Arabs here to stay
Ali Haider
Published: 24.08.07, 00:25
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75 Talkbacks for this article
61. nazareth palestinian enclave
milton ,   chicago   (08.25.07)
the palestinian city should be made an enclave for the palestinian authority. in return we will take equivalent areas of the west bank.
62. the writer has an intellectual deficit
maud ,   london   (08.25.07)
the pals dislike the state and make ludicrous excuses wanting to be part of the nation. we have to split from the pals.there is no other solution.
63. Arabs here to stay
Petra ,   USA   (08.25.07)
That's the trouble, the Arabs have Saudi Arabia, the largest of Arabs land mass. Why not live there? No one can live in peace with those associated with the PLO. Nothing but blood, death, and fanaticism. Biblically speaking, Israel was to eliminate all of differing faiths from her land. She didn't and, you see the results.
64. PLO created as a ploy
Petra ,   USA   (08.25.07)
Israel, all of it from the original "Promised Land" is for Jews only. As the scattering, so also is the division over the rest of Israel due to the most recent "leage of Nations" prior to the UN where always, the Arabs hate and hurt Israel. The only solution is, Israel for Jews only. If not, any Arab can justify more violence against the Jews.
65. Israel is herre to stay too I LIKE YOUR PRESCRIPTION, DOC!!!
66. An inconvenient truth.........
Fivish ,   London UK   (08.25.07)
To the Arab, history is an inconvenient truth. Yet thanks to Islams encouragement of lies in the furtherance of Islam we have a fabricated history being peddled the world over. In this talkback we have numberous scribes telling over and over the historical facts. But nobody 'out there' is listening. They only hear the bleatings of the poor Arabs living under a brutal Israeli occupation! How do we get past the lies and propoganda and back to reality? History did not start in 1948. It didnt even start in 1922, but thats a much better legalistic starting point - the MANDATE.
67. #31 Matt - Never Ever did PALs ever have a govt. In Israel
meir elazar   (08.25.07)
Matt, Your statement has absolutely no basis. PALs never ever had a govt in Israel/Palestine. Israel ruled for during the Biblical period. There were other empires such as Ottoman, British, etc. PALs never were more than camel jockeys in terms of governing or on the social evolutionary scale.
68. #55 Marlene - PALs lost any rights they may have ever had
meir elazar   (08.25.07)
Marlene, First of all the PALs have never had a legitimate govt or any entitlement to the land of Israel. All historical documention and religious Bibles etc, even the Koran, connect the Jewish people to the land of Israel. Typically PALs have come from other countries to exploit the prosperity that Jews have brought. Granted they did have camel jockeys roaming the middle east. Other than that PALs have been engaged in terror for about 100 years massacring Jews in 1920, 1929, 1936, etc., bringing hijacking to airlines, and ships (Aquila Laro). They have been either kept in refugee camps in most Arab countries that would even let them stay and most won't have anything to do with them because they are worthless troublemakers. The current PAL terrorist group are uncompromisably committed to our death and destruction. And Haj Amin Al-Husseini collaborated with Hitler sharing the same goal of annihilating the Jews. As such there is no room for compromise and the logical conclusion is to either kick them out or fight until the battle is decisively over. Since the PALs have elected the HAMAS terrorist to be their official terrorist govt. no one is exempt and the Geneva convention is both irrelevant and obsolute in the context of 21st century terrorism. Terrorist hide behind the morality of others while desecrating Hospitals, schools, Mosques etc. They destroy that which is holy to all others (Budha in Afghanistan, Samarra Mosque, Tomb of Joseph, etc.) With respect to you and your "rights". Your writing reflects a more serious hatred of Jews and Israelis than most anti-Semites. I seriously doublt that you had much is any Jewish education (certainly not Jewish values). It is doubtful that you are part of any Jewish community in New York or raise any children that you may have as Jews. As such I expect that your children, if any, will be totally assimilated and we will be totally rid of you. In the meantime, why don't you go back to Ha'aretz where you usually spread your garbage. It has no place here in YNET amonst decent people.
