Israel warned us against Iraq invasion, US official says
Yitzhak Benhorin
Published: 01.09.07, 10:22
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61. 59 you are mistaken
colleen ,   seattle, usa   (09.02.07)
Our country was nowhere near being finished with Afghanistan, but then we rushed into Iraq. Now you want America to invade a country that loves being martyred, no it will not happen it is wrong. We called Iran one of the axis of evil remember, they threaten Israel not us, if Israel feels the threats have gone too far and warrant military action then they must do it not America. I will not have my country dragged into another pointless and bloody war.
62. no choice but to force change
realist ,   usa   (09.02.07)
We've seen their children educated for the last 3 decades that we are the enemy and must be destroyed. Their version of Mickey mouse carries an automatic rifle. They have made their intentions known in every way and demonstrated their barbarism unabashed in public view for many years. It is not a country we must defeat, but an ideology. It just so happens, that after 30+ years now, the ideology has taken root in many of these countries. It can't go on forever. I for one am not ok with the idea that our self proclaimed enemies should just be able to 'pick us off' a few at a time. That only emboldens their conviction. I submit to you that political divisiveness in the usa is to blame for the delay in a more observable progress in Iraq. As for Iran – yes – our troops are tired. However, we will have had years of preparations in place for this - right in their back yard. Instead of just a small handful with regional experience – we have an entire military complex that’s experienced in the region and entrenched right next door. Ladies & Gentleman – it’s not pretty, but it is the reality of this day. We can get through this, but it hasn’t been nor will it be easy. But it can not fair. Failure in these endeavors is the biggest possible threat to the future of your children. Realist-Atlanta
63. RE: to #60
Mark ,   Georgia, USA   (09.02.07)
Aal writes - " Iran with or without Nuclear power cannot be threat by any means to USA. It can be threat to Israel." Re: Iran is a terrorist state, period. With nuclear power if gives a means to blackmail the world including the U.S.. It gives them a supply for a dirty bomb and the means to pay other people to die for Iran i. e. Hezbo fighting and dying for Iranian goals. Aal writes- " The Jewish lobby through there men in the congress which they serve as Israeli congressman inside the American congress rather than being American congressman. " Re: Does this mean Hispanic congressmen who for for pro-Hispanic bills are not true Americans? What about Black Americans who vote for certain pro-African bills, there not American too? Your fuzzy logic is shallow. People understand that you hate Jews and Israel, and this clouds your thinking. Aal writes- "
64. RE: to #60 Part 2
Mark ,   Georgia, USA   (09.02.07)
Aal writes- " .The net result of decades of tight relationship between Israel and USA brought more support, more money, more vito, more etc to Israel... on the other hand this relation brought more isolation, more terrorism more death more hatred to America from all over the word[sic}." RE: The relationship between the two countries is a 2-way equal relationship. In fact there is not a U.S. family that does have Israeli made medications in the house. The computer we all use has Israeli made and designed systems to run the operating system. Microsoft has only ONE research lab outside the U.S., and in is in Israel. Also, U.S. missile systems have Israeli guidance controls, the Apache Helo was improved by Israeli designed targeting systems. The list goes on, so this IS NOT a one sided relationship. Now it is true that because of Muslim terrorism we have excellent airport security , Thanks just what we all wanted. Submitted for your approval...or not Mark from Georgia
65. #55 Ok Cindy Sheehan, you can go back to anominity now. No
one likes cowards. ,   & u truly are one.   (09.02.07)
66. What happened to the all powerful pro-Israel lobby?
MichaelF ,   Silver Spring MD USA   (09.02.07)
This story is really nothing new to those of us who follow the Mid-East. Israel's interests were never considered in the war planning. Most US Jews realized that the neocons' arguments that the war would be good for Israel were lies. Unfortunately, Israel and the pro-Israel lobby publicly kept silent for fear of offending the Bush administration. So who controls who’s foreign policy? If Israel had half the influence over US policy that critics claim, we could have avoided the Iraq disaster.
