Jewish Scene
Rabbinate cuts ties with Vatican
Published: 28.01.09, 15:37
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61. #50 I'm not embarrassed Moishe
Nachshon ,   Philadelphia, USA   (01.30.09)
Moishe: I'm not embarrassed to stand up for Torah, and believe me, I'm not ignorant. I think one of the greatest thinkers In recent times in Israel, and I don't agree with all of his opinions, was Yeshayahu Leibowitz. In his book, "Judaism, Human Values, and the Jewish State", he gives a good synopsis of the X-tian religion. In Chapter 26 he says, " it is Judaism and there is no Judaism apart from it." In Chapter 27 he says, "X-tianity...was not an outgrowth of Judaism. Insofar as Judaism is the religion of Torah and Mitzvoth, X-tianity is its negation." This is the reason for Anti-semitism. The Pope is the biggest promoter of it and the Church exists because of it.
62. Who Cares
LOL   (01.30.09)
Like as if the Vatican cares. LOL
63. 55 Brod: The name of the article is "The Battle for Sunday",
Rivkah   (01.30.09)
by Richard Palmer. The Vatican wants to establish Sunday observance in EU law as compulsory not voluntary as it is now. Ellen G. White saw this coming long ago. I wonder how close the USA is to this Sunday Law that preceds the slaughter of Saturday Sabbath keepers whether Jewish or Messianic.
64. 61 - Get your head out of the sand
Moishe   (01.30.09)
Should I get my information about Islam from Mormons, or my information about Judaism from the Christians? That's about as brilliant as getting my information about Christianity from Jewish sources. Say what you want about the church and pope, but you should at least get your facts straight. Otherwise you are showing yourself to be unashamedly ignorant. Not that there's anything wrong with that, since you are perfectly free to publicly embarrass yourself.
65. Rikvah #63 Sunday Law & The Mark of the Beast
Brod ,   USA   (01.31.09)
Thanks for the note. When you google Sunday Law, you will find a lot of articles written on the subject. Ellen G. White warns, "When Sunday observance shall be enforced by law, and the world shall be enlightened concerning the obligation of the true Sabbath, then whoever shall transgress the command of God, to obey a precept which has no higher authority than that of Rome, will thereby honor popery above God. He is paying homage to Rome and to the power which enforces the institution ordained by Rome. He is worshipping the beast and his image. As men then reject the institution which God has declared to be a sign of His authority, and honor in its stead that which Rome has chosen as the token of her supremacy, they will thereby accept the sign of allegiance to Rome--"the mark of the beast." And it is not until the issue is thus plainly set before the people, and they are brought to choose between the commandment of God and the commandment of men, that those who continue in transgression will receive "the mark of the beast." (p. 449, "The Great Controversy") Ellen G. White explains, "The special characteristics of the beast, and therefore of his image, is the breaking of God' s commandments. Says Daniel of the little horn, the papacy: "He shall think to change times and the law." Daniel 7;25, R. V. And Paul styled the same power the "man of sin," who was to exalt himself above God. One prophecy is a complement of the other. Only by changing God's law could the papacy exalt itself above God; whoever should understandingly keep the law as thus changed would be giving supreme honor to that power by which the change was made. Such an act of obedience to papal laws would be a mark of allegiance to the pope in the place of God." (p. 446, 'The Great Controversy) Among her Must Read books are: "The Great Controversy" "The Desire of Ages" "Last Day Events" "Prophets and Kings" "Patriarchs and Prophets"
Toledo, USA   (01.31.09)
Well, let's be fair and have Catholic clergy writing nastygrams to Jewish religious representatives every time there is a perceived anti-Catholic slight...and there are many. The Bishop is NOT a denier of mass execution of Jews; rather, he questions "numbers" and methods. Would you go nuts if he said 5.99 million were killed, or 5, or 4, or 1? Where do you draw your magic lines? We accept the fact than many, many Jews and others were killed. It was then and it was terrible. Debate his facts instead of calling him a "denier" and the Pope juvenille names. Remember that lots of Catholics died in the camps, including many priests. I think its time you whiners focused on real issues like preventing Israeli bombs from killing innocent Gaza children. 100-to-1 kill ratio...not bad. Go door to door and get Hamas instead of blowing up the neighborhood. I know, the corrupt leader running the country could not absorb the political heat caused by the losses this would entail. Stop trying to meddle in the Catholic Church, or turn around is fair and the Vatican should then question the role of many Jews in the Holocaust. It's 2009 and I don't see another Holocaust coming. Get real.
