Jesus is dead and buried in Jerusalem
Ariella Ringel-Hoffman
Published: 02.03.07, 08:29
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31. Yisraeli and all
Am I to assume from what you say that if all the Christians were to realize that Christianity is a hoax and that Judaism it the only true religion that the Jewish people would welcome them with open arms? I doubt it.
32. Michael Steiner
Messianic ,   USA   (03.02.07)
I don't know if you read my post to you on the previous article or not, But here it is again. If it was known without a doubt that Jesus lived and "walked the earth" would you really care? Would it really change what you believe? Do you seriously want to know the truth about Messiah Jesus or are you just asking questions? Read Lee Strobel's book "The Case for Christ". Lee Strobel was a journalist who sounded a lot like you until he researched Jesus for himself.
33. mel gibson
bri ,   phil usa   (03.02.07)
mel see what you started
34. This Is Nothing New
Kara ,   Mobile, AL USA   (03.02.07)
First off, this is not a "new" discovery. Every year at Lenten time some Leftist Hollywood person comes out with some Jesus bashing and/or Catholic bashing movie. Cameron is NOT an archeologist.
Rick ,   Open Range, USA   (03.02.07)
It is amazing to see how many are "dog piling" onto Simcha's most recent work! Simcha HAS DISCREDITED THE JEWISH FAITH AS WELL!! He made a documentary about the Exodus. Discrediting anything DEVINE about it!! SIMCHA CLAIMS EVERYTHING MOSES DID WAS PHONEY, TOO!! IF G-D DOES NOT EXIST, WHY HAVE A NATION STATE OF ISRAEL?? WHY FIGHT WARS OVER THIS POSTAGE STAMP PIECE OF LAND??!! WAKE UP AND SMELL THE COFFEE!!
36. I wonder maybe hell
Josh   (03.02.07)
As a ex-emergency worker from the inner city it amazes me how people use words. Jesus! Jesus! then Why G-d? and G-d help me. It is almost as if the fact that Jesus did not come to bring peace is right ion the tip of their tongue. For there shall be no rescuer except by the hand of G-d. . If Jesus went to heaven what is his body doing in the middle of a construction project? G-d said he would send a punisher horse (Hsus in hebrew). Isn't it ironic that the name Jesus (ihsus) is applied and used as a universal name replacement for this man-god. Jesus got his power from a spirit that fell from heaven in a lighting that appeared as a dove. He also said he saw Satan fall from the sky in a lightning bolt. He said in the garden why have you forsaken me Father. In addition there was a boy in Jesus day that thought he worked for the Angel of evil. Even the spirits he cast out into pigs, said why is the Great Tormentor here it not yet time. (see the new testament if you don't believe me) Jeus also said to Peter get yee behind me Satan you shall be the foundation of my chucrh. Lastly Jesus was mortally wounded did miracles in the sight of that which gave him power, is worship by the world for his resurection and even said he had not come to bring peace. During Nazi germany any Jew who did not take on christianity in the previos generations could not buy food. Ironic that batism into christianty does a marking on the forehead in water of the christian cross. Anyone who has read revalation may have questions about heaven and curses. So no, I do not fit into the statement of knowning that Jesus is in heaven.
37. "New Testament" rubbish
efi g ,   washington dc   (03.02.07)
Crazy American religious fanatics are not healable. Europeans have discarded these fables along time ago and prefer logic over fairytales. Get a life. The guy was made of flesh and blood and indeed could be in that box.
38. Christianity Was Invented, Jesus Deified Just Like Caesars
David ,   Marietta USA   (03.02.07)
At the Council of Nicea, called by the Emperor Constantine as a result of the growing popularity of some later day wacko cultists. By an act of men, Jesus, if he ever did exist, and there are no records of the time to show that he did, other than the biblical accounts written 2 finding of that cave. If indeed there is a shred of credence to the existence of the "holy" family, then the entire religion called Christianity is set on much firmer philosophical and credible ground. My personal religious philosophy is "pray as if the universe depended on God, ACT as if it depended on YOU" This is a distinctly non Christian concept, because for them, everything must go through Jesus the middleman mediator if it is to have any validity. If JC is no longer a "diety" i.e, they found the body, or at least divine mitochonrial residues, then the philosophy he supposedly preached becomes much, much more tangible and believable for us non Christian masses. To whit: slavery is evil (not if you are a Roman citizen), blessed are the peacemakers, (won't buy you a ticket to heaven, but it's still the right thing to do), and a host of others. This may be a bad thing for the organized church. It is a good thing for humanity.