69. Arab Israel population exchange
Ben Livson ,   Sydney Australia   (08.26.07)
Population exchange is a time honored part of many peace agreements e.g. India-Pakistan of 1947. Handing over Wadi Ara & Triangle to PA and for the Jews to keep their settlement blocks would not only be practical but also humane; no Arab or Jew would have to be relocated and would be next to cost free. Sureley, the Israeli Arabs should prefer to be administred by PA than Israel? the cost resettling the settlement blocks would be well over US$200b and simply not possible for the State of Israel e.g. no peace unless population exchange is agreed. The Israeli Arabs involved in the exchange would still enjoy the benefits of Bituach Leumi Israel Social Security and possibly the right to work in Israel proper unless they make themselves unemployable by being involved in acts of terror the way their brethern from Gaza. A fence makes good neighbours is well-known saying. Let us be practical and humane by separating the Arabs and Israelis to the maximum extent possible. Those arabs in Israel left in Negev and Galilee should be offered a number of options including full assimilation into the Israeli society and conversion to Judaism or financial compensation to relocate to PA or emmigrate. Those that do not want this should still enjoy the rights of permanent residency in ISrael by not the full citizenship right to vote.
70. As an Israeli-Arab, I disagree with Haider...
Rami ,   Nazareth, Israel   (08.26.07)
I'm perfectly fine with the idea or radical arab muslims living in the wadi Ara area be annexted to a future pali state. Its about time those Israeli-Arab make a decision. They can't vote for representative that are anti Israel and then complain when ideas like this are floated around. Israeli-Arabs (muslims in particular) can't have it both ways anymore.
David ,   Jerusalem, Israel   (08.26.07)
Arabia from where you came. Your supposed representatives in the Knesset are traitors to Israel and you want us to respect you? The only ones undermining the arabs are the arabs. You are right natives(Jews)stay and invaders(arabs) go back to your countries of origin. So pledge complete allegiance to Israel and declare complete animosity with any country that is against Israel and by this and your action, we will believe you. But, so far you have done just the opposite, so leave.
72. To #34
Robert Tilden ,   Sheridan, Wyoming   (08.26.07)
Your Vedio clip proves that Israel is a democracy. Channel 2, in Israeli Channel, aired what you are showing. The government did not shut them down. The soldier was free to state his opinion against the oporation. Being a democracy does not mean that everything is perfect, but the media is free to report what they want to. In other countries in the middle east, this is not the case. When you write a talkback, please stick to the topic at hand. these vedio links are not related to Israeli Arabs' relation to the Israeli State.
73. Responce to Dr Bar On
Robert Tilden   (08.26.07)
The distiction between 'race' and 'ethnicity' is semantic and changes nothing about the point of the article. The fact that Jews and Arabs do not mix is typical of many old historical rivalries. Calling both Semetic is missing the point. Franch and English also share much linguisticly and ethnicly but that didn't stop them from fighting each other and being each other's traditional enamy for 800 years. More Striking than that would be Japanese and Koreans. Ask a Korean what he thinks of Japanese, even though Japanese, in the text book came from Korea, replacing an older Polynesian local stock. I don't think many people think of themselves as Semetic. That is a destiction that is not useful in a political sense, just like 'Slavic' is useless. Slavs are not closer amung themselves than with non Slavs, Eastern Europe is running away from Russia, not wanting to be under their wing. The term 'Antisemetic] was coined in order to sound more scientific but it has nothing to do with Semites that are not Jews. The Doctor fell into this trap. If someone is against arabs antisemitic adjective relating to or characterized by anti-Semitism; hating Jews [syn: anti-semitic] WordNet® 3.0, © 2006 by Princeton University. Nothing is mentioned of Arabs.
74. This is not about people its about gods
m   (08.26.07)
The land belongs to Yahweh, and he tolerates no other God before his face. You either worship him or you leave.
75. Well, A Third Way.
David ,   Israel   (08.27.07)
We could always keep the Israeli Arabs, who are citizens, and throw the others out. The Israeli Arabs, sans the non-Israeli arabs, aren't a demographic problem.
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