Jewish Scene
American researcher claims 'Jews smarter, it's genetic'
Published: 11.04.07, 17:03
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154 Talkbacks for this article
31. Laughing #17
Sheikh Yahudi ,   Damascus, Israel   (04.11.07)
I was amazed to read New York Loner's hysterical ramblings. Somehow he attempts turn a proven record of Jewish intellectual achievement into a theory of "Jewish supremacy" and associate it with the nazi aryan supremacy theory. For your information Loner, the Jews are not a homogenous ethnic group, nor have we ever tried to be. We have always accepted sincere converts, indeed, going back to Biblical times. Maybe, just maybe, you are offended by the fact that we have been able to accomplish what we have accomplished DESPITE never having adopted the eugenics policies that you seem to allude to? It's also amusing that you accuse this credible GENTILE scientist of being a neocon submissive, merely for bringing up known and testable scientific facts. Sounds like some is burning with acute envy. But it's ok. We are used to it.
32. #17's idiotic rant
Phil ,   US   (04.11.07)
Obviously, #17 either can't read or comments without knowledge because the article (original in Commentary Magazine) clearly states that Murray is NOT Jewish. Only an idiot and/or bigot would bring "neocon" into it but most bigots are idots and #17's comments are not surprising. While the Arabs are taught that Jews are the sons of apes and pigs, they are also taught that Jews are powerful, cunning and in control. Does anybody see a problem with apes and pigs being cunning,powerful, and in control. The nazis used to refer to Jews as subhuman and vermin. Yet they, like the Arabs and Islamic extremists also chastised the Jews for being shrewd and powerful. Such primitive thinking, where one accepts two totally opposing points of view is typical of an immature child. #17, I wouldn't insult apes and pigs to pair them with you.
33. Smart, clever and intelligent are different and relative
Simon Mohammed ,   VA USA   (04.11.07)
it is a combination of historical events, social and cultural environement, and self effort plus a natural gift is used wisely. the consequence of it is a result on the ground for the good of humanity. making the difference between those kind of people and the other is not correct as if it was it should stand through history. History is not equal the last 60 years. thank you
34. It will be excellent propaganda
Patrick ,   Mannheim, Germany   (04.11.07)
@ #2 ... indeed. But for whom? Only for people who hate the jews anyway. It is faulty thinking to believe that this or that bit of news or information might provoke the antisemites even more. Provoke them even more than they are already "provoked"? I think not. They hate jews and there is nothing we can do about it, except deal with it in a dignified manner ... and get some MORE of those REAL Nobel-Prizes ( not the one for criminals aka "Peace-Nobel-Prize" ) :-))) (...And wipe them out of course - pains me a bit as German to say this, but I'm a little allergic to fascists who threaten to wipe out Israel (and all of us) and have a Manhatten-Project going at the same time)
35. It’s in the Quran, but it’s a sward with two edges
Ali Ahmad ,   Jerusalem   (04.11.07)
Actually this has been in the Quran for over 1400 years. It’s about the story of Ibrahim and his two sons, prophet Ishaq and Prophet Ishmael. So we Muslims, know this as a fact This can back fire as the smart one gets over confident and make wrong decisions
36. Rami
Alex   (04.11.07)
Rami, On the contrary, Einstein was a Zionist. He in fact was very active in assisting to have Israel come into being as a state. Do you know that it is Hebrew University that has all rights to Einstein's name. Baby Einstein company must have paid a hefty sum to H.U.
37. That is a totally irresponsible position
Steve ,   USA   (04.11.07)
B"H YNET, if you want to build bridges between Heaven and Earth, this does not seem to be the way to do it. Fish swim better than men do. But each has its own domain and its own purpose in life. It represents Jews very badly to post such a headline. The headline makes Jews look like a group that is trying to isolate itself from the world rather than working in the world that G-d created.
38. chosen people "indeed"
Jacob Frank ,   Canada   (04.11.07)
Genetically smart to a point that we couldnt and still cant provide ourselves with inner and outer security, (throughout our history), beginning in Egypt, then Babylon, to Europe and today in Israel itself...
