Arabs here to stay
Ali Haider
Published: 24.08.07, 00:25
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31. 17, your facts are myths, Land was always Palestinian Arab
Matt ,   CO, USA   (08.24.07)
32. Want their cake and eat it too
Shaka   (08.24.07)
Israeli Arabs want more from Israel but do not contribute to the society they reap the benefits and still criticise and spew hatred. If Israeli Arabs want to be considered true citizens then they should perform national service like all other Israeli citizens. They should not aide or comfort Israels enemies, not call for Israel destruction and appreciate what they have. Israels Arabs live better than most Arabs do in any other of 22 Arab countries. They want their cake and eat it too. I think a real discussion on population exchange will contribute to solving many loyalty conflicts. Israeli Arabs that do not want to serve in the military or other forms of national service should not be able to vote at the very least and should consider living with those they are more loyal too the Palestinians. Otherwise appreciate the good life and freedoms you have in Israel and show some loyalty like the Druze who are heroic.
33. "unwillingness to advance peace..."
a Jew ,   ISRAEL   (08.24.07)
Hubbbibbi, what are you talking about? There will never be peace among Jews and Arabs. Never, until Arabs recognize that the Holy Land is Land of Jews, but not Arabs. Every one is warmly welcome here in our Land, but do not forget whose Land. That's all. Appreciate our Eretz Israel and we will appreciate you. It's very fair, isn't it?
34. see this video
I would recommend all muslims to see this video: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=3af_1184708307
35. i'm against transfer, but after reading this i'm not so sure
mike ,   israel (formerly usa   (08.24.07)
first of all, population exchange would directly affect my wife's family negatively, so i don't say this lightly. second, israeli arabs are "uninterested in moving to the Palestinian Authority and renouncing their citizenship" because of what they receive from the state (benefits, freedom, etc), all of which would be lost under the PA. they take from israel, but give their loyalty elsewhere. third, this author IN THE SAME PARAGRAPH speaks about "unwillingness to advance peace moves with the Palestinian people and promote equality between Jews and Palestinians in Israel" right after he says "there should be no comparison or symmetry between Arab citizens who constitute a native minority and the original homeland owners and a group of occupying settlers". should anyone listen to this hypocrite? fourth, redrawing the border would change no historical claim of arabs to the place, but rather clarify national identification and loyalties for them. why force them to live in this disgusting zionist country among counteptuous "occupying settlers"?? fifth, he worries that this will "undermine the legitimacy of Arab citizens and in order to convey the message that they are not equal citizens". maybe he should start acting like equal citizens instead of complaining about wanting more, like by serving in the army for starters. sixth, it is the historical fact of anti-israel actions by israeli arabs that undermine stability, not what israel talks about today. instead of worrying about the "highly negative message TO the Arab citizens" by israel, arabs should think about and worry about the "highly negative message BY the Arab citizens" to israel. if they would have been doing that the past 59 years, this conversation would have never happened.
36. The hypocrisy is exposed
JS   (08.24.07)
These "zionists",who call themselves "the arabs of Israel" want to remain part of Israel to continue to benefit from welfare here, while at the same time fight israel from within. Such hogwash arguments about human rights....
37. # 34 You beter see these videos
Khalid ,   The Netherlands   (08.24.07)
Why not try something different, Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East after all http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tW1-_JmXQt0 and here another one http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ynWjYHP91gA&mode=related&search= When you claim you are the only democracy in the Middle East, then grany people free access to information and let them decide after that. I mean stalin and Mao Tse Tung used to say that they were democracies too.
38. Let the Palestinian Jews of the West Bank Stay!
Adam ,   Jerusalem, Israel   (08.24.07)
YOU are the racists Ali. Even if the Triangle and Wadi Ara were ceded there would still be a lot of Arabic speakers in Israel proper. Even if we kept the blocs in the West Bank we'd need to remove all of our ethnic brethren from the rest of the West Bank because you'd kill them based on ethnicity. Most Arabs in Israel don't agree with a Jewish state but we don't kick them out from the Galilee and Negev so Jews wanting to keep the WB isn't an excuse. Why should we have to create an unfair situation? If we are creating a(nother) state built on the principle of an Arab majority in line with the other state having a Jewish majority, the Arab state should have a Jewish minority. You are a racist and a hypocrite. Jews are 17% of the West Bank's population. We are 260,000 in unannexed land and you are a max of 1.4mil according to all of PA stats apart from the PBS. We are around 25% over the green line.
