Jewish Scene
Sephardic rabbi wants tougher conversions
Published: 20.11.06, 13:50
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67 Talkbacks for this article
31. conversion#28
dana ,   ny   (11.20.06)
80% don't practice Judaism. However as long as their mother is so are they. Fake converts are still gentile . Jews with goyishe names are still jews.
32. Jewish Conversions
NYC Girl   (11.20.06)
With all the Jew-hatred in the world these days, if someone sincerely wants to be a Jew, I say let them. In fact, many of the converts are more dedicated Jews than those of us who were born into the religion, so why should we put more obstacles in their path?
33. Another stupid idea....
Andy ,   ramat hasharon   (11.20.06)
34. #27 David, Karmiel
Kyle ,   Southpark, CO, USA   (11.20.06)
Conversion is a religious, not a political issue. The finger-pointing seculars should tend to the problems of domestic abuse, drug addiction, alcoholism, venereal disease, promiscuity, and crime in the non-religious community instead of re-empting authority in religious matters. Let's bring more neo-nazis from the former USSR and call them "Jews" even though Hitler would not even consider them Jews. They did such a great job beating the crap out of religious boys and girls at Amona.
35. #34 If you and the good rabbi have their way,
AK   (11.20.06)
soon you'll not really need a country --just a few synagogues will do and then the Jews will be consigned to the museums, like the ancient Egyptians. Israeli rabbis should make it their highest priority to spread Judaism, especially among those Russian immigrants, instead they keep pushing everybody away.
36. Disgusting proposition !
Ezra ,   Canada   (11.20.06)
In order to avoid fake converts making alyah, Amar does want to discrimante the true ones : If the bill is accepted, orthodox converts also will be barred from using the return law. This would be a clear discrimination between born and converted Jews absolutelly contrary to halakha ! I hope it is as usual a misunderstanding from the journalists. If not, Amar should go back to the kollel and learn a bit
37. #21, Amnon
Yoni C. ,   Minneapolis   (11.20.06)
"Reform conversions are made for economical reason." what does this mean? I think i decoded your english, but your point is still ridiculous, I converted to Judaism as a reform Jew b/c I love Judaism and I love Israel. How is my love for both any different than someone who is converted by an Orthodox Rabbi b/c their spouse is?
38. kyle drug addiction
charles ,   petach tikva   (11.20.06)
Look at this article , not faraway entitled : Kicking the habit , haredi's style . You see , drug addiction is present in the haridi community too . So shut up with your hatred , you are doing very well by bringing more anti religious feelings here .
39. This is BS
David ,   NYC   (11.20.06)
First, I've read the article and the main idea is that no converts, Orthodox, Conservative or Reform will be allowed the right of return. The right of return which is keeping Israel a Jewish State. And I know many people, like myselft who were adopted at birth and converted right away and have never known any other religion. Why shouldn't I be allowed the right of return? Why should I have to go through a "citizenship process" like other non-jewish immigrants.
40. to #14 Dana
Mario ,   Staten Island   (11.20.06)
According to Israeli law and most of the jewish people, Judaism or being jewish is a race&religion. Israel distinguishes between the "jewish race" and the "non-jews". Therefore the laws in Israel regarding this issue and separation (law of return, civil marriage etc.) is racism. If you like it or not. That's a fact. Or do you wann tell me that suddenly being jew is not a race anymore? You live in, USA, a highly dominated Christian country and you have full rights as an american whether u r christian or non-christian (like u as a jew in ur case). Why don't u want give the same to non-jews in Israel? Like here in the USA as a non-christian I wanna have the full right, but in Israel only jews have full rights. Isn't that unfair or egoism?
41. In another generation there will be no more Reform Jews
Scotty ,   Tel Hashomer   (11.20.06)
42. Will Ashkenazim ever get it right?
The Reform movement is basically an Ashkenazi invention as a result of Ashkenazi problems, mainly a devisive and dysfunctional social structure. Unfortuneately the rest of the Jewish people will have to suffer the consequences.
43. jews
izaak   (11.21.06)
this rabbi is crazy like the anti-zionist rabbis in europe we need 2 billion judaeo-christians and just a core of super -jews in israel in fortified cities and villages each with anti missile batteries and nuclear capability .
44. You agree with Amar?
Mel ,   Bc, Canada   (11.21.06)
So what gives you the right Bechor to decide who is and isn''t Jewish. Once again, the othrodoxy is fighting to keep their monopoly on the State of Israel. How is it ok to prative reform, but not convert by fact, many reform converts tend to be more religous and more Jewish than those born from a Jewish mother in the state of Israel. If this bill is passed it will only cause a schism between the Diaspora and Israel, and eventually the diaspora's money will start flowing into Israel and wil begin to fund our own "reform"communities. what will the orthodoxy do then?
