Israel warned us against Iraq invasion, US official says
Yitzhak Benhorin
Published: 01.09.07, 10:22
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Salameh ,   Gaza, Palestine   (09.01.07)
The Army of zionists who mobilized Bush to invade Iraq "warned" him against invasion???? hahahahahaha
32. This article needs to be in theAmerican press on the evening
Rivkah   (09.01.07)
TV news and front pages of newspapers and magazines to counter the persecution and hatred of Jews in America (especially in California) caused by articles blaming Israel for America's involvement in the war in Iraq. The effect of brainwashing the American public to blame the Jews is horrible.
33. #30 Honest to G_D, your brain is ignorance gone to seed. It
just keeps producing ,   more ignorance!!!!   (09.01.07)
34. Iraq was bad for Israels interests
zionist forever   (09.01.07)
The Iraq invasion has been bad for Israel. Saddam Hussain had been no threat of any kind to Israel for over a decade but Iran is a growing threat but because Iraq is going badly for the US it means they dont want to get involved in any millitary confropntation with Iran over its neuclear program. If Bush had decided to go after Iran instead of Iraq he could have finished off the biggest threat to Middle East stability. Iran is a threat to not just Israel but US interests in the Gulf Saddam had been a nobody .. he was contained he was no threat to anybody but his own people and even if he did have WMDS he didnt have delivery methods or the will to use them against anybody other than the Kurds. Iran though is run by religious fanatrics who would use their WMDS if they belived its what Allah wanted them to do and religious fanatics have allways been more dangerous than good old fashioned dictaitors like Saddam.
35. With friends like Isreal, who needs enemies?
Persian CAT   (09.01.07)
Maybe the only bright spot that came out of this in spite of all the tragic deaths and injuries of both Iraqis and Americans, is that the neo-cons cabal did push GW to attack Iran. Can you imagine the quagmire that the US would be in if it had attacked the much larger and more poweful Iran?!!! Although Iran has always been in the neo-cons' sights and the cowardly Israeli officials, who want to fight Iran to the last American soldier, "advised" the US to attack Iran, some one was awake and did not listen to the Israeli who are the main cause of problems for the US. The American people whose children are being blown up, and whose tax money is being shipped to Israel to build settlements has realized who its real enemy is, Israel. If I were you I would start stocking up the shelters because once the American sunami starts you will need to hide for a long time.
36. Salameh , Gaza, Palestine
Charles ,   Den Haag / Nederland   (09.01.07)
and I thought the bad zionists have cut you guys off from electricity ?? How come u can still post on the Israeli newssite ? stupid me !!
37. Whoa, let me get this straight.
Khalid ,   Gaza City   (09.01.07)
Israel warned the US that invading Iraq would destablize the region, but told them to do it anyways?? Israel publicly voiced immense support for the American attack on Iraq.
38. The true Iran policies serve Israeli interest
e.m ,   s.f   (09.01.07)
In history Iran never have been enemy of Israel beside Arabs always have been enemy of Iran. Do not forget that since the regime has been changed in Iran the war also have started between Arabs and Iran. Iranian is Muslims but not Arabs. Iranian is Shiite and not Sunni and those two Islamic branch since 7 century started to fight with each others and do not forget it that almost the entire Islamic holy places have been under Sunni control and right now the Shiite believes with the leader ship of Iran they can fight against the Sunni and take over of Islamic holy places and will prove that the imam Ali was the first Khalifah .And here is my point Iran policy indirectly serve Israeli interest. Arabs nation have more nightmares from Iran then Israel
39. English as a World Language - Think England
Reader ,   from Edmonton   (09.01.07)
Many would contend that Americans don't speak English: fewer write it.
