Jewish Scene
Kiryat Arba rabbi: Don't sell mezuzahs to Reform Jews
Neta Sela
Published: 21.01.08, 21:23
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74 Talkbacks for this article
31. The Point
Israeli ,   Jerusalem   (01.22.08)
I think a lot of people misunderstood the ruling. The Rabbi is not G-d forbid outcasting Jews of lesser Torah observance from getting tefillin and mezzuzahs. What he _is_ doing, is taking a hard stance against a movement that goes against the core beliefs of Judaism while deviously convincing Jews and non-Jews(whom many are told they are Jewish when they are not) that it is legitimate. Until the 1800s, there was no such thing as "orthodox" or "reform". There was Jewish. Some observed less, some observed more. But everyone was on the same team. The "chidush" of the reform movement was that instead of just not performing the commandments on an individual level, the leaders of the group claimed that in-fact there was no longer any reason to do said commandments. In simple terms, they rejected Judaism. The movement has led to a great rift among Ashkenazi Jews. It is a large reason why so many Ashkenazi Jews have lost any connection they would have had to Judaism. One of the reasons the Mizrachi Jews on average feel so much more Jewish and are far more traditional than the Ashkenazi Jews is because in the Arab countries, the Jews always kept to Judaism as passed down to them by their fathers and mothers. While not everyone is on the same level of observance, there is an understanding that observing the commandments is a good thing within those communities. Hopefully this didn't seem too much like a lecture. I pray that ynet doesn't censor it!
32. The point
Israeli ,   Jerusalem   (01.22.08)
The point is that the "reform" movement is a rejection of Judaism founded in the 1800s. Before then, there had already been observant and less observant Jews. The reform movement came around and said that commandments no longer had to be followed. The movement originally caused a huge rift among the Ashkenazi communities, and today it can be blamed as the reason many Ashkenazi Jews are not in touch with their Judaism at the best and at the worst telling non-Jews they are Jewish. Compare this to the Mizrachi Jews from the Arab countries, who on average are far more traditional and where you will rarely find such a thing as "disdain" for observant Jews like you find among secular Ashkenazi Jews. Sure, not everyone holds the same level of observance. But it is generally accepted among those communities that observing the commandments is a good thing. That's why many Rabbis take such a hard-line against the reform movement. They want to make it clear that among the Torah-observant community, the reform movement bares no legitimacy. And although people may feel like that causes a rift among Jews. I'd like to remind you that the reform movement rejected Torah, not the other way around. For some reason Ynet blocked my comment, even though it was nothing in comparison to the anti-orthodox comments on this article. I guess free speech only applies it you agree with what's being said, eh?
33. #15 - so that's ok then, I'm glad you cleared that one up.
34. if the orthodox cared so much they wouldn't
spend half their lives trying to find halachic reasons not to perform mitzvot & get around them that way. G-d sees.
35. #14
Moran ,   Israel   (01.22.08)
36. Shame on many religious commentators here
Gilad ,   London UK   (01.22.08)
Again those who see it as their duty to be religious and bring Jews "closer to Judaism" clap their hands (I can't say all since I have not read all, but you can quickly see the comments mouting up) at the notion of attacking reform Jews. Far more reform Jews are much much closer to Judaism than many seculars. Yet he'd happily marry seculars, happily bury seculars. This man is a chutzpan of a very high level. Politicizing Judaism in such a way so as to see fighting reform Jews as more important than performing great mitzvas of doing Jewish services. Shame on him. Disgusting. Maybe the rabbis should wake up and realize that they are alienating Jews worldwide every day. EVERY SINGLE DAY THEY MAKE JEWS LIKE THEIR UNDERSTANDING OF JUDAISM LESS. If it's his job to help educate jews, and bring them closer to judaism (after all, a rabbi is an educator), he's an utter failure.
37. Where does it end?
Tuvia ,   Brooklyn, NY USA   (01.22.08)
Next week he will forbid the sofer from selling to a Conservative congregation. Then it will be the modern orthodox shuls because their mechitza isn't high enough. This sin'at chi'nam is what brought about the Exile. Haven't we learned anything from history?
38. Stupidity
Don Quinne ,   Canada   (01.22.08)
Jews are Jews and driving people further away is just stupid. No wonder people are abandoning religion, All you zealots are crazy!
39. No problem
Rod ,   Israel   (01.22.08)
As a religious Jew I personally don't have a problem with Reform...they just mustn't call it Judaism!
40. @25, Motti: The whole of Judaism is a club...
Willy ,   Israel   (01.22.08)
...and a very exclusive one too. So don't be so self-righteous here! And btw. a religion is a sect that became successful!
