such.
115. To 69
Shai ,   Israel   (11.09.06)
The event you refer to occured 4 decades ago. Turkey's abomination occured in only a few years ago. And, the event you refer to has been examined by almost a dozen independent government committees over the years, and each of them has concluded that your view of what happened is wrong. You believe what you want, but it's a lie.
116. To 23 - Lunatic imams?
Shai ,   Israel   (11.09.06)
Lunatic imams televised on PA television, paid for with PA salaries. Your approach to criticism is the same as Arafat's was. You ignore it and go on the attack, loudly, crassly, pointlessly. Typical.
117. A Victory?
JCJ ,   Fairmont, USA   (11.09.06)
The democratic party at least the liberal wing of the democratic party is against Israel. Lets just hope the Jews elected are for the Jewish state and won't work to undermine its efforts to survive. Also a comment to people who think Jews are over represented in our legistlature- we elect people to represent the people. The People includes everyone no matter their race, creed, color or religion.
118. jewish voters
dana ,   ny   (11.09.06)
The more religiously commited the more likely republican People that never go to shul and never visit Israel or even care vote dem
119. Jew in congress
Mike Feldman ,   Valencia, USA   (11.09.06)
Other than Joe Leiberman, the rest are very Liberal and not to be trusted. They will sell is Israel down the river along with the rest of the US. Trust in the God of Israel!!. As it say on US money "In God we Trust"!!
120. #98 Scott, Republican "allies"
Shira ,   Los Angeles, CA   (11.09.06)
Scott, do you think the party would have so thoroughly rejected Leiberman (and may I remind you that he still managed to win the election) if the more conservative Jews had stayed with the Democrats instead of running to be with the people in power despite the fact that they happen to hate us as much as anybody else in this world? Does anybody else here remember that conservative Christians think we're all going to hell? Anybody? The only reason Democratic support of Israel would ever wane is if Jews continue to jump ship, compromising the rest of our values for the sake of supporting what we perceive to be our "friends." The Republicans are not our friends. If you care about social values, stay and fight and keep the Democrats as Israel supporters; don't jump ship and join a party that stands for corruption and evil and will stab you in the back in the long run. Remember that in the end, what the Republicans care about is oil, power, and Jesus.
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