EU report: Muslims face 'Islamophobia'
Associated Press
Published: 18.12.06, 16:35
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72 Talkbacks for this article
31. In Quebec the French are letting them in by the
Jimmy ,   Canada   (12.18.06)
boatload only to have them bite them (The French) later in the ass. I suppose the French Quebecois hatred towards the Jew makes them blind the fact that these Arabs will end up eating them for breakfast. Oh Well..Never said living amongst the goyim will ever be a picnic. On the other hand living in Israel isnt a picnic either.
32. It's not islamophobia idiot IT IS SELF DEFENCE !!!!
Robert ,   Paris   (12.18.06)
33. What They Deserve
Andrew ,   Connecticut, USA   (12.18.06)
When the Muslim community rises up and protests terror attacked then I'll care about descrimination against them - until then who cares.
34. Fellow moderate Muslims speak up!
Dr Ahmed Pasha ,   Morocco   (12.18.06)
I condemn all kinds of bigotry no matter who it is directed against. However, it is time that we Muslims are honest and admit to ourselves and the rest of the world that the Muslim world has major problems that must be addressed and solved. Just like condemning nazism is not "Europhobia", condemning the growing islamo-fascism is not "islamofobia". It is in fact every genuinely decent Muslim's responsibility to condemn islamo-fascism. If we moderate Muslims fail to take control over islam, the world will equate islam with fascism and it will be very difficult to disagree.
35. To: German Kafir
Atilla Karagözoğlu ,   Istanbul   (12.18.06)
Your Atatürk once said that there are many cultures, but only one civilization, the European one. Take his word for it. ------------------ Salahuddin Ayyubi was a Kurd, one of the many peoples you Turks enslaved and slaughtered for the last 600 years. -------------------------- Yes he said that. But He didnt mean the Racist Powerfull European Top guys. He did mean THE CULTURE. I always love the people of Europe. Its nice for holidays. Its nice to live there. They are nice people for next door or personal friends. ----------------- I apologize about Salahuddin Ayyubi. After reading your comment, I did look at internet about him. I see Kurds friends trying to say He was Kurd, He was Kurd...He was Kurd. I respect that. about that 600 years things ! I really dont know that much. Some say They were barbaric, some say they were okey. Lets look forward, Dont blame me for my fathers mistakes, please. ---------- Note : Tonight I am here. I will read and share comments. Home aloneeeee :) they (my wife and my doughter) left me for two days :)
36. what about infidelaphobia or kafiraphobia?
Gaby ,   Boston, usa   (12.18.06)
who is suffering from that?
37. So Whose Fautl is That?
kurt ,   sandiego ca   (12.18.06)
When you don't assimilate into the culture, wear strange masks, and follow a religion that condones suicide, what are normal people to think?
38. # 29,M Hartly
Connie ,   VA, USA   (12.18.06)
I love your sense of humour. Up here in VA. where I live it's not so much of a drawl as I'm sure it is down there. The word 'chair' is sometimes a two syllable word though. Also GET R DONE is still popular. hehe
39. all i see is
Libneniyyeh ,   Lebanon   (12.18.06)
a lot of hatred and not one shred on learnedness, not an iota of desire to know about about other people or what they are really like. how can u expect people to want to make peace with you, you disrespect one and all and love only urselves. you are terrified by anyone mentioning anything abt the holocaust because it is ur only piece of history that u can politicize in gambling for world pity...while in reality nobody can trust you. nobody can respect you if u respect nobody else. some people think if a woman goes out with her hair covered she is standing out like a sore thumb, she is harboring terrorists, or even is one herself. she will be so much civilized and modern if she wears a skirt, she cannot think bcz the scarf blocks her brain. what a load of crap. i can only pity you. but it is not ur fault; this is neocolonialism strategy - demonization of the east. catch them in the camera in huge numbers, all veiled and screaming. show them in ur deftly constructed propaganda to be without emotion, souls, or fine minds. i and a few of the talkbackers here appear to be fighting a losing battle. i hope i can get sense into more ppls heads
40. To #39
M. Hartley ,   Atlanta, US   (12.18.06)
I only go by what I read in the Qoran, and if you walk around in Muslim garb and spout Muslim garbage, I assume that you susbscribe to the teachings of that Qoran, and that doesn't bode too well for me and the rest of the infidels, and I'll be dammed, if I hold still for it. As for respect, why should I respect people who have no respect for themselves, their kids or life itself? Would you like for me to send you pictures of Muslim women with their children dressed up as jihadists, holding up signs that say, "We hate Israel more than we love our children?" And you want me to respect that??? Sorry, that won't happen; not now, not next month, not ever. You can dress up the Qoran all you want to, but it is still a horror stoy full of hate and threats, with detailed descriptions of punishments that could only have been cooked up by a sex-crazed, power-hungry, psychotic, homocidal maniac. You show me that you subscribe to that sort of thing, and I will shun you and watch my back. And for what it's worth, I'm not Jew, and I'm not a Christian.
