UN expert: Palestinian terror 'inevitable consequence' of Israeli occupation
Associated Press
Published: 26.02.08, 19:46
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87 Talkbacks for this article
61. More Ynet dhimmitude
Frank ,   Canada   (02.27.08)
John Dugard is not an independent investigator on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, he is an Israel hater with a political agenda. Moreover, there is no such thing as an UN Human Rights Council, only a ridiculous organization in charge of spreading anti-Semitism and anti-Western propaganda. Arabs are so afraid of human rights that they are subverting all noble values.
62. Besides antsemites they have psychopaths at the UN
carlos ,   San Diego, CA U.S.A.   (02.27.08)
63. Dugard = another Jew hater to be ignored
Yessir Ibn Badkarma ,   Kanwait   (02.27.08)
Harry   (02.27.08)
The United Nations of AntiSemites has once again taken the true victims, the Israelis being bombed on a daily basis by Jew-hating terrroists, and has turned them into "occupiers" and "oppressors". The Nazis did the same thing. Why don't the newspapers say that the refugee camps of Tel Aviv, Haifa, Jerusalem and Sderot were attacked again today by the Palestinian occupiers of Jewish land who continue to aggressively target women and children in violation of UN accords? Why don't they? Because they can't handle the truth. They can't handle the fact that the Palis have made nothing of themselves but terrorists, misogynists and scoundrals for the past 100 years.
65. Top terrorism experts in the united states say the same thin
Doug ,   Cincinnati   (02.27.08)
Why are people so blind to accept the truth. Most C.I.A. officers and terrorism experts reach the same conclusion. That occupation is the main motivation for terrorism. Are people in Israel really in denial? How long can Israeli's keep lying to themselves?
hymie zoltsveis ,   NYC USA   (02.27.08)
The UN is as ANTI-JEWISH and ANTI-ISRAEL as one group can be. WHY EVEN REPORT THIS UN-STORY?? The UN is the same place that invited AIDS Arafat to speak (with his pistol) and applauded this subhuman, gay, diseased filth.
67. It is better to liquidate ones enemy not to critique him
bernard ross ,   st anns bay jamaica   (02.27.08)
One must first be able to tell the difference between those who wish harm to the jews and innocent disagreement. Those who wish harm should be liquidated in any way possible.
68. Good For The Goose...
James ,   New York, USA   (02.27.08)
Hey Durban, does that mean British & other European pre-schools are "inevitable" targets of terrorism due to occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan? What's good for the goose is good for the gander, right? Or does this rule only apply to the Jewish state?
69. He forgot to check the charters of these palistinian groups
Psalms 83 ,   Selah   (02.27.08)
Quote" He cited checkpoints and roadblocks restricting Palestinian movement to house demolitions and what he terms the "Judaization" of Jerusalem. " ================= The charters call for the removal of Israel ... any violence or peace agreements (Hudna) are a means to that end. Any Government that failed to put into place safety measures to protect against such premeditated goals such those Fatah ,Hamas & hizbelah have in thier charters Would be seriously REMISS. These groups teach these goals to thier children .... thier maps do not show israel as a country ... only a country called palistine. THW WRITING IS PLAINLY ON THE WALL .... Only those with thier heads in the sand with thier preconcieved political ideas are unable to see it.
70. Then why was there terrorist attacks before 1967?
Don Saliman ,   Nahal Oz, Israel   (02.27.08)
I would like for him to explain,why there were terrorist attacks before Israel became a state and before 1967,when Israel was not in Gaza and the West Bank. In case anyone forgets that the 1967 war was started by the Arabs by blocking off the Sues canal and putting their troops on the Israeli borders to attack Israel. Can any of you blaming Israel for the terrorist attacks on Israeli citizens please answer my first question I asked, " What were the reasons for terror attacks on Israel before 1967 and terrorist attacks on Jews before Israel became a state?
71. #50: "wiley schemes" LMAO!!! Would those be like
5th generation ,   Israel   (02.27.08)
the Pentium? Medical cures? No, no - he must be thinking of our electric car ventures...
72. 40 - palestinian terror in full swing LONG before $ started
mike ,   israel (formerly usa   (02.27.08)
remember before even the palestinian refugees existed how palestinian terror and support for the nazi party during WW2 was an established way of life? repeating propaganda is easier than knowing the facts, even though it makes you look uneducated. fine with me if it's fine with you.
