EU report: Muslims face 'Islamophobia'
Associated Press
Published: 18.12.06, 16:35
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61. #31
Joe ,   CANADA   (12.19.06)
Jimmy the french in quebec are a very stupid people,look they think they can survive as a country on their own,but like the palestinians want the jews to pay for everything the french also want canada to pay for everything even if they were to separate,do you not think the same mentality is not there between the two,what a bunch of fuckin idiots,wait til they start trouble with ontario,are they gonna get their gay french asses kicked.
62. Islam, Equal Opportunity Oppressor!
Yoni ,   NYI Jerusalem   (12.19.06)
Why do they hate Muslims, could it be because a billion of them danced in the streets and passed out candy on 9-12? Could it be that Islam has equally taxed Christian, Jewish and Agnostic believers who would not convert with huge amounts of debt? Could it be their Quran states that the entire world must be subjugated to their rule before they can rest? Now, could it be that Muslims can not stand the same treatment they always dish out in the states they come from. Where are the statistics for hate crimes in Muslim countries? What about the Sudan? If muslims were treated like they treat the blacks of the Sudan I would say that was not disturbing just revenge and Islam is big on revenge, unless however it is against Islamists! They are the biggest worst offenders and the cry foul when they are subjected to a tiny portion of their own tactics! Islam should have the same doctrines forced upon its practioner who move to other countries. That is have a gun put to their heads and denounce Islam or be taxed 50% of their gross income. What is good for Islam is good for the world at large!
63. #56 we r not that easy to get rid off
1.5 Billion Muslims   (12.19.06)
we will not let u do to us what u did to Jews , we do not quitely take Punishment but we hit u back and u now what .... fill the Blank . Reality Check , World
64. #63 Don't confuse victim and aggressor
German Kafir ,   Regensburg, Germany   (12.19.06)
While your comrades over here are busy raping 'infidel whores', torching cars, houses, churches and synagogues, pillaging our property and bombing infidels and believers alike in the name of Islam, all you can do is cry about how they are unfairly targetted. We have been indulgent, peaceable, even weak-willed towards Muslims in the past, but we are not weak and there are limits to the patience of every man. That is why I share your fear that Muslims are headed towards mass extermination unless they stop their aggression. I find it ironic however that you don't want to experience what we did to the Jews even while a sizeable portion of the 1.5 Billion Muslims denies it ever happened and prepares to repeat it.
65. #54,55 Dear Libneniyyeh
Lynne   (12.19.06)
thank you.. you're one of the people in here whose posts I always enjoy reading :) .. Allah ywaf2ek .. :)
66. islamaphobia
wendyagoglia ,   bristol england   (12.19.06)
well, you must admit it is rather frightning when you are covered up, and only showing your eyes. little children who are not of muslim culture, must be having the most terrible night-mares, plus people who covered their faces, are either bank robbers, or people up to no good.
67. #51 M. Hartley.. regarding the verses...
Lynne   (12.19.06)
the verses you refer to are all to legitimate self-defense.. the proof to this is that when you read those within the context they have been brought with you will find God saying before and after each verse .. do not be transgressors.. do not break any truce with the other side.. if they want peace go for it.. etc.. you are capable of reding the Qur'an yourself yes.. but if you read it only to pick out the verses that speak of war you will end up reading it the same way the terrorists whom you complain about read it.. every verse should be read IN its context and while being aware of the circumstances that led to its revelation.. if you read the OT you will find material that's a lot more violent than that in the Qur'an.. take the following as an example.. "in the cities of the nations the Lord your God is giving you as an inheritance, do not leave alive anything that breathe. Completely destroy them- the Hittites, Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites- as the Lord your God has commanded you" (Deuteronomy 20:16-17) "When the Lord your God brings you into the land you are entering to possess and drives out before you many nations.. then you must destroy them totally. Make no treaty with them, and show them no mercy" (Deuteronomy 7:1-2) "At that time we took all his towns and completely destroyed them- men, women and children. We left no survivors" (Deuteronomy 2:34) “ I will take my arrows drunk with blood, and my sword shall devour flesh; and that with the blood of the slain and of the captives, from the beginning of revenges upon the enemy” (Deuteronomy 7:1). there was nothiong called war ethics before Prophet Mohammad(PBUH).. "Do not be treacherous. Do not mutilate. Do not kill children, the aged or women. Do not cut palm trees or fruitful trees. Do not not slay a sheep, a cow, or a camel except for your food. And you will come across people who confined themselves to worship in monasteries; leave them alone to what they devoted themselves for." (Al- Tabari, volume3, p.213) you're blaming intolerance on Islam although you tell Libneniyyeh that you don't even want to hear about Islam.. I can sadly call this hypocrisy.. you are filled with hatred Hartley.. I can do nothing but pray for your cure.. because hatred is an illness..
68. Study on "Islamophobia"
Marlis ,   Frankfurt, Germany   (12.19.06)
Isn't this the same Study Group that withheld the report about antisemitism by young Muslims in Europe? These young people (second and third-generation immigrants) hook up with Neo-Nazis in Germany against Jewish Germans!!! I attack nobody, but I expect people who come to Europe to integrate just like I integrated into other countries I have lived in. The headscraves stick out like sore thumbs. It is very strange that a majority of Moslems feels "victimized" at the slightest criticism, while they are trying to push their culture over on the peoples of Europe. I quite agree with Blair when he stated the other day that immigrants are welcome if they integrate; otherwise, they should not come to Europe. To be called a "kufar" is most insulting to me as a European (German).
69. Maybe if the would stop burning Paris - that would help
Marlis ,   Frankfurt, Germany   (12.20.06)
How true! They always consider themselves "victims". No education, no work, but big ideas. "Victimization" is being used anytime one criticizes something...;)
70. #67 Joseph Goebbels will even Lought at u
1.5 Billion Muslims   (12.20.06)
in his Grave : u r not using Big Lie Correctly u should repaet couple words until is become true , so u tell me Muslims rape German Women , kill german People without any body doing any thing ( is that what u trying to tell me ) , C'mon get real and go back to your Bible ( Hitler and Goebbels books of Aryan Race) . Ps: Ther r aryan German Muslims what u going to do with them . Reality Check , World
71. 1.5 Billion Muslims!!
Lynne   (12.20.06)
I don't think you meant me with your talkback!!.. emm.. there's a mistake somewhere...
72. sorry Lynne it was for #63
1.5 Billion Muslims   (12.20.06)
My Fault sister. Reality Check , World
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