Sergio ,   Qiryat Arba   (01.22.08)
Just READ THE ARTICLE, NOT THE MISLEADING TITLE conceived as a sensationalsit line to strike at Rav Lior and what he represents! The Psqa was AND COULD NOT HAVE BEEN about single Jews, whatever their creed is, but to ORGANISED DENIAL OF TORAH
42. It doesn't bother them when collecting
DC ,   IL   (01.22.08)
Plenty of religious come to my door collecting for this or that. It is obvious that I am not religious, but that never bothered anyone from taking my money.
43. #31 Rotten to the "core"
Paul ,   London England   (01.22.08)
"a movement that goes against the core beliefs of Judaism " What a shame that tolerance, decency and a rejection of medieval bigotry are deemed incompatible with Judaism.
44. Josh the GOY
charles ,   petach tikva   (01.22.08)
talks about "we Jews" as of he is part of the Jewish people . But he does no go to an Orthodox Rabbi to look if he is truely Jewish , out of fear that his lie [ one of his many ] would be discovered . Come on Josh , let's go to a Rabbi , an Orthodox one of course , so we can see who is a Jew and who is not .
45. Selling To Reform
Avrum ,   Jerusalem   (01.22.08)
Thank goodness he allows sales to Conservative Jews. :)
46. Lior's ignorance is only outstripped by his prejudice
Ahad Ha'Am   (01.22.08)
With regards to Muslims, no serious Jewish scholar questions that Islam is a sibling Monotheism to Judaism. As for his comments on Reform Judaism, this kind of 'causeless hatred' is the result of turning Eretz Yisrael into an idol that eclipses the value of Klal Yisrael.
david ,   usa   (01.22.08)
48. #44 Regardless of Rabbinic opinion, I am right.
Josh   (01.22.08)
Do you think I care? Thats like saying I care that Jesus freaks don't accept me for their corruptions to Torah. Or the Muslim? you can stand in the brainwashed line for the next handout from the mighty powerful men who self proclaim they are wise sages. I will not. I see neither wisdon nor judgement in their commentary. Just spagetti references, and information overload techniques to keep people from seeing through their lies. They get off on the wrong foot and start arguing about the every subsequent step as they construct what they want, never addressing the singular issue but componding the question till the truth is burried in BS. A brain fart and a nap is needed just to catch your balance. You can see their on the wrong road as the travel down it arguing. Its laughable. "If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit." Well they have done a poor job on each account. Sum total they maintain power and opress the power of the Jews for their own gain. But if you never read and though about Torah, I guess it would work. It worked wonders for Jesus and his disciples who collected the fallen Jews. Ask Charles who wont denounce Jesus as his g-d.. Car salesmen sell cars - so I guess its true. A sucker is born every minute. Failed Devearim 13 didn't you Charles. So did almost every other Jew who accepted magic items instead of relying on G-d to protect them. What does that say about how much they really love G-d that they would replace him with a protective object? So far away from real Torah and so accepting of anyone who misleads them. Can anyone say there is no iniquity in the tents of Jaacob at this point? Its hanging right on the door with an incantation and all. Even packaged and sold as a protective device that when done improperly causes evil even good families to suffer. (Yehezkeil 13) . Certain angles, words must be complete and hand written. Incantaion must be said over it by a licensed magician. Torah just has this as a reminder but it is now a talisman. How good is it to remind when most aren't even honoring Shabbat? Just like Kabbalah that curses men with insanity. How could something good come with a curse? How could a man with true intentions to become closer to G-d be cursed? Someting is wrong with this picture. It is because it is not really the good thing the babylonina kidnappers gave or leaders. The ultimate trojan horse. It is magic and not Torah. Baaalam did the will of G-d, but he did it with magic and look what that got him. So the Baalam story shows us that the Rabbinical excuse that magic is when one does it for themselves and not magic when the "will of G-d" is done. It is just another lie that those who are far from Torah will believe. Nothing from doing Torah will bring a curse. It is against the rules of Torah and against the righteousness of Hashem. Proof postive it is wrong. How can this not be seen or debated in the heavenly court by the great accuser as proof of not loving G-d? Deverim 12 test failed. Yehezkeil 13 all over again. This is not the same object as in Torah. Just another black hat trick from a Babylonian cult. Back to Torah where G-d watched our gates and we lovingly trusted in him alone. Where the absence of a little ink was not the cause of harm to families by way of curses as the Rabbis state a faulty Mezzuzah is. Will anyone engage their brains to think? Will we be a nation of judges with decernment or another generation of drones who walk towards the cliff of the lemmings following babylonian teachings. Read Torah for G-d's sake and think. Magic incantations use repetition, performative language, and a formulaic composition. Moses had a speach impediment and made no mention in torah of formulaic composition. That is what we are asked to do because the Rabbi (not mentioned in Torah) tells us to? Rubbish excuse for breaking Torah. Shame shame.
49. Do not .........
Eliahu ,   Ckleveland, USA   (01.22.08)
Readind this story and most of the comments is more fun than reading the best comic book to be found.
50. Misleading Title - It should be- Don't sell to reform temple
Norman   (01.22.08)
The Rabbi never said to reform Jews He meant the reform Club where Almighty is rebelled against openly.