73. #48The Jews = native South Africans ROFLAO
leonnie ,   Brisbane   (02.27.08)
The World according to the jews! "Arabs are the colonizers and occupiers who have exploited Jews for centuries" I thought the Romans did the banishment /expulsion in 35AD and the next influx of jews to the ME was by planeloads/ boatloads after Auschwitz.. You left out that the jews were also expelled from Spain, England, Russia,Portugal, Lithuania, Ukraine, France, Poland etc. Can't take you lot anywhere. The light at the end of your tunnel is actually the Muslim train coming down the line.
74. 60 - Name ONE "single positive action" pals have done EVER
Nate   (02.27.08)
You rage against Israel yet are curiously silent at Palestinian perversions and horrors committed not only toward Israelis, but toward Palestinians themselves. And that's beside the fact you have NEVER done anything positive in the peace process. Everyone is responsible for their own actions. You commit terror, you pay the price. So don't complain if you excuse your collective actions.
75. Terror Is NOT Inevitable
Reuven Brauner ,   Raanana, Israel   (02.27.08)
Man has free will. No one forces a person to do good or evil. He does good or evil because that is what he wants to do. If the Arabs choose terror, they do it because of hatred, revenge, and lack of respect for human life. No one forces them to do evil. It is done by their own free will. It is not "inevitable".
76. to joe los anjlos
lili ,   gaza   (02.27.08)
when i say the present it meanes what i know and live not from book .. iam from albarwa it was a village inside the green line my grandfather the fifth was from their till me when i was 2 years i live in this village my father died while defended the village in 48 i lived in a camp but sure iam not from egypt nor jordan . and most of these are in gaza or jordan or lebanon or syria are palastinians live on palastine till the 48 // this is the present that the palastinians have a terrible life specialy in the west bank and gaza which were untill 67 live a stable life poor but with no killing evryday from the israili soldiers // and you aske why they throw the rockets /if it is a choise it is the only choice that any occupiers left to poor people under ocupation
77. To: USA
David ,   SF, CA   (02.27.08)
With Obama as president, you'll be sorry for the Americans pretty soon... Do you have a slightest idea how and when this fight began, or who spilt the first blood, or how your Arab friends have been treating Jewish women and children since 1900-s? Before feeling sorry for the "Palestinians", you should try reading something (besides Dugard's reports).
78. #73 You are ignorant and ful of hatred
Ted ,   UK   (02.27.08)
Go and learn history again you idiot. From all countries you've mentioned expulsion happened only twice: in Roman times, and during the Spanish inquisition, in all other contries jews were murdered by the Nazis. And even if it is hard for someone like you to comprehend: Jews have more historical right to live in Israel than you have in Australia !!!
79. His blood be upon us and our children
leonnie ,   Brisbane   (02.27.08)
God the Father sent his beloved Son so that he who beliveth in Him should not perish etc. Instead the jews crowned the Son of God with thorns, spat on Him, heaped abuses on Him then bound and crucified the only begotten Son of God. Yet God,they tell us, gave them a covenant and annointed them the 'chosen ones' and gave Arab land to them despite their wickedness and murder of His Son.
80. #73, lydia is that you?
Danny   (02.27.08)
otherwise I see another australian has difficulty understanding the Holocaust. Those Nazis weren't "nasty" to the Jews they killed them. Jews weren't "expelled" from Lithuania, Poland etc they were killed. There weren't "boatloads/planeloads" of survivors - maybe you are confusing them with the nearly 1 million Jews kicked out of Arab countries. It wasn't the Romans who "expelled" the Jews, it was the Bablyonians and the fighting you are refering to happened in 66AD not 35AD. So many, so many historical errors.... One would think even by accident you'd get one detail right
81. #60 are you dead?
Danny   (02.27.08)
Because death and injury of civilians is what terrorism is all about, not "inconvience". There is one and only one reason for your roadblocks and that is terrorism. The Palestinians have been carrying out terrorist attacks against Jews since before the State of Israel, so the "occupation" isn't the reason for terror. Look at Lebanon, look at Gaza and you'll see that withdrawing clearly doesn't lead to the end of terrorism. As for "positive" actions - ask your parents exactly how many universities there were in the West Bank and Gaza before 1967.
