Ethiopian community hit hard by discrimination
Yael Branovsky
Published: 07.12.07, 08:58
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61. Problem is in the 'terms' used
marilyn   (12.08.07)
An Ethiopian , is from another country and his loyalties are elsewhere, Ethiopia. however if a man is a 'Jew' and worships the true God Jehovah, then his loyalties are to him, and the success of Israel. And it matters not if this man is black white or brindle.So if people are taking 'refuge' in Israel and their hope is to one day return to their own countries, they are welcome, but must abide by the rules that affect everybody else. And if a kid is messing around in school, he is subject to disciplinary action the same as any other kid.
62. John#1 is not a Jew
MIcha   (12.08.07)
it's obvious his comments were written to incite disdain towards Jews. And frankly, even if he is a Jew, which he's not obviously, he is but one person. Obviously we welcome all Ethiopian Jews. They are Jews as the rest of us. And every country has racism. We are working on ours. Just as the US worked and is currently working on theirs. How's Saudi Arabia doing by the way? They're not only racist, but sexist, religist, etc...
63. What Is a Real Jew?
World Citizen ,   the world   (12.08.07)
Certainly the Khazars who converted to Judaism in the 8th century and later became Ashkenasim don't have one drop of Israelite blood in them. They certainly aren't a Semitic people. The Sephardic Jews are closer blood and DNA relatives to the Palestinians than they are to the Ashkenasim. They are lucky to be considered 2nd class Jews. The only reason they were let back into Israel is so the Ashkenasim could have some experienced field hands. The Reformed Judaism people aren't considered real Jews by the Orthodox. The poor black Ethiopian "jews" don't have a chance to ever be considered real Jews. They'll all be leaving to go back to Ethiopia when that country becomes stable. They won't miss Israel one bit. The Ashkenasim will be glad to see them leave. Face it , the Ashkenasim that run your pariah state are a racist lot and that racism effects every facet of Israeli society.
64. Eliahu Adameliyahu, it was a religious school that segregate
Jake   (12.08.07)
the 4 Ethiopian children. Most of the schools in Israel that practice institutional racism are in fact Haredi. That's a fact, and stop trying to spin this one against "the seculars".
65. Paqid Yirmeyahu, are you the same guy as "Yaakov Sullivan"
Jake   (12.08.07)
from the Haaretz forums. You know, the guy who pretends to be a convert to Judaism but is actually a Carthusian Catholic who constantly stirs up discord between Jews and heaps scorn on Israel and Zionism.? Why don't you stop lecturing and creating divisions between Jews?
66. Chanalau Tova RE "now embalmed in Hadassa"
Jake   (12.08.07)
You are a callous and grotesque witch. You are an evil and wicked creature.
67. #29 Joseph
Fussion ,   Israel   (12.08.07)
Your truth is whether or not you confine your mind and thoughts to a padded cell, where you should be. Besides, I usually don't comment on childish immature answers. Get a life and make a real contribution to the society you live in, instead of aiding and abetting incitement racism and bigotry.
68. Jewish Prejudice
Robin ,   Sydney, Australia   (12.08.07)
Originally coming from South Africa I find racism appalling and felt sick to the stomach reading this article. This does not surprise me though. Many South African Jews voted for the Apartheid government and the maintenance of the status quo. Many of those South African Jews live in Sydney. They are an embarrassment and a disgrace. They export their prejudices and culture of entitlement into Australia and Australians resent them, notwithstanding that Australia has its own racial issues. I say to those that discriminate against Ethiopians, that Israeli Arabs are quite correct in calling for the demise of the “Jewish State” as a Jewish entity. It is only a matter of time until Israel becomes Palestine again. A country that represents all those that live in it.
69. Racism
JK ,   NYC   (12.08.07)
want to see racism watch "black girls subway attack" then you will see what Israel has in store for itself.
70. Zionism = racism, so do not expect so much!
Rafi ,   UK   (12.08.07)
71. Lightweights
M. Martin ,   NyC/Tel-avIV   (12.08.07)
Izzy D in Talkback #28 is absolutely right. As a Black AMerican who spent several years living in Israel I can also tell you that compared to Americans, older South Africans and even some Europeans (also usually older), Israelis are lightweight racists. Some are very Eurocenmtric but if you affect the cusoms of the West you will usually be OK. However, Israelis do tend to be kind of provincial when it comes to non-Western cultures and often say and do things that would be very embarassing and earn a lot of contempt if said in some other country that is...ahem...more experienced with real racism. Another problem is that they watch too many American movies and rap videos that do not present the most complimentary image of Black people (esp. Black AMericans, and even more so Black AMerican women). However, thsi is a problem around teh world not just in Israel. But all in all once an Israeli gets to know you they take you as you are, while even teh most benighnb Americans will continue to see Black people through this thick prism of stereotypes despite all the evidence in front of them that their stereotypes are utter BS.
