Opinion  Soapbox
Carter is no friend
Yariv Nornberg
Published: 03.01.07, 20:50
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82 Talkbacks for this article
61. to #36. Khalid from the Netherlands
the problem with your argument is 1.}that THERE IS NO SUCH PLACE AS PALESTINE. and 2.} Israel is a JEWISH STATE, THE ONLY ONE IN THE WORLD OF ITS KIND. The people of Islam and Christianity, etc all have lands they can call their own. We have this TINY SLIVER OF LAND and people want to lay claim to it and wrest it from us.
62. to Yossi "the Israeli" in Bat Yam:
tell your Arab friends to STOP MAMING AND KILLING US! Then maybe we will not need to take the security measures that we do. G-d willing, there will come a day when Israel can relax and breathe - but NOT WHILE WE HAVE ENEMIES AT OUR SIDES WAITING TO BUTCHER US.
64. 33#
Raoul Schur ,   Netanya Israel   (01.04.07)
If you base your knowledge on what Shulamit Aloni and Betselem know about apartheid, you are a seriously shallow thinker indeed. Been there, born there.
65. Carter is no Friend
Dave Whippman ,   Preston, UK   (01.04.07)
Jimmy Carter, like all the advocates of the Palestinian cause, conveniently forgets that Jews as well as Palestinians were dispossessed when Israel came into being. A lot of Arab states expelled their Jewish populations at that time. So the Palestinian idea of "justice" is actually one-sided; I don't notice Iraq and all the rest offering to make restitution to the Jews it kicked out at that time.
66. Carter
Dave ,   Chorley, UK   (01.04.07)
What does Khalid from the Netherlands think he's talking about.? "Israel the only country where rights depend on religion"?? Does he believe that non-muslims in Iran, Indonesia or almost any other Muslim state are given equal rights?
67. Did Carter secretly embraced Islam recently?
KMR ,   Middle East   (01.04.07)
68. Marlene in NY is living on occupied Indian land
nina ,   united states   (01.04.07)
and should get her misguided tush out of there now. How can she live with herself, knowing that she is not only living on occupied Indian land, but possibly on the burial ground of African slaves. I'm guessing both were in the good old US of A long before she showed up. But don't worry, Marlene, there are enough hypocrites and idiots in the world to keep you company. Perhaps there's an unoccupied cave in Afghanistan you could rent...
69. Khalid on Birth Rights
nina ,   united states   (01.04.07)
You make interesting points about birth rights, but why single out Israel? And why not shine the spotlight on all the countries in Europe, for example, that denied citizenship to Jews even though their ancestors had lived in those countries for centuries? What about Arab countries like Saudi Arabia in which Christians and Jews have no rights? And look at Africa, where birth rights still don't protect native-born Africans from Arab slave traders. It's so easy to malign Israel. And sadly, to do so is to be blind to the crimes committed daily elsewhere in the world.
70. Wow... the story never changes
Mike ,   U.S.   (01.04.07)
Someone, could be anyone really, (Carter) is critical of Israel and then the standard behavior of attacking is followed. He is an old man who has lost his mind, he is anti-semitic, he is a jew hater, he is funded by terrorists, his mother was a jew hater, he is a liar, he was a failure as president and is a failure as a human etc etc etc..... Stay for a moment in the hear and now. It is just criticism of how he sees things taking place in Israel. Is it really necessary to personally attack him? Can't it not just be said that you don't agree with him? Why attack and attack and make up false things?? Do you all really believe Carter just made up this stuff to attack Israel?? A man who won the Nobel price for peace? He has this masterful ability to conceal his deep rooted hatred of Israel and or Jews?? Come folks get a grip and stop this nonsense. I would bet that most of the planet is in agreement with Carter's takes. I think most of you know this but refuse to believe it. When folks are free to express their opinions it is rare that something positive is said about Israel's behavior. It is what it is. Now let the attacks begin.....I am anti-semitic etc and a loser etc..blah blah blah. Luckily most folks don't fall for this garbage...
71. he did not learn this garbage from his mama
velvel in atlanta ,   atlanta ga   (01.04.07)
If Miss Lillian were around today she would slap his saggy face and send him to bed without dinner. She was honorable. He is a crybaby. He still cannot figure out how there is not open war among Israel, Jordan and Egypt. And he is angry that they would have the audacity to keep peace.
72. Wow...and Arafat won the Nobel Peace Prize too
nina ,   us   (01.04.07)
so what exactly does that prove? I for one have not said Carter is anti-semitic. However, it is hard to take seriously moral outrage from a man who has been quoted in the past praising North Korea's leader, Tito, and the corrupt dictator(s) of Haiti. Carter's real problem--and that of many folks--is this bizarre impulse always to take the side of the so-called "oppressed" as if being poor or downtrodden renders one incapable of being cruel and corrupt. The Khmer Rouge slaughtered their countrymen by the millions, as do impoverished warring tribes in Africa. Slamming Israel to the exclusion of all others is simply dishonest. Holding the Palestinians--and Arabs in general--to such a low moral standard--which is what their defenders typically do--smacks of the worst kind of paternalism. Why not demand of them that they rise to the best in themselves, rather than sink to the worst? Ah, I forget myself. They are oppressed, and therefore their good souls are chained up, incapable of doing good or behaving humanely. It is only when Jews disappear that the nobility of the Arabs will show itself....
