MK Zeev: Gay 'plague' could destroy Israel
Aviram Zino
Published: 29.01.08, 14:20
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BILL HANDEL ,   BROOKLYN, USA   (01.29.08)
The settlers are routinely beaten up and jailed by Police when they protest--just ask Nadia Matar of "Women in Green."...To paraphrase Brithish author George Orwell--"All Israeli protestors are equal, but some are more equal than others!"
32. his spirtitual leader is a crossdresser
Michael ,   Haifa   (01.29.08)
33. i can help
desade ,   israel   (01.29.08)
these shasniks obviously have no idea what theyre talking about. if theyd kindly remove their pants and reverse into my office, id be glad to enliten them of the burden of their mythconceptions
34. how can you call yourself a democratic state
with people like this runing your country . not that i like gay people nor do i hate them , but this is what democracy is all about , live and let live .
35. #3 ...and so is the golden calf
Josh   (01.29.08)
Do not confuse the choice of "anything goes" with human rights. Democracy is not a free for all, do what you want, break all the rules concept. That's anarchy which is just below hedonism. Your point is somewhere in fantasy land. Next you'll say that drug use is a right of democracy and that people who do it should be allowed to gather in the streets and demostrate shooting up. If it were a true democracy as you describe it, people could vote to not allow gays to have sex that way. Goverment is suposed to insure the continuation of a healthy functioning society. Get your priorities straight. Society can not function and continue if we do not do as Torah dictates. Society will be cursed and collapse when evil over-powers what little good that is left.
36. Why Jerusalem, why not Sodom ??
Emanuel ,   Pakistan   (01.29.08)
37. #10 "gentic makeup?!"
Josh   (01.29.08)
Why would G-d define a being that could not procreate? Do you believe the sins of the father are the sins of the son, thus G-d designed ones son as the last of the liniage? I can't buy that. G-d would not have made it a sin if he forced one to be a sinner. You describe a perfect parodox. People do not need to control their sexual desire as soon as they make such a statement that it is genetic. Its like a fat person overeating and saying they do not have to control thier diet because they are "genetically big boned". It eliminates the response "no" and absolves all responsibility. One can be truly faultless of every sin as it is now the Great Creator's fault. I for one don't believe it for a minute. I have also seen the gay agenda and sales tactics. If it were genetic these things would not exist. Sex feels good but there is not an excuse why one cannot maintain control over it. From the first to the last incident, one should have said no and didn't.. Of course once one has made a compulsive life out of doing it, it is much harder to say no. Has every gay tested to see if they have the genetic "gay" gene in a lab not run by gays? Instant gratification is not genetic. I think just as a gambler has his excuses for his addiction, it is just an excuse that gives the gay agenda a green light.
38. Pride Parades vs Religous Sensibilities
Daniel ,   Israel   (01.29.08)
First of all Simon has got it correct on ALL counts. Jerusalem is not just the religious communities domain but the seat of the Israeli government. By refusing to allow parades that seek social justice and equality you negate Jerusalem as the Capital. If that is your purpose than we might as well return ALL of Jerusalem to Arab control. That will allow religious intolerance to rule the city as in most Arab countries. But if we accept that Jerusalem is the Capital of Israel, we must allow democratic protests. This does not mean protests without limits. A parade can be kept out of Mea Shearim and the Old City. Noise can be limited. This was exactly the case in 2007. The parade was almost silent. There was no music no celebration just a march. I very much hope it can be bigger and more vibrant in 2008. Music and larger posters would maybe even floats would be nice. But no matter how it happens it needs to take place. This is clear because the MK suggests that gay people be treated in the same way as bird flu. Birds with bird flu are killed as are all the birds in the area. Is the MK suggesting we start killing people for being gay? It sure sounds that way
39. Banning gay pride parades in Jeruselem
R.G. Frano, A.C.L.S. ,   Jersey City, NJ, USA   (01.29.08)
I live perhaps a mile from where the 1st. bomb, (used to blow down the WTC towers, '93), was created, right under the video of the so-called law enforcement people. I'm also a survivor of the WTC. I am shocked when i see such talk, (banning G.P. Parades), in Isreal. Has the legislator who proposed this abomination forgotten that the NAZI's killed gays as wel as Jews? Shame on you, Mr. legislator!
40. gay pride parade.
sharon harris ,   new orleans,usa   (01.29.08)
When sexuality is carried to the streets it is called Trash. All people with intelligence recognize this. Refuse is always carried to the street to be hauled to the garbage dump.