72. to 57..YES Those are Real Jews! and we need more
God   (12.08.07)
73. It takes time
Petra ,   usa   (12.08.07)
In America, we've seen all groups of people assimilate into our society. How long has it taken? There was a time when there were signs in windows that read, "Irish need not apply". With blacks it's still an ongoing process and we are shamed for our ignorance. Isreal is a young country and her prejudices follow the same path. Most countries have 'attitudes' re: new immigrants. We should always remember to be kind to the stranger, we were once strangers ourselves and should know best after living through such horrors of prejudice and hatred that resulted in so many of our kinsmen being led to slaughter. Israel is still forming her identity. She is only 60 years old after being dispersed for over 2,000 years. May we become better people and see others as our G-d sees us. Individuals who are responsible for one another, and treating each with honor and respect.
74. 58: Sephardic Jews can trace their lineage and names back
Rivkah   (12.08.07)
to ancient Israel; so they are real Jews. Some Russian Jews are Khazar descendants from a country that converted to Judaism and no longer exists. Other Russian Jews are descended from the ancient Israelites who escaped captivity in Assyria when the Assyrian army went to attack Judah. The Israelites went up over the Caucasus mountains into Russia and Europe and became known as the Caucasians.
75. #5
Adam ,   Ramat Gan   (12.08.07)
Although #1's comment is digusting, it hardly explains why Jews are hated or the actual causes of persecution and anti-Semitism. Catholics, Protestants etc hold equally as repugnant views about their fellow man - blacks especially, closely followed by Jews, but are not necessarily hated in the same way. Your comment, born out of frustration in response to this sort of ignorant and vile comment is equally as unnecessary and ill founded. I am a Jew, living in Israel, and from what I know the vast majority of people treat Ethiopians well and equally, there are always bad apples in the barrel who show their prejudices like this. I would be happy if when I have children they would marry an Ethiopian Jew, they are very beautiful people, in many ways.
76. #57
Adam ,   Ramat Gan   (12.08.07)
Are you Neutrei Karta, a self hating Jew? IF the Jews are targetted in the UK for anti-Semitism and you need a refuge and none of the rest of the world will offer you help, beg for forgiveness before the land of Israel opens the doors and lets you in! By the way, I can name far more 'real' Arabs and their attrocities. Not one country is spotless.
77. Racism is in the human heart, any human
black, white or in between. It cannot be eradicated on the say so of anyone.
78. To BA #10. A Society FREE Of Hate.
Maansingh ,   The Netherlands   (12.08.07)
You write :"Germans are anti-Semites by birth ". You have a WRONG conception about that. NO one takes birth as a hater. One becomes a hater by lending one's ears to the talking of Hitler ; one becomes a hater by listening to the hate-preaching of Imams in the Mosques or TV. IN SHORT : one becomes a hater by education. CONVERSELY : just by talking without hatred we can create a society FREE of hate on planet Earth. BTW Europeans are NOT anti-Semites by birth. On this one you are wrong AGAIN. BTW the way you talk about religious people in your TB -- it seems to me that you ARE a low-class German.
79. To all Israel bashers out there..
Alexander ,   Herzliya, Israel   (12.08.07)
First of all to the German guy: historically speaking, German anti-Semitism has existed for 1000 years. Second, most Germans during WW2 were nazis/anti-Semites. Third, most of the Germans today are anti-Semitic, approximately 60% of the Germans today compare Israel to Nazi Germany, because Israel has the "nerves" to exist and defend itself like all nations. Judging by your posts, you could not possibly have been a supporter of Israel, and a true supporter of Israel will support a policy that will safeguard the existence, security, safety, demographic majority, national interests, territories, borders, air space and waters of the Jewish state of Israel. Fourth, Israelis are merely responding to Arab and German/European anti-Semitism. No, not all Arabs are bad, but unfortunately the vast majority of them are anti-Semites - approximately 90% of the Arabs in every Arab state support mass murder , terrorism, genocide and demographic warfare against the Jews and the state of Israel. "Critizing your country" among extreme left wingers means to deny Israel the same rights and freedom that most Europeans and Americans take for granted. I have very difficult to see left wing extremists among the Germans being accepted by the bulk of the Germans when they say that Germany should no longer be a German state and that Germans should be punished for being Germans and that Germans should give away land to France and Poland. To all the shocked Americans: USA killed millions of Native Americans/Indians, had African slaves until the 1800s and used an apartheid policy against Afro-Americans until the 1950s and 1960s. And it was legal to do so in the US. Israel never did that and it is not legal to do so in Israel. I am shocked too at this evil, but this is not a norm but rather an exeption to the rule. To the Africans or Blacks on these talkbalks: I am white and I don't have anything against Blacks, never had and never will. But no matter who I am dealing with, Jew or non Jew, white or black, people must respect me as a white male Jew. If the Ethiopian Jews are real Jews or not is not the point here, they are human beings and should be treated well. If Israel doesn't want them, Israel should have said so in the first place. US and EU can reject immigrants and so can Israel. Last: it's not racist to say that most Jews are white.
