Jewish Scene
Messianic Jews say they are persecuted in Israel
Associated Press
Published: 22.06.08, 22:15
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61. #53 Roman
Keren ,   Israel-SP   (06.24.08)
I would have said almost exactly like you,adding some different elements too,but today,for some unknown reason,Ynet was not willing to publish. Lamentable,in my opinion...Ma laasot... Kol Ha Kavod anyway to you.Your clarity of mind and soul are to be honored.
62. paqid
bar ,   Israel   (06.24.08)
Jews also oppose your views . I'm one of them and live here . No ONE , i say it again NO ONE , of the Orthodox Jews i knew , know or will know iin the future , thinks or says that your jesus [ or how you call him ] is the messias . For them , the veridic Jews , the Maschiach has still to come . So you CAN'T be an orthodox Jew , only deceiving people by telling you are a Orthodox Israeli Jew .
63. Meet Mustafa (Mike "Israel/USA"), the Palistani Propagandist
Paqid Yirmeyahu ,   Ra'anana, Israel   (06.24.08)
self-identified as a Christian and "goy immigrant" (2006.11.28) "i married an arab christian citizen." (2008.01.03) "rabbinic judaism is what is outside of god's redemption. rabbinic judaism is a clever attempt to redefine THE torah in a way that tries to make believe, hocus pocus, that torah is being kept. sure, with some mental gymnastics and sleight of hand you can stretch it, but, please. the torah is clear about what it says, and rabbinic judaism is something altogether contrary to what it clearly says." 2007.04.19 "god did not bring the "faithful" children of israel out of egypt because they didn't even know who he was (god kept his promise to rescue a RACE, not people practicing a kind of religion). and jews who converted to christianity were still sent to the gas chambers because of their bloodline. god's faithfulness IS to a RACE, which is a fact. you cannot change how you were born, although you can change what you believe. besides, issac, i am a goy myself who believes in the one true god of abraham, isaac, and jacob. that is my only connection to him (which is the only connection that really matters) by his grace despite my being "anglo saxon". it is not racist to acknowledge what our blood heritage is. actually, it is racist to say such things as you do and deny your and my ancestry, those who fought and sacrificed so we can be here today. if i am a racist, then the bible is a racist book and god is, as well. i hope you are not saying that... the reason i say that is because, being christian, i know jews who are christian" (Zionist rabbis, wake up! 2007.05.23); "interesting that god is nowhere in the picture -- all this land-worship and judaism-worship simply shows the spiritual bankruptcy of it all and how far the real point of it all is being completely missed. " (regurgitates Xn "godless Jews" canard in Conservatives: The Rabbinate failed, 2007.12.31) Mustafa is a gentile Christian, married to an Israeli-Palistani Christian, identifying with the "Palistani Christian" cause; the fifth column enemies of a Judaic Israel, and supporting Christian missionaries. Yet, by signing "Mike Israel (formerly USA)," Mustafa here would hope you mistake him for a Jew as he sounds off about "leshon hara" and other Torah doctrines he rejects and knows nothing about. The presumptuousness of a gentile Christian pretending to teach Torah to Orthodox Jews, hoping to deceive the gentile readers, is the epitome of the deceiver. Like all deceivers and propagandists, he cannot deal with the content of any message so he has to rely on slander and deceit. Paqid Yirmeyahu Paqid 16, The Netzarim Israeli Orthodox Jew Advancing Logic as Halakhic Authority Welcoming Jews & non-Jews
64. Bar the slandering secular goy
Paqid Yirmeyahu ,   Ra'anana, Israel   (06.24.08)
If you live in Israel then simply travel to Ra'anana and look at my gold seat plaque in Beit K'nesset Moreshet Avot. My photo with Mori Khaiim is in our website. My Orthodox documentation can be ordered in our website. I'm in Beit K'nesset most every Shabbat and everyone there knows me, who I am and what I stand for... which you don't. You don't know an Orthodox Jew from your tukhas so don't be telling Orthodox Jews what they believe because Orthodox Jews pay no attention to anonymous sound-offs who conceal their identity and pretend to be authoritative. You claim you're a Jew. So do other Christians and homosexuals. You're no different from them. You hide behind anonymity and slander. Identify yourself and let's expose who is lying. Come out from under your rock coward. If you're right you have nothing to be afraid of. The courts won't put you in jail if you're right. You cannot because you're a lying slandering sleaze. Paqid Yirmeyahu Paqid 16, The Netzarim Israeli Orthodox Jew Advancing Logic as Halakhic Authority Welcoming Jews & non-Jews