82. #11, more importantly it isn't true
Danny   (02.27.08)
the portion of the population in Jerusalem that is jewish has been going down
83. An 'Expert' in nothing!!
Talula ,   Israel   (02.27.08)
Why are these UN people so ready and eager to make fools of themselves by spouting out rubbish? And if they aren't all a bunch of halfwits, why didn't anyone tell him that there isn't any occupation anymore. We pulled out of Gaza - HELLO?!?!?!?!?
84. #79 haven't I told you to learn history again?
Ted ,   UK   (02.27.08)
You sound like you are still living in the Inquisition period. The son of god as you call him was jewish, and BTW he had no significance at all in jewish history. The Romans in their quest to dominate Judea, due to their own political interests, tortured him and crusified him, The christian church succeded in erasing almost 300 years of history, refering among others to jesus and his family, and this is the reason for so many reseach cases and fictions today about the hopy grail. But like any other teligious zelot you prefer to believe in "ghost" stories. Go and get a life... you are living in Australia after all...
85. #76 - lili, your sob story answers none of my questions...
Joe ,   Los Angeles, CA   (02.27.08)
lili, you have answered not a single one of my questions: 1) What proof exactly do you have that Palestinians are NOT occupiers? 2) What proof do you have that Palestinians were an Arab people diverse from Egyptians and Syrians before 1948? 3) What proof do you have that a country named Palestine ever existed? Instead of answering these questions, you told me a sob story about how your father got killed in the Israeli War of Independence. Well, guess what, lili, my grandfather was butchered by the Syrians when my family was ethnically cleansed from Aleppo in 1948. You've got your sob stories and I've got mine, but sob stories don't answer the questions I asked you. Answer my questions or don't bother responding, lili.
86.  #80, Danny so much for Your history
leonnie ,   Brisbane   (02.28.08)
"It wasn't the Romans who expelled the jews ...." The Babylonian expulsion was during King Nebuchadnezzar reign 605-586BC!! The Romans expulsion was after they conquered Jerusalem in 63BC. All traces of the jews were purged/ eradicated and Jerusalem flattened BY THE ROMANS.!!
87. #85 Simply google y-chromosome jew palestinian
Jack ,   richmond, va us   (03.01.08)
and you will discover that the Jewish Diaspora population and the Palestinians population have the exact same ancestors with a separation dating to two thousand years ago. The Palestinians are the remnant that was not dispersed during the Diaspora. Specifically, 50% of Palestinians muslim males have the same Y-chromosome as 70% of Jewish Daspora Males. An additional 30% of Palestinians have closely related y-chromosomes remnant of northern tribes. That pretty much answers your questions: 1)Palestinians are indigenous, 2) clearly they are a separate semitic people (Arabs call them "Arab Jews" by the way), 3) historically, it is the ancient state of Israel that was their country. The Greek term Palestine was used to refer to the region in which the Jews (including Palestinians since Jews were Palestinians) lived.
88. #87 - Jack, I did the googling and found...
Joe ,   Los Angeles, CA   (03.02.08)
Jack, I did the googling and found no such study to corroborate the facts and figures you present. As a matter of fact, the only facts and figures I was able to come up with presented a completely different picture: Jews, genetically speaking, are more closely related to Armenians and Kurds than they are to Arabs. There was a study that demonstrated evidence that "some" Palestinians were descended from Christians and Jews that had remained in the area, the amount of that "some" vis-a-vis the general Palestinian population wasn't stated. There have also been numerous studies showing that Palestinians really are more of a mixture of Morroccan, Syrian and Peninsular Arabs than anything else. To cut the answer short, Jack, I did exactly what you told me to do and not only came up with completely different answers than what you present, I was unable to find the facts and figures you quote. By the way, "Arab Jews" refer to Jews that lived in Arab countries, not Palestinian Arabs. I should know, because I am an "Arab Jew" myself. Also, you failed to provide evidence of a Palestinian state that existed at one time in the past. All you provided was evidence that a Jewish state existed in the past and, in the style of replacement theologians, interpreted this existence of a Jewish state to mean the existence of a Palestinian state. In your response, please present evidence of an independent nation named Palestine. Also, it was the Romans who renamed Judaea Palaestina, not the Greeks. You have not successfully answered any of my questions, Jack. State your source in your response.
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