Jewish Scene
Most Israelis would accept a gay child
Kobi Nahshoni
Published: 07.07.07, 08:50
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61. #56 & 57 If he quit coming over it's his CHOICE.
In defence of mom ,   san francisco   (07.09.07)
Funny how that choice thing gets involved. You homos want to blame everybody for the life style that YOU CHOOSE. Trust me if Hashem himself came into your room where you and your homo partner were engaged in your disgusting bedrooom behavior, I can guarantee you that right then and there you would CHOOSE to stop it immediately. Don't tell me it's not a CHOICE. I don't blame this lady for setting down rules in her house. She said she loved her child, she just didn't want him bringing that element in and around her house. And if you don't agree with her, don't worry about it, you'll never be invited there anyway. And if she says that his friends are always drinking and taking drugs, who are you to say she doesn't know what she's talking about. Do you know her son, ever seen him, ever talked to him, ever do drugs or drink with him ,do you even know somebody who knows her son? So why have you all of a sudden become her accuser? Oh that's right, you CHOSE to do that.
62. Bush
charles ,   petach tikva   (07.09.07)
you wrote that stupidity is not a choice , but i understand that being gay is one in your eyes . Are you god who knows it ? Well i'll prefer the explanation of a scientist [ look at my # 40 ] to your's . This at least has some bases , and this person is probably more qualified than you [ and maybe me ] to give an opinion or statement . Having a relation with a married woman ? probably her husband has also one with an other woman . Or there can be that this husband can't satisfy his woman . If it is done , there are problems in the couple , otherwise it will not happen . And this occurs also in religious families . One woman of a very religious home told me once : Do you think that we can not fall in love ? we have also a heart [ i don't tell invented stories ] Relations with sons and mothers , and so on . It happens , probably in all the sectors of the public . Not reserved to one sector only . You think that all those facts do'nt happen , or very rarely , in the religious sector ? Go to an optometrist , your eyes have problems , you need glasses .
63. Andy , Your # 58 , wrong
charles ,   petach tikva   (07.09.07)
You say to kyle that being idiot is a choice , impossible , to make such a choice Kyle needed to be smart first of all .
64. Let's be honest, gay sex is all about intense LUST.
one who is? ,   Israel   (07.09.07)
I could care less about my partner after awhile. All I want him to do is make himself available to my every lustful whim. There is no feeling like it. And I feel so terrible afterwards, but it is a driving lust that overcomes my conscience and I always give into that lust. And trust me, after awhile it becomes an intense addiction just smoking a cigarette is. And you'll do just about anything to keep someone from taking that addiction from you. You'll say all the right words, do all the right things, wear the right clothes, just to get that person to yield to you and give you what you want.
65. Andy & chuckie
Kyle ,   Southpark, CO, USA   (07.09.07)
As usual, when logic fails, the name-calling commences. "You're a homophobe!" and "you're secretly gay!" are sure to follow. Andy, your reading comprehension sucks. Nowhere did I claim that all pedophiles are gay. I did suggest they may be "born that way" just as gays claim they are "born that way." If they are "born that way" and "can't change" does that mean they should be accepted?
66. A true tale from a gay person
marcelle ,   france   (07.09.07)
I read these TB's and I get really angry @ you so called know it alls that try to tell me that being gay is not a choice. Man you guys are so off base that it's not even funny. Here's a long story short. I was molested by a close family member(one who lived daily in the house) from the time I was 8 yrs. old, until the time I was 16. At 8 yrs. old I knew what was happening was wrong, but I didn't know why it was wrong. I wasn't mature enough(and an 8 yr. old should't be) to know why it was wrong. I never dated much, had low self esteem, but was never really attracted to my same sex. Until I met some folks who were gay. To me I was sickened by their lifestyle, but was fascinated by it at the same time. So I chose to surround myself with them all the time. Went to gay bars, hung out at gay friends house( & yes many many of us took drugs daily, and drank till we got drunk) now that's what I did, but I will not speak for all gays. But here's the point I want to try to get across to you folks. For me, I knew inside every moment of everyday what I was doing was wrong. And it's not because I was raised in a religious home, nor did I have parents who told me that the lifestyle was wrong. I just knew in my heart that this was not the right thing for me to be doing. I would talk to my friends about this and of course you hear all the usual excuses" You were created this way, you can't help it, it's the fault of the person who molested you, gays are more understanding and compassionate"(truly that was a lie), etc... So after about 3 yrs. of this lifestyle, I don't know, I just woke up on day, washed my face, looked in the mirror and started crying uncontrollably. This lifestyle was in no way satisfying to me at all. I cried out toGod (who I had never been close to )and told him that if he would get me out of this mess that I was in, then I would never come back to it again. And do you know what? That same day, I packed up my belongings, made a decision to stay away from that life and have no contact with people I used to associate with and have never looked back, nor have had any desire to do so. So this bull about once gay always gay is just not true. If I was born gay than why was it so easy to just turn around and go as far away from it as I possibly could? Hey, I was the one who refused to listen to that still small voice on the inside of me telling me to don't do this, and don't get into this. But I chose not to listen to it and was attracted and pulled in by all the bright lights so to speak. And by engaging into that scene again, and again, that still small voice on the inside became quieter, and quieter because I chose not to listen to it, until I didn't hear it anymore. That has been over 17 yrs. now and I am married to a wonderful wife and have 3 wonderful children, and I wouldn't trade them for that lifestyle for anything in the world. Those 3 yrs. were the absolute hardest years of my life. Everyone has to live their own life but each individual is the one who chooses what life they will live. And if they don't like the way their life is going, then like me, they can choose to go into a different direction.