39. JOIN US for more
Ima Bleever ,   Anytown USA   (03.02.07)
A million thanks to Ynet for being so good to this poor Christian. I mean that sincerely. I invite you to join in the very rolicking discussion already well under way in an earlier blog at this site:,7340,L-3368731,00.html Please seek my responses/posts and be sure to read how others respond to me. Your soul may depend on it. I can back what I say. I do not fabricate evidence like the evolutionists. I do not hide behind feelings or pretend I am righteous. I do not like to quote scripture without backing them up with fact/news/science. I do not believe in scientists or men OF God. I believe in GOD alone. I believe Jesus is a part of God. I don't know HOW God split Himself. But I have often wondered how God can do everything everywhere without being a trillion little godlings working together. Being only three doesn't seem like ENOUGH to me. But I remain a Christian anyway. If you believe God is only one, the problem is three times worse for you. Sometimes I make mistakes, but I apologize and admit it, as I did with the Noah/Moses thing in regards to Islam. If we can all push boldly ahead, we may actually survive this satanic attack on Israel. For that is what this Jesus Coffin myth actually is. If Lucifer can pit Christians against Jews, he will drive a stake through the heart of the world's most endangered animal, the Israeli Jew. He has already successfully pitted one of Abraham's sons, Ishmael, against the other, Israel. He is just THAT close to wiping out BOTH seeds of Abraham and being able to call God a big, fat liar. THAT is the only reason for this garbage. Please come join us and let us know how you feel. May God be with you - assuming He exists, of course.
40. TO RICK 15# I AGREE WITH YOU 100%.
AVRAHAM ,   JERUSALEM   (03.02.07)
41. Reply top Ilan - 6.
James ,   Glasgow, Scotland   (03.02.07)
If Jesus Christ is not risen from the dead then Christianity doesn't exist because it is built on Jesus being God. As Paul says if Christ is not risen then He died in vain and our faith is worthless. So whatever this man thinks he has found it is not Jesus Christ, but it may well be some family members even supporters. You see to us He is God because He paid the ultimate price for and on behalf of those chosen to be saved, a thing that only God could do.
42. Reply to Michael - 4.
James ,   Glasgow, Scotland   (03.02.07)
Michael, Gibbons wrote in the Decline and Fall of a Caesar having Jude's sons brought before him because as the sole living relatives of Jesus they were of the line of kingship to Israel. When they replied that the only kingdom they sought was God's the Ceasar let them go. The point being why all this if Jesus did not exist and indeed have direct lineage all the way back to King David? The Romans obviously knew more about Him than you do. Even King Herod knew exactly who He was when he ordered the deaths of all the firstborn up to two years of age. Both Mary and Joseph could trace their line to David but Mary had the stronger claim as Joseph's was interrupted by a curse and he was not the natural father of Jesus.
43. To #32 Nazi Traitor
JK ,   NYC   (03.02.07)
44. #15 Rick
Debbie ,   Toronto Canada   (03.02.07)
To claim that the documentary- The Exodus Decoded discredits the miracle of the Exodus shows that you have completrely missed the point of the whole documentary. Simcha uses logic, science,geological events and Torah to prove the Exodus did happen. (There is nothing in the documentary that could possibly offend Hashem) This documentary is excellent and I advise everyone to see it and judge for yourselves Simcha you rock
45. Jesus is dead and buried in Jerusalem
shanatova ,   australia   (03.03.07)
Gospel of Yochanan (John) chapter 20 verse 17 Yeshua said to her.. "Touch me not for I have not ascended to My Father...Gospel of Lucas (Luke) Chapter 24 verse 44-53. v44(b)..that all things must be fulfilled wihch were written in the law of Moses, and in the prophets, and in the psalms, concerning me". (Words of Yeshua) Luke 24: 51-52. "And it came to pass, while he blessed them he was parted from them and carried up into heaven, v52 and they worshipped him and returned to Jerusalem, with great simcha.".. shanatova
46. That Jesus is dead thing again
shanatova ,   australia   (03.03.07)