40. Muslims just jealous that no-one takes notice of them in USA
Alan ,   SA   (09.01.07)
41. Bush, naïve ally to Iranian hegemony
David Turner ,   Richmond, US   (09.01.07)
Israel is a major source of on-the-ground intelligence and analysis for the US, Israelis at all levels of government and intelligence warned Bush of the dangers to the Middle East of invading Iraq, a view apparently seconded by British military intelligence, what motivated the headlong rush to war? There was the previous threat by Sadam on the life of the elder Bush several years previous; there was what some in the US considered the “unfinished” war in Iraq; there is always sheer greed, the interest of a government dominated by oil magnates and executives (Bush as company owner; Cheney and Rumsfeld as former executives in that largesse beneficiary of the fall of Sadam, Halliburton). Whatever the motive the outcome should have been clear had the administration approached Iraq without a prior agenda. Having previously avenged the Twin Towers by invading and overthrowing (at least temporarily: the jury is still out in Afghanistan) that government, by following that up with an invasion of Iraq eliminated in one sweep two threats to the country between them, Iran. Freed of the distraction of her former enemies the Islamic Republic could now, without distraction, focus on her own ambitions, hegemony in the Middle East and the nuclear capability giving teeth to the threat. Put plainly, Bush gave Iran the green light to threaten traditional US partners and oil producers on the other side of the gulf, the Saudis, et al; to confront Israel more directly both by threat and on the ground through its surrogates Hezbollah and Hamas; and to directly challenge the US military in Iraq! Can all this be written off as mere diplomatic naïveté or incompetence? Certainly the relentless string of diplo-military failures of the administration in the Middle East would support this view. Or should we just settle on greed? When Cheney quit Halliburton to join the administration the usually frugal Halliburton is reported to have “compensated the future vice president very handsomely. Could the bid-free enrichment of Halliburton to reconstruct war-ravaged Iraq be payback for the favor? If so, that would certainly be grounds for impeachment. But since nobody this side of the Atlantic is raising that specter, surely no impropriety was involved, only the appearance of impropriety. The only silver lining in this admission by the senior State Department official is that, although Israel has appeared very close to the Bush administration in its conduct of foreign policy, at least some among Israel’s elite are capable of seeing beyond loyalty (dependence) on a misbegotten US government to Israel’s own strategic interests. Bush pushes yet another non-starter, negotiations with the Palestinians. But Israel’s interests are more realistic, obviously connected to the Syrian track (which Bush obviously opposes). Peace with Palestine is impossible until there is peace in Palestine, and that wont happen any time soon. Peace with Syria, if it can be achieved (and prior agreements between the two parties has all but guaranteed success) would mean loosening Syria’s dependence on her sole supporter and benefactor, Iran, thereby pushing the Islamic Republic out of the Fertile Crescent and back across the Gulf; a greatly reduced threat from Israel’s northern neighbors; trade and tourism (offered by Bashar Assad as a fruit of a peace treaty; and, by reducing the Iranian threat to Arabia from the north, an opening for Israel to enter potentially serious negotiations with Arab and Moslem states via the Saudi Initiative. Can Israel overcome her misplaced trust in the failed and failing American president to pursue its own self-interest? Has Israel the confidence to do so?
42. #41 You have so got to know that NO ONE reads LONG TBs.
get to the point ,   quickly.   (09.01.07)
43. #41The Saudi regime is not stable
e.m ,   (09.01.07)
The Saudi peace initiative is wasting the TIME like Oslo peace treaty
44. Against? very, very funny.
stf ,   Planet Earth   (09.01.07) Israel Urges US to Attack Iraq: "Sooner, Rather than Later" 18 January, 2003 A former Israeli ambassador to Washington who is now advisor to Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon has urged the Israeli government to step up pressure on the Bush Administration to accelerate the war on Iraq. JERUSALEM, Aug. 16, 2002 Israel To U.S.: Don't Delay Iraq Attack Israel is urging U.S. officials not to delay a military strike against Iraq's Saddam Hussein, an aide to Prime Minister Ariel Sharon said Friday. March 2002 Cheney Admits US will attack Iraq 'for Israel's sake' 06.02.2002 The paper says Israeli Defence Minister Binyamin Ben Eliezer will ask the US administration to coordinate its offensive with the Israeli leadership. [USA TODAY, Washington, 4 Nov] — Israel is secretly playing a key role in U.S. preparations for possible war with Iraq, helping to train soldiers and Marines for urban warfare, conducting clandestine surveillance missions in the western Iraqi desert and allowing the United States to place combat supplies in Israel, according to U.S. Defense and intelligence officials.