41. The key word is 'respect"
Johnson ,   USA   (12.18.06)
They have no respect for us infidels. What do they expectt? They expect to be treated better then anyone else because they are so Godly? Give me a break and assimilate into the 21st century would you please.
42. #39 dishonest voice from Lebanon
Dr Ahmed Pasha ,   Morocco   (12.18.06)
" this is neocolonialism strategy - demonization of the east." Contrast the mainstream moderate voices in the West with the hate cult promoted by countless voices in the Muslim world against both non-Muslims and moderate Muslims and ask yourself again: Who is demonizing who? We Arabs have our ancestral home in Arabia and not in for example Lebanon or Morocco. Keep that in mind before you hypocritically accuse others of colonialism.
43. To #39 Fine minds?
M. Hartley ,   Atlanta, US   (12.18.06)
What fine minds? 14 million Jews hold a total of 178 Nobel Prizes; 1.4 Billion Muslims have 9. Where, exactly, are those fine minds? Putting together qassams and suicide belts and killing each other? Maybe the UN will demand that there will be a Nobel Prize for that sport in the future. I bring up Jews, because they seem to be the target du jour for Muslims.
44. #35 It's not about your fathers, but about ideology
German Kafir ,   Regensburg, Germany   (12.18.06)
Back then they shouted 'Allahu akbar!' and spoke of Jihad as they prepared their crimes. The more times change, the more they stay the same. People hate Islam because they know what its followers have in store for them, that is either join the war of aggression or die. If you belong to one of the 'almost right' religions you can also be a slave, but don't count on it. When will we see mass protests against that throughout the Muslim World?
45. Islamophobia
Francois ,   Montreal, Canada   (12.19.06)
Some years ago this Zoropean Monitoring Center on Racism and Xenophobia refused to publish a report on anti-Semitism in Europe because accordings to the findings most anti-Semite aggressions in Europe were perpetrated by Muslims.
46. #34 Dr Ahmed Pasha.
Lynne   (12.19.06)
I am also against any terror act committed by any side under religious covers.. but I am also against associating Islam with fascism!! there is nothing called Islamo-fascism!! jst as there is nothing called Christiano-Nazism!! try not to repeat whatever stereotyped statements you hear from the media!!
47. Does “violence” goes against God’s nature?
Media Critic ,   USA   (12.19.06)
Christ himself used violence against the money-changers in the temple, and said "Do not think that I came to bring peace on the earth; I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I came to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law; and a man’s enemies will be the members of his household. He who loves father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me; and he who loves son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me. And he who does not take his cross and follow after Me is not worthy of Me. He who has found his life will lose it, and he who has lost his life for My sake will find it." (Matthew 10:34-39 NASB), When God drowned Pharaoh, was He going against His own Nature? Cruelty, Brutality, and "Aggression" are against God’s Will. Happy Hanukkah.
48. 40, 42, and 43
Libneniyyeh ,   Lebanon   (12.19.06)
To respond to your talk back Dr. Pasha, Im sorry, but the "moderate voices in the West" that you refer to are few. And I am not in any way defending those clerics or groups of people who are desecrating the religion of Islam to propagate their political views. If you follow closely how the Mainstream west portrays the image of the East, then you will see I am not mistaken. Why do you assume that it is only the suicide bombers and maniacs who are representative of Islam? And yet is that not what is shown on most western media sources? There are millions of moderate Muslims who are educated, publishing, speaking out, but their voices are stifled. By the way, I myself am pursuing my education in the west. But I have lived in a large number of Arab countries, and the voices of moderation, unfortunately, are not what reach the west; rather, it is only those sources that show ranting and raving so called Muslim lunatics that are brought into the west. Is this not clear to you from the electronic information that is often depicted here as being witness to that? Why do you call me dishonest? If I defend my religion, why is it that I am seen as promoting terror? And when I say that more Muslims should show what Islam is really about, why is this wrong? And to M Hartley, I would like to tell you that you have not read the Qoraan, or else you have read interpretations of it from anti-Muslim sources. You call the Qoran a "horror story"? I am ready to answer your claims and explain to you that it is not so. I am ready to give my email even if you'd like to discuss that.