67. #61 is 100% correcto and it is a
AY_Lamb ,   USA   (01.31.09)
Yetzer Dov - Toda Raba Adon
68. #66 - oooh so scary the prospect of intellectual
AY_Lamb ,   USA   (01.31.09)
giants in Catholicism publishing some 100% valid, insightful, comprehensive and adroit criticism of the Agudat Ha Rabonim or Yehudim generally and particularly. Wow that would be unheard of all these self-righteous saintly pious intellects mobilized with one subject in their academic cross-hairs "mobilis in mobili" uuuuhhh??? but, here is an idea Catholics speak Jesus correct? Protestant speak Jesus yes? Why don't they steer that high powered perception toward the Pat Robertson's the Jerry Falwell's the West Burrow Baptist dudes, the David Brikners the Jonathan Bernis and the rest of these protestant evangelical domionist?? I'm not buying the papal "sticks and stones" approach in retorting to their labeling of Catholicism as a "cult" I am starting to believe so long as these guys go unrestrained insulting an defaming Jews and Muslims the Vatican just views them as foot soldiers.
69. #64 - Where's your head???
Nachshon ,   Philadelphia, USA   (02.01.09)
Moishe: I get my information straight from the horses mouth. Have you read the Ecclesiastical History of the Church by Eusebius? What about the Interpreters Dictionary of the Bible written by X-tian authors? What about the Conflict of the Church and Synagoue by James Parkes? Or even the X-tian NT (Not True) testament full of anti-semitic statements? I have plenty of co-workers who are X-tians and Aprikoret who I have to contend with and who I have to defend Torah against their slanders, much like how you have slandered a Torah Observant Jew. You see Moishe, I let X-tians do the talking and they bury themselves.
70. #44 Brod, You're Wrong
Nachshon ,   Philadelphia, USA   (02.01.09)
There is no such thing as Judeo-Xtian values. Judaism and X-tainty are polar opposites. Torah Judaism values living by a standard of faith and values given by Hashem, while X-tianity is based on whatever feels good and whatever the "spirit" leads you to do. It's great that you're trying to keep the Aseret Hadibrot. There many more mitzvot than just 10. But, until you drop worshipping a man-g-d, you are worshipping someone/something other than the true G-d.
71. #65 - Read the "White Lie"
Nachshon ,   Philadelphia, USA   (02.01.09)
Sorry Brod: Ellen White is a false prophet as defined in Deut 13 and 18. Even people within the SDA movement know that to be true as documented in the book above. I'm well aware of the predictions in 1844 and how the SDA church changed their doctrine to cover up their mistakes. I have co-workers who are SDAs and have shared their faith.
72. 71 & Brod: Ellen G. White's writings were changed
Rivkah   (02.01.09)
after her death as she predicted. You have to go to the Library of Congress to see the originals and make copies to compare to present publications. Buit even in the original works, she missed the trinity false doctrine, thinking that is all right when it was added by pagan Pope Damasus. A good reference Bible shows in the footnotes that verses on the trinity were added to original texts.
73. 69 - Maybe the Protocols were correct
Moishe   (02.01.09)
You want to start with generalizations that sound good but are not rooted in fact, go right ahead. You want to personal arbitrary definitions of terms, go right ahead. But you put yourself in a category of the willfully ignorant and willfully misinformed. That's exactly why the Protocols of the Elders of Zion are so popular among the uneducated and the willfully ignorant. Nice company you keep.