How is it that Jewish people think that Roman Catholics are Christians. This is so far from the truth. Roman Catholics are not true Christians. They worship Mary the Mother of Jesus, but say she is the Mother of God. This is a Lie. The Vatican has made Mary Co-Redeemtrix with the Lord Jesus Christ, able to forgive sins- there is no where in the Bible that Mary is the mother of God, able to forgive sins. Miriam was the earthly mother of the Child Jesus, Emmanuel. Her lineage can be traced back to King David as can Joseph's ancestory. That is why she was chosen by the Almighty, HaShem to be the young Virgin maiden who would bring forth the Messiah of Israel. Simcha, you would be better off digging in the Bible to uncovere the treasures of God's Word, then attempting to prove that The Lord Jesus Christ was buried and you have found his 'bones" and that of his "wife". If you read the Bible you will find that the true wife of The Lord Jesus Christ is his Bride, the True Believers, who make up the Church. Not the Roman Catholic Church. shanaotova shanatova
AVRAHAM ,   JERUSALEM   (03.03.07)
48. #s 32, 35 + 42:
Michael Steiner   (03.03.07)
#32: No, of course I would not change my mind and start following a religion if the mere fact of a man's existence was proven beyond reasonable doubt! How stupid would THAT be! #35: The State of Israel is not based on any religious claims; it was established on historical and legal foundations so your argument is bunk. #42: James, I don't care what some Gibbons wrote. What did the Romans who lived at the time of this supposed "jesus" write about him? Nothing. EOF.
49. Reply to #41 James of Glasgow
Christian ,   Sweden   (03.03.07)
No Jesus of Nasareth is not God, but God is present in the life and teachings of Jesus in a very special way as in the life of a tsaddik or a rebbe or in the Messiah. Even as the Messiah of Israel Jesus would be a human being. Or did God ressurect himself? This is meaningless. Or when Jesus prayed to his Father in heaven did he pray to himself? In fact Jesus as a "frum" Jew would have been shocked to death (no cross necessary) if someone had called him God. Read the Gospels! Nowhere does he speak of himself as God or allows anyone to talk about him in that way. As a rule he forbids people to speak about him as the Messiah but even so people did speak about him as a possible Messiah already in his lifetime. Other candidates are known also in recent days. It is necessary and good to separate between the Jesus of the oldest traditions and the Jesus of later Church theology. It is the same Jesus but he accents are placed differently and you get a way of speaking about Jesus which to my understanding is very alien to the historical, New testament, Jesus, to say the least. Sometimes I get the heretical thought that he would be more comfortable among some nowadays Jews than among some of his more fanatical and stupid Christian disciples of later days.
50. Such heresy!
Mark H. ,   Lincoln, USA   (03.03.07)
Matt 24:24
Nabil ,   Lebanon   (03.03.07)
Pathetic Find, Pathetic proof .. that's what it is .... The name yashu or whatever you wana call him was a very popular name back then,, so You find a tomb with the same name and you think people will just shake their heads and say WOW !! Go to egypt,, saudi arabia or even to any muslim country or muslims around the world and ask how many men called mohamad ?!!! so if you and your pathetic story find a tomb with bones in it and a mohamad name on the tomb means you found mohamad himself? come on guys grow up,, Jewish people dopn't believe in jesus as the messiah is fine to me but to try to convince me as christian that this is gona rock my beleive is a pure stupid pathetic joke . jews will come up with their own story about it and christians will too,, whether cameron or whoever say ,, it will not change what christians beleives in !! PERIOD !!!
52. Listen Goyim Simcha is a Tzadik
שילוה ,   ירושלים, ישראל   (03.03.07)
For all you goy 'experts' in Judaism, first since you cannot read a damn word in Hebrew, let me explain what we know about our own Bible. The so called miracle of the Exodus was all NATURAL!! Since you don't know our writtings, only pagan xtian writings you would not know this. The miracle is the timing of the events and the rearrangement of nature. Moshe used the knowledge of the planets to know when it would occur. You are all pathetic. Secondly, since you have never checked to see if your book matches any historical document and especially the Tanach in HEBREW how the hell would you know what we teach, what the HISTORICAL Jesus taught to JEWS in HEBREW. You don't know why ESAV (which is xtianity) is judged in Obadiah, who does it and the results. You won't know when the Jew you call Jesus returns, THAT I CAN ASSURE YOU. So, being you follow a man-god idol image, you do not follow the historical Jesus, by logic, you, Xtians follow the anti-christ. Your worst nightmare is about to be exposed. I used the name Jesus, which is Greek, since he was a Jew, his Jewish name is Yehoshua. This means G-d saves!! Not a man-god. One angel said to another angel, 'mystery babylon is fallen, is fallen'. Thank the G-d of the Hebrews, the train cannot be stopped now and goyim need to wake up and follow the Torah.