45. For 42, who requested the Readers Digest version
David Turner ,   Richmond, US   (09.01.07)
Bush may be a naive and incompetent president, but Cheney committed likely impeachable offenses. Between them and Rumsfeld they created hegemonic and nuclearizing Iran. Israel had the wisdom to warn them, and now should have the wisdom to placate their erroneous Roadmap to the Palestinians and pursue peace with Syria. Brief enough?
46. Salameh, PCAT & Khalid all wrong..again
Mark ,   Georgia, USA   (09.01.07)
Guys, give it up. Nobody believes you any more. While trying to turn the American people against Israel you reveal your true motives. Just another PR move and attack on Israel. Your the same kind of people who said, and did say, that Israel gave the U.S. phony info that that tricked the U.S. into a war with Iraq. Now we know that IS NOT true. Without missing a beat you go into some more BS or simply denying the story as false. How does it feel to proved so wrong. You guys really need to stop believing your own BS, it can be harmful to your health being so delusional. Tell us PCAT why are the Israeli officials "cowardly". After all they attacked Iraq in 1981. They have kicked butt in every war they fought. Unless you believe in Hezbos "devine victory" please say it ain't so. We do agree on one the American people do realize who the enemy is and isn't. Hint it isn't Israel. IT IS people who want to violently spread Islam "the religion of peace" over the entire world. IT IS people who teach their kids to hate people and kill people simply because they are not like you. IT IS people who would form a country where Jews are not allowed and to sell them land is a capital crime. IT IS people who show cartoons to kids that promote suicide, and dressing babies as suicide bombers and having the gall to tell them G-d will reward them in heaven if they just murder people who pose no threat to them. We in the U.S. know who the enemy is, and that they teach the same thing here in the U.S. in their mosques. Submitted for your approval...or not Mark from Georgia
47. #39 & # 1
Bruce ,   Orlando, USA   (09.01.07)
#39...That was a great comment. Laughed out loud and can not defend that comment. lol #1: Cant see any reason to invade Persia. Not even to get rid of the Morons in charge. But......DREAM ON about Americans getting slaughtered. No Armed Forces in the world can take on the United States in a War. (Iraq= three weeks). Bad example? Okay it took us 4-5 years to beat Japan. (Those people can fight). Point is No one can stop the United States. The Chinese or Indians have a chance only because we would run out of bullets. Why do you think Persia is scrabling for a Nuke??? The Mullahs know that is the only way to defend themselves from our Weapons, women & culture. You can try prayers. But that doesnt work for us either. (pesky hurricanes) But guess what? If the United States really wanted to fight Persia, it would have been a done deal already. You would be speaking English. Wait your typing in English? Anyway.... Keep your women in the 11 th century or they will vote the Mullahs out of office. Now that's funny. I'm going to Disney World, bu look forward to reading more really stupid comments. Have a really nice day.
48. #14-Truly, the question without a logical answer
Cameron ,   USA   (09.01.07)
49. #45 That was wonderful. Much much better!!
rueben ,   Netanya, Israel   (09.02.07)
50. Tomorrow we'll find out that the senior officila @ the State
Dept. works with ,   Barbara Boxer!!   (09.02.07)
David P. ,   Central Coast, USA   (09.02.07)
52. Attempted whitewash
Mikesailor ,   Miami, FL   (09.02.07)
Interesting article. The only problem is that both Wilkerson and Powell were out of the loop. The Iraq operation had its genesis within the Defense Department, not the State Department. The point agency was the Office of Special Plans headed by the Jewish neocon Douglas Feith. And if you read Karen Kwiatkowski's statements, Israeli intelligence and military personnel were in that office so often they didn't even have to sign in. Curious how Israel is trying to back out of their part in this fiasco. Afraid of "blowback" by the American public???