49. Islam
Libneniyyeh ,   Lebanon   (12.19.06)
Please note that the Koraan was written in Arabic, and you need to refer to an honest and true translator, and also some of its beautifyl meaning is lost in translation. I have quoted some sections here which hopefully will clarify some things: (1) Those who believe (in the Qur'an), and those who follow the jewish (scriptures), and the Christians and the Sabians,- any who believe in Allah and the Last Day, and work righteousness, shall have their reward with their Lord; on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve. The above verses show how the Koraan acknowledges and honours other religions. And I would also like to share the following site prepared by a former Christian preacher who converted to Islam:
50. On Tolerance
Libneniyyeh ,   Lebanon   (12.19.06)
Freedom of belief is guaranteed in Islam. It should be very clear that Islam tolerates not only other faiths but even its enemies. This is stated clearly in the Qur'an: "God forbids you not with regard to those who fight you not for (your) faith, nor drive you out of your homes, from dealing kindly and justly with them, for God loves those who are just." [60:8] It is one function of Islamic law to protect the privileged status of minorities, and this is why non-Muslim places of worship have flourished all over the Islamic world. Islamic law also permits non-Muslim minorities to set up their own courts to implement family laws drawn up by the minorities themselves and to govern their own affairs. History provides many examples of Muslim tolerance towards other faiths. When the great leader and second Caliph, Umar, entered Jerusalem in the year 634, Islam guaranteed freedom of worship to all religious communities in the city. In fact, so careful was Umar in setting an example for his people that he not only went to a church to pray, he prayed outside in the courtyard, lest his followers after his death be tempted to convert the church into a mosque. Islam teaches that the closest to Allah and the most beloved of Allah are those who are the best in piety. Thus all people, male and female, and regardless of race, color, nationality or ethnicity, are considered and treated as equal before Allah and before the law. This concept of tolerance did not reach the West even in theory until the 18th century, and in practice not until the 20th century.
51. To #48
M. Hartley ,   Atlanta, US   (12.19.06)
Ok, how about: Surah4:101; S. 9.5; S.4.90; S. 8.12; S. 9:39; S. 9:123; S.6.152; S. 5.34; S. 8 59-60; S. 5:51, etc. etc. etc. These are just a few "mandates" as to how one should deal with infidels. I'm sure, though, those are all misinterpretations. But the real fun comes in with the reading of the prophet. He couldn't keep his thoughts or his angels straight half the time. I don't need to hear from you about the Qoran. I'm quite capable of reading it, myself. Oh, and I just like the glowing report on Mohammed's 6 year old wife.How old was he at the time? 52 or 57? I call that a pedophile, even if he didn't sleep with her until she was 9. But, by golly, he was the prophet and he could explain it all. Do the names Ali Sina and Wafa Sultan mean anything? Salman Rushdie isn't too popular, either. More freedom of speech from the wonderful world of Islam. I'd welcome a discussion with you on Islam about as much as I'd like to hear what the Jehovah's Witnesses want to peddle at 7 AM on Saturday morning: Not at all.
52. To #48, if ynet allows me to answer
M. Hartley ,   Atlanta, US   (12.19.06)
with a website address for some pertinent Qoran quotations.
53. Well, Well, Veil
john ,   nz   (12.19.06)
Islamic women wearing veil showing their face is acceptable, in fact they look like Mother Teresa. But veil with face totally covered is as intimidating as KKK. Islamic women in Western society are protected by the law of their adopted country. So, they have a choice. If they chose to look like a ninja, then obviously there are repercussions. In today's society where identity and security is important, full veil or burqa has no place. It belongs to stone age civilisation. For same reason, I don't think anyone can board a plane with a burqa on.
54. Hartley
Libneniyyeh ,   Lebanon   (12.19.06)
Whatever. You're so smart and open-minded and liberal, so open to conversations and you already know it all, so if I talked till I turn blue Id be talking to a brick wall. Oh you are absolutely right, the Prophet was a pedophile, and Rushdie was representing true Islam was he? He would laugh his head off at what you're saying. For your info, I have read Rushdie, Kureishi, Sultan, Sina, and many more than you can name - Im finishing up my PhD in a world of writers. But I am open minded and honest, and Im brave enough and open enough to answer back with PROPER evidence when it comes to explaining truth. And the website you've provided is bs, since it seeks to distort not to clarify. Furthermore, you're taking verses out of context without knowing the history behind them. I wasnt trying to convert you, rather to have a discussion. Im sorry to know that one little scratch on your surface reveals such a cesspool of prejudice and hatred. So dont flatter yourself darling, you're not worth talking to anyway.