67. #61 Then move to Canada like all other US cowards do!!!
Rocky ,   rocky mountain high   (09.02.07)
68. #55 You sound like Olmert and gang who have lost their
pj ,   usa   (09.02.07)
will to fight and instead are all to happy to give the enemy what they want. You ought to be ashamed of yourself. I cannot even begin to explain to you the totality of your ignorance. Definitly you have to be a do nothing but negotiate liberal who has war heroes like "How I got out of Viet Nam in 42 days cause I was a scared coward"--John Kerry. So do us all a favor and time a life long nap and shut the heck up. Or go back and read your life with Dick and Jane books.
69. Ain't nothing wrong with "that religion".
Persian CAT   (09.02.07)
Nor is there with your's. Please take the religion out of this. We have two murderous religion-based gangs in the world which must be eradicated for peace to prevail between the Muslems and Jews. One is Islamism and the other one is Zionism. In all my post the target of my criticism has been the Israel government, its politicians and officials whom I gladly call cowards. Never meant any insult to any Israeli other than the terrorist settlers and their supporters. Not one week goes by that I don't speak or work with an Israeli, so please spare me the hate BS. Yes I am aware of Arab enmity towards the Iranians, and I'm GLAD that Israel defeated their incompetent and corrupt military leaders. If Israel had not won those wars the Arabs leaders would have attacked Iran a long time before Saddam was fooled by the US to do it. But Israel should have done the right thing and embarked on the path to peace instead of occupation, land grab and apartheid.
70. #60 - Aal
MichaelF ,   Silver Spring MD USA   (09.02.07)
Well know facts? More like myths. Iran has missles that can reach Europe, and is working on missles that can reach the US. Not a threat to America? Come now! And the majority of Jewish congressmen in Washington are critics of the war in Iraq -- just like the majority of American Jews. These are the facts!
71. to #63 and everybody
Aal ,   Pasadena / CA   (09.02.07)
I believe that USA without blind support to Israel is a safer country, and more welcome by everybody in this world. The problem is not with the Jewish people, as you said Most of Jewish politicians are against the Iraq war, this is known. US problem with few Pro Israeli policy blind supporter ( Jewish or none Jewish), the problem is with Israel govt and IDF through these supporter that they are policy making unfortunately in US Govt. The problem with media that deviated 180 degree to Israel wether they are wrong or right since 50 years. The problem with American Vito that made Israel do whatever she want in the middle east even its wrong, And at the end USA youths and only USA people have to pay the price from all aspect. You cannot deny that the sole problem in the middle east is the Israel Palestinian conflict, solving this problem will solve most of the problems in the middle east. And since blind support of USA to Israel made people looks to Israel and USA as one country and make this whole miss in the USA policy.
72. #70. Are you sure?
Persian CAT   (09.02.07)
That Iran is working day and night to "reach" Europe and then the US by its missiles? Have you stopped to thing for a very short moment why Iran would do that? I know, you're going to use a lamebrain response along the line of "those people are not rational". Iran has a recorded history that goes back a couple of millennia, do you think Iran's existence in the world has been the result of being trigger happy and irrationality?! The idea that Iran will attack Europe and then the US is a canard cooked up by the liar-in-chief, George Bush, to fool people like you, which turns out to be a super easy task. I agree with your other point, that not all American Jews belong to the neo-con Likudniks cabal who would not hesitate to send American kids to be blown up in the service of right wing Zionist Jihad to keep occupation and apartheid alive. A
73. #69 There is no way that you can take religion out of this.
American CAT ,   USA   (09.02.07)
It comes down to this. Muslims believe that allah is supreme being as you know. Jews and Christians believe that Hashem(God) is the supreme being. The last war fought in this world will actually determine who is the correct one. Everything else that is happening now is running just as hard and as fast as it can to bring this world to that showdown.