74. #73 Oye, Moishe!
Nachshon ,   Philadelphia, USA   (02.01.09)
As soon as you brought up the topic of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, you lost all credibility and showed your ignorance. To give it credence by saying maybe it is correct shows how low you have stooped. Everything I've posted are verifiable facts. All of your postings run on emotions and no facts proving your lack of education and willful ignorance. Oye, Moishele... is that your real name? Or are you a wolf in sheeps' clothing? By the way, the company I keep is with Torah observant Jews, following the path of logic and reason and Derech Hashem. You should try it!
75. 74 - Same mentality
Moishe   (02.01.09)
To say the Pope speaks for all Christians is just wrong. I think the Papacy is evil because of what all it has done/is. But even the Pope himself doesn't claim to speak for non Catholics. He considers them apostates. So who cares about all of that? I'm just saying people are an embarrassment to Judaism when they say and believe such hearsay rubbish (just like the Protocols). Tell me how that's different, even wrong if you can.
76. Williamson beleve on the jewish balade
Franklin ,   Paris   (02.02.09)
of far wrong.. .so false... And denies THE DRAMATIC EVIDENCE OF MASS MURDER PERPETRATING SOME WAY....BY...WHAT HE BELEVE IN THE NAME OF YEOCHOUA.. STUPIDarchibishop. acting for the decredibilation of Catholicism Christianity...whith all their myths.
77. Brod: There is a former Adventist preacher who went to the
Rivkah   (02.02.09)
Library of Congress and copied Ellen G. White's writings that were from original editions which was a gigantic undertaking. He found her writings were changed and brought that to the attention of the church hierarchy so that they could go back to her writings. Instead, the hierarchy which by that time was infiltrated with Roman Catholic subversives playing Adventist, attacked the preacher and put him on trial and stripped him of his credentials to preach in Adventist churches. He lost his wife and children and grandchildren and most of his friends who stayed with the false doctrine of the Adventist church instead of returning to Ellen G. White's original manuscripts. That former preacher has remarried and now lives in Florida and can be contacted through his wife's email at Tom VanAsperen is his name. Question anything in the Adventist church and the same thing happens. Some of the best preachers I know are former Adventist preachers who exposed error and were run out. A hundred years ago, Ellen G. White was telling people not to have children. That is not biblical and can be found in a book you suggested to read: "The Last Days."
78. Brod: When the changes from the original writings of
Rivkah   (02.02.09)
Ellen G. White were exposed by former Adventist preacher Tom Van Asperen, he was rejected by the church hierarchy and put on trial and thrown out. He became Messianic Jewish which is a closer religion to the teachings of the Bible and the Messiah. He lives in Florida now after losing his entire family who sided with the Adventist church errors instead of standing by their husband/father/grandfather/brother/ son/friend. But he would rather be right with God and lose his family than to accept error. He can be contacted through his new wife at in Florida.
79. Hatred of Christans is appalling
valleygirl ,   Alaska, USA   (02.02.09)
#25 Israel needs support?? Could've fooled me by the Christian/Christ-bashing I've read over and over here. In fact, after every article I've read on this site the talkbacks are more of the same. Christians, stop the pleas for Jews to understand the differences within Christianity. They don't care! They won't even acknowledge there IS any support from Christians. They would rather lump us all with Muslim terrorists so they can whine and assure themselves they're the victims of every single non-Jewish person on the planet. I cheered Israel on during the Second Lebanon War and fully supported the Gaza Op, but I've now read enough spewing of hatred towards all Christians to never read another Jewish publication again. Just like Muslims, you have no ability to show the slightest respect for anyone whose beliefs differ from yours. Pathetic.
80. Rikvah #77, #78
Brod ,   USA   (02.02.09)
Thanks for your note. Ellen G. White had written other outstanding books such as "Child Guidance," "Temperance," "Education," "Counsel to Parents, Teachers and Students," etc. She was certainly not opposed to having children. She had children of her own.
