MK Zeev: Gay 'plague' could destroy Israel
Aviram Zino
Published: 29.01.08, 14:20
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61. We can all agree!
Brian ,   San Diego, CA USA   (01.30.08)
I think gays can be quiet ... as long as Jews are quiet too! I don't want to hear anything about their religion. Christians too. Shhh! Keep your religion to yourself. And while we're at it, why are Jehovah's Witnesses knocking on my door? Go away and shut up. Tom Cruise, why should I give a rat's tail about your SPs and KMAs and XYZs? I just want some STFU. And since silence is so golden, can we clean our airwaves? Start with that blowhard Limbaugh. Enough already. Be quiet. Bill O'Reilly? Stick a falafel in it. LET'S ALL JUST SHUT UP.
62. Question to anti-gay poeple
David ,   San Francisco, USA   (01.30.08)
I have a question to all you who think gays should 'not be gay' and live 'clean' life style. How would you like it if your daughter were dating and planned to marry a guy who was struggling with his sexuality? Would you prefer he do the 'right thing' and marry your daughter? Or would you prefer he be honest with himself and not enter into a marriage with a woman whom he can never truly desire. This type of marriage is a recipe for disaster. Pleas ask this question to your self and answer honestly.
63. Tolerant, progressive Israel
Evan ,   New York, USA   (01.30.08)
I'll remember this news story and especially the comment thread beneath it next time someone tries to convince me that Israelis all respect gay rights and that Israel is a bastion of liberalism and progressive, open-minded, and tolerant behavior. I'm sorry, but you people want to have your cake and eat it too. Your defenders and apologists claim that progressives should support Israel because unlike other countries in the Middle East, it grants rights to women and gays. But when people point out that some Israeli buses force women to sit in the back or that many mainstream Israeli politicians want to send gay people to rehab centers (as well as deport all the non-Jews), their tune suddenly changes, and all of a sudden we "can't apply American values" to judging another society. All of that lovely concern for gays and women evaporates as soon as the bluff is called. Mordechai Kremnitzer's statement is accurate. If Israelis are perfectly OK with turning Jerusalem into Tehran, then by all means this legislation should pass. But if Jerusalem is supposed to be the capital of a democratic and secular Jewish state, then this legislation makes no sense. You cannot deny a group's right to protest based on religious sentiments. While a gay pride march may offend some religious Jews, frankly, many gay people are offended by the far-right religious groups that march in honor of a minority that does not pay taxes or serve in the military. Too bad. If you're offended, suck it up and deal with it. That's the way it works in a free society.
64. Israeli is very tolerant; he doesn't represent Israel
A Gay Israeli ,   Beit Shemesh   (01.30.08)
It's hard being gay anywhere, but its easier in Israel then most places. We have more rights then gays in the US. We deal with bigotry, but most of it is from misunderstanding (and there are very few people in Israel who are anti-gay bigots). It's ashame this man gives Israel such a bad image.
65. Why would G-d command a man born with no arms to put on tfln
Baruch ,   ny   (01.30.08)
Why would G-d command a man born with no arms to put on teffilin? You're argument is flawed. Even the greatest Rabbis acknowledge that homosexuality is, most likely, inherent. As a frum Jew struggling to keep the mitzvot despite my orientation (can you imagine what its like to go without love?) I take offense to your argument. I long for the day when the frum community shows more compassion toward fellow JEWS!
66. MK Zeev
Lazar ,   Brooklyn, USA   (01.30.08)
Well at least he is talking about rehabilitation centers. An earlier extremist demagogue had homosexuals put into concentration camps .
67. Well Said Moses!
Thom Merklin ,   Seattle, WA - USA   (01.30.08)
Moses, thank you for your wonderful, and to the point remarks of the fate of any nation that welcomes this hideous behavior. Well Done!
68. Gay Plauge
M Henson ,   Pulaski TN USA   (01.30.08)
"If freedom of expression is impinged upon, Israel will cease to be a democracy,” said the professor. " Freedom of expression? How is genuinely considered that it that if one disallows the perverted to parade their perversive tendencies before the public without impunity, it could possibly be the detriment of a democratic society? No one is saying that you can't be a pervert, only that your perversion should be kept to yourself, and you should have no "special rights" just because your perverted. It;s all a ruse for acceptance as "Normal" behavior, and it's not normal.