74. It's quite simple
colleen ,   seattle, usa   (09.02.07)
The American military is stretched very thin now, so it is wrong to for America to attack Iran because the military and all those soldiers cannot engage in a third war. To ask soldiers to serve 4th or 5th term that lasts up to 15 months, is unthinkable they should not be called to do that because of Israel. If Israel deems Iran’s threats to be a call for war, I think they can handle it. This has nothing to do with liberal or Vietnam, the fact is that America is engaged in two wars, and neither is going well, we cannot be involved in a third.
75. #74 ha, ha, ha, ha, go to the store & buy a clue cause u
don't have one. ,   Ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!   (09.03.07)
76. #74 How many years was WW1,WW2. Korean war, Viet Nam?
War usually last ,   longer than 1 yr.   (09.03.07)
77. 61: Colleen: Iran has been a threat to America as well as to
Rivkah   (09.03.07)
israel for a long time. So slowly, military bases have been established that encircle Iran: in Afganistan, Iraq, the southern former Russian republics, Saudi Arabia, Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean, etc. Counting the costs is a fearful thing, but is necessary to keep the war over there. It will come here after Iran is subdued, Daniel said in chapter 8 of the book of Daniel. America has to be the final unfolding of the notable horn which could not be Alexander the Great since Greece was not the nation from the ends of the earth nor did Alexander have airplanes. The notable horn (America) will break into four countries after the Iran war is over. It will collapse in judgment of unrepentent sin. PRAY. PRAY. PRAY. Spend time on your knees for your nation to bring it back under God.
78. 74. Colleen: Something is going to happen that enrages
Rivkah   (09.03.07)
America so much, Iran will be attacked in response. Ezekiel chapter 38 describes what is about to happen that enrages America. Russia has pulled out of the NATO arms treaty and is about to lead a coalition of forces against Israel AND America. Russia is Magog and the Chief Prince of Meschach (Moscow) and Tubal (Tobulsk) is going to go up (north) to the land of unwalled villages to take a spoil in cattle. That is an attack on America or Canada. There are very few cattle in Israel. Russia will be joined by Persia (Iran), Togormah (Turkey) which has 140,000 troops at Iraq's border as I write, Libya, Arabian Ethiopia (Saudi Arabia?), Gomer, and other nations (mostly Moslem). This is about to happen and it is NOT Armageddon which comes later. The wells (25 of them) east of Reno, NV and dairy farms near Fallon, NV have already been poisoned with polonium-210, a rare radioactive isomer that only the Russians have been known to use in poisoning. How many other wells have been irradiated across America? The milk from the dairy farms near Fallon had to be dumped. Radioisotopes can cause cancer or as in the case of the defector in London who was poisoned, more immediate death. PRAY. PRAY. PRAY for the President and this nation. Pray for Israel. Pray for our soldiers who will have to do the impossible and will do it.
79. #74 Quite simple? Surely you jest. The terrorist have
Mordichai ,   Israel   (09.03.07)
forever changed how we will fight wars. They don't fight by the rules of old. They don't wear uniforms, they brainwash young children and women to do their horrific deeds, and the war is no longer fought on just a battle field. The war has now expanded to cities, planes, and buildings. Perhaps an enemy combatant from irans republican guard may even show up at your work place with a huge grin on his face as he presses the detnonator on a bomb he is wearing. He's smiling because he truly believes he is doing his gods will by killing the great satan(american people). Your narrow minded way of thinking is almost funny if it wasn't so stupid. Do you think when Jimmy Carter refused to back up the shah in iran 30 years ago and let the ayatollah rule come in and take over that government that the ayatollah was oh so grateful to him? No way. The first thing he did was to take American hostages and hold them captive for 444 days. And one of the terrorists who over saw some of the hostages was none other than Ahmademijad himself. So tell me my niaeve friend was Israel to blame for this? When the clinton adminsitration sat by and let bin laden go while he was getting his cigar rolled in the white house was that Israels fault? When clinton was on the stand trying to save his hide by trying to give the world a new meaning to what the world is, is, while al-queda was quietly gathering intel on how to take out the twin towers was that Israels fault? Your country has been in many wars and on many fronts. You obviously have no confidence in the brave men and women who are in your military. You like your weak leaders in your senate and congress want to tell the military generals on the ground how a war must be fought while dictating it seated in plush leather chairs in a conference room where they have no idea what is going on. So if you think that America is bombing iran for the sake of a request by Israel, well than you really are just another ignorant Cindy Sheehan who still can't come to grips with the fact that her son died there so that the terrorists will not one day come here. You can think what you want, but perhaps now you will be a little bit wary while riding an elevator and someone looks at you with a distant smile on his face and utters allah akbar. Oh if only Israel had insisted that America had bombed Iran hey???