39. That's because understand their Covenant with Hashem.
not a muslim anymore   (04.11.07)
40. jews dont excell at ART either-
no mozarts, bachs, van goghs- too neurotic and stiff-. and not alot of creativity- more of a science type brain- and now is jew a race por not- so that MAKES israel a RACIST state- jews do value education- and I think that plays a part in the iq stuff.
41. Murray
Louis ,   USA   (04.11.07)
The fundamental flaw in Murray's evaluation is to use religion as the identifying criterium for jews while using nationality in his book as the identifying criterium for all others. The prominance of jews is directly related to the quality of education in their countries of domicile, therefore the number of German and American jews, who-if Murray used a consistent criterium-would be reported as Germans and Americans, not by their religion.
42. jews
steven L. Brown ,   usa   (04.11.07)
ya, and we're good looking too !!!
43. Rami the Pal-Its the Mossad who conspired to give Jews hi IQ
Alan ,   SA   (04.11.07)
44. Funny article
Privateer ,   Budapest, Hungary   (04.11.07)
My IQ is quite above then the average (Above 160) and I'm not a Jew. This research is completely false, giving illusions to people, making them more superior... without any reasons. It's another illusion, nothing more. IQ is not depending from religion, not even from race.
45. Converts Not Representative of Mother Religio-Culture
Paqid 16 Netzarim ,   Ra'anana, Israel   (04.11.07)
I've noticed that goyim who become attracted to Torah are well above average in both intelligence and education while the more intellectually challenged are content to forever stew in the milk of their mother religio-culture. Those serious enough to actually pursue conversion are well above that in both intelligence and education. Over eons, that has to have an effect. Paqid Yirmeyahu Israeli Orthodox Jew Advancing Logic as Halakhic Authority Welcoming Jews & non-Jews
46. Well done, #17!
JPS ,   Efrat, Israel   (04.11.07)
Odious tripe, but well written. A pleasure to see that the written English language still has hope in America.
47. Einstein and Jewish Nobel prizes
charles ,   petach tikva   (04.11.07)
When Albert Einstein was proposed to be Israel's first president , his answer was that he is maybe able to direct electrons , but not to lead a nation . The Jewish laureates of Nobel prizes , numbers at least 17 % . At least because there are some more whose Jewishness is not sure . I think that the Jewish promotion to study is the main reason of this .
48. MY FOOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
49. #2 - Pointless?
mike ,   usa   (04.11.07)
Adam - you are going to now be the judge of what is and is not a valid subject of discussion? Very sad. Why is it that any time the success of Jewish individuals or the Jewish state is mentioned that the world suddenly attacks such a notion? I imagine that it's safe to assume that had it been ANY OTHER people group mentioned you never would have taken the time to post your thoughts. May I ask you an honest question? Why is it that this idea is so hard for you to accept? Is there anything in the story that is factually untrue? While I have your attention, let me leave you with one verse from 2 Samuel 7:23..."And what one nation in the earth is like thy people, even like Israel, who God went to redeem for Himself, and to make Him a name and to do for you great things and terrible..." The same verse is also found in 1 Chronicles 17:21. I would love to hear your thoughts.
50. Murray
Louis ,   USA   (04.11.07)
The book I refer to is titled "Human Accomplishment" published 2003. Another serious flaw of the book is its focus on Western culture alone.
51. the true reasons
daniel ,   Guatemala   (04.11.07)
judaism promotes litteracy and questions everything. christianism and islam have always promoted education, rightly thinking ignorant people are easier to manipulate. christianism has always opposed progress. on the other hand, rabbis can mary. Priests can't. So if Darwin was right, the intelligence of a community leader dies with the priest, but passes to the rabbis children. ant that is why, after 3 thousand years, jews are smarter, and managed to create a country out of nothing, that after only 50 years is more educated, tolerant, rich and free than most of the other countries that have thousands of years.
52. SO WHAT HAPPEN HERE???????????
Solomon Cleverman ,   Kfar Zechel, Israel   (04.11.07)
Meybe only half of the 12 million Jews in the world are smart, the other half lives here in Israel.
