Jewish Scene
Evangelicals bring Iranian Jews to Israel
Associated Press
Published: 22.10.07, 17:58
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61. Dear Charles, my post to you not published yet
Abel Shoni ,   France   (10.24.07)
and I do not know if they will because of the French in it. Cher Ami, have a nice week. Kind regards to your family. Thanks YNET if you do !
62. Rebuke to the fishies
Josh   (10.24.07)
#35 You out of touch with reality #36 lies Jews have been forced to convert or die. Learn your history #43 Is that why he came to bring war to the Jews. Is that why he said he wished the axe was already put to the root of Israel. His message was not Peace. His words to idiots who say he was about love and peace. #45 Our souls and our contribution to the Church. To administer the Test of Devareem 13. #46 Charles the same Chucky the Christian who pretends to be a Jew – The Christians were the reason for the Holocaust, the Swastika is Sanskrit for a crucifix, and Germans cried Christ Killers as they exterminated human beings. After this you want the Jews to look on the bright side of Christian contribution. Let’s not even get started on the Contributions of the Vatican. The Holocaust sadly, matches Jesus’ prediction of putting an axe to the root of Israel. War! #48 Gospel is lies. Not one prophecy matches Jesus except DEUT 13 #49 Not a chance the evangelicals are motivated by anything but money and greed. #50 “your god” What about Chuckles Jesus? Say it Charles! "Jesus is not my G-d nor the Messiah." He's not mine and I am not just talking "your" g-d, I mean any Jesus. #52 Chuckles fish friend - sure your not the same There is one G-d. Not three. G-d is not Schizophrenic. He does not say things like G-d why have you forsaken me. He does not make laws and enforce them so that he can pay for our sins. You’re all mad if you think a public execution of a human being is an acceptable sacrifice and even more so if you think men’s sins are not being paid for this very day. Look around once and a while and smell something other than the roses. Jesus did not come to gather the Jews, rather came to bring war and put an ax to the root of Israel. Moses went up to a holy ground where he removed his shoes. Moses was never struck by lightning. Moses spoke to G-d directly. Jesus went to the land of the dead and was struck by lightning in the form of a dove before he had g-d like powers. This was a spirit falling from Heaven. What falls from heaven? Jesus also said he saw Satan fall as a lightning bolt from Heaven. Jesus did not speak with G-d but with Satan. Jesus was accused in his day of working for Satan. Jesus knowing Satan was on earth as he talked to him, said Get yee behind me Satan. Do you really think he was talking to Peter. What is the common Church known for? Would you let them watch your tender children alone? Any of you reading your own prophecy Revalation. I see a match. How else would the world bow to a man figure resurected and counterdicting G-d. G-d gave Torah - figure it out fast. And now you expect the Jews to trust and Evangelist. Get in touch with reality. Rearranged the letters – “Evils Agent”. Funny!
63. To the fishies
Josh   (10.24.07),7340,L-3459989,00.html
64. 39 Keren: Ignorance is bliss.
Rivkah   (10.24.07)
65. Ephraim , diaspora
charles ,   petach tikva   (10.24.07)
For me this is still a Jewish site , and even if your name sounds Jewish [ as this of rivka ] you are certainly not . I do not hate people of other faiths , look at my other tb's here . Yes , i reject your yeshua , jesus or what kind of name you give your savior . The only people who i do not respect , are dishonest persons who hide their true goals and beliefs . As i have a GOOD Christian , whom i respect as a TRUE believer and very good Human , person reading me , i shall not use words who could offend a TRUE Catholic person . I don't think that we need your preaches here , you only make some people hate you . I'm not , as i said , amongst them . Do you think you can convince Jews , or others , of your "truth" ? You probably know that i'm a secular atheist Jew , and i'll tell you , there can come 1000 Ephraims to try to convince me , they will retrurn empty handed .
66. Cher Ami
charles ,   petach tikva   (10.24.07)
The truth can and must be said , that's the way i think . I do not like blind hate . It is true also that in name of the church much crimes were comitted . This was a long time ago and sometimes i ask myself if they were true believers . Thou shall not kill is , if i'm not making a mistake , also one of the ten commandements in your faith . Dommage que nous ne puissions communiquer plus personnellement . Thank you very much for your appreciation . I hope you are feeling better , all the best to you .
