Iranian official: If threatened, we will use nuclear weapons
Associated Press
Published: 05.01.07, 15:04
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61. #57
Lebanese ,   Lebanon   (01.06.07)
So Mahmood what are you doing for your mighty Lebanese fighters? Why not come down here and give us a hand rebuilding all our houses you hypocrit. We don't need a coward Iranian living in the UK telling us Lebanese how tough we are while cowards like you play big boy over the net. Get a life loser because as much as I can't strand the coward IDF you're an even bigger chicken. Go tuck your skirt in Mahmood.
62. #56- i am ashamed
DeAnna ,   USA   (01.06.07)
Have you even read the article? Have you even paid attention to news or anything that Ahmadinejad has been saying...its not about proof here cheesy....THEY ARE ANNOUNCING IT! I should assume your real name is not what you say it is and also assume you are not really an "american"....if you are please do me and every other american (and also our soldiers) a favor and educate yourself before you run your flap. It is embarassing.....
63. to: # 39
Hajra ,   Canada   (01.06.07)
#39 USA is not saying it but....They are actually doing it, acting on it you MORON!!!!!
DeAnna ,   USA   (01.06.07)
The USA is wiping countries off the map?? WHERE HAVE I BEEN?? I am a moron!!! We havent threatened to nuke anybody.....and we havent yet nuked anybody so really I have no idea what the heck you are talking about....but thats okay....keep dreaming and believing whatever propaganda you want dont much matter to me you sick twisted friek!
65. P.S. HAJRA
DeAnna ,   USA   (01.06.07)
do you happen to come from IRAN??
66. NEVER!!!!!
kevin   (01.06.07)
I am all for protection......but when Iran has threatened to wipe off certain countries from the planet????? They should not be allowed to develope such weapons
67. Iran will be attacked!
kali_mist ,   midwest   (01.06.07)
Its a matter of time! There Nuclear facilities are going to be hit from all corners and they are not even going to know who did it! Currently they are being monitored by gps so when the attack comes they know where the tunnels are! can u say Bunker Buster!
68. To #64 and #65
Hajra ,   Toronto, Canada   (01.06.07)
To # 64 I know USA and ISREAL didn’t say it directly but they are wiping out countries from the map. Take an example of IRAQ, Lebanon (excuse of 2 soldiers they destroyed the whole countries) now they are after IRAN. By the way, for your information I’m not from IRAN. I was born in Israel, but I hate they way Jews treat other countries, that’s why I changed my faith, religion etc.
69. Oh for God's sake...
T.M. ,   Lindley, USA   (01.06.07)
What has Iran said that isn't parallel to what Bush and his ilk have said about defending this country? Iran has not said they've produced, or are producing, nuclear weapons, and the IAEA has confirmed this with numerous onsite go-anywhere/anytime inspections. The Iranian official merely said that if they were threatened the situation vis-a-vis their nuclear program might change. Most of you people seem to think Iran and its millions of people turned to dust is just a dandy thing. THINK FIRST about what the slanted article really says, would you! T.M. Wright
70. #46
Reallife   (01.06.07)
Most of our homeless population are god damn junkies. U act as though most are poor lost souls cast out from society. The truth of the matter is they are drug addits who have burned all their bridges and are homelss because they refuse to get a job other than to support their habbits. They are content to shoot stuff into their veins all day instead of putting the money into food shelter or clothing. Understand that this is not for ALL homless. There are genuine bad breaks that occur out there. Understand that when u quote figures like 37 million homless, 30 million are scum bags that want something for nothing. America is built on people who pull themselves up by their boots straps. Not drug addicted criminals.
71. Shameless Headline
Joe ,   Wayne, PA   (01.06.07)
Who's responsible for this headline? The money quote says "the situation may change." And the idiot writing the headline changes this to say "will" use "nuclear weapons." The quote says "may," not "will." And it doesn't specifically say "nuclear weapons." Disgraceful distortion of the actual facts contained in the story. When will the correction be offered?
72. So your telling me
If the united stated felt threaten by a bigger power they wouldnt threaten them with nukes. Im not saying the comment was smart. It was far from smart it was rather retarded. But im just saying if the united states if america was small and some large foriegn power such as china or russia started to seem threatening and the only thing we had going for us was a few nukes we wouldnt of made the same comments?
nikolai ,   Chandler AZ, USA   (01.06.07)
When Ahmadinejad threatened to wipe Israel off the face of the earth, he was taken seriously, and is still being taken seriously. Why would he say such a thing unless he really felt that way? Even if Iran doesn't have nuclear weapons capability quite yet, they could have in a few short years. When ANY country says they're going to wipe another country off the face of the planet, and they (possibly) have or will have the ways and means to do it, the world better sit up and pay attention. The world better take Iran seriously, and unite at least in reining in Ahmadinejad if not more. I don't feel too bad for Iran; Ahmadinejad got himself and his people into this mess with his big mouth, now he's got his hands full. He could have been a diplomat and a gentleman and kept the atomic trump card up his sleeve, but NOOOO, his machismo got in the way. Actually it's agood thing he spouted off, now the world knows what's on his mind...