65. CJ: Look up from your sun-day school pamphlet & learn histor
Paqid Yirmeyahu ,   Ra'anana, Israel   (06.24.08)
Your earliest Church historian, Eusebius, documented that the original followers of Ribi Yehoshua, the Netzarim, excised Paul as an apostate and NEVER accepted your NT, accepting only the Netzarim Hebrew Matityahu as an authentic account of the life and teachings of Ribi Yehoshua. (Citations and documentation are in our website. Read.) Logic requires that the known be assumed and any departure from the known be proven from the known. Dead Sea Scroll 4Q MMT demonstrates that the known was that first-century C.E. Jews considered Torah and Oral Law the sole authority for religious matters. For Pharisees, who included Ribi Yehoshua, that was Halakhah. Thus, you must prove the validity of your NT from Torah and Halakhah before it can be considered legitimate or valid. The story you asked about is neither in Torah nor Hebrew Matityahu. It's from a story heavily redacted by gentile Hellenist Roman idolaters. Any Pharisee Ribi or rabbi would have been speaking to a Jew about teshuvah. Read Prof. Barrie Wilson's new book, "How Jesus Became Christian" and the late Oxford historian, James Parkes', book, "The Conflict of the Church and the Synagogue." Before attempting to cite your NT in a Jewish forum, you must validate it from Torah. Dt. 13.2-6 ensures that is impossible. Paqid Yirmeyahu Paqid 16, The Netzarim Israeli Orthodox Jew Advancing Logic as Halakhic Authority Welcoming Jews & non-Jews
66. 63 anyone need any more proof of nuttiness?
mike ,   israel (formerly usa   (06.24.08)
first, accusing me of wishing to be jewish is a case of projection - projecting your thought process onto others. second, you can slander me with your racist slurs of being gentile, christian, and arab is fine, but it just proves your hypocrisy once again every time you cry "lawsuit" when someone points out your delusions about yourself (funny, no, UPROARIOUS you don't document THAT). third, at least i don't make self-proclaimed messianic claims about myself. i'd get that checked by someone who can give you the professional help you need. you have my pity. lastly, the presumption is yours assuming that someone calling themselves "orthodox" has the correct interpretation of torah. your education in rabbinic judaism makes you an expert on rabbinics, but unfortunately leaves you far away from the correct meaning of god's written word. you'd do well to get your theology straightened out. i'd be glad to help you out any time. you say i'm a deceiver (and this accusation coming from YOU)? your (obsessive) quotes of mine prove i'm who i've always said i am. lashon hara again, mr jeremiah?
67. paqid
Bar ,   Israel   (06.24.08)
You wrote that this Mike is a self proclaimed Christian . He wrote it . So , contrary to you , he is'nt deceiving anybody regarding his faith . Regarding me , what you think isn't relevant . I'm 100 % Jewish , not "converted" as you claim that you are [ who converted you ? is your "conversion" recognised by the Rabbinical court ? ] As the problems you have with me are religious , only a Rabbinical court can judge if a guy proclaiming that jesus was the Maschiach , is himself Jewish . And don't use insults , it's only a proof of how low your level is , and insults are your only way of talking .
68. Guys, don't let Yirmeyahu bully you...
Joe ,   Ramat Gan   (06.24.08)
Guys, don't let Yirmeyahu bully you with accusations of slander and threats of spending time in jail for supposed "slander". Firstly, YNet's widespread readership makes the charge of "libel" much more plausible than that of "slander" and the worst that Yirmeyahu could do is sue you in court. Secondly, calling Yirmeyahu "Paqid" asserts a title to him that he is not be deserving of. Yirmeyahu is not my "Paqid", and I refuse to give someone such a title unless the Chachamim of my community give me the green light to do so. Thirdly, the anonymity of us posters has no bearing whatsoever on the points we bring up in conversation with him. His insistence that we provide full names as a means of "legitimizing" our questions is his legitimizing of ad hominem arguments- a violation of logic which he claims to be binding Halacha! The issue I have with Yirmeyahu's theology, namely how a person can believe that a dead person (this "Ribbi Yehoshua") is Mashiach and still remain within the bounds of Orthodoxy, is the same issue I have with Chabad-Lubavitch and their exaltation of R. Schneerson. Your questioning of Yirmeyahu's theology is well-placed and his reliance upon ad hominem arguments betrays his own theology. Don't let him intimidate you and don't buy into his little game of libel he is playing with you all...