67. marcelle , france
Baruch ,   Boston, USA   (07.09.07)
Thanks for that story. I maintain that many, if not most cases of homosexuality occur when kids are confused about what sexuality is and/or have had a bad experience. That's why I hate the gay training that goes on in many schools here in Massachusetts, where homosexual marriage is legal. Teenagers and pre-teens are not even tuned in to what sexuality and mature relationships are about, even if they exprience sex. And along come these gay trainers in school and tell them it's okay, and ask them to think about if they are in fact gay, and then give them a camaraderie of kids who also have been sold that they feel this way. It's sick and dangerous and destructive. And stupid politically-correct liberal folks think this is actually helping kids. It's pathetic, and normal people need to take a stand against it, not let the gays take control because we are afraid of being called "homophobic", or "ignorant", or "bigoted" or all the other "faggot" and "dyke" sorts of slurs they love to throw around, these "no place for hate" hypocrites. So thanks again for the eye-opening story.
68. #59 - Ilan - Right on the money....
Andy ,   ramat hasharon   (07.10.07)
Vyle is a poseur who spouts off bullshit from Colorado all the time. He talks about "some day doing army service once my studies are done," a complete wannabe cluttering up the internet with his rubbish.
69. #61
Andy ,   ramat hasharon   (07.10.07)
I'm not blaming anybody for who I am, pal. And mom didn't say her son's friends drink and take drugs - she said thats what "queers" do. And, why is it you think Hashem isn't in our bedroom? I think God is everywhere and is well aware of my relationship. He knows what we do in the bedroom and everywhere else. He knows we love each other. He knows we take care of each other - and it pleases him (or her).
70. Charles do you think those once gay know more than scientist
BUSH ,   USA   (07.10.07)
Charles stop convincing yourself of such stupidity. You should feel stupid the way you talk. You are friggin over 70 years old and you belittle your experiences and wisdom to idiotic 25 yr old scientists. What if I name you scientists that disagree with all this no choice to being gay will you become more opened minded or stay dumb at 70. There are many people once gay that worked themselves out of it but i guess they don't know anything. A little wisdom for you if you haven't figured it out yet. Humans are all born with a lust for sex. lock a man up with another for 2 yrs straight they will both come out gay. We all have the need and if we all put ourselves with OUR choice in that position we can all become gay. Don't be so naive
71. According to Dr. John Ankerbersg's studies, gays live...
an average of 42 years whether male or female gays. Why is that? They are more liely to be murdered, usually by a partner they are leaving. Yeshua said only one is good and that is G-d. Everybody else falls short of perfect in some way. When my Aunt Dollie Pettis grieved to my mother about a gay daughter that men did not want because she was not pretty, my mother told her that the women in King Solomon's harem must have been gay, too. How else could they go without love for such a long time from a man with a thousand women to have sex with? I suggested to my Aunt that she tell her daughter to go to to find a male husband. But Ruth Pettis is in love with a woman named Claire and does not want to break the bond. So I suggested they try living as sisters instead of lovers since I do not understand same sex sexual attraction. That probably means I have a balance of hormones that they do not have. Perhaps the female gays have too much testosterone and the male gays have too much estrogen.
72. #69, Andy
Baruch ,   Boston, USA   (07.10.07)
HaShem knows exactly what you are doing, and it does NOT please Him. But we were all given the free choice to do what He wants or to do what we think we want. Eventually we pay for the wrong choice. People are not as responsible if they aren't aware of the existence of HaShem and His laws. You obviously are since you make many erroneous decisions about what He thinks is okay. So, you are responsible for not bothering to learn properly from those Haredim that you hate because they know that what you and your "relationship" are doing is wrong in His eyes. But, you CAN change, regardless of what all the GLBT's tell you. They just don't want you to because then it gives them no excuse for their dysfunctional behavior.