80. #55 Colleen: Look up Jeremiah chapter 50 in an
Rivkah   (09.03.07)
Authorized King James Version Bible. That will tell you why America and a coalition of nations attacked the land of the Chaldeans (Iraq, Babylon). It is the long delayed judgment for the destruction by ancient Babylon of the First Temple of Solomon (God's heritage). Rome will likewise be destroyed for burning the Second Temple of Solomon, as described in Revelation chapters 17 and 18. I wish the Vatican would take its treasures and libraries to another city because Rome will be judged by God, even though the judgment has been delayed for two thousand years. God is the King of Kings and He controls the minds of leaders according to Proverbs of Solomon. Like it or not, the war with Iraq was necessary. Ezekiel chapter 32 describes what is going to be done with the weapons of mass destruction that were spirited away to Syria and Lebanon that the ELS Bible codes say are buried in the Bakaa Valley of Lebanon. Those WMD's are called the SWORD OF THE KING OF BABYLON in Ezekiel chapter 32. It will be used to destroy the multitude (military) of a young lion nation that could be America in Iraq. Yes, Colleen, America may get judged in Iraq for the unrepentent sins of its people: fornication, abortion, murder, homosexuality, not keeping a seventh day sabbath, and all the other sins of the people that have not been repented of. The Prophet Daniel prayed for the sins of the people as well as his own sins, that God might forgive his nation that was under judgment for their sins. You should pray for America to repent of the things that offend the Lord, so the Lord will not have to judge America. The Prophet Zephaniah said after the towers fall, the land will burn: that is America, Colleen. Will America burn because of doing God's will in Iraq? No. America will burn because of unrepented sin. Repent of the sin and the judgment which has been set can at least be delayed. The Prophet Jonah warned Ninevah it would be destroyed in 40 days. The people of Ninevah repented of their sins and the judgment was delayed 40 years. Hope for a delay in judgment of America, of Iran, of Syria, of Russia, and a multitude of other nations the Bible describes the judgment of. PRAY. PRAY LIKE YOUR LIFE DEPENDED ON IT.
81. RE: to #71 Aal
Mark ,   Georgia, USA   (09.03.07)
Aal, thanks for the reply. I do completely disagree with you though. You write: " You cannot deny that the sole problem in the middle east is the Israel Palestinian conflict, solving this problem will solve most of the problems in the middle east. " RE: I will certainly deny that erroneous statement, and idea. It is simply false. 1) The 8 year war between Iraq and Iran had nothing to do with Israel. 2) The Iraq/Kuwait war had nothing to do with Israel. Saddam felt that Kuwait was the 19th Prov. of Iraq 3) As I write this Iran wants Bahrain and considers it the 14th Prov. of Iran, again nothing to do with Israel. 4) The stated cause for 911 was the presence of U.S. troops in Saudi Arabia, Israel was never mentioned until after the attack. Even the Arab leaders have said so. A review of Al Quaida writings prior tr to the 911 attack revealed no mention of the Palestinians. The notion of Israel being responsible for all the problems in the middle east has been a successful PR program started by the Arabs. Although as proven above, to be false, it is repeated endlessly. This was/is quite intentional to give the world a reason or basis to attack Israel. Submitted for your approval...or not Mark from Georgia
82. #80 Could the sword of the king of babylon
jan ,   usa   (09.03.07)
be used on Israels military? Could they be the young lion nation that Ezekiel talks about? Because if that was the case, that would also make sense of the scripture that talks about the complete and total blowing away of Damascus. It sounds as though in that scripture that Israel will use nuclear weapons on Syria. They were there at night, but by morning none one was left to be seen. Also, you have said in other TBs that the US would be destroyed for bombing Iran. Yet now you say we won't. So as you can see, I'm somewhat confused. I personally believe that we should and will bomb Iran and when we do, we will have respect in the region. However, it won't be a real respect in terms of the definition of the word, but it will be more of a "We really hate you America, but our fear of your destructive weapons is greater than our hate for you for now". Tell me what you think?