41. He dares to talk about proofs , this josh
charles ,   petach tikva   (01.29.08)
he can't even prove that he is a convert , probably because his claim is false . Show a proof from a Orthodox Rabbi , and then you may talk .When do you come to my town , it's not so far from where you live , don't worry , i'm not a violent person .
42. More Gay Parades!
PK ,   NYC, USA   (01.29.08)
Gay parades are the best kind. Who wouldn't want one in their town? This religious nut should get over himself. God loves his fabulous gay children!
S Judah ,   london   (01.29.08)
And guess what? they won't lose any votes and they won't lose any seats, and they won't lose any sleep either. So lets get real, not diplomatic perhaps, but from a religious perspective a 100% forbidden practice, a trial from the almight, control and restrain yourself as best as possible. If you fail at least keep it private and low key. What's to boast about? Go ask your Mother if she is happy about it. Remember Mums know best.
Moses ,   seattle, wa   (01.29.08),7340,L-3500042,00.html I'm sick and tire of being told that I'm supposed to be so called "tolerant" of these deviant "lifestyles". Look what it's gotten us here in the United States. Check the CDC (center for disease control) website for the stats. There's over 1 million people living in the US now with HIV/AIDS. That's 1 million people that are going to die horrible deaths because they refuse to follow God's laws. This is a 100% preventable pandemic if only people would be responsible and keep their zippers zipped and their body parts where God intended them to be. This does not even count the gonorrhea, syphilis, hepatitis, herpes, genital warts, and a whole host of other none treatable, life altering, and fatal diseases that are being spread amongst the homosexual community. The latest of which is an extremely virulent strain of staph that could spread to the heterosexual community via skin contact killing MILLIONS. What if there was a lifestyle called Christianity that was responsible for the spread of fatal diseases such as AIDS and this new form of staph that is emerging and it was contracted from going to church every Sunday? Does anyone really believe that this sort of behavior would not be decried across the globe. So why is it any different for the homosexual "lifestyle". They're responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands in our nation and we're supposed to be teaching our children to go ahead and experiment and that this is an acceptable form of behavior and a perfectly acceptable "lifestyle"! When I was younger I used to call for calm and to let these people live their lives as they wish. I had no animosity towards gays and lesbians whatsoever. Now 30 years later the homosexual mafia is everywhere I look! You can be arrested in some countries for saying you don't agree with homosexuality having committed a hate crime, and our public schools teaching our young grade school children that Sally could have two mommies and Johnny could have two daddies and that's just fine and dandy! It's not fine and it's NOT what God or nature intended for anyone. I can't turn on my television set without homosexuals staring me in the face 24 hours a day telling me I should accept their ridiculous behavior no matter what the consequences. Now they're attacking the sanctity of marriage and trying to shove that down our throats! The terms mother and father have been banned from California text books because it might offend a lesbian, gay, transgender, and bisexual couple! They've pushed and pushed and pushed and now I'm going to start pushing back. The welcome mat is gone for me and I long for the day when we can drive this deviant and degenerate behavior back underground where it belongs! It's killing people and it's destroying our societies and our families and that's a fact! I've had it. Get back in the closets where you belong enough is enough!
45. About Time!
VDub ,   NC, USA   (01.29.08)
It is about time that someone stood up to the scourge that seeks to undermine the foundations of society. Homosexuality is a lust-based behavior that seeks to cloak itself in a self-righteous cloak of victimhood to hide it's sinister goal of perverting all that is good. Why should one deviant lifestyle be given preference over another? I really hope the MKs' proposal receives the necessary support it deserves. Normal people must stand up and fight gay hordes with the goal of putting them back in the closet where they belong.
46. Why not ban the Jews while you're at it?
Karl ,   Los Angeles,CA USA   (01.29.08)
Hey, while you're at it why not ban all Jews from Israel as well? I remember a certain German who lumped in the Jews with the gays and had a "solution" to the problem that was "plaguing" Germany at the time. He wanted them sent to "rehabilatation centers" as well.
47. human rights
DEMSMUSTGO ,   USA   (01.29.08)
How does this have anything to do with civil rights!They wanted parades they said no,its not like they are kicking them out of the country or beating them or not giving them jobs!They said no to the parades!!Stop crying because someone told you no!This is Isreal not the US THERE IS NO BILL OF RIGHT OR CONSTITUTION!