69. Joe , Ramat Gan
bar ,   Israel   (06.24.08)
is paqid a title for you ? for me it means : employee . That's the traduction i think . This paqid tries always to have people at court . Does he thinks that people are so stupid and will give their identity publicly ? Have you seen how he is acting ? he has all the posts concerning him in his PC memory [ he was a PC technician or something related ] That's the way non "kosher" people act . He is'nt the guy capable of intimidating a Jew , nor a non Jew . he can only insult .
70. Moderation
Me ,   Here   (06.24.08)
For me, it is scandalous that Rabbi Sholom Dov Lifschitz, head of the ultra-Orthodox Yad Leahim organization says: "They are provoking ... it's a miracle that worse things don't happen". Considering this, we wouldn't be surprised when islamic leathers say horrible things, ignore violence or even support it. There are radicals in Israel too, and religious leathers shouldn't say this kind of things. In words like that, radicals find a justification of what they do.
71. #69 - bar, "Paqid" is apparently...
Joe ,   Ramat Gan   (06.25.08)
"Paqid" is apparently what the leader of the early Christians was called. In spite of what it means in Modern Hebrew (I think of an office clerk when I hear this word) I suppose an English equivalent to what Yirmeyahu calls himself would be "Pope". Who exactly gave him this title, his website does not disclose, so I can only presume that he gave this title to himself. After perusing his website off and on over the past few months, he does bring up lots of evidence that disproves Christianity- but this whole "Reconstructed Matityahu" sounds a little bit like Joseph Smith and the "Golden Plates" to me (Joseph Smith was the founder of Mormonism). At any rate, he charges about 500 Shkalim to buy this "Reconstructed Matityahu". I have no desire to fund what I can only view to be a cult with a self-proclaimed Pope, nor do I wish for this person to have my home address...
72. 71 - key word: self proclaimed
mike ,   israel (formerly usa   (06.25.08)
he boasts about his "good standing" in the jewish community, but do those who think he's an ok guy know all that he believes about himself? mr jeremiah, (his real name is cliff or cletus, or something) has been asked many times to name names of any semi-reputable jew that affirms his teachings. we're still waiting.
73. Joe
bar ,   Israel   (06.25.08)
For me "paqid" is only in the modern Hebrew meaning of this word . Nothing more does he deserve . He may charge what he wants , even free i don't need his "litterature" .
74. Mike , i'm still waiting too
bar ,   Israel   (06.25.08)
When he will tell us wich [ true Orthodox ] authority has recognised his "conversion" .
75. I think "Messianic Jews" are DISGUSTING!
JOhn ,   Amsterdam   (06.25.08)
76. Messianic Jews
Sally Isaac ,   Menorca /Spain   (06.25.08)
Really ,read the bible/Old Testemant!Jesus /Yeshua,was Jewish AND he DIDN'T come to start a new religion,just modify the Jawish one and make it possible for everyone to be Jewish ie G-ds chosen(whats wrong with that?)But as ever men jelous of thir jobs/positions in life chose to misrepresent him and others also men chose to turn his message into another exclusive cluband use it to exclude others.We ALL as G-ds creations MUST get together and save eachother and HIS world.Sally
77. #75 no they're not. Paqid the self-righteous Pharisee is..
Connie ,   Virginia   (06.26.08)
78. #58, yeah that was Mork.
Connie ,   Virginia   (06.26.08)
Paqid and him have something in common. They both like to sit on their heads. I have to be alittle more self controlling in my tb's. Proverbs 26:4&5 - Do not answer a fool according to his folly, lest you also be like him. Answer a fool according to his folly, lest he be wise in his own eyes", since I don't want to be like him.