39. #2
Jacob ,   Africa   (08.24.07)
Zuri, you said it my brother. we don't need these hateful kitzoni attitudes. How would Steve feel if someone addressed him as "JEW"? it just reveals a mentality like Borat, who addresses people like that. thank you Zuri for standing up for what is right. Yemeni people Jewish or Muslim are guardians of the true traditions of Arabic language and culture, which has nothing to do with Islamic extremism
40. #37, interesting choice of videos
Danny   (08.24.07)
The first is apparently where Israel "censored" a raid. You have an Israeli soldier complaining on camera about his service - just like soldiers spoke out on the record against Mao's policies and Stalins - you have the reason it is publically available is because an ISRAELI news channel ran the story and a major ISRAELI newspaper ran the story on it's front page. Sound like "Israel doesn't want to you to know" about it? Sound like there is censorship? As for the second video it is simply a greatest hits of anti-Israeli BS - a former ambassador to Saudi? to Iraq?, Paul Findley? Pur-lease. A "professor of international law" comparing Israel to Nazis? Has Israel killed 70% of Palestinians under it's control? How many openly Jewish Field Marshals were there in the SS? Or Supreme court judges? Or Heads of Police? Or Professors? Palestinians virtually defenseless? These "virtually defenseless" people have killed over 1000 Israelis the vast majority civilians - and I mean actual civilians as opposed to fake arab ones. If you really think Israel has things to answer for then why do you resort to lying to make your case?
41. #1 And objectionable comments
English guy ,   London, UK   (08.24.07)
The comment in #1 is a simple statement of ethnic hatred. It should not be published in this forum. It adds nothing to any debate and is no more than a reflection of the writer's deep-rooted bigotry.
42. Typical Arab victimist propaganda
Frank ,   Canada   (08.24.07)
What a bunch of blatant lies: we Arab settlers in Israel are victims of the bad Jews who provide us with education and social benefits for free since we don't give anything in return to the country except anti-Israel incitment and subversion. Ali, if you want your virgins, start your civil war.
43. Author omits many non-collective aspects, esp in Umm elFahem
a lot of grey ,   world   (08.24.07)
Umm el-Fahem is distinct from many other Arab-Israeli populations in that they identify themselves AS PALESTINIANS. That SELF-IDENTIFICATION is why the idea of population exchange was brought up. If they ally themselves with another state/state-like entity, they should do so all the way. You can't have citizenship of country A and yet swear your mutually exclusive allegiance to country B. But that is what many residents in Umm el-Fahem are trying to do, a distinction that the author conveniently omits. Such Arabs who identify themselves as Israelis should not be asked to move. But those who throw their support behind another leadership... seems reasonable to me that they should be asked to reunite with that other leadership.
44. comment 20# is a must read comment!!
so right
45. #41 what and repeatedly LYING about Israel
Danny   (08.24.07)
adds what exactly?
46. #20, Dr. Bar-On,
Hamburger ,   Hamburg   (08.24.07)
That's a very interesting input, but l believe you are missing one thing: you claim that "population exchange" is a good solution. Well, for the Jews - it is. But (unfortunately for the Jews) the Israeli arabs don't want to live like Palestinians. And who can blame them? You see, it's much more convenient for them to scream "this land is ours", while enjoying the comfort of lsraeli democracy in the same time.
47. Army Service
common sense ,   Toronto   (08.24.07)
If Arabs truly want to be Israeli citizens they should join the army just like the rest of the population. Until now they appear to have joined forces with the Palestinian groups like Hamas and Al Aksa yet they dont want to be part of the Palestine. They tend to fly Palestinian flags on their homes and not Israeli flags. They don's sound Israeli to me.
48. The author threatens civil war ...
Terry ,   Eilat, Israel   (08.24.07)
Well, guess what? That's why we want to get rid of you all. Threats, intimidation, always the same Arab tactics. They are looking for a repeat of 1948 & they may just get it if they continue on the same path. #1 had it about right - nothing but trouble - everywhere you are, nothing but trouble. And this is not a racist comment - a quick glance at any news media over the last few years reveals a pattern of misbehavior that is astounding. Transfer is an idea that is more & more attractive.
49. I agree with the author but…
Israeli guy ,   Israel   (08.24.07)
Israeli Arabs should not being looking to the outside world for recognition; they should speak directly to Jewish Israelis about how we find co-existence. Otherwise they continue to fuel the myth that we can’t get along.