55. Hartley: Oh, and Im not mad at you,
Libneniyyeh ,   Lebanon   (12.19.06)
Im just sorry for you, sorry that in the 21st century there are still people who are as closed minded as you, even though you live in the land of freedom. Why, you are no better than a raving Muslim cleric preaching "death to infidels" with the promise of "72 lovely virgins" :)
56. #50 Your So-Called Tolerance
German Kafir ,   Regensburg, Germany   (12.19.06)
It is nice of you to offer me status as a second-class human under muslim overlordship, but I am neither Christian nor Jew and thus ineligible for such kind treatment. After having learned about Islam, I openly reject it as well as the very existence of Allah or any other god. That Allah forbids you not from letting me live is doubtful in this case and in any case only optional. He should forbid you from killing me or depriving me of my rights as a human being fully equal to any other human being, Muslim or not. To paint this picture of Muslim pseudo-tolerance even while people are killed for leaving Islam, refusing to join Islam or any other trumped-up charge under Sharia Law, is simply laughable. Let's be honest and admit that the way Islam is practised is a great source of conflict in which Muslims cannot prevail. Draw your own conclusions.
57. we will take the blow
1.5 Billion Muslims   (12.19.06)
the big picture , the Europoen and American can presacute us as Muslim who r Immegarant , but the most Growing Muslims in Europe r europian who convert to muslim so America , so who right wing will fight , enemy of another coler r their own race who beleive an other religion , so those of us who Immegarated west we will take the Blow so our children can live better live and we will see when Muslim Convert who r european r American stand up and defend their religion , so we willing take the Punishment in order to true come out. Reality Check , world
ANA MARIA ,   LATIN AMERICA   (12.19.06)
59. 56
Libneniyyeh ,   Lebanon   (12.19.06)
I agree with you that the way Islam is practiced by some is very disturbing. But what you refer to as "pseudo-tolerance" is not pseudo. I am the first to admit that a great many misconceptions that are generated in western countries are incubated by three things: a mad desire on the part of some Muslim authorities to wrest power by adapting some of the Koranic teachings. The way they do this is by extracting verses and Ahadeeth out of context and molding them to a pre-configured political agenda. Secondly, there is no denying that what comes across in translations, media, literature, art, you name it, has also served in some ways to stir western resentment and loathing. Thirdly, there are also people whose greatest thrill in life is to throw sparks here and there, such as in the case of cartoons or other depictions. It gives these people pleasure to see masses of Muslims rioting in rage and frustration. But you mustnt forget that these people are stirred by others who fuel their passions. And because you dont have clear, sane voices calming them down, they resort to violence. This happens because it is a vicious cycle of hatred and violence being propelled and agitated, being turned against itself. Who is responsible for such distortions? It is easy to answer that. People whose interest it is to fuel hatred and loathing. People whose job it is to manufacture subtle images that propagate in the mainstream subconsciousness negative feelings and hostility. And not to forget, masses of oppressed, poverty-stricken people who are swayed by leaders in whom they blindly believe, as they are not given opportunities to trust and self-educate themselves. I understand your position, and I understand that you may feel threatened, as do so many others. But then again it is very hard to undo what years and years of efforts have constructed. But I assure you, you would be most welcome in my country and in our homes. You just need to start to get to know people at a more human level, and not through the media or through books. Maybe if that happened, if people really tried to know each other, there'd be less violence and blood shed.
60. 53
Libneniyyeh ,   Lebanon   (12.19.06)
I agree with you that the burqa is suspicious, and in a number of cases some people have indeed taken advantage of it, even in Saudi Arabia, with cases of men trying to enter women's homes disguised as women. There is no law that says a Muslim woman should cover her face, but she is required not to make a display of herself, to conceal her adornments. And that, surprising as you may find it, also goes to men :) But in their case they are not permitted to wear "short" shorts. A lot of Muslim women are not veiled, just as a lot of muslims dont practice all the teachings of Islam. But then, this is the case in all religions as well. It is a culture, a way of life with practices and beliefs. My five year old daughter goes to school in Canada where we live together, and recently they had a series of plays celebrating the festival of lights, where she acted out in a Hanukkah play. Some of her friends acted out in Muslim plays. I was touched by this, and I explained to her what Hanukkah was and why it is celebrated. In our home we have a little Christmas tree because our neighbour gave it as a gift to us, which I warmly accepted. You will say ah, but that is not seen in your part of the world. Oh but it IS. In Lebanon, most of our schools are secular. Children have holidays for all religious occasion, Christian, Muslim, and Druze. And you can find this in many other Arab countries. What I am trying to say, is that when you mix with people, when you see them for what they are and try to understand them, that is the first step in learning to love each other. What I find offensive in some cases is people who ridicule and insult, without any real understanding.
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