79. This is truly scary...
Chocko ,   NY, USA   (06.27.08)
And Im not actually surprised what I read on these talk backs anymore. You really are all a bunch of Crazies.. The whole damn lot of you religious nutcases...On all sides.... I actually always thought you were correct in the broad strokes of the painting such as you do deserve a country of your own, You do deserve to be able to defend it but your overresponse can sometimes cause you more trouble than it solves. you know the average US or European response to that crazy place where there is Oil or War or Both. You guys have too much relaince on the US and groups like AIPAC probably have too much power within Capitol Hill, but Hey....Thats what Lobbyists do,, so it didnt worry me too much. But I see this Sh** being written on these pages and Guys ...Im really scared for the first time in a long time.... I actually DID believe that you were one of the very few countries that lived life as it was meant to be lived from my point of view... Not saying its the correct and only way of living, generally it was a case of live and let live and apart from a few nutters, which every country has more or less but your generally pretty cool...Most of the time... I read this article and you guys are freiking Loons who are as bad, if not worse than the Taliban who banned kite flying.....and everything else that went with it.... Im really scared and the quicker my Government drops you like the hot lump of Sh**e that you are, the better for me. I always heard and (if Im truthful) believed that the Arabs could be really dangerous, Islam was a dangerous religion if provoked and the the worst you could get from a Jew was a headache from over-debating on a point of view or you could be seriously overfed from coming away from dinnner with Jewish friends and of course, Israel was lethal if provoked, but generally, it was in self defence, Mostly. A bomb onto other Israelis (lets call them Israelis if you dont want to call them Jews) causing horrific injuries and then you try to say that somehow its their fault.... When I started to read this article I didnt realise who had actually sent the booby trapped gift basket. I had to reread it a number of times as I still couldnt believe what had happened...... Barve New World indeed... Crazy F**king Loons
80. chocko , poor guy
bar ,   Israel   (06.27.08)
You did'nt understand anything . Poor guy .
81. For Ami Ortiz
Dina ,   Melbourne-Australia   (07.05.08)
Dear Ami, Our hearts go out to you and your family. This certainly makes it more complicated to unconditionally love and support Israel as we do. They have nothing to fear from us, but, how can we convince them? Shalom!!
82. My fervent plea to you Israel (Part 1)
Jannai ,   USA   (07.10.08)
Why must we argue and spew hatred and contempt at one another? WHY? Though you may refuse to accept it, we worship the same God – the God of Avraham, Yitzhak and Yakov. YES. It is the horrid truth that countless atrocities were committed against the Jewish people over thousands of years, many of which were carried out in the name of Christianity. This is the shameful truth. And these crimes against the Jewish people were carried out by a “Church” whose leadership was corrupt and far from G-d. Truly they were wolves in sheep’s clothing – ravenous murderers – haters, functioning in the spirit of anti-messiah. I tell you this – lifetimes of apologies and attempts at making amends to you, the Jewish people, can never be enough to right these wrongs. In the same way, is not a Jew murdering or attempting to murder another – especially another Jew – out of hateful revenge, just as heinous a crime? Please, I am asking the people of Israel to hear me out. I am writing this with a humble heart and a deep reverence for you, the people of G-d. Please do not be quick to come against me with hateful words because I profess the truth that Jesus – the One whose name is Yeshua – is the Messiah. I beg of you, with respect and love, to investigate the truth. And where is the truth? You need not seek any further than your own Scriptures – your Tanakh. I am sure that many, many Rabbis and your religious leaders mean well. And I know the desperation and passion with which they desire to preserve your heritage, identity and beliefs as Jews. This is a worthy cause – perhaps among the most worthy. But has not ADONAI done this for you by His own mighty Hand? Though the world has hated you, you are still here – thriving. Though the world has wished to rid itself of you, throughout the ages, here you are – millions of you – your language, and your traditions preserved even through the darkest of times. Should you obtain for yourself all the credit for this miracle? Or does the glory belong to ADONAI because He has kept His promise to you? You know the answer. Here you are, many of you in your own land – a nation reborn overnight. Do not think we do not see how you have bled, Israel? How you have suffered? How you have fought to exist in a world that has ever hated you because you belong to Him? Though you may not know – though you may not even care – many of us believers in Yeshua have mourned with you, have fought with you, have prayed for you, and are willing to do anything that ADONAI commands, to see you return to Him. Because true peace will only come to you when you return to Him. Tradition and halakha are fine. They have a place and a purpose. But you know what He REALLY wants. Has He not told your forefathers from long ago, that it is your heart that He desires? “You honor Me with your lips, but your hearts are far from Me.” (Yesha’yahu 29:13) Is this not the same even today?
