Jewish Scene
Should Christianity be taught in schools?
Kobi Nahshoni
Published: 24.02.09, 07:47
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61. Thank You Mike
E ,   Canada   (02.24.09)
Mike, we in Canada have such trouble with Xians coming to our Shouls pretending to want to convert to Orthodox Judaism, while cleverly denying the deity of Jebus. Funnily enough, they often suddenly appear from nowhere with a good knowledge of how to daven, something unlikely to have been learnt from a book. Only under arduous cross examination do these people admit to still believing in Jebus as Messiah and belonging to a group of Messianics. You make a great point. How can these people convert if they don’t believe the Bet Bin is theologically sound? Not only are they disrespecting the converting rabbis, but they are being deceitful in still believing in Jebus. This Scott guy cannot have admitted his belief in Jebus to any reliable Orthodox authority before his so-called conversion, unless by trickery. By that I mean it is common for them to say such things as: I don’t believe in Jebus as God or I don’t believe in Jebus as Messiah of I don’t believe in the Xian Jebus. What they mean is they believe in him under a different name.
62. #19, Steve, enough of those red herrings
Jake   (02.24.09)
Everything but the kitchen sink, my friend. You claim "Jews relentlessly persecuted the first Christians". What you forgot to mention was that the first Christians were in fact bona fide Jews, and their movement was nothing more than a sect within Judaism, so what you call "persecution" was merely a clamping down of Jews against other Jews they saw as heretics. Sound familiar? Catholics vs. Protestants, Sunnis vs. Shiites, etc. The real hardcore persecution of Christians started when they tried to preach amongst the gentiles of the Roman empire. Go down the list of early Christian martyrs and you will find almost all of them were killed by the Roman authorities. We always hear about the cruelty of the Jewish High Priest Caiaphas (a Roman political appointee), but rarely do we hear about the far greater anti-Christian savagery of Emperor Diocletian.
63. Josh, #25, Do you even know what chaff means?
Jake   (02.24.09)
Chaff is the worthless, scaly, inedible outer covering of grain seeds, not part of the grain itself. The chaff is separated from the grain by threshing and winnowing, and then burnt. In the Bible, chaff is used as a metaphor for something considered worthless. See Psalm 1: "The wicked are not so, but are like chaff that the wind drives away."
64. Journos insist that Catholic is Christian
Rami ,   UK   (02.24.09)
However, most educated people (outside of Israel) understand it's like night and day.
65. sad truth.
David ,   USA, exile   (02.24.09)
There is an element of truth contained in most all the posts here but sadly there is also error. I don't claim to know all the truth but I do claim to know Him who is the author of all truth. He gave us Father Avraham. He gave us Moshe and the Prophets, He gave us a Book and He told us to love one another. Finally He gave us Mashiach. If we apply ourselves to learn what He has given us in His Word, He will teach us by His Ruach. We need to quit listening to preachers, Rabbis, Clerics and all self proclaimed experts and go back to the Book. The Torah. We will discover His truth and His Mashiach. Apart from that, there is no hope for any of us. Very sad situation. Judaism rejects the Brit HaHadasha ant Christianity as we know it rejects Torah. Judaism rejects Yeshua and Christianity rejects Moshe. "If you had believed Moshe, you would believe Me." Muslims reject everyone. Then, we wonder why we fight and kill one another. Very Very Sad! Paqid and Charles, if either of you think your posts are pleasing to the Father, you are sadly mistaken. One an athiest the other thinks he knows everything. Neither has a heart.
66. this survey is superficial
Eitan ,   Israel   (02.24.09)
The whole idea of asking for an opinion about christianity and christians is misleading. One has to differentiate between three things: 1) religion itself - a philosophy behind it, 2) the institution that claims the authority over that religion, 3) the people that practice, or consider themselves belonging to that religion. When you ask people what is their opinion about Christianity and Christians, do they think about the teachings of Jesus, or the Inquisition, or my neighbour Stu who buys a tree for Christmas? I imagine they think about 2) the ruling authority of the Church, which has done some horrible things to the humanity over the history, but now is much more politically correct and much less relevant. The whole idea of identifying a huge part of the world's population as Christians and developing an attitude towards them based on the doings of the Church politics is very shallow, wrong and harmful for Israel. Because of our confusion whether being Jew is an ethnical or religious thing, we like to define people by their religion and develop our attitudes accordingly, which stands in our way of becoming a progressive productive healthy society.
67. As an Observer and unbiased
Rubi ,   USA   (02.24.09)
If it was the case that religious teachings would come to be taught without having the intentions to instigate their own self believes into others, then it could be that the teachings be allowed. It is almost impossible to be unbiased in "religion" since it is an establishment of boundaries however. The comments about Christianity (Jesus and Mary) made in the TV show is a public opinion and made in TV just for the purpose of open entertainment and views. The Pope on the other hand is the boundaries of a people and if he is unable to place the facts on the table, then he is to be on a TV show instead.