67. Nada Saleh , USA
charles ,   petach tikva   (10.24.07)
No , Iran is not a good place for Jews . With a knife on your troath they tell that they are loyal to the Islamic republic , and they will tell everything the authorities want . You know maybe that Jews , in the same conditions , with a knife on their troath , converted , but stayed secretly Jewish . Yes there were ex Russian holocaust survivers who immigrated to Germany , they enjoy more financial aid there . I immigrated from a west European country were i was born , raised and lived for most of my life . Here with all the problems we face , with all those enemies surrounding us , there is one thing , the most important : You are AT HOME , but this you can probably not understand
68. Josh #62 , the non Jew
charles ,   petach tikva   (10.24.07)
As you are not a Jew , only jesus is in your mouth and head , you can't understand that TRUE Jews are gratefull for this .There were many GOOD Christians who helped Jews and in some countries even risked their lives by doing so . But you , a non Jew , and who is hiding his true beliefs , don't know this word , gratitude . Is there not written somewhere that he who saves a life , saves humanity ? You can't know this period , being a non Jew , so you can't be grateful . Don't you know that more than 20000 good people were awarded the Righteous amongs the Nations titel ? I'm sure many more had deserved this . But this is waste of time for me , you are deaf and blind , you don't want to see the truth , the good side of people . poor bipede .
69. To #62 angry person
Jesuslover ,   USA   (10.24.07)
You are obviously a very angry person by how you chop down everyone's beliefs. I don't hold it against you because I know you are blind to the truth. I pray that your eyes are opened, so you can be just as passionate for the truth as you are now against it.
70. #69---Jesuslover
ER ,   Canada   (10.24.07)
On the contrary, you and your ilk are the angry ones. You love to spam Jewish internet sites with a theology that is repulsive to Jews and when they react, they are told they are so stupid because they have “scales” on their eyes! Do you think this appropriate? Imagine for one moment, Satanists were spamming your Christian sites with al kinds of messages that were repulsive to your own sensibilities, would you not have “righteous indignation”, as Christians like to term it? Or, is that emotion only reserved for Christians? Remember, the Christian message has historically been a two-edged sword. Protestant Martin Luther told Jews he loved them while advocating burning their synagogues. His, like most Christians’, was a love on his own terms! In other words, the only good Jews are “Fulfilled Jews”!!!
71. josh.......hitler and his pope were catholics
maria   (10.24.07)
and not christians.don't confuse christianity from roman the way,we only worship one God,not three.[1 john 5:7]for there are three that bear record in heaven,the Father,the Word[Jesus],and the Holy Ghost[Holy Spirit]:and these three are one.
mira ,   beer sheva israel   (10.24.07)
firstly i want to say thank you for your great support and love. you are a great people who love the god of israel. jews on this site and anywhere else shouldnt hurt you like this thats a shame. you must know that many of us in israel value your help and support, and one day soon you will get many times more. may god bless each and every one of you amen.
73. #65 Charles
Ephraim ,   Diaspora   (10.24.07)
Charles: You say that I am not Jewish. Are you? How do you know? Can you trace your heritage back to Abraham? Have you personally witnessed all the conceptions in your family back to Abraham to insure that it wasn't with someone other than a Jew? I have a Jewish soul Charles, but like you, I can't prove my geneology. If you are referring to faith, then I am much more Jewish than you are. You say I am making people hate me. Yeshua said, "if they hate you it is because they hated me before you." These people don't hate me Charles, they hate Yeshua and I am happy to be hated with Him. I don't mean to offend anyone here. I have tried to be positive in my posts. I am in full support of Israel. I love Israel and I am willing to die for Israel because I am promised that if I bless Israel, I will be blessed. All the hate posts directed at me doesn't phase me because I know my soul. Those who hate have no soul. They are dead. They are in need of the quickening touch of their Moshiach Yeshua! You like to make fun of the names of others and call them stupid etc. You like to tell others that they are not welcome here or should not preach here. That is not your privledge or you place Charles. If you don't like my post, don't read them, that is your choice, but don't assume that I care whether or not you welcome me.