53. funny quote at the end
Jordan ,   Washington, DC   (04.11.07)
I think Tony Judt has it wrong... as said... "Tony Judt, a British-Jewish historian based at New York University, is scathing about Murray’s theory. “My own, statistically naive, impression these days is that intelligence, ignorance and bigotry are distributed among Jews in proportions comparable to their presence in society as a whole,” he told the Sunday Times." Tony... Dr. Murray isn't saying that intelligence, ingnorance and bigotry aren't distributed among jews in proportions comparable to their presence in society as a whole... but rather, that AMONG those proportions... Jews have a higher IQ... meaning... if you took all the ignorant people of the world... among them... Jews would have an IQ 7-15 points higher on average. =0)
54. Seems so unlikely for a multiloci trait
Ilan ,   Ariel   (04.11.07)
Intelligence is not a matter of simple genetics and the an unitary measure like IQ can not possibly represent the wide range of talents and skills that people possess. A cultural explanation seems much more likely.
55. #17... wow you must be 'special'
Jordan ,   washington, dc   (04.11.07)
All your diatribe did was tell everyone that you have absolutely no knowledge of Judaism or the history of the Jewish people. You do realize that Jews have been scattered throughout the world for thousands of years... It's not a matter of 'inbreeding' (perhaps your stigma results from a pretty sister you wish wasn't your sister?)... If Jews actually did what you say, we would be extinct with such low population numbers. It's hard enough for Jews outside of Israel to even find another Jew if you don't live in 1 of 5 places. Now, if you know anything about how genetics work and how some genes are dominant over others you might have a clue as to how this is possible. An easy example is how hair color, eye color, etc... are all GENETIC and certain ones are dominant over others. I recommend looking at the National Geographic Genome Project to learn a thing or two. I'm not saying the study is accurate or inaccurate... I'm saying you seem to have a specific problem with the possibility that made you insecure enough to post such a talkback.
56. Also great resilience and an innate sense of ethics
Tracy W   (04.11.07)
Jews manage to recover individually and as a group no matter how deep the wounds inflicted on them, physical and emotional. And they don't turn on their enemies for revenge, in spite of the biblical "eye for an eye" that non-Jews throw at us all the time. The proof of their ethics and decency is the great number of Jews involved in trying to make the world a better place, with their financial contributions to the arts, science and social assistance institutions, and their compassion for everyone, including their own enemies (although we're beginning to question the practicality of that). The JEWISH RELIGION, that seculars are so eager to toss aside, has a lot to do with Jewish talents and achievements. Its values and its scholarship are at the core of it all. When you abandon those values, you get, well... you get guys like those in the Knesset....
57. Statistics are good for the masses
not for singles... Doesn't mean the Jews are "better" or "worse" then anyone.
58. #40 - They are also great at ART
Tracy W   (04.11.07)
I don't know where you're writing from but American Art is really for the most part Jewish art combined with African American. The great American composers are almost all Jewish: Gershwin, Copeland and Bernstein are the most well known. American Theatre, the cinema, popular music and most art have also been built on Jewish talent. Regarding Europe, I can mention Chagall and Mendelsohn as two famous representatives of painting and music respectively. There are more. And as music performers, they are superb. Jewish artists thrived and flourished in America because for the first time they felt free.
59. Jews Smarter than Gentiles
Gentile ,   Beirut, Lebanon   (04.11.07)
Hahahahaha! Funny we saw how smart the Jews were in the Summer war when a few hundred Hizballah members kicked asses of IDF brass (what is supposed to be the creme de la creme of the Jewish State). Maybe Olmert and Peretz should be nominated for the Nobel peace prize. And, for Halutz, Hersh, Adam, et al they should create a Nobel prize for bravery. They really outsmarted the enemy ( aragtag militia). If it weren't for the US I bet that Iran would invade Israel and the brilliant Jews would be serving their Iranian masters. Really intertsting theory. Isn't it?
60. to paqid
charles ,   petach tikva   (04.11.07)
Is it because you are a "convert" [ not to Judaism ] that you say this ? And why do you need to add : Israeli orthodox Jew after your name ? do you still try to convince people youy are Jewish ?
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