51. and this is why my generation is alienated from Judaism...
Justin ,   New York   (01.22.08)
This is just more reasons why alot of of my generation 18-26 year olds are growing further away from Judaism. The orthodox are pushing us further away because we may not have been raised in a yeshiva like they were. I was raised reform, but don't know much about judaism, but when I try to get more of a taste of the religion the orthodox do their usual pushy bitterness towards other non orthodox jews.
52. To sergio...
Justin   (01.22.08)
"On Monday, however, the rabbi issued an even harsher edict, mandating that sofrei stam, or Jewish scribes, should not sell Torah scrolls, tefilin or mezuzahs to Reform Jews." That was said right in the article. What shocks me is how this rabbi actually classifies certain groups of Jews, even though we are all just Jews. In essence, he is telling Jews to sin by preventing other Jews from doing a mitzvah. I find this rabbi revulting to the core.
53. There are no "Reform Jews" as there are no Christian Muslims
Rodrigez ,   Cuba   (01.22.08)
Jews are jews, were jews 3000 years ago and will be jews in 3000 to come. Korachites, Seducees, Beitusians, Isaiites, Karaites, Sabbateans, Frankians - were all unable to become legitimate. Why do you think the Deform can?
54. shame on rabbi lior
bobby   (01.22.08)
there are red lines a rabbi should not cross. even if he disagrees with their philosophy & perhaps they are doing bad things. they still are jews & lead many many jews. rabbi lior is inciteful because he is ignorant of the real world which is far more dangerous than the reform movement!
55. Shame on Ynet for misleading title
Menashe ,   New Jersey, USA   (01.23.08)
As already pointed out, there's nothing in this psak that prevents individuals from getting legitimate STaM, only that institutional centers that openly disregard what the Torah teaches shouldn't be permitted to desecrate suc holy items.
56. #15 & #50 = only TBers who READ the article
Susan ,   Israel   (01.23.08)
57. # 48 So many words for saying nothing !
Abel Shoni ,   France   (01.23.08)
You are definitely stupid demanding Charles that he gives up Jesus as his God. How could he, Charles has repeatedly said he doesn't believe in God ? It's not his right ? Look up the word believe and repent for insulting a friend. Then see the Rabbi who converted you and repent once more because the motives which pushed you to abandon Jesus - if you really did it, prove it to me - were unworthy. So give proof or s**t up ! Ynet, I broke my promise not to answer this guy's talkbacks due to his leading his hate campaign against my friend Charles, and not only him. Liar, hateful person, and intolerant apostate you are Josh, not less.
58. To # 48 3td try
charles ,   petach tikva   (01.23.08)
You think you are right ? fools think it always . You hate Rabbanim , so it was certainly not one of them who "converted" you ? Maybe it was only a pastor or a Baptist minister who did it ? You "pretend" to be Jewish , nothing in your writings prove it , they are full of christian names and citations . You must have a vast quantity of Christian books , NO TRUE Jew has even one . So if you want to give me a proof you are Jewish , and not a liar on this , come with me to a Orthodox Rabbi , in my town , so you can see that i'm living here . PS My friend is of course living in Thoiry , France , i have proofs of it . I did'nt need proofs , there are honest people , category you don't belong to
59. #57 Abpaqcharin go talk to the mayor
Josh   (01.23.08)
Good you clarified for yourself what Charles believes. Has he no voice to say he does not believe in Jesus. He wont. Clearly this is a big issue for him despite him claiming to be athiest. Of course he believes in him. Many Jesus fanatics are liars. Charles is just a person who claims to be an orthodox athiest Jew. yet this is a mountain he cannot climb because his wooden cross keeps him from backing up his lies. Both of you (one person) ask me to meet for an orthodox rabbi to look at my conservative papers and state they are accepted by an orthodox. Obviously neither of you understand the difference between the movements in Judaism. Its a paqid sort of thing, isnt it? You dont fool anyone mystery poster. Why does one like you post under alias names? Your sentance structure, wording and even the repetitive points are not even close to looking like a separate person. Charles and you make identical posts. Even your french posts conatin high scool level french. Certainly one of you should have better french skills. Your random name posts share the same lies too. Have you ever thought of anything orginal? By the way I put a call into the mayor of Thoiry to let her know someone is claiming she is scandalized as you put it. I dont think it is right to try and ruin here political career by saying she is in any way associated to you. If you were a native of Thoiry you should be worrried, but we all know your not. Clearly your an American, aren't you. An ex-baptist minister and orthodox halacha authority? Laughable. How are the crooked hands Abpaqcharin?
60. Dov Lior
Chaim Freedman ,   Petah Tikvah   (01.23.08)
When will we learn ? Sinat Khinam continues to destroy us from within, particularly by some of those who should be drawing us together rather than alienating. The pity is that he is adulated by many for his so-called leadership.
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