69. Gay pride parade
Ralph Filicchia ,   Watertown USA   (01.30.08)
I see nothing wrong with banning a gay pride parade. To allow it would be to institutionalize sexual perversion--and why would any state want to do that? Plus, it would be offensive too many citizens of Israel , and if something is offensive to some group, the isn't it politically correct to ban it?
70. what israel is all about
seth ,   deering. nh   (01.30.08)
denying rights to specified groups is the essence of israel. first hey came for the muslims, then the christians, next those jews married to non-jews.. did jewish gays think that bigotry has an appetite that can be sated? jewish gays, many of whom are immigrants, freely benefit from a hate machine. they are fools to think that would not turn on them. there are other groups awaiting the talmudic "purifiers."
71. The Gay Plague
Thomas Manning ,   Roseburg, Oregon   (01.30.08)
Argue tolerance for socially unacceptable behavior? Then there is no level of tolerance that should be denied. Tolerance is a virtue of fools. From this perspective greater exaltations may be formed if only we have the courage to greater tolerance.
72. Gays refused to march
Rena ,   Chicago, USA   (01.30.08)
U applaud Mr. Gabbay and Zeek for not allowing the gays to march, and comparing them to a plague, such as bird flu. By them marching, that means that the city promotes this lifestyle that is not fruitful, and detrimental. Can gays produce children? The Aids virus is higher among gays. A lot of them commit suicide, as this lifestyle brings a lot of guilt.
73. Gays Destroy Israel??
Andrew P ,   Alexandria VA   (01.30.08)
I guess if a large fraction of Israelis become lesbian that could destroy Israel by reducing the birthrate vs. the palestinians. But so could the current and unsustainable exemption from military service enjoyed by ultrareligious Israeli Jews. The answer to the survival of Israel is to require those religious Jews to serve in the army, encourage their high birthrates, and require lesbian Israelis to have children to be raised by the army. Gay Israeli men should be assigned to special brigades where they can fight effectively, as gay Romans and Spartans once did.
74. Abomination
Kunselman ,   Phoenix, AZ USA   (01.30.08)
Our Lord calls homosexuality an abomination, and John says that in end times there will be an abomination that causes desecration of the temple. Tolerance is not something the Lord will tolerate.
75. Gay against Jews in Israel
bpjam ,   las vegas, usa   (01.30.08)
Gays want religious people to shut up and accept any amount of perversity under the mantle of 'free speech'. So go ahead and get rid of the religious people. Of course, its those religious people who are the only ones standing in the way of you living in an arab state where you will not only NOT be marching in parades but you will probably also be killed for your sodomy. You may not like it that others don't celebrate your choice of sexual activity but you ARE being tolerated. You are not being jailed. You are not being beaten or denied medical care or education. You don't want tolerance as much as you want the rest of us to absolve you of your transgressions by relabeling them as 'normal behavior'.
76. To #37
Dan ,   Houston, TX   (01.30.08)
#37: Your argument is flawed for several reasons. You said: "Why would G-d define a being that could not procreate?" - God has. There are naturally occurring instances of homosexuality across the mammal kingdom. Rams, horses, bulls, etc... Also of note are those who are infertile and those who are asexual. This is also something where we could get into a philosophical argument about why God allows babies to be born with deformities that kill them before they get a chance at life/procreation. Why would he create a being only to destroy it after a moment of life? Why would he create a child only to destroy it in the womb? These are very real questions with no clear answers. "I have also seen the gay agenda and sales tactics." - Is this information available from the minutes of their last meeting? You have your opinions and are obviously very upset. I suggest a nightcap and a more pleasant disposition. The internet is anonymous, but that still doesn't mean that you have the right to be a ****.
77. gay lifechoice
Bruce ,   SF USA   (01.30.08)
I was a hetero who chose to go gay because it was chic in SF. I am now dying of AIDS and have returned to hetero.
78. Historically accurate
TS ,   IN, USA   (01.30.08)
It is implicit in Rome's implosion, is fueling the US' implosion, and will do the same in every other country that allows terms like democracy and civil rights to be flung around carelessly and in incorrect context. IT IS A PLAGUE and WILL be dealt with in the unrepentant.
79. To trumpeidor, Miriam, et al
Funkmaster Chris ,   New York City   (01.30.08)
The Nazis in Germany did the same thing to gays living there. Are you Nazis? You sure sound just like them.