83. #30: Since the Messiah is coming to judge the nations on how
Rivkah   (09.04.07)
they treated the Jews (who are Jews in their hearts), dumping Israel would bring GREATER judgment on America. Since all the nations of the earth are BLESSED by the seed of ABRAHAM, dumping Israel is not a way to get blessings America needs. America needs Israel MORE than Israel needs America. Christians and Rome did not replace Jews and Jerusalem as some think. Christians were ADDED to the tree of faith as a grafted on branch of a tree with Jewish roots of faith. The ax did not cut down the tree or the branch would have withered. The American Civil War was FINANCED by a Jew who lost his fortune paying American troops that George Washington, married to the richest women in the Colonies would not do with his wife Martha Custis' fortune. Was the Jew repaid by the US Congress? No. He died in poverty. THAT has to be a curse for America that helping Israel is helping to reverse. The USA is paying back the fortune it BORROWED from a Jew to become a nation, to the descendants of Jews.
84. 80 Jan: Hopefully, this second answer to you will post...
Rivkah   (09.04.07)
The sword of the king of Babylon (Iraq) could be used on Israel to provoke Israel to attack Damascus, but Israel as a young lion country (Lion of Judah) does not fit all of the Ezekiel ch. 32 descriptions. The young lion country is divided by rivers, meted (squared off parcels of land from aerial view), peeled (men are clean shaven) etc. The British have just pulled out of Basra, so the young lion country may not be Britain (England is an old lion country, but Britain is only a few hundred years old). Even though Ezekiel says THE multitude ( military) is destroyed along with its Pharoah (leader), another Pharoah (leader) mourns the loss, so it must be only part of the country's military that is lost. To the Prophet, it seemed like THE multitude. But then it is replaced with another multitude and another leader who mourn those lost. I did not say in other tb's that bombing Iran would CAUSE the destruction of America. It might, but the CAUSE of America's breaking ((breaking of notable horn) is sin according to the Prophet Zephaniah. War with Iran is part of a sequence of events. The breaking of the notable horn cannot happen until after the war with Iran is won. Zephaniah says after the towers fall (9/11attack description if you read it), the land will burn. There are many fires and floods in America. Will there be burning from nuclear war? I do not know, but the cause of the burning of the land is SIN. America must repent as a nation for the judgment that has been set to be DELAYED. There is a hope that some may be protected (a group despised) before the decree which may be the closing of the borders. What is the group despised? Those who belong to the Lord, most likely.
85. 82 Jan cont'd.
Rivkah   (09.04.07)
Zephaniah ch. 1 and 2 say a "nation" which in bible terms there means a "race" , a nation that is despised (a race that is despised) is told by the Lord to gather together before the decree..., before the day pass as the chaff (nuclear war, probably), before the Lord's anger comes upon you, SEEK THE LORD, ALL THE MEEK OF THE may beye shall be hid in the day of the Lord's anger. For Gaza shall be forsaken and Ashkelon a desolation..." Is the race the Jews of America and/or Israel? Is the decree the closing of borders or is it the end of animal sacrifice or something else? The towers that fell in Zephaniah were ina land of fenced cities (USA has fences around freeways around cities.) But then the subject of Gaza and Ashkelon, etc. comes up which is obviously in Israel. Is Israel the nation (race) despised? Is America? I see some answers, but others have to unfold as events occur and make the prophecies more clear.
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