73. #61 Don't be deceived, God WILL NOT BE MOCKED
for whatever you sow, that will you reap. If you sow to the lust of the flesh, than in your flesh you will reap corruption. Trust me if God showed up in your room, his purity, holiness, goodness, and power would burn you and your partner up into crispy critters before you could pull the plug on the whole thing. I think #64 explains it very well. Just because you get away with abomination for a while doesn't mean the fruit of abomination will not be harvested off of your flesh.
74. marcelle of france
Sheikh yer Bu'Tay   (07.10.07)
I was very touched by your story. God bless you!
75. Bush , the "smart" one ?
charles ,   petach tikva   (07.10.07)
What i wrote in my # 40 comes from a scientist , Google it , and you will see . It's not a 25 years old gay one . Yes , i know it , when same gender people are always together [ also in yeshivot ]there is chance they will have gay relations , this is nothing new , but most probably that if they return to "normal" life they will have heterosexual relations . You compare different things , having an occasional homosexual relation and being homosexual , this is a proof of how "smart" you are . When Jews were eating pork during the war , were they named Goyim ? not of course , it was also occasional , due to the circonstances , and they returned to Kashrut as soon as possible .
76. Baruch , Boston
charles ,   petach tikva   (07.10.07)
We have also the free choice to think that god does not exist , we have'nt seen any proof of his existance , even not during the Shoa .
77. #72 - Baruch - I don't hate haredim....
Andy ,   ramat hasharon   (07.10.07)
even though I think they're wrong about alot of things (like God burning me up for loving another man). And I will speak up when I think they're wrong. But haredim are Jews just like me. We are one nation and in the end brothers and sisters even when their behavior is a whole lot less than charitable.
78. #76 Charles
Sheikh yer Bu'Tay   (07.10.07)
I think I finally get it about how anti-God you are. You are so bitter about the Shoa that you hate God for letting it happen. You sometimes boast at how smart you are. You use this like a club to beat people down. Well, maybe you are very smart, but you are not the smartest man who ever lived. Albert Einstein was one of the most brilliant men in history and he was a believer. He remained a believer even after the Shoa. His final writtings are very thought provoking. Many others who study physics remain believers to this very day and have written books about their findings. Those who say things like "once gay, always gay" and "gays have no choice" are wrong. One of the most celebrated examples is Anne Heitch, a movie & TV star in America. For years she was "married" to Ellen Digeneres, another star. Together they were very vocal gay activists. Today, Anne Heitch has said it was all a big mistake. She is now married to a man and they have children, too. People are not robots. They have the ability to make decisions. No matter what the circumstances may be, ultimately people are responsible for their own actions.
79. Kyle, you need therapy -- and a new brain
sk ,   USA   (07.10.07)
"Coddling "fragile teenagers" by giving in to their every whim is not "treatment," you retard, it is enabling hostage-taking mentality." You think that a growing awareness that one is gay is "a whim" like, say, getting a skateboard or trying pot? Kyle, you claimed to have been molested by a gay man when you were young. As you seem to be psychotic, I don't necessarily believe you. But why don't you get therapy for this if it's true, rather then make Ynet a forum to work through your issues? You are a sick puppy--and you would be a menace as a parent, if any female would allow you to knock her up.
80. marcelle (66) has it occurred to you that you're not gay ...
sk ,   USA   (07.10.07)
and that YOU NEVER WERE? Look, you're probably bisexual (maybe more straight than gay), and bisexuality is unwelcome in many gay circles, where you're likely to be considered confused or self-loathing. Why do you assume that your experience is typical?
81. # 77 You may be one nation in the end,
but you will be judged individually in the end on what you did in and for your nation. Did you obey the laws of Hashem and accept his word and walk in the light of those words or not. Many people will be shocked @ what they perceived to be the right thing to do actually will cost them their very lives. The muslim world believes that killing people in the name of allah and destroying Israel is the right thing to do. The chinese believe that treating humans as animals is the right thing to do. Some think that fraud is ok. And others like you think that homosexuality is ok and ordainded of G-D. But you and you alone will find out on that day what the consequences of reveling in the lacviousness of your flesh, flaunting it to the world so to speak will cost you. And you and you alone will have to be satisfied with the outcome. Just because you are jewish, and Israel is the apple of G-Ds eye, doesn't necessarily mean that your lifestyle has found favor in his sight. If he judged others in past history for this act, he has to deal with the act and those performing it the same way.
82. #35 - Baruch - What's a "GLBT get-together?"
Andy ,   ramat hasharon   (07.10.07)
Is it a critical mass of gay people in the house at the same time? If mom's son has coffee in mom's kitchen with a friend who's gay, is that a GLBT get-together? Do more than 2 gay people have to be there? What about a gay man and a lesbian watching TV ? "GLBT get-together?" Your language betrays your prejudice, and the "advice" you are offering mom of gay son, although I believe sincere and wll meaning will harm mom's son. You are saying don't bring ANYONE in my house who's gay. You can come, but leave the people in your life who are important to you at the door. Is that really what Hasham wants from Jewish families?