53. Marcel, xtians and goyim
שילוה ,   ירושלים, ישראל   (03.03.07)
Isaiah 42 "he shall bring forth judgment to the Gentiles." Matches Ovadiah last verse! You don't know who, when or why it happens, but it has taken place. It is you who should be concerned. The historical JEW you call Jesus taught Torah to JEWS only. He never spoke to goyim! How Ironic!! He belongs to us, alway's has and always will. Prophecies relating in HEBREW do match the historical genuine Jewish man, yes only a man, named Yehoshua. Not the Greek man-god subsitute. Read Devarim 13 1-6, that's dueteronomy for you since you cannot read Hebrew, but this translation is ok. This describes who you follow. Yehoshua was our Jewish Mashiakh, but did not finish his task, he died and was buried as any natural man would. His soul will return and I can assure all xtians, messianics and goyim in general they will never know when and who it is until haShem (that's G-d) reveals it. It has been revealed to us, the rightful owners of Israel and Yehoshua. So be thankful haShem waits as described in Jonah, because maybe you should repent while you and the rest of the goyim still have time. Shabbat Shalom
54. to 36.
Lebanese Christian ,   MELBOURNE   (03.03.07)
I recommend you read Isaiah 53.
55. Father of all lies
Arul ,   Malaysia   (03.03.07)
Eye witness accounts say that he rose from dead. Jesus appeared to many for 40 days after his ressurection. This was proclaimed by the ey witnesses at the time , when those who saw him dead were living. Does satan ever rest ? This is yet another attack by him after the Da Vin ci non-sense
56. to # 38 to David
Arul ,   Malaysia   (03.03.07)
Not at all true. Please know your facts right. Jesus while he was on earth, accepted worship. As a child he was worshipped by the wise men. The healed leper worshipped him. The ruler whose daughter was dead and risen by the Lord, worshipped him. The disciples worshipped the risen christ. Thomas his disciple say "My Lord , My GOD". All the books ( letters) written by his disciples and Paul say that Jesus is GOD. The letters were written in the first century itself, which was well before the council of Nicea. Just telling he was deified after the council of Nicea is utter nonsense.
57. Michael
Marilyn ,   USA   (03.03.07)
I don't know if you saw my last post, perhaps you didn't cause it was a later post. (It took me a little while to look up some of the information). A few similiar ideas to the last posting, is about the non-Christian writers. Some of them were Josephus, Tacitus, Pliny the Younger, etc. Just looking at the Historian Tacitus, when he writes about Jesus's crucifiction, he presents it as fact. He gives us details of when it happened and by whom. This to me says that he saw official documents. The Roman records of the trial were still available at least until the time of Tertullin. (Both Tertullin and Justin Martyr wrote that these records could be seen.)
58. #44 Debbie
Rick ,   Open Range, USA   (03.03.07)
Debbie, I truely believe the Exodus happened. There are parts of Simcha's doc. that are very interesting and plausable. However, there are other parts that just boil down to bad science! Simcha uses examples of how certain geological events have happened in other places in the world and how this could have happened in ancient Egypt. He does not offer any scientific evidence of it happening in Egypt! The waters turning red due to geological events would have left a chemical residue in the area's soil. A tsunami from the Mediterranian island volcano, traveling up the Nile delta and wiping out the Egyptian army would have definitly left a significant event marker in the Nile delta's geology. Simcha offers no scientific proof that these events actually took place. He merely hypothocises they could have. If you would like to read more info on the Red Sea Crossing, I invite you to visit a site that offers real evidence to their findings. I hope you enjoy it!
59. Religious Nutters please take medicine!
efi g ,   washington dc   (03.02.07)
Get some help.
60. Jesus & Baal
Tali ,   London   (03.03.07)
Baal was a god who died and was resurrected. Does this sound familiar? "They shall mistake Baal for the God of Israel "(Hosea 2:16). You know who "they" are. Read the Tanach and put aside your false gods.
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