Opinion  Others
Saddam execution immoral
Ahmad Tibi
Published: 31.12.06, 16:08
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118 Talkbacks for this article
31. Very good article
Joshua ,   Porto, Portugal   (12.31.06)
Very good article! Saddam dead this way? Is this really in your (Israel) best interests? Think about it! Isn't Iran much better after this? Iraq is no longer a nation you will 3 countries emerging and one of these will be under control from Thearan.
32. Saddam...again
SJP ,   LONDON   (12.31.06)
The pen is truly mightier than the sword...Well Done
33. Saddam execution immoral.
Eric Moroney ,   Dublin, Ireland   (12.31.06)
I agree with you 1,000%. Furthermore, if justice is to be done, and be seen to be done, George W.Bush and his cronies should also be tried for war crimes and punished accordingly. In my opinion, and that all of my friends, they are at least as guilty as Saddam Hussein. But we acknowledge that an inependent court should decide on this issue.
34. Who's He Kidding?
Terry ,   Eilat - Israel   (12.31.06)
First, the reason Iraq is such a mess is crazy jihadis & Baath party fanatics blowing people up every day. Second, Sunnis & Shi'a murder each other every day. Third, the Iranians & Syrians are doing their best to create more chaos. Fourth, just like Fatah, the secular Iraqis are corrupt thieves & incompetents. I'm sure Iraq was a fun place to live before - just ask the families of all the hundreds of thousands that Saddam murdered, tortured, & imprisoned. Or the families of those that died in his pointless wars. That's well over a million people. As for his execution on a holiday - well, that claim stinks of rank hypocrisy. Iraqis blew up a number of car bombs the same day, killing about 70 people & injuring another 150 (Happy Holiday). They routinely blow up mosques. They use mosques to store bombs. They set fire to churches & kill Christians. Since when do Muslims respect any religion, even their own, so what's the BS about an execution on a holiday? And who in their right mind could believe that Saddam could be a force for regional stability when he started an 8 yr war with Iran, invaded Kuwait, financed terrorism, shot scuds into Israel unprovoked, threatened Saudi Arabia, & was running his country into the ground, creating an enormous failed state. He created regional instability & his legacy is the mess in today's Iraq. Mr. Tibi, you are without doubt either a really big liar or a total fool. And I have to add, you don't belong in the Knesset or in any other gov't. Talking about morality, you shouldn't talk about a concept you evidently know nothing about.
35. Saddam and Peace Process
Rovinida ,   Red State. USAmerica   (12.31.06)
To say Saddam could have been an aide to peace process begs question: Why was he not aiding the process before now? Does writer have some withheld information that Saddam was about to turn over new leaf and be a different man? Saddam was pinnacle of turmoil and murder in his own nation, even attacking neighbors Iran and Kuwait. So now you are hopeful that he could help peace process. Better to call upon The Daffy Duck or The Batman. These will aide the peace long before any Muslim fundamentalist. May God be with His people, always!
36. "Tibi the Terrible"
Live free or Die ,   USA   (12.31.06)
No sane person would say that the murder of possibly two million people can be called in Mr Tibi's own words merely a "shortcoming" of Saddam's regime. Mr Tibi belongs in Nazi Germany not the Knesset i wonder if Mr Tibi would be so cavalier about genocide if it was his family and friends murdered In short Mr Tibi, I feel that you are a good canidate to fill the "dearly departed" shoes of Saddam. What two million people would be in your "crosshairs" The world needs protection from people like you who have no moral compass. I just happened to read your article on google and at first thought it was written by a "demented misguided jihadist" At the bottom of the article I glanced at the comments and saw that you are in the Knesset.. I was blown away.!!!! If the Jewish people behaved like your buddy Saddam you would be high-fiving Saddam in hell today. At least Israel does not have to look far for their enemy because it is truely within. I can only believe you are in the Knesset because as the saying goes "keep your enemies close to you" You hate America because you see they are good. We are the only country that sends our young boys off to war to protect the property and civil rights of other people. We sacrifice the best and brightest of our children for idiots like you. We have never taken any land or property from the countries we have saved of have conquered. It is our sacrefice that enables you to write the venom you spew. Personally I am starting to think the sacrifice is too big. Let the strong big countries cannibilize the weak. If America opts out you will most likely get the the dictators you so highly admire. The dirtty little secret many countires hate America is just "pure jealousy" Look to France as the Poster child for Jealousy. We are good, we are generous, and we are free. Happier everyday to live in America Terry
37. Saddam' s execution
R.Durocher ,   Windsor Canada   (12.31.06)
Saddam Hussein was convicted of multiple murders. In anyone's country that is punishable by death or life in prison. He got what he deserved, and he will further pay the big price where his sould is now !