48. #10 Simon
Alaskan ,   Kodiak, AK USA   (01.29.08)
There have been many studies, yet no evidence of a genetic componant to homosexuality. "I dont think the sight of me marching down a street in Jerusalem in my jeans and t shirt should offend anyone." Do you really think that people are that nieve to believe you'll be marching in jeans and t shirt? Gay parades nearly always provide a display of some sort attemp to "shock" by displaying perversion.
49. Don't Blame Zeev
Mark ,   Elrom   (01.29.08)
He is just a parrot for the head of Shas.
50. It is illegal to call for the slaughter of all gays.
Yoyshel ,   New York   (01.29.08)
Therefore if you call for this you are breaking the law.
51. What are you nuts talking about?
DEMSMUSTGO ,   USA   (01.29.08)
This story is about banning a parade not kicking anyone gay out!And for those who said they were denied human rights,which human rights,the right to live,to buy food,to reproduce,to vote,to run for a office or live a free life(if your gay they already let you do as you want).Its not a human right to have puplic displays,that depends on your gov!Its a sexual thing!WHICH BELONGS IN THE HOME NOT ON THE STREET!
52. why stop there
bob ,   st louis, MO   (01.29.08)
Heck, folks-- Why not round up asocials and gypsies, while you're at it? how can a country so founded in response to oppression, turn and become an oppressor state? God must weep.
53. #15 Hitler cancelled democracy through democratic process
Aharon   (01.30.08)
The right of free speech is not negotiable. The end.
54. Democracy ?
Brian ,   NYC USA   (01.30.08)
G-d Bless Democracy. A Democracy is based on majority rule. Until 51% of Israel decides to be buggering sodomites, looks like you'll have no gay day. If the USA were a Democracy instead of a Republic, we wouldn't have to listen to the incessant whining rants of a tiny 2% of the population that want the other 98% to change their laws defining marriage. Mate with whatever consenting adult you like in the privacy of your own home. Don't force your preference upon others or into the public square..
55. Gays In Jerusalem
libsuk ,   Detroit, USA   (01.30.08)
I'm sure many of you have either been to America or reside here now, do not let the gays twist their propaganda into a "civil rights" issue. They have so distorted tolerance that they are infiltrating school systems to promote the gay lifestyles into formative children's minds, FORCING acceptance of their lifestyle choices on people of all faiths, in fact they sue anyone that stands up to their advances. Stop them before they twist your society into one giant Folsom Festival, let them try to convert Ahmedinejad.
RICK MONTZ ,   SULPHUR - USA   (01.30.08)
57. freedom of expression
ned ,   usa   (01.30.08)
When the U.S. Constitutional protections of freedom of speech was expanded to "freedom of expression" then Pandora' box was opened. Every form of sex trade and behaviors were suddenly protected. Professor Kremnitzer is brushing through this profound difference between speech and expression as though it were nothing. Beware Israel.
Steve ,   San Diego,CA USA   (01.30.08)
Have you lost your mind?! Hate the sin not the sinner! DO NOT enable your brother to continue to stumble in sin. Stop that which is an abomination to the Lord God of Israel....nuff said!
59. reply to #6
Steve ,   San Diego, CA USA   (01.30.08)
Secular Jews will be the demise of Israel. What a bunch of fools!! Get to know your God - quick!
60. To Simon, #10
me ,   here   (01.30.08)
I agree that the "sight of you marching down a street ... in jeans and a T-shirt" shouldn't offend anyone. And as an American, I also believe that people should have the right to march for their causes. But here's the problem: in most communities, gay parades do not feature people wearing jeans and T-shirts. They are often barely dressed in extremely racy and/or revolting costumes that insult others (at least that's the case here on the Left Coast in San Francisco where the Gay Pride parade has become a total freak show featuring featuring attire that would be offensive to just about anyone and would lead to a public indecency charge were one to wear such garb to the local mall.) The end result of gay parades is that they often do more to turn people against gays and to create misunderstandings than they do to further the cause of gay rights. I agree with you that gays should be treated with respect and have rights like the rest of humanity has. That will happen a lot sooner when gays show respect to and concern for the rights and sensibilities of others. Unfortunately, too many of gays don't get that point, as evidenced by the decision to hold the parade in Jerusalem, of all places. There would be a lot less rancor if the parade were to be in Tel Aviv. Choosing to have it in Jerusalem smacks of "in-your-face-ism." As we say here in America, "You'll catch a lot more flies with honey."
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