50. Israel as a Jewish state and Jews, are here to stay too!
The Doc ,   Haifa, Israel   (08.24.07)
Nobody will throw us out of our homeland again. Nobody will succeed with another Holocaust against the Jewish people again. Never again! Arabs are here to stay, no problem - but as guests in the Jewish ancestral land, they better behave like civilized guests. Otherwise they will be seeing the door from outside!
51. civil war possible
karmy peretz ,   usa   (08.24.07)
you write well. arabs are a minority ,but definetly not the homeland owners ,for at list 3000 years.you put your mosque on top our temple.to have peace,open up palestina, to everybody,wellfare of the people first ,religion second.
52. to #31
Jordan ,   Washington, DC   (08.24.07)
you can't be serious? Are you that brainwashed or are you joking?
53. arabs there to go
trumpeldor ,   eurabia   (08.24.07)
pali kingdom of jordan
54. I'm disappointed...
david ,   wyncote PA USA   (08.25.07)
...by so many frankly racist remarks. How can so many Israeli Jews want transfer when this was a tactic used so shamefully towards our own people. Yes, there are Palestinian terrorists, just as there have been Jewish terrorists. You shouldn't condemn an entire people based on the actions of a few. Without mutual respect, you all will never have peace. You're referring to Palestinians the way you would refer to animals, yet get so offended when Hamas refers to Jews as monkeys. This is a double standard. You have a significant Israeli Arab minority in Israel. Get used to it, and work towards coexistence. You're where we were in the US in the 50's and 60's with our African-American population, and you will repeat our mistakes if you're not careful. Stop treating your fellow Israelis of Arab descent as if they are a fifth column or somehow of dubious loyalty. It's offensive---how often are Jews accused of dual loyalty? Indeed, stop referring to them as Israeli Arabs and just call them Israelis, since that's what they are. This is part of the problem.
55. Palestinian Arabs are home No. 10
Marlene N. ,   New York City   (08.25.07)
Many of them may have been ethically cleansed from their land, and denied their right of return, but they are home, and I for one give them my 150% support even though Israel entitles me to automatic citizenship based on the racist criteria of who it defines as a Jew no matter where that person is from on the face of the earth.
56. People make choices
Micha   (08.25.07)
If you choose to stay, you pledge allegiance. if not, you go. And yes, there have been mistakes made. I don't believe Israel has intentionally killed civilians. have mistake been made? definitely. Does Israel typically apologize for such mistakes? typically. Do moslems ever apologize? never. Do moslems intentionally target civilian areas? constantly. No comparison. You cannot compare the defender of one's life to the person who wishes to murder you. The Israeli constitution does not call for the eradication of all moslems. But the charter of hamass does call for the killing of all Jews and taking over of Israel. Get that fixed and then we can talk over tea. Until that time, don't bother.
57. absolutely 100% israeli arabs should be palestinian citizens
aaron ,   ra'anana   (08.25.07)
they should not vote in israeli elections, they are only trying to undermine and destroy the state (like azmi bishara and raed salach) they should be given citizenship in gaza, or failing that jordan, or failing that arabia. israel doesn't need umm al facham's citizens and doesn't want them
58. "NATIVE MINORITY"??????????
Adam ,   Jerusalem, Israel   (08.25.07)
As far as history is concerned the Muslims of the coastal plain and the West Bank's outer perimiter decend mostly from random Muslims who came in due to increased opportunities and better standard of living created in the 20th century by Jews. Egyptians, Hauranis, Sudanese and Hejazis (1mil refugees fled west from the war in Arabia). The coastal plain was mostly uninhabited from the Mamluk conquest till Zionist settlement cause the Mamluks burned all but three places to the ground. Any prior settlement to the 20th century dates to the early 19th century when Egypt conquered the area and settlers came from Egypt along with Bosnians and so forth. Muslims of the flat lands are the newest comers in the area.
59. Arab Israelis
Marla ,   Penna, USA   (08.25.07)
Once again, so disappointed in Israeli leadership. Isn't anyone appalled?!
60. Hope this is not majority Israeli opinion
Jules ,   Glenside, USA   (08.25.07)
If the majority of Israelis are as racist (i.e. all Arabs are trouble, they shouldn't be Israelis, etc) as many of the comments here, then I can no longer donate to any Jewish organization that helps Israel or Israelis. It's time for the Jews of Israel to start following Torah. The most repeated command is to treat "strangers" (i.e. strangers to Judaism) with justice and compassion "for you were once strangers in the land of Egypt."
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