38. article
Ted Redstone ,   Canto, IL   (12.31.06)
Bottom-line is the area needed to get its own affairs in order. Stop threatening the rest of the world. Own up to its OWN moral responsibilities. Scapegoats were too easy to find. War was declared by a religion alright and it was Islam against the West. Let's not forget the order of events here. Bush erred for sure. But, there were no excuses for Saddam, for Al Queda, and aggressive out-of-control religious fundamentalists. If 19 Southern Baptists had plotted to fly a plane into the mosque destroyed since by sectarian terrorists, all of Christianity would be vilified by the Muslims. Yet, Christians, indeed all of west, are to excuse anything done by a segment of Islam, simply because they are a "rogue element" of Islam. Yet Islam makes no move to police itself, disavow the violent, or depose their own violent leaders. Islam has been waging war against the west for many, many years. Call us dogs if you wish, but tormented dogs eventually bite back.
39. State Murder of Saddam
elenydd ,   aberystwyth, wales   (12.31.06)
Saddam was killed before he could reveal too many 'secrets' about US complicity with his crimes, to the world. What he committed was atrocious but his execution shows how barbaric is the 'sophisticated' west - an eye for an eye is not a moral stance, the executioners themselves looked like terrorists. Reconciliation requires people wronged by a villain to be able to speak their anger to that villain - this can not now be done. The US seems not to want peace.
40. He is an Israeli, and you dont like his opinion??
LES ,   Pensacola, FL USA   (12.31.06)
Dear Terry #1, what about this democracy that you claim to have to which my tax dollars support?? You want just a democracy that supports your point of view right? Is this a Democracy really?? A Democracy with representation as long as your Jewish and Likud? Very nice, can I have my tax dollars back??
41. couldn't disagree more
ramin mohammed ,   germany   (12.31.06)
Mr. Tibi, I must say that I couldn't disagree with you more. I feel that your opinion is shortsighted and, more importantly, that you represent just another person who is spitting out what he hears from the media because it is a lot more popular. Your type of personality is typical to those trying to incite anit-American sentiment without regards to consequences. As a Muslim, I must say that your words are not bringing anyone closer to resolution. If you are to criticize, how about provide your opinion about how to make things better? Regarding some of your comments, the neo-conservatives of the Bush Administration do not hate Islam and the Arab world. They hate terrorism and anti-Americans- people who will go to their deaths to see that Americans die. You are ignorant if you belive that Iraq during Saddam's rule was "stable, powerful, and flourished both economically and scientifically." I was living in Iraq for 5 years and can tell you that there was nothing but economic squalor and oppression. Some set down from UN Sanctions following the Desert Storm, but the majority handed down by Saddam himself. To say that President Bush is personally responsible for their deaths is equally ignorant. President Bush doesn't force Iraqi militants and insurgents to blow people up, the militants and insurgents decide that. Talk about looking for a scape goat....look no further than yourself. Saddam's killing was not an immoral act. It was a decision made by the Iraqi judicial system. Regardless of American or other foreign influences, it was ultimately their decision. I know that you won't believe that, but who really cares considering that he is dead already? Did you think that by writing your little article and saying that his death was immoral might bring him back to life? I can agree with you that the execution did have terrible timing. I do not understand why the execution was chosen on the first day of the Feast, but there is no way for me to ever understand all of the factors that might go into that kind of decision. Only the leaders of the Iraqi government and judiciary can understand that. And I have faith in them as ELECTED leaders to do what they think is best for Iraq. When you say that Iraq "could have been a strong