74. hajra
DeAnna ,   USA   (01.07.07)
Seriously, I dont even know what to say...if you think the iraq situation was just for fun or lebanon or whatever you are crazy.....if you ask me I will tell you the iraq situation was and is for their own good and alot of people there are thanking god that sadam just hung...they no longer have to live in fear of him anymore. The US is trying to create a better world for all of us...maybe it isnt so good right now....but in the end...alot of people might have a better chance at a free life where they may not have to fear their dictator/leader. All this crap about the u.s being awful and even israel...well if I were israel and always under attack or threats like they are I may act the same way....if not worse. The u.s could have already just nuked iraq, iran syria....and think what you may..they choose not to...they are trying to handle things in a peaceful manner and some ppl are just not willing to let that happen. Iran and n.korea at the top of that list. What country takes threats of being "wiped off the planet" and says "awww they dont mean it...let me help you....peace peace peace." PLEASE i feel iran and north korea are giving the US no choice but to take further action. Iran believes the world will one day be muslim....get rid of everyone that comforting to you? Or is that why you turned your back on god? To become allah's soldier?
75. T.M.
DeAnna ,   USA   (01.07.07)
With all due respect nobody has attacked Iran....and they are making threats....If you remember right...N.Korea tested their nuke...then Iran announced they were persuing nuclear technology...saying to us and the world it is for power....saying to his own "death to america" "death to israel" showing things on television of missiles headed all over the united states....DOES THAT REALLY SOUND SO "PEACEFUL" TO YOU? Ahmadinejad is not a moron he is not going to say to the U.N or the U.S.A "yes i would like to develop nuclear bombs so I can completely wipe out israel and the united states" but trust me, give him a nuke, regardless of irans past, HE has intentions of using it. He wants his mahdi or whatever to return...scary crap man. I dont wish anyone to die or burn or turn to dust by the way....but I do want my kid to have a good future and I for one dont want the threat of a nuclear warhead on the way to my country because some guy wants his mahdi to return. America is going to do what it has to do for the safety of our country and many others.
76. IRAN
charles brough ,   Joplin, USA   (01.07.07)
President Bush cannot reduce the killing in Iraq, but he can effectively divert public attention from it. He can (and will?) announce that he has directed the military to bomb Iran's nuclear facilities. The will divert attention from our failure in Iraq. People will look up again with hope that in this new war, we can better dazzle the world with our power. It will lift public spirits as the people rally behind their leader again. Again, they will bring out their flags, their :"God Bless America" signs, and attend church! When this new war will also fail, when it also turns more of Islam against us, when it has further built up Islam's terror network, also runs up huge budget deficits and costs even more human lives, then he will start yet another war. Charles Brough, look me up in google . . .
77. #46 Pack your bags
Michael ,   No SP's USA   (01.07.07)
It seems as though you are unhappy here. LEAVE! Bye..... You need to grow up and quit repeating stupid remarks like "the USA is a Bully". We are a whole lot to a whole lot of people. The last superpower, which carries more responsibility than you obviously realize.I suggest you PACK YOUR BAGS and go look at us from another country. Iran sounds good or any other country with no human rights. Be thankful for this country, sure there are problems here, name me a country without one. Come on just 1. Be thankful that YOU have the opportunity to do something about it and the right to do so and the right to be lazy enough to do nothing. Do something to help or SHUT UP and PACK YOUR BAGS AMD MOVE.
78. What a joke the AP is
bc ,   phila us   (01.07.07)
This story says NOTHING about any "threat". But what do you expect fom The AP? They are just mouthpieces for Bush.
79. Wouldn't you do the same?
Kevin ,   New York   (01.07.07)
So if someone told you they were going to punch you in the face, wouldn't you say...if you do that I'll hit you back? Or are you going to say nothing? In Iran's case..its more like you people destroyed Iraq for oil..and if you come here under the pretention of nuclear disarmament , you'll have a much tougher think about it hard before you invade our country to rape and pillage. Lets make enemies with the whole world..I'm almost ashamed to show my American passport when I travel. I can gurantee that Bush and his thugs will do something like 9/11 sometime late in 2007 - 2008 to improve his and his party's popularity, paving the way for a 2008 Republican white house. If that happens, I'm gonna leave the US for good..
80. Amen 2 73!
DeAnna ,   USA   (01.07.07)
At least someone is seeing what I am
81. 72: I could see
DeAnna ,   USA   (01.07.07)
that being the case if that were the scenario....the only reason they feel threatened is because of their hand in the violence in iraq, and for pursuing nuclear technology. They started the threats.....their only objective is to create choas....they need this for the return of the imam....what is it...someone help me...imam or mahdi...hell I dont know....they want the perfect one to return so they can start their armageddon.....partially why it is so disturbing. Besides that.....i see what you mean. Everyone acts like we walk around flashing our nukes though and it is not the case....yes we did use ended ww2...but we are not threatening to start the end of the world, or wipe everyone but christians off the planet. It is madness. It is a almost perfect re-enactment of Hitler.