80. #58 Worse still
Levy ,   Israel   (12.08.07)
What conversion? Many of these immigrants are as anti-Israel as any Palestinian - it just comes out differently.
81. So the landlord fears "problems with theft and drugs" ?
Citizen ,   Israel   (12.08.07)
Then he'll have to send back many of the WHITE immigrants from the FSU who were paid to come here and destroy our country from the inside out. When it comes to oleh-on-sabar crime, there is no comparison. May jerks like him rot in ghetto h_ll.
82. oh, so it´s okay
Shir ,   Finland   (12.08.07)
to call Russian Jews Khazarian, while there is no proof of all Russian Jews descending from Khazarians. But when you state a known fact that Ethiopians descend from African converts your message gets censored. To censor information conserning scientifical facts is limitating freedom of speech.
83. 10# Ethiopians and Apatheid
Ben ,   Karmiel, Israel   (12.08.07)
10# and Apartheid. Very well written views! I have read all your comments and am totally aghast at the stupidity and ignorance of most of you. I grew up in the real Apartheid era, a word that most of you do not even know of or what it means, and you DARE to make comment on people that you do not even know or understand! People are too stupid to understand the total culture difference and shock that the Ethiopians have and still are going through. Perhaps, most older Ethiopian men wear a yarmulke, because it is their way of showing that despite their colour and culture difference, they are indeed Jews and proud to be so. As far as myself is concerned, I have yet to meet an Ethiopian person, who is not polite, friendly and respectful to other people. Unfortunately, their difference in culture and having to suddenly adapt to and learn the rude abusive and arrogant culture of Israelis and obviously the equality between men and woman here in Israel, has led them to so much domestic violence. I am a proud Jew and had to fight for my rights as one in a bigoted and racially motivated country, led by narrow minded and stupid white men. A proud Jew I am, but a proud Israeli not at all! How good it is to disembark from a plane in a foreign land and speak my South African English, which sets me apart from the ill behaved, raucous and uncivilised behaviour of the average Israeli. My racism? The uncultured and rude North Africans who disturb all others around them and whose ignorance and ability to steal and cheat so easily and when caught put the blame in some way on the poor unsuspecting victim. The Charadim, who hide their true inability to integrate into a new and modern world, by hiding under a yarmulke or behind a beard and in numbers, cause distress and effect the quality of life of other decent people, like the destruction of a beautiful and modern city like. Beth Shemesh. They study 631 laws from the Torah, but strangly cannot even live according to our basic TEN COMMANDMENTS. I have also noticed that most of you that have written in, are American..Such a pity that you are such shallow people. I am a racist in another form! Nuff Said!
Tom ,   New York   (12.08.07)
Why did not not post my last posting, censor? I repeat. THE ETHIOPIANS ARE NOT JEWS. They converted Orthodox by deceiving completely Israel claiming to have Jewish roots despite the fact the Ethiopians were Christians in Ethiopia! Their conversion is therefore completely bogus and invalid. Quite a few became Christians again in Israel. Most of them do not work, are on benefits. I suppose in their mud huts in Ethiopia, they had to work if they wanted to survive! There are sincere Black people who converted normally and they do not have problems with the Israelis. The Israelis cannot stand deceptive BOGUS Jews and that what the Ethiopians are. Has the Jewish people become black to please the crazy Israelis who accepted these Ethiopians? That will happen over decades! The true racism is to bring ethnically different people in such numbers in a tiny country like Israel!
85. If the Ethopians are so persecuted in Israel
Brad ,   Mansfield AR USA   (12.08.07)
why don't they just go back to Ethopia and If they were real Jews it stands to reason that they would want to spread Judaism among their own kind . They would be a greater benefit to their own race remaining in the country of their their origin proselytising their own kind as a nation who could stand nationally speaking"along side" of Israel , but politically and diplomatically speaking seperate but in defense of Israel. Forced race mixing creates confusion which God is most certainly not the author of. After all God put the Ethiopian people on the dark continent of Africa in Ethiopia because that is precisely where he had intended for them to stay.