country and possibly an element that could have assisted a regional peace process," do you really mean that? So it is not okay for Saddam to be executed, but it is okay for him to continue executing thousands of Shi'a Muslims? Oh I understand now...not to mention the fact that the transparency of Iraqi borders made it a haven for terrorist training camps and illegal weapons trading. I guess if you think those things contribute to regional peace then your opinion is right on the mark. The last thing I wanted to say is that "those who carried out the brutal verdict against Saddam" are NOT those who brought anarchy and disaster to Iraq and divided the Iraqi people to ethnicities and muderous militias that kill dozens of Iraqis every day. The IRAQI PEOPLE are the ones who have chosen violence instead of peace. In the wake of a weak government, the IRAQI PEOPLE have chosen to fight and destroy each other instead of trying to see past religious differences and make peace. I doubt that anything I have said here has reached through to you, but I hope that next time you put your fingers to the keyboard you can think through your immaturities and biases, and write something worthy of a true scholarly commentary. Or maybe instead of being such a critic, how about you get your ass over to Iraq and try to do something about it?
42. So ahmed...
Dan ,   Tel Aviv   (12.31.06)
Cruel timing contributed to the act's immorality hey? This is a tactic that has been used by Arab Nations and Islamic terrorists time and again (e.g. Yom Kippur War in 1973 and the Park Hotel Massacre on the first night of Passover). You should aim to correct your own house before making lame and mundane points...
43. Very good and realistic Article covering 60% of the truth, t
Simon Mohammed ,   VA USA   (12.31.06)
the other 40% of the truth will fellow up in the future and history will say. Now he is gone, show us what good can they brought to the Iraqi nation and the whole region, if they are sincer. I won't be surprised to read that Sadam is still responsible for what is going on. they should have finsih all the trial and let him tel us what they didn't want us to know. then do the execution if it was so necessary.
44. Fine. Deal With It!
David ,   Marietta USA   (12.31.06)
And Oh, Mr. Moroney in Dublin. Deal with the fact that W ISN'T going to treated as a "war criminal", in spite of wishful, delusional dreaming. Happy New Year, you pathetic, left wing bed wetters. The world is just a slightly safer place today than it was yesterday. And Mr Ahmedenijan probably has slightly damper arm pits today than he had yesterday...
45. Saddam is gone. It is a good thing. Whether or not you...
Dan ,   Minneapolis USA   (12.31.06)
like George
46. answer to ïdiot" comment from happy in America
gilbert ,   cape breton canada   (12.31.06)
your style certainly reflects the person that you are; agressive and vulgar. I think that's an amazing article, from someone who thinks and is not blind as you are. Happy in America? Stay there and good luck with your neo-cons.
47. What basis for "immoral" or "moral"?
John ,   St Paul, MN USA   (12.31.06)
The author's thesis is is that this death sentence was immoral. He gives no reasons other than name calling of those who carried it out, or started in motion events that resulted in this execution. Was the trial fair in the sense that the evidence was accurate, and the defendants had opportunity to disprove it? Were the actions proven by the evidence severe enough that committing them should be punishible by death? These are the standards that determine morality or fairness. The opinion of the author that the trial was carried out by pro-US puppets does not affect the morality if the evidence used in the trial was factual.
48. Did anyone see the actual execution?
Meshuga ,   USA   (12.31.06)
We have seen footage or photos of him being brought to slaughter but has anyone seen the actual hanging and the dead body? The haste with which it was done.....could this be a hoax? Do we KNOW he is actually dead?
49. Tibi
Raoul ,   Netanya Israel   (12.31.06)
Giving a hate-monger like Tibi a voice, whether in the Knesset or Ynet says a lot about Israeli democracy, and also about those who choose to agree with him.