45. Open Conversion to the Sincere of Heart
Dr. Rick ,   USA   (11.21.06)
It was Abrahams heart that made him a Jew! Judaism is not the posession of the jew...It belongs to the world. We were told to go forth and "multiply"!...So should we! Judaism helps improve the world, and indeed the universe. Indeed, it should continue to expand into and through the universe as humankind explores through space-flight the nearby planets and beyond, generation after generation. However, this will require A HIGHLY ADAPTABLE AND SOPHISTICATED JUDAISM that will favor survival in a scientific and technical world.
46. "race" 101
dana ,   ny   (11.21.06)
There are three races: Caucasoid Negroid and Mongolid Jews are a religion and nationality, like the Germans. The French and Germans are different nations but of the white (caucasoid) race.
47. Reform
Yael ,   USA   (11.21.06)
Maybe we should leave it up to Hashem to decide who is or isn't..we might all be in for a surprise, especially Rabbi Amar.
48. We need more Jews
Dave from Canada ,   Toronto, Canada   (11.21.06)
I think Rabbi Amar is great guy, but he is wrong here. We need more Jews around the world, not just in Israel. If Rabbi Amar wants everyone to be Orthodox, that''s fine, but let them convert any way- Reform, Conservative, etc. as long as they believe in Hashem AND act in consequence. Then he and the other rabbonim can lean on them to become more observant. As long as they''re in the building ie. Judaism, you have a chance of influencing- with love and kindness and persuasion. If you don''t even let them in the building, what chance do you have. If we want to continue being a weak and powerless people, let''s just keep on having these "turf wars"" between Orthodox and non-Orthodox.
49. You were converts in Egypt -#22
Josh   (11.21.06)
Anyone questioning conversion should try reading the Torah not listen to someone else who said they read it or who has taken from supposed wisemen that the Prophets already indicated as corrupt. All Jews were converts and to criticize a convert or treat them separately is downright evil according to the text Moses gave. The best reason for coverting is seeking G-d and not some empty religious ceremony that will only make G-d angry. (resopnse to 22) There is no mention of prequalification of converts in any instance of the Torah. Some just wanted to follow the Jews, some wanted the G-d of the Jews,some wanted pretty women (they were murdered), some were slaves forced to convert, etc. Even worse some were pagans that carried around stolen idols (Laban's) and married in to Israel giving birth to children who were (Israel) Jewish . (Note the maternal liniage was not the rule.) Even the Hebrews that left Egypt built a golden calf yet those who sided with Moses were converted. So get off your high horses and come back to the pashoot. Let the cards fall where they may and let people try to return to G-d no matter what route they are coming from. The root of Israel shall return as prophecy states, few that return are deserving but it is G-d's will none-the-less. People will get it straight when G-d brings the Mossiach.
50. #44
Bechor   (11.21.06)
I. myself, am not an Orthodox Jew, and it is most certainly not my place to decide who is Jewish and who is not! I am one of your secular Jews born to a Jewish Israeli mother. I practice Judaism because it is my tradition, my heritage and my identity. Indeed, most Jews today, both secular and religious, must surely respect our amazing nation, which has survived for thousands of years, preserving our unique language, tradition, culture and ancestry. Surely, you too will understand the wonder I feel as I realise that these traditions have been in my family for four thousand years. Is it right, then, in only two or three generations, to completely change these traditions, thereby ruining the hard work of our ancestors to preserve them? We, the Jews, have never gone out in search of converts, for doing so is contrary to some of the very most basic tenets of Judaism. Indeed, Judaism is the only one of the three so-called Abrahamic religions that maintains that conversion to our own religion is not a prerequisite of going to heaven, or living a good life. In fact, for someone to desire to join the Jewish nation, they must first understand the obligations that they will be faced with. Can a liberal reform Rabbi tell his student what his obligations will be? Of course not! Reform Judaism claims that one has NO responsibilities, and may choose for himself which of the commandments he/she wishes to observe. For the sake of preserving our traditions, our history, our heritage, and most importantly - the laws set out for our nation in the Torah and Talmud, we cannot allow the validity of these movements to be recognized. If for no other reason, the conversion process should remain Orthodox because for thousands of years, these have been the laws for those wishing to join our nation.
51. converts
charles ,   petach tikva   (11.21.06)
many years ago , i had a convert colleague at work when living "bechoul". Orthodox conversion of course [ he later became Gabbai of a synagogue ] What i was feeling when talking to him was that there was something wrong . His background was NOT jewish , nor his reactions to some events . In my eyes , converts , Orthodox , reform or what so ever possible can make a men [ or women ] a Jew by halacha , but can not give someone a Jewish feeling or a Jewish hart nor background .