86. Most Western European states are segragated...
Alexander ,   Herzliya, Israel   (12.08.07)
...and most Swedes, Danes and Norwegians don't want immigrants nor do they want their children to attend the same schools as the immigrants. I agree on a couple of things1.) Israel should limit or maybe even reject Ethiopian immigrants for many reasons: 1.01) As they come from a different culture, they are not used to live modern lives in a western democracy and a post-industrial high tech nation such as Israel. You have to think in a humane way as well: how are the Ethiopian immigrants supposed to integrate well into Israel if they don't know how to do that in the first place? 1.02) It is indeed sad that they have been born and raised in poor Africa, but I don't see why the average Israeli citizen must be punished for that by paying tax money to the government so that the Ethiopians don't have to work. When my parents escaped anti-Semitism and Communism in Poland in 1969 and went to Sweden, they had to learn Swedish from scratch, attend the university and get jobs. And nobody felt "sorry" for them because they are Jews. Victimization is a self imposed punishment by the Ethiopians. 1.03) As there are so many ethnic Jews/Israelis opposing the arrival of Ethiopians, it means that many ethnic Jews/Israelis don't identify themselves with the Ethiopians. That is not racism. We cannot demand or expect that the Germans, the Austrians ,the French, the Scandinavians, the Italians, the Spaniards or the British to accept, like or even identify themselves with Asian, Mid Eastern or African immigrants. A part of Liberalism and Liberty is to be the master of yourself and your own life, and nothing could be further from western democracy and individual and national freedom than imposing a foreign population on a host nation. The Ethiopians are clearly not real Jews - they should be treated with respect and be given all citizenship rights, but clearly ,they are not wanted in Israel and most Jews/Israelis don't identify themselves with them. 1.04) Another reason for not letting them into Israel, is that all hundreds of millions of non-Jews in Africa and Asia, desperate to taste the sweet taste of freedom and a high standard of living , might be tempted to claim that they are "Jewish" and flood Israel with millions of Asians and Africans, and that would be the end to the Hebrew/Israelite/Jewish nation, and the Jews would once again be foreigners in their own land. We can't allow this to happen. 1.05) Another reason for not allowing them into Israel is because Israel is under war and has to take care of its own citizens that were kicked out from Gaza. 1.06) Another reason for not allowing the Ethiopians into Israel, is because Israel already has too many Asian guest workers and too many Arabs and Muslims. Israel is a Jewish/Hebrew/Israelite nation state - not a multicultural experiment. This is only the foretaste of what will happen. Most multicultural experiments don't work, neither in Israel nor in Europe, not to mention France and the UK. Israel: use not only your heart but also your mind. 1.08) Allowing the Ethiopians into Israel and forcing Israelis to pay tax money for them will discourage real Jews in the diaspora, well educated and rich Jews, from coming here, because they want a higher standard of living and not force themselves to accept a lower standard of living.
Moshe Baron ,   Rishon Lezion Israel   (12.08.07)
Or was it discrimination against the Yemenites, or even now the Russian Jews? When we all marry each other it will be all over.
88. #59 David No excuse for racism
Petra ,   usa   (12.08.07)
As Americans, we cannot forget our racial prejudice and how we deal with it. Ever since Lincoln freed the slaves, the American South has had a real bone of contention with it. The South was largely democrate until the 60's when the blacks finally got yhe right to vote. Then, the South went Repub in spite. You have the balls to criticize Israel when our own hands are dirty? Give me a break, you hate Israel and look the other way when WE the US does the same thing. Hypocrite! G-d made all colors and you're dictating the terms for Israel? Wake up Jack.
89. # 60 Micah Propaganda works that way,
Petra ,   usa   (12.08.07)
The arabs create havoc whenever /whenever they can. It's easier to blame Israel than for them to clean house. Of all the oil billionaires in the arab world, they spent their money on luxuries for themselves while their people live under the poverty line. Perfect logic when you see it for what it is. They say in their hearts, " it's good to be King' while their own people live like the poorest of the poor. Propaganda is free, responsiblity costs money. They're the cheapest of all bastards.
90. # 86 Alexander
Thomas   (12.08.07)
Alexander I have to tell you as someone who generally enjoys reading your posts, you are really unfair and insulting in saying the Ethiopian Jews are not real Jews. Your family is from Poland so perhaps you know many of Polish Jewry were originally Gypsy. Besides hadn't Rabbi Yosef recognized them as part of the Jewish people? Why would he lie?
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