50. Tibi should be exiled
sandgroper   (12.31.06)
This seditious person should not have a platform for his bullshit in Israeli newspapers and most certainly should not behonoured with membership of the Knesset. Throw him out of the country.
51. Moral?
Meshuga ,   USA   (12.31.06)
It is true that much of the evidence was distorted against his favor and his culpability in some of it may even be suspect, at best, but the fact that he actually had a trial is fair enough. All his victims never had the opportunity to face trial. Further, my beef with him is what he did to Israel, with the scuds. That alone deserves the noose. That's morality!
52. Tibi is good for the Jews. He brings Jews back to reality
He is a representative of the 5th column.
53. Saddam should have been sprayed with chemicals
Michael ,   USA   (12.31.06)
the way he sprayed the Kurds.
54. It is too bad Arafat was not hung. May be Hanyeh!
William ,   USA   (12.31.06)
The Palestinian Arabs always pick the right side. Sick!
55. to no 40
fish ,   tel-aviv   (12.31.06)
les,mr tibi is a fine example of what democracy may lead a democratic country to. he openly sides with the worst enemies of Israel, he was the advisor to Arafat ( outrageous, imagine a US senator being an advisor to Chavez), he hates everything about Jewish Israel, he is a provocateur, who did his best to radicalize the Arab community of Israel.As for your tax dollars - ask the tax return from the greatest democracies in the world where US sends miltary and financial aid - Egypt, Jordan and PA. Israel doesn't send your tax dollars down the drain, as the miltary co-operation with Israel pays back to US every dollar it gives us. Your witty remark about democracy being only Jewish and Likud -owned sounds more like a sick joke - Likud holds some 12% of Knesset seats only, and as for Jewish - you very well remember the eviction of Jews from Gaza. Bottomline, I don't feel like I'm leaving on your budget - Israel GNP is USD 130 bln, and your aid ( not on real money, but in miltary gear, which gives jobs to US manufacturers) amount to roughly 2% of it. Now go and compare that with what US aid to Egypt amounts to and how it is spent.
56. And why should anyone care what Tibi says?
RA   (12.31.06)
The man is a disgrace to all democracies world-wide. He is lucky the same country that he hates with all his heart is allowing him to have a government position.
57. Execution
D T ,   Mesa, AZ, USA   (12.31.06)
You are a frickin idiot. This guys was the bloody murderer of thousands. Get a life.
58. Sunnis never accept they are the MINORITY but dey want power
Alan ,   SA   (12.31.06)
They should have negociated a transition of power with the Shia like the Whites of South Africa did with the South African Black MAJORITY . That way there wouldnt have been a revolution with thousands of deaths. The 3rd World always told SA Whites to hand over to the MAJORITY BLACKS but neglected to give the SUNNIS such invaluable advice!!!i Is that because they are Arabs not SA Whites?? Why are idiots blaming Israel,Neocon "cabals", the USA.. For how long could the Sunnis hold on to power . Only by Saddams tyrany did the Sunnis in IRAQ holds on . Also please remember in ISRAEL , Jews are the MAJORITY. Thats why the Barrier is GOOD, apart from its anti terror function which worked so well up to now ! So dont use "apartheid" terminologies .Arabs are full voters in Israel. Mr Tibi MP runs around the Arab States like a Blue Assed Fly demonising his homeland Israel .Blacks had NO vote in SA.
joe aminoff ,   Elazar, Israel   (12.31.06)
In 1991 he fired missiles at us.He tried to kill us. It was him or us. I guess we won.
60. Saddam's Execution
Rico Delin ,   Miami, Florida, U.S.   (12.31.06)
I wished we had done to Agusto Pinochet of Chile, Papa Doc Duvalier of Haiti, what we did to Saddam Hussein of Iraq. We've had dictators in our very backyard for as long as I can remember, as powerful as we are we could have done something about them. It just seems like selective prosecution to me. At what point did Saddam become such an ogre? We had known for years the atrocities he was committing against his own People. When did he stop being our friend? We helped create this monster/friend of ours. I say let's create a tribunal, and go after all dictators, death squads, torturers, friend or foe.
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