74. Evangelicals and the Jewish People
Heatherross ,   Clarksville, USA   (10.24.07)
I am surprised of the Jewish response. The 'agenda' of Christians is truly to help the Jewish people to get home. All man has sinned and fallen short, haven't we. Pointing fingers doesn't answer. You know, some day the Jewish people are going to be teaching the Christians! Would you believe that? As for Jew's sacrifice, I don't understand this statement? Jews are not our 'lambs'. I have never heard any Christian regard the Jewish people in such terms even in jest. But Christians fear God, and God said, he who is against my people, I am against. I think that says it all. To Christians today, it is preached in the churches, you don't turn against God's people (Jews) these are the chosen people, those that are in our country that do, have to answer to God. The covenant has not changed between the Jewish people and the Lord. You better respect it! By the way, Bush's private minister needs to update BushBabe on how not to force Israel into anything!
75. to # 10
JewishDragonfly ,   Torrance, CA   (10.24.07) I doubt she said your quote, either.
76. #73---Ephraim
ER   (10.24.07)
Ephraim, I don’t know whether you are ethnically Jewish or not, but you will be glad to know your soul is 100% Christian. Don’t worry, you can change your name back to Peter, Paul, or Mary!
77. Sorry, Maria # 71, Hitler was not a Catholic and he
Abel Shoni ,   France   (10.24.07)
had no Pope for him. Do you know how many Jews the Pope and his entourage saved in the Vatican and around, while, at the same time, many Jews in America did not even rally to save their brothers and sisters in Europe ? Keep spreading lies, that fuels the old propaganda and hate. I do not like to tell it, but your "theology" is a little simplistic. By the way, I am a true Roman Catholic and forgive you your offenses. No offense meant ! I mean. I respect this Jewish site and I will not say more on this. Our common, suffering humanity is our best part in that alarming, violent world. True friendship, solidarity, fighting enemies of Israel (Israel's God is your God), combat intolerance (Not only religious people are good, I know many secular people who are as good, if not better) and prejudices. In a famous, French political debate, Valery Giscard d'Estaing said to François Mitterrand « Vous n'avez pas le monopole du coeur » (You have no monopoly on heart). May I add this just for you ? « Behold this Heart which has so loved men that it has spared nothing, even to exhausting and consuming itself, in order to testify its love. In return, I receive from the greater part only ingratitude, by their irreverence and sacrileges, and by the coldness and contempt they have for me in this sacrament of love.... I come into the heart I have given you in order that through your fervor you may atone for the offenses which I have received from lukewarm and slothful hearts that dishonor me in the Blessed Sacrament »
78. #76
Ephraim ,   Diaspora   (10.24.07)
I would be honored to have the name Kefa, or Shaul, however Miriam is the wrong sex.
79. #72 Mira
Ephraim ,   Diaspora   (10.25.07)
May HaShem bless you until you can't hold any more blessing. It is good Jewish souls like you that makes everything worth our efforts. Those who think that all we want to do is convert Jews are wrong. All we want to do is bless Jews and be their brothers. To love them and be here for them when needed. I admit this much. It does bring joy to our hearts when any of our Jewish brethren recognize their Moshiach but we know that only HaShem can reveal Him to them. Shalom dear sister
80. #72 Mira, thank you so much for those words.
pj ,   usa.   (10.24.07)
81. #70 and everyone else
Jesuslover ,   USA   (10.24.07)
I am not angry ER, but just wanting you to understand where I am coming from. I hear what you are saying and it seems that unfortunately you have a deep dislike, maybe hate, for all Christians because some have offended you along the way. Please understand that there are many, MANY people out there claiming to be Christian who are not. Many "say" they are believers in Christ, but they put no faith or trust in Him and they certainly don't follow Him, so they are just professors of head belief without true faith. These poor souls don't know it most of the time, for I was one of them for 36 years. There is a major difference that occurs when God opens your eyes to who He sees you to be. It is humbling to say the least. There is nothing easy about being Christian because it is a daily , if not hourly, journey of self-examination that proves to you how much you need a Savior. I understand that being told you are blind sounds offensive, but it is not meant be. I was blind living like a pagan all my life thinking all the while I was saved and I would have sworn literally on a Bible that I was a believer. God humbled me and proved me wrong. It was scary, but I am grateful that He revealed my absolutely need for Him to take over my life. I understand that this is annoying to hear or repulsive as you said, but realize that truly in my heart I want everyone saved...Jew, Muslim...all, but it is God's choice of timing not mine. I pray God protects and bleses all the lovely Jewish people no matter where they live. Peace to you.
