Israel partly at fault
Amos Oz
Published: 29.04.07, 16:04
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61. To Amos Oz
Palestinian refugee   (05.02.07)
If you admit, even partially, that Israel is responsible for what happened to the Palestinians and trying to seek a sort of just for those people how can you then suggest an unjust solution, which to put all Palestinians in the west bank and Gaza? The only just solution is that we return to our homes. From our side the just solution is not to displace Jews lived there for 60 years. If you are fighting for just, it cannot be half or vague because you still try to take the side of your people. You want to be fair but not that very fair. You know that we have the right to return home but you are afraid if we return we would become majority and Israel would disappear. If we all live in one democratic state then we must fight to make it alive and fight against whoever would destroy it with hatred from both sides. The name of that state then would not matter, what matters is that we all live in peace.
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