81. #79 - Great comment, Hatred is appalling
AY_Lamb ,   USA   (02.02.09)
We all know Xtians can't hate because after all jesus is love correct? ceasar was love, hitler was indeed love as well, henry ford love etc etc etc I quote Benjamin Disraeli "900 years of christian love has made the Jewish people a bit nervous" Never fear though the vast majority of non-xtians are living in a sublime world of utter naivety and will continue to victimize themselves by taking the various xtian slogans at "face value". I drew the line while in Iraq witnessing the utter lack of humility, cruelty, malice, bigotry, bias, prejudice and then really just arcane frivolity these religious xtians zealots engender and exude in their misrepresentation, maltreatment , acrimony , contempt and defamation of muslims. This contemptuous sentiment now extends too Jewry because when struggling to comprehend this “heresy” of unbelief xtians are consulting their book of love and rediscovering that which has always been in there “the perfidious treacherous Jews are guilty of the greatest cosmic horror and crime of all time” and the Romans were just the unwitting innocent enlightened and benevolent onlookers/overlords . I see you are from Alaska so I hope you are that zealot Sarah Pallin using a pseudonym for anonymity, with all the righteous values that Christians purport violence and war will inevitably negate these protestations as insincere, false and ultimately beguiling.
82. 80 Brod: Ellen G. White had much to say that was holy.
Rivkah   (02.02.09)
When the Lord showed her events to come, he did not give her a timeline or calendar. So she saw the destruction of cities and the people who listened and got out of San Francisco were spared the great quake of 1906. Her advice not to have children came after hers were born since she saw such devastation and thought the events were at hand. Remember that Sodom was destroyed as if by nuclear weapons when there were none on the earth.
83. 79 Valley Girl: Most people who say they are Christians are
Rivkah   (02.02.09)
not. The Jews have suffered persecutions for thousands of years at the hands of murderers who called themselves Christians. It takes more understanding and patience than you possess to reach out to such suffering people who preserved the Sabbath of the Lord in the face of such opposition. Malachi says the Lord does not change. Most Christian religions are pagan sungod of Babylonia cults that are called a Mother Harlot and her Harlot Daughters in Revelation. The Jews respect the Druze Christains who do not persecute them and even let them serve in the IDF.
84. #83 Rikvah I am really heartened by
AY_Lamb ,   USA   (02.02.09)
your proclamation of keeping the Shabbat. I have a free will and I believe ultimately that is the "great gift" for us all. So I shamefully get over passionate especially when I am away from Torah study for any length of time (for some reason it mitigates my ego and passions). As you probably know this Shabbat past was Parashat Bo and it caused me to ponder much of your TBs and my overall reaction to some of them. Just using my "intellect and free will" and reading your various comment I do believe you and your faith are part of the greater community of Israel. I would be a big liar if I claimed to observe Halacha 100% of the time. I think many of your comments are thoughtful and insightful but I do think you proselytize a bit but, because of your focus on the exegesis of your Ribi Yeshua I can even understand that and NOT resent it. Just keep observing the day of rest and if I understand it correctly (so please forgive if I don't) practice the "peace of spirit" and "tolerance" of your Ha Rav and I think your study of Torah will be beneficial to many least of which myself. Toda Raba and again I apologize for my oft inflammatory comments
85. 84 AY Lamb: I do not proselytize. I share my knowledge. God
Rivkah   (02.02.09)
determines who He wants in His family. I don't. Guiding people to better sources of information is not proseletizing. Many are called, but few are chosen...(by God). What a lovely talkback from you. The Lion of Judah Messiah is no less than the Sacrificial Lamb Messiah. God blinded the eyes in part of the Jews so the Gentiles could be grafted onto the Jewish faith of the Messiah. I am so glad you feel less threatened by that or less hostile since the Jewish faith is the root and the grafted on branch cannot be alone and survive without the root. How kind you are to me today. It grieves my heart that the Sunday sabbath of man people do not research the sabbath in concordances to the bible to see it is a sign of true faith and it is the seventh day. The brainwashing of people who hate Jews is so profound that when they read the bible and see the Gentiles killed the Messiah, they think the word is Jews, not Gentiles. Just like they read the sabbath is the seventh day and believe it is all right to observe the first day of the week. Again, thanks for a kind word. I had almost given up on answering your talkbacks even though I cannot remember specifically what was said in them.