52. as a convert
Li ,   Eilat, Israel   (11.21.06)
as a convert to our wonderful religion, I must tell you that I was never offered a BOUGHT conversion by a Masorti or Reform rabbi but there are a LOT of orthodox rabbis who are happy to get your teudat kashrut for the right price! Needless to say I took the "easy" option & studied hard & drove 200 miles to shul! I am now in the wonderful position of learning more about our religion everyday & also knowing more than a lot of my secular friends who were born Jewish
53. charles complains about hate
Kyle ,   Southpark, CO, USA   (11.21.06)
All my Talkbacks in this forum are echoes of what is said by other Talkbackers. If you find "hate" in any of my Talkbacks, I suggest that you go back and read all of your own because that is where it comes from. So far everyone here who has accused me of "hate" in Talkbacks don't like the mirror that is being held up to them. Charles, you are a one-man anti-religious campaign, you always were, so don't blame me for showing you how ugly is the hate and anger in your own heart.
54. #38 charles & drug addiction
Kyle ,   Southpark, CO, USA   (11.21.06)
Where did I say that Haredim are not human and have no problems like other people? They face up to their problems and attempt to solve them, unlike another article, linked from the "Kicking the habit , haredi's style" about a group (secular of course) that promotes recreational drug use. Family abuse, and all other societal problems you can mention, although it does exist in the haredi community, is FAR MORE PREVALENT among the seculars. Take out the beam that is between your own eyes and learn some of that "tolerance" you keep saying that everyone else has to show for you.
55. Not without my daughters!
Rob ,   NY   (11.21.06)
So if I and my wife make aliyah, what happens to our 3 adopted kids who were all converted by an Orthodox Rabbi in the U.S.? Do we become citizens, but the kids have to wait years?
56. kyle
charles ,   petach tikva   (11.21.06)
how do you know that there are far more family problems in secular society . They talk about , get separated and remarry . In the charidi community they do'nt talk about this . A charidi woman said : the basis of Judaism is that the woman ABIDE by their husbands WILL . I was also thinking that charidi women are happy , untill i spoke to a religious female doctor , and she said to me : You are so wrong , they come here and cry , complain about their men's behaviour . I was shoked ! this is the thrut , their problems stay in their houses , and only some people know about them . it's sad to say , but it is so . You probably wo'nt believe me , That's your problem , not mine . I received already so much insults for telling the thrut , that one more , coming from you is no important , has no value .
57. SPINOZA - compulsory study
BP DIP   (11.22.06)
All Israelis and the rest need the ABC of Spinoza 1. G-D? 2. Tanach written by humans? 3. Halacha? I do not deny the decency of many religious believers...but the the Chief s of the Haredis must be moderated and brought back to earth.
58. Reformists and their fanatic ideology led to this
convert from EUROPE ,   Israel   (11.22.06)
I am shocked about Amar's proposal but if the look into the dispute more deeply I realize that it was the Reformists' fanaticism that caused this to happen now. I am secular myself but underwent a full orthodox conversion in Israel which took 2 years. I love this country, I call myself a true Zionist. My husband also participated in the process although he is born Jewish and sabres. We both benefitted from the studies. We respect and keep many traditions his family doesn't. But we don't live like religious people - we are secular Jews. The Reformists are so stubborn and fanatic, they behave exactly like the kind of Jews the always hate so much: Fanatic zealots. Why they cannot just play by the rules? IF YOU WANT TO BE A JEWISH ISRAELI YOU HAVE TO CONVERT PROPERLY. Is this so hard to understand? A reform giyur is a joke. Of course no one would ever let reform converts immigrate. This is a loop hole for foreign workers we don't want and need. So obviously Shas makes this extreme move and sacrifices the torah principle of love of the Gerim. Feel free to contact me by email
59. Tired of Orthodoxy Intolerance
Aryeh benAdela ,   Afula   (11.23.06)
AMar is full of Hate. He should mind his bussines and stay out of reform.
60. Look at the moral decay of the Israeli society first
...   (11.23.06)
The main problem in today's Israeli society is that there is a big gap between the religious and the secular Israelis. Many of the secular Jewish Israelis do not know much about their own religion, they mock it and do not understand at all their religious 'brothers'. What seems like a very basic knowledge to the religous does not seem such a basic knowledge of Judaism to the secular Israelis. If someone sincerely wants to help the Jewish people he has to solve the problem of the lack of Judaism at secular schools, the problems of corruption, the problem of the moral decay of the society etc. There is a recepy for all of it in the Torah.
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