83. #79 sammy and his fantasies
Kyle ,   Southpark, CO, USA   (07.10.07)
"you claimed to have been molested by a gay man when you were young" WRONG! I said my parents used to invite a gay man to our house but stopped inviting him so therefore I was NEVER molested. Don't let the truth get in the way of your yeshiva boy fantasies.
84. Sheikh abu ...
charles ,   petach tikva   (07.10.07)
I'm not hating god , how can i hate something that does not exists in my view ? I can't understand that people believe in this after the shoa . Einstein believed in a creator of the world , freemassons also in the "great architect of nature" , this does not mean that they believe in a god as the Jewish religious [ or other religious do ] They do'nt need religious laws to behave correctly in this world , nor have i . Charles is my true name , Petach tikva my town . Why are you hidding behind this sheikh...., not very open . I do not appreciate this behaviour , i prefer open [ i think it's called "dougry" in Arabic ] people
85. kyle from southpark? ha!
ilan ,   rishon   (07.10.07)
kyle likes to pretend he is nice and smart from colorado (haha). others like to claim they know what god is thinking. still others actually believe they are god since they view their beliefs as correct and absolute. all are crazy. do some good for the world rather than criticizing others. until you do, you mean nothing to the world and will continue to be worthless. kyle has such an UNHEALTHY OBSESSION with gay stuff! it's quite remarkable actually. maybe he's doing a thesis on homosexuality.
86. # 80 Please tell me your kidding.
marcelle ,   france   (07.10.07)
I was never bisexual while I was in the gay community. I never had a woman until I married my wife. And I have never been with another man since I married my wife, nor do I have any desire to be with one. There was a TB, I think #64 or 65 that really explains pretty much what the gay lifestyle is like. It really pretty much is all about sex, and oral sex. Look , I went into that lifestyle with both feet running. I lived it, breathed it, talked it, played it,danced it, & really thought this was the life for me. But towards the end it began to dawn on me that hey, I'm a man. Why am I dressing like a woman, or trying to act like one? Making out with another burly man with a thick mustache just wasn't getting it for me. And during this time I was not attracted to women, I was truly attracted to men. Look, I chose that lifestyle and as soon as I did, that lifestyle embraced me and pulled me into it so far that I didn't really think there was anyway out of it short of death or suicide. Look man, I don't mean to sound rude here but you sound so silly trying to tell me that perhaps I really wasn't gay & therefore it was so easy for me to walk away from. Trust me that was not the case. I just began to see the yuckiness(for the lack of a better term) of that whole lifestyle. Many of my friends died from jealous lovers, sickness was rampant, and constant stories of jilted lovers. And the person that I was with before I left I thought that I would be for the rest of my life. I chose to walk away from the homosexual lifestyle for what it could not and did not offer me, and that was being happy and content inside. It was like being on an out of control roller coaster ride. You have way to many highs, and lows, and to many twists inbetween. I suppose I apologize if I popped your bubble of what it's like being a gay man in a gay community. But any of them can choose to walk away from that if they want to. And if they don't, well than that's their choice. I just know what I did for me worked for me.
87. #82 What Hashem wanted was to keep the sin OUT of the camp.
88. #16..."If" your do not have any children...
you fibber. What mental illness causes a person to lie? You like to label people paranoid schizophrenic so that may be what you are. You look at people like a mirror that reflects what you are, not what they are. There are medicines for people with metal diseases, as you said. I would suggest the first line of defense should be anti-parasite meds for seven years since the parasites in the brain are a factor in mental illnesses according to Dr. Hulda Clark of Canada who connected parasites to mental illness through autopsies.
89. Very good, Vyle, I erred (83).
sk ,   USA   (07.11.07)
I actually misremembered, incorrectly "remembering" that you had some real-world basis for your psychosis. It turns out that it was all a NON-EVENT that you have built into a big, anti-gay fantasy. Is there anything decent about you, Kyle? In all of our TBs, I only remember twice when you gave some slight hint of humanity, and I am willing to think that this was projection on my part.
90. marcelle (86), I'm not kidding at all.
sk ,   USA   (07.11.07)
One indication of bisexuality is that levels of attraction to different genders can vary substantially over time. I speak from experience, as I am far more attracted to men now than I was, oh, 15 years ago. When I was dating this woman for nearly a year (and having great sex, by the way) I was much more attracted to women generally and much less attracted to men generally than I am now. However, I know that my experience really differs from the gay run of the mill. BTW, I don't know why you felt you needed to dress like a woman when you were living a "gay lifestyle." I've never once done so and have no urge to do so. Maybe you were just living a really shallow life, and you found that straight life (which has many opportunities handed to it that gay life does not) offered you more with less effort. Great! I do think that your comment that gay life is just about sex says more about you than it does about gay life.
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