82. Thank YOU Mira # 72
Abel Shoni ,   France   (10.25.07)
83. #81 and al other Christians
ER ,   Canada   (10.25.07)
If you are truly spamming Jewish sites out of a love for all mankind, I expect you must spend equal amount of energy and time in doing the same on Muslim sites. If not, then you ought to examine your true motives of being here. Oh yes, it must be for your special blessing.
84. you mean to say if the american jews
maria   (10.25.07)
rallied they could have saved their brothers and sisters during the way! remember: the usa was a neutral nation at that could these american jews do-they didn't have the power to do things.most of the americans were even against them.truman's mother-in-law was anti-semitic.It's good that truman didn't listen to her.hitler along with his buddies[catholics]said,it's the will of God to eterminate the people who killed Jesus.
85. more for you,abel shoni
maria   (10.25.07)
in the 20th century, during ww2, armies were still fighting for the anti-christ,hitler,mussolini ,and franco,each one a faithful roman catholic serving the pope,tried to conquer the world for him.and set up his millenial make it nice and legal,hiltler,mussoloni, and franco all signed official contracts with the vatican.they were called concordats.hitler said:" I reject that book by rosenberg.It was written by a protestant. It is not a party a catholic I never feel comfortable in the evangelical church...
86. To Ephraim, Diaspora
Cecilia ,   USA   (10.25.07)
Ephraim. I am assuming for your letter that you are Messianic Jew. I want you to know that all born again believer in the world love you and are celebrating you as one of the "chosen people" of God. You are not just a Jew, you are what we call a "complete Jew." Your sister in Yeshua.
87. Ephraim , messianic [ non ] jew
charles ,   petach tikva   (10.25.07)
Your body is maybe Jewish , but your head not . My body and head are 100 % Jewish , and this even i'm a secular one . You left everything Jewish , your god is jesus or yeshua or what name you can give to him . You have , personally , a good point . You said it that you are a Messianic one , at least you are honest and this i appreciate . You can believe in what you want [ not specially meant at you ] but say it openly and then for me there is no problem .
88. Irrational Fear
gabe ,   dublin,Ireland   (10.25.07)
Why is there an irrational fear of being 'converted' if you accept aid from Christians? Is your faith so weak that it will be swayed by a few dollars?
89. Ephraim
charles ,   petach tikva   (10.25.07)
You are not Jewish . You wrote : all those who think that we only want to do is convert Jews are wrong . This proves that you are'nt Jewish . A Jew does not need to convert Jews to his faith . As i said it already , you body is maybe Jewish , your head not . There is no difference between your "judaism" and this of Aaron Lustiger , the late bishop of Paris , who's body was Jewish , but his head no more .
90. Maria
charles ,   petach tikva   (10.25.07)
Listen , in nazi germany , concordat or not , catholics were also persecuted . Those countries who signed a concordat with the vatican did'nt go to war for the church . Both sides were knowing that it was not a sincere concordat , but both sides found a temporary interest by doing so . The vatican , even if some Jews were hidden there , did'nt condemn publicly the Shoa , the pope remained silent . Lower hierarchy clergymen were against the persecution of Jews , a French bishop had even a letter read in all his churches condemning the anti Jewish laws . Many Catholic institutions were hiding Jews , this was in many , if not most , cases known by their superior hierarchy . You are pretending wrongly that they were gone to war for a millenial kingdom for the church . Germany fought for "lebensraum" and because of this crazy guy who wanted to dominate the world , he , nobody else . Listen Maria , for me the truth , the historical one may and must be said . Those three dictators were only looking for their own interests , and if "cooperating" with the vatican could help them , well they did it .
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