53.  37
zionist forver   (09.02.07)
Once the decision was made in Washington to invade Iraq Israel cannot go around piublicly saying its a mistake we dont think you should go to war in Iraq. Israel has to be seen as supportive of the US publicly. What goes on behind the scenes Sharon could talk to Bush as a man not the president and he could tell him straight that he thinks that going after Iraq is a mistake but once the decision is made he has to be supportive publicly thats how politics works. Tony Blair supported the war publicly and even commited British troops but I am sure before the war Blair was on the phone telling Bush straight what he thought.
Arik Silverman ,   Milwaukee USA   (09.02.07)
"The remarks were made in contrast to attempts by Israel's opposers in the US to blame Jerusalem for the American invasion of Iraq." Not so fast... We who read newspapers remember Sharon's pronouncements encouraging Bush, including attacking Syria and Iran and Lybia at one point. Bush's advisers were mainly Neocons who wanted to make the world safer for Israel (many are still there). Just because Bush didn't follow Sharon's sequence of attack doesn't mean Jerusalem and its Bush Administration and US Congress friends had no influence.
55. I am tired
colleen ,   seattle, usa   (09.02.07)
I am tired of my country fighting wars that they have no business fighting. I am tired of my country going off to fight somebody else's enemy, if Israel is threatened by Iran then they invade them, leave America alone. This isn't right we souldn't, nor will we attack Iran for you, please do it on your own.
56. Persian cat is Islamic fanatic which he pretend love U.S
e.m ,   s.f   (09.02.07)
What is a reason that he hates Israel? Dose he believe that the Arabs are real enemies of Iranian? Dose he believe that the religion of Islam destroyed Persian culture? Dose he believe his true history of Persian? If he is not Islamic fanatic then why he is supporting the Arabs Palestinians Haters? Why he have called that the Israeli are coward? Dose he knows that Israel five times has been defeated the Arabs nations? Dose he knows that in 1967 before six day war President Abul Naser has promised to Arabs nations’ lunch in Telaviv and dinner in ABADAN?I have no doubt that he has all those information but because he believe in that religion. He is denial the true
57. #35
no one has to attack iran. the mullahs and ahmadinejaad are bringing it on themselves quite sucessfully. as the situation goes in iran nowadays, people are sick of the rigime, hungry, bitter, opressed, starving and jobless with lots of drug atddiction and rampant aids. these same people, 70% of them young and below 30 years of age, will eventually implode and overthrow the regime and it is a matter of time.
58. 20
zionist forver   (09.02.07)
Sharon warned Bush thats all he could do Bush is the president of the UNited States and he wanted to take Amrica to war in Iraq and when he was ellected he was given that authroty. Sharon was ellected as PM of Israel he had no authrotity to tell Bush what American policy would be he gave a warning and after that it was up to Bush to decide weather he listens to the warning or he ignores it and Bush chose to ignore Sharons warning.
59. No. 55 Colleen
NYC Girl   (09.02.07)
You're quite mistaken if you think that Iran is only Israel's enemy and not ours. Why the hell do you think they refer to us as "The Great Satan?" Not only that, but Israel isn't pushing America to attack Iran. Even Bibi Neyanyahu said he would much prefer a diplomatic response, but doing nothing isn't the solution.
60. Irans Threat
Aal ,   Pasadena / CA   (09.02.07)
To #29 and # 59 and everybody. 1.Iran with or without Nuclear power cannot be threat by any means to USA. It can be threat to Israel. This is well known fact, please refer to military statisitics. Oil is another element. 2. The Jewish lobby through there men in the congress which they serve as Israeli congressman inside the American congress rather than being American congressman. They in fact made Israel safety before American safety as priority despite they are American and elected by American people to serve this nation. 3.The net result of decades of tight relationship between Israel and USA brought more support, more money, more vito, more etc to Israel... on the other hand this relation brought more isolation, more terrorism more death more hatred to America from all over the word. If only 10% of this support shifted to the Arab countries, the whole middle east will change and things will be much better. Thanks for placing the comment
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