80. Moses in Seattle
Elijah ,   Palm Beach FL   (01.30.08)
AMEN ! Majority of people are with you but don't want to hurt anyones feelings ! Gaza loves transgender parades - have the protesters go there and teach about democracy!
81. Gays=intolerance
Janet ,   Michigan, USA   (01.30.08)
Gays don't want to live and let live. They want to brand anyone who doesn't espouse their view as a bigot. They want to destroy religion period and in the process trample on rights of non-gays. If it wasn't for religion, especially Christianity born out of Judaism, they wouldn't even have a democracy in which to protest in.
82. Just become like Saudi or Iran then
mark ,   Toronto, Canada   (01.30.08)
Hey if you want to regress to the dark ages, go right ahead. Just become a state like Saudi Arabia... oh i forgot, you Israelis want to appear as if you are becoming a modern city with modern living... don't think so
83. Bigotry and Hatred
K Smith ,   Ottawa, Canada   (01.30.08)
It's very upsetting that those that have suffered such persecution advocate such hatred and bigotry.
84. YOU are accepted, your activities aren't
G-d Help us ,   Miami USA   (01.30.08)
When will these people wake up to the fact that as human beings, they are entitled to the same dignity as everyone else, but what they DO is not. Sorry, you will NOT make your unnatural activities acceptable to anyone by marching. Democracy or no, there are limits to what people are prepared to expose their children to. Your sexuality isn't acceptable. DEAL WITH IT.
85. Gay "rights"
Loyal ,   Hamilton, USA   (01.30.08)
Modern Democracy = Lawlessness and no tolerance for true faith
86. Puked
John   (01.30.08)
I JUST PUKED tahnks to reading about these sickos
87. Immigration
Alikospah Wayak'n ,   CrippleCreek Colo US   (01.30.08)
Why do you complain when you encourage them to come along with every other non-Israelite group? I know of a man right now preparing to move to Israel with HIV and he is welcome yet you leave out your brothers, the other Israelite tribes that are not Jewish. If I, a descendant of Joseph, am not invited, then I don't care if every queer in the world moves there, they can have it.
88. #62 You describe an unstable individual
Josh   (01.30.08)
I asked the question to myself as you requested. The answer: Of course I would not want my daughter to marry someone who is mentally unbalanced. Someone who mentally has convinced himself he is genetically unable to desire a woman. You say the individual can never truly desire the woman. This of course is not true unless the individual has the type of thinking you present. It is a self fullfilling statement. Can a street person who is menatlly ill stop eating from a trash can? Again it all depends on his thinking. G-d would not have made it a sin if he designed people to only desire to be gay. The only reason a gays "decide" is because of what goes on in their heads. You ignored the fact that the closet gay person in your example has a resonsibility to not sin. In addition, your describtion of the right thing is a one demesional absolute that ignores there are multiple things required in order to do the right thing. The right thing is always the only choice one should select but includes the whole picture and not an absolute statement. You ask such a loaded question that conatins misleading facts. Suggest all the gay posters from California stop sinning and stop trying to corrupt Israel. There was once a place in Israel that was more gay than San Francisco but it is now the lowest place on earth and extremely desolate. We know where G-d stand on the issue, Sodom and Gemorah by the Dead Salt sea. Return to Torah and control ones urges.
89. #65 Tephilin is not what the Rabbis have...
Josh   (01.30.08) binding on their arms anyway. This is a talisman and it is discussed in Yehezkeil (Ezikeil) 13. Fact is tephilin is to remind one to do Torah. So not doing Torah and using a tephilin when you dont even know what you are remind yourself to do, is more of an insult to G-d than a mitvah. If one binds a magical talisman on his arm to remind himself of Torah when in fact Torah forbids magical items, it really states something about the man, doesn't it? G-d is just. To use a postive commandment that is for recalling the rules of Torah to try to prove G-d has designed a genetically incapble of avoiding sin man is blasphemy. As for the man with no arms, he can still find ways to remember Torah. One should also ask why he has no arms to begin with. Maybe there is a reason stated in Torah.
90. Additional information
Tomer Blum ,   Jerusalem, Israel   (01.30.08)
It may be relevant to point out that "Hadash" is the political wing of the Israel Communist Party.
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