86. Rikvah - again you put forth an interesting point
AY_Lamb ,   USA   (02.03.09)
Also Bnai Yisroel were at times called "Ger" or Goy which of course was hellenized to Gentile. The original context was meant as a warning of sorts not be "strange" to the ways of El Shadai and to try an emulate the Derech HaShem. As far as proselytizing goes I meant no offense it was banned in the Talmud after the forced conversion of Edom by Hyrcanus and that is how Herod came along and we know what is written about that and both Christian and Jewish sources acknowledge the reign of the Herodians were disastrous but, anywho proselytizing in and of itself isn't inherently negative and even"witnessing" which I think is more accurate isn't really "forcing" anyone if I understand it correctly. I draw the line at Messianic Jews they are abiding by the wisdom of the Charla they are marginalizing the role and identity of Judah while simultaneously usurping it. I was once confined to an armored vehicle for hours with a Baptist Minister and a Sudanese Muslim that was converting from Sunni Islam to Shi'i Islam. They both were endeavoring quite well to show me the errors of my ways and as the conversation culminated to the typical culmination point I suddenly blurted out that Jews must not perish from this Earth because it would put all humanity in great peril of a direct intervention and Judgment from the HaShem or Allah both looked at me and scoffed and of course they asked if I could not see the arrogance of that statement. I just quoted Yeshayahu 56:7 and reminded the role of Judah is to preserve a place for kohanim and Judah means merely "celebrated" and that all who know Torah are worthy of Judgment and their deeds are inscribed. They are now my friends and they no longer feel the need to show me the error of my ways. Perhaps they just think I am crazy or perhaps they are just coming to peace with this "Graft" I think you are referring to and rejecting an unreasonable fear. Any way Yon Dov Rikvah and keep studying Torah A"H
87. 86 AY Lamb: Torah is soooo interesting and earns rewards.
It is sad the grafted on branch thinks the root is not needed. God will not forsake his promises to the Jews. Look how the Lord protected the Jews in Russia from being slaughtered by the communists while NOT protecting the Christians according to Alexander Solzenitzen. 66 million died under Stalin and Lenin, but the Jews were less persecuted.
88. Catherine the Great, Pale of Settlement and the Yishuv
AY_Lamb ,   USA   (02.03.09)
A long history of Jews in Russia and the East of Europe. Vladimir Ilayich Ulianov, Levi Mordechai and his son and Grandson (Karl Marx) that converted to Lutheranism to be allowed to pursue their dreams of Avoda, the Berent –Cohens, the Bund labor Union, the Litvacs, R. Elchonon Wasserman (N"E), anti-Zionist, Refusniks. the Russian Eastern Orthodox Church, Saint Basil's Cathedral, Rasputin, Stalin etc etc the long history of Jews in Eastern Europe, Operation Barbarossa the largest Martial Ground Operation ever left 90% of the Eastern European Jewry forever gone. Tumultuous history beautiful in its rich diversity with crowning achievement and astonishing tragedy. Esau is Strong but indeed Jacob loved Esau and "Humbled himself before him" "Slaughtered" is a politically loaded word that inspires great passion and invokes the Yetzer Ra normally. Oh well we are gifted with the ingenuity, aptitude and ability to rise together in solidarity and "community" to make the world a better place to usher in the Malchut Shamayim. B'Ezrat HaShem Yom Dov!!
Toledo, USA   (02.10.09)
I am perplexed why seemingly educated people who are trying to make points about fairness and sensitivity do not have the simple courtesy to type a few more letters and write "Christian" instead of "X-tain". Do you have some sort of writing disorder or is this simple coded disrespect? Christ was born a Jew so I don't think it should be that difficult.
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