83. My fervent plea to you Israel (Part 2)
Jannai ,   USA   (07.10.08)
When one of you attempts to murder your brother (though you think he is not your brother because he professes the truth that Yeshua is Messiah), are you pleasing ADONAI? Does His Torah command this? Heaven forbid, for He commands the opposite. Please. Seek the truth. Truly there was no way that you, or any of mankind could be fully reconciled to the perfect and Almighty G-d by animal sacrifice and/or mitzvah alone. We could never sacrifice enough or do enough good deeds to satisfy our debt of sin and rebellion against G-d, and His standard of perfection. Only His perfect, blemish-free sacrifice could atone for us, to the Jew first and then to the Gentile, for all who will believe this truth. He made a way, when no other way was sufficient. Yeshua accomplished this atonement. Truly we are not very different from one another. And truly every believer in Yeshua who is not Jewish owes a debt of gratitude to the Jewish people for passing on the ways of ADONAI throughout the generations. Furthermore, it pleased God to accomplish this atonement through you His people because Yeshua came through you. His heritage is your heritage. His blood is your blood. Please know that thousands, even millions of us, both Jewish and Gentile believers in Yeshua love you deeply who still do not believe. We are not trying to “convert” you to a religion that is foreign to you, though YES, shamefully, this is what happened over almost the last 2000 years. This is why so many of us have exchanged our “Christian tradition” seeing the fallacy in it. Putting aside “denominational church doctrine” we look to the Scriptures – the Tanakh and the Brit Hadasha (New Testament) to learn, know and live the truth. This is why many of us have exchanged “Christian tradition” for the blessed Shabbat and the Feasts of ADONAI. Truly the message of Yeshua is more Jewish than you think. We too are seeing the truth more fully. This is the way it was always meant to be from the beginning – that the Gentiles would know ADONAI and conform to His ways, as carried out by the Jewish people, through the “grafting in” accomplished by the Messiah Yeshua. Is this not the heart of ADONAI? To see all mankind living in His ways? Should you beg to differ, I beg you to re-read from the Prophet Yonah. My fervent plea to you Israel – whether you claim to be secular, religious or otherwise – is to seek ADONAI. Seek Him as King David did; as Avraham and Moshe did. Seek Him incessantly, with all your heart. With true and undying love to the people of Israel, From a believer in the God of Israel and His Messiah Yeshua (for He is echad), Jannai S’hma Israel, ADONAI ELOHEINU, ADONAI echad.
84. Christian Jews.....Amen!
kerry ,   canada   (08.05.08)
All you jewish folks who think it's impossible to be jewish and christian need to study your history and the life of Paul the Apostle...who as Saul of Tarsus a persecutor of jewish christians before coming to the knowledge of the truth that Jesus is the Messiah, the son of God and saviour of the world! Paul laid it out very clearly in his letter to the Philippian church. Philippians 3: 4-9 "though I myself might have confidence even in the flesh. If any other man thinks that he has confidence in the flesh, I yet more: o circumcised the eighth day, o of the stock of Israel, o of the tribe of Benjamin, o a Hebrew of Hebrews; o concerning the law, a Pharisee; o concerning zeal, persecuting the assembly; o concerning the righteousness which is in the law, found blameless. However, what things were gain to me, these have I counted loss for Christ. Yes most assuredly, and I count all things to be loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus, my Lord, for whom I suffered the loss of all things, and count them nothing but refuse, that I may gain Christ and be found in him, not having a righteousness of my own, that which is of the law, but that which is through faith in Christ, the righteousness which is from God by faith;" 3:18 For many walk, of whom I told you often, and now tell you even weeping, as the enemies of the cross of Christ, (1Cor 15:34; 2Cor 5:20) # 3:19 whose end is destruction, # whose god is the belly, # and whose glory is in their shame, # who think about earthly things. 3:20 For our citizenship is in heaven, from where we also wait for a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ; (1John 3:2,3)
85. This is the type of intolerence that breeds anti semitism
Evangelical ,   NYC NY   (08.13.11)
I have for years supported the Jews and Israel, but this is what turns me and other Christians off - constant calling of us by the slanderous name - goy and its derivatives. I can understand the move here in America among Christians to become anti Semitic! Why support Israel when they hate us so much???? Let them fend for themselves. Neither hurt them or help them. Just let them go.
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