73. Nª 50
Azbir Leja   (01.04.07)
Thats why Nª 45 said that: "I was especially offended when you equated the "ejection" of Palestinians from their homes to the Indians in Georgia being forced out to make room for "our white ancestors." But he did not mention that almost a million mizrachi jews were expelled.from Irak, Egipt, Yemen, Syria, Iran, etc. Even fronm palestine itself before '48
74. reading the tea leaves
eddie ,   dallas, usa   (01.05.07)
When carter declared the 1996 pal elections "open and fair" it should have indicated something deeper; When First Lady Hilary Clinton visited the West Bank and stood smiling next to Mrs. Arafat, while the latter made outrageous accusations that Israel's "poisoning" the drinking water; Hilary's smile should also be a warning to her supporters who think she is a friend of Israel.
75. RE: #2 Carter has lost more than credibility in his old age.
Charles Allen ,   Charlotte, NC USA   (01.04.07)
Carter had to have credibility to begin with for him to loose it. It was the liberal left wing american / jewish vote that brought him to power to begin with. 99% of the problems in the mid-east today are a direct result of Carter and his Lybian kiss-ass alcoholic brother.
76. Carter = Worst US President
PM ,   Austin, TX, USA   (01.05.07)
Jimmy Carter was the worst President in USA in my lifetime. His actions helped spawn terrorism in many ways (screwing up Iran, emboldening Communists in latin america, africa and afghanistan). He abandoned friend, was weak and vacillating and did nothing to stop the evil of enemies. He was a failure at home and abroad and for him to act as an 'expert' on anything is absurd. His only great accomplishment, of bring Sadat and Begin together, was really a result of Anwar Sadat's actions of coming to Israel. As ex-President, Carter has had a horrible record of berating the US while coddling dictators and America-haters. He meddled even in RPNK nuke talks during CLinton's term, to no good as we have seen (just RPNK fooled USA into giving them aid and they broke their word). There is a simple lesson for America and Israel policies. Whatever Carter says is good - is bad. Whatever he says to do - do the opposite. Sure success from avoiding Jimmy 100% Failure Carter!
77. Not a fair and open debate
John ,   USA   (01.05.07)
Zbigniew Brzezinski: " President Carter, in my judgement, is correct in fearing that the absence of a fair and mutually acceptable resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is likely to produce a situation which de facto will resemble apartheid: ie, two communities living side by side but repressively separated, with one enjoying prosperity and seizing the lands of the other, and the other living in poverty and deprivation. That is an outcome which must be avoided and I interpret his book as a strong plea for accommodation, which needs to be actively promoted by morally responsible engagement especially by America. The abusive reactions directed at him, including some newspaper ads, are to me objectionable and designed to intimidate an open public discussion. People in America who criticize French foreign policy, or Indian foreign policy, not to speak of criticizing Arab states, are not subjected to such one-sided abuse and attempts at intimidation."
RCA ,   USA   (01.05.07)
Jimmy Carter was the worst President in the history of the United States. He has done more than any other to weaken the US Military, the intelligence apparatus, the economy, the private business sector, and only G-D knows what else. The man was a complete incompetent . He has been out of office for 30 yrs. yet he still manages to be a fly in the ointment. His astonishing ignorance knows no bounds and he continues to interject in areas beyond his depth. You would think that by now he would have taken the hint to get out of politics, return to his farm in Plains, Georgia and grow peanuts. Not a chance of that . He is as thick headed as they come. I made the mistake of voteing for this shmegeggy 30 yrs ago and have regretted it ever since. I hate to think of the utter chaos this man created for my country and that my vote enabled enabled him. Since then I have learned better, but it appears yet he hasn't.
79. You are absolutely right John, but...
Daniel ,   Formerly Israel   (01.05.07)
Carter is pushing for a peace not acceptable to both sides but absolutely biased toward the Palestinians. Or rather Carter si attacking the problem with the assumption that the religion-oriented separation between Israelis and Palestiniasn is the worst problem In truth the problem that he ignores is that the Palestinians are trying to destroy Israel, and the separation (which is actually based on citizenship not race since there are many Israeli Arabs) is necessary to ensure some measure of security for Israel. It is easy for Carter and his supporters to scream apartheid, they didn't have to grow up in a war-zone as I did.
80. Lost a Friend?
Joel ,   Tampa, Florida   (01.06.07)
Carter's resume should note his expertise as a useful idiot. He was completely duped by Breshnev, just prior to the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. Since his stinging defeat by Ronald Regan, he has been building his legacy by being a wolf in sheep's clothing. He is seen as a humble man, but when you study his countenance you see he is a bitter servant of duplicity seeking to advance his anti-biblical, anti-Israel agenda. Selah
81. Jimmy Carter Thug
Avrom ,   Dallas   (01.07.07)
When President of the USA, Carter took the sensibility of President Ford and the fiscal responsibility of the then Congress and ran it into the ground. Interest rates went to the highest in US history and that record still stands, we were embarassed and attacked by American bashers across the planet, and the Arabs were catered to by him more than the Bushs today, if you can imagine that. Carter wrote this book trying to apease the Arabs yet ignores the genocide currently happening in the Sahara between Ethiopia and Somalia, ignores the Iranian President's conference to promote genocide, and ignores the fact that Al-Quaida is alive and well on the Eastern Borders of Pakestan's remote villages. Carter has barely spoken out against the atocity of 911 and is more concerned that the Israelis are defending themselves against a war being waged against them on two fronts. Carter is a false messiah and anything but the Christian he professes himself to be, I personally think that he would be another Hitler if given the unbriddled political power to do so.
82. Jimmy Carter The Village Idiot
Ryan Carter ,   Jacksonville, FLA US   (01.07.07)
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