DeAnna ,   USA   (01.07.07)
83. #77 what is sp's?
DeAnna ,   U S A   (01.07.07)
84. Kevin #79
Da' Rebel ,   Hollywood, FL   (01.07.07)
I agree with you... but so far the rep's are compromised for good (Thank God!)
85. A letter to Mr.Ahmadinejad
John Daunais ,   Worcester,Ma. USA   (01.07.07)
Dear Mr. Ahmadinejad, You have called Westerners Crusaders.Do you really imagine that Christians are proud of the marauding crusaders who couldn't tell the difference between a Muslim,Christian,or Jew?They killed all indiscriminately.Not to mention the crusade in France where thousands of men women and children were killed for "heretical" beliefs.This was followed by the inquisition.Personnally,I had a lot of problems remaining a Catholic after reading about this period.I fell back on the teachings of the Nazarene,Jesus Christ,and maintained my Faith.I don't know if Muslims believe in the Ten Commandments,one of which is thou shall not kill.Anyone.If this is in your Holy Book,it would be best to heed this advice to avoid the mistakes Christians have made.That is,putting the word of man before the Word of God.Whoever does this,does so at their own peril.A Monk in Germany pointed this out to the man who was then the Pope.His name was Martin Luther,and his arguements split the Church in two.It is my opinion that the Popes involved in the crusades should be excommunicated post mortem for putting their word before the Word of God.Which is thou shall not kill,period.Jesus taught that we should love not only our close family and freinds,but also our enemys.In this light,I would welcome an invitation to visit your country and talk with some of your Holy Men. Sincerely,John Daunais.
86. this is my boomstick!!!!
david ,   brantford, canada   (01.07.07)
well ya know.... if ya havae the biggest stick on the play ground.. you had better use it before someone brings one just as big. it's time for the west to visit maxium warfare on the these extremists.... threaten to bomb the heck out of mecca and medina....all rouge nations will surrender power to a civil authority..... arrest all clerics, and officials who promote hate.... occupy the countries with a standing army.... for 100 years... and make sure that if they want autonomy, they had better become part of the civilized world instead of threating it... if islam is the religion of peace, why are so many of it's extremist freaks ready to kill people, with most of the moderate populations' blessings... if bin laden and his buddies broke islamic law by not giving warning and inviting the u.s. to join islam, why is pakistan and the zenophiles in tora bora hiding him ???? and don't think that the west , re u.s doesn't have a hand in the matters.... isreal was crushed in the 67 war... until the u.s and russia brokerred a peace deal... iraq and iran were u.s friends int he early seventies.... after the oil emargo crissis...until the shaw died and iran fell into theocratic chaos...with the u.s pushing iraq into a war.... and then giving it to iraq with the iran-contra arms deal.... when russia invaded afghanistan... it was the u.s who helped train bin laden and the mujahadeen to fight a gurrila war that broke the back of the russians..... but after the war.. they packed up and let afghanistan fall into chaos..... the taliban took over and with extreme isalmic law brought a stabilty to afghanistan.... the entire region needs to be reprogrammed... taught that hatred is wrong..... and with a strong occupying force, this can be accomplished....and then infarstucture can be rebuit, and the region will be stabilized... if and when oil just become useless black goo again, if we give up the internal combustion engine and find new energy sources..... the middle east will fall into chaos as no one will really care what happens there.... kinda like africa now.... as long as they do not have any nukes... if they do, then we are all in for a big suprise, sooner than you think.... take control now.... before we have to face off china in a war over the region... that will be the end of a civilized world..... and possibly humanity itself....
87. Iran
rick ,   streator   (01.07.07)
you dont expect us to be bullied around by a bunch of third world countries. Do you? Those friggin camel jockeys should be nuked themselves!!!!!!!!!!
88. yeah
rick ,   streator usa   (01.07.07)
hear, hear
89. #83...What is a SP?
Michael ,   No Sp's USA   (01.07.07)
The biggest internal danger to the USA way of life aside from terrorists. A Secular Progressive, read this for a quick eplanation. Take the test, vote in the poll. Enjoy
90. They promised. they wouldn't, So whu worry?
michael knoll ,   fresno ca   (01.07.07)
The world will come to Israels defense every time, until such time that alternate fuels are suffivcient to meet the energey demands of the world. Lets face it, if a few million Jews would all of a sudden disappeared, the world wouln't blink. There may be an exceeption, the very rightr wing fringe that sees the second comming. Isreal, is almost alone now. They better get leadership that knows how to use the military properly. Cuirrent leadership in Israel, must have gone to the same military school as G. Bush. He also doesn't know very much in that area.
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