68. #18 that is incorrect most religious Jews are Ashkenazim
usa   (02.24.09)
and originate from Germany and Eastern Europe, where they fled during Diaspora (after the fall of the 2d Temple.) They Chasids speak Yiddish still. They are not from Arab lands.
69. 53. CHARLES GOOD...blah blah
Josh   (02.24.09)
For three years the indentical posters making the identical observations pretending its all new. Pretending they are just discovering one another as the thread is Jews for Jesus material. Bad cop good cop? Charles, Mike, Paqid, etc. What are you all trying to teach us? "All"-hahah!
70. #40 - Ahmad, Why did the Qibla change?
Joe ,   Ramat Gan   (02.24.09)
If there is no difference between Mohammad, Jesus and Moses, (may I add that you forgot to write the words "Peace be upon them") why did Mohammad change the Qibla from Jerusalem to Mecca? If the message presented by Mohammad is the same message presented by Jesus and Moses, and Jesus and Moses worshipped the same way Mohammad worshipped, which was the Qibla towards which Jesus and Moses worshipped? Was it Jerusalem or Mecca? Which was the Qibla towards which Adam worshipped, seeing as neither Jerusalem nor Mecca existed when Allah created Adam? Too many things in Islam don't add up, Ahmad. Not only does the Qur'an has too many contradictions, the Qur'an states that if there are any contradictions in it, then it is proof that the Qur'an is not from Allah. Doesn't the Islamic principle of Naskh prove that the Qur'an fails the standard it sets for itself?
71. Rubi.....the Christian Jesus is not the Jewish Messiah
Fake Jew ,   USA   (02.24.09)
Its a hodge podge of Jewish beliefs mixed in with thought of the nations. Jesus is not a Levitical sacrifice...can never be. Life is about knowing G-d, not paying off or feeding the deity in a blood fee (be it animal or man). Isaiah 50's is about nation Israel. Just because a sage said something doesnt mean it is to be taken literally. Virgins don't get preganant w/o fluid exchange. G-d does not literally eat cheese and drink wine, or has a literal nose, arm, face. Israel was supposed to be weaned from these things.
72. Survey
Marilyn ,   USA   (02.24.09)
I feel that It is surprising the religious respondents would feel closer to Islam, cause more separated in everything else. I think that perhaps it is because with Judaism and Islam, maybe more of an emphasis on good works and how things are done. Also maybe both more male dominated. With Christianity, there is more of an emphasis on a personal connection to G-d. Catholicism somewhat more leans towards first. So like if presented with a law most Christians would want to follow intent, while others more letter of such.
73. Jake62 Even Better Than You Realize
Paqid Yirmeyahu ,   Ra'anana, Israel   (02.24.09)
Yes, the original followers of Ribi Yehoshua, Netzarim, were bona fide Jews (there were no bona fide Christians, as recognized by everyone since the 4th century, until after 135 C.E.). However, the persecution of these bona fide Jews was NOT from Pharisees (today's Orthodox Jews). Persecution of Netzarim Jews was from the Hellenist Tzedoqim (known today as "Sadducees"; priests in the "Temple") and Hellenist gentile Romans. Hellenists + Hellenists against Pharisees. (RIBI (!) Yeshoshua was also a Pharisee). This is corroborated by Josephus. Check who convicted Ribi Yehoshua (Pharisees never convened a Beit Din on a Holy Day), killed Ribi Yehoshua, who killed Paqid Yaaqov ha-Tzadiq and who ousted and expelled the Netzarim along with the rest of the Jews in 135 C.E., displacing and superseding the Netzarim with the first Christian bishops. Hellenists + Hellenists against Pharisees. Same think today. No Jewish persecution of Christians whatsoever. Exactly the opposite. The worst the Pharisees, including the Netzarim, did was to compose a malediction against the Notzrim to keep them out of the beit k'nesset. Paqid Yirmeyahu Paqid 16, The Netzarim, Ra'anana, Israel Israeli Orthodox Jew (Teimani Baladi Dardai) Advancing Logic as Halakhic Authority Welcoming Jews & non-Jews
74. Josh , this "convert" from the South ?
Charles ,   Petach Tikva   (02.24.09)
This guy who fears to eat in a restaurant ? Who walks around with a cross ? who also , as this p*qid does , pretends to be Jewish ? Let me tell you . I don't want to teach anything , only to tell people that this p*qid is'nt Jewish , either are you .
75. to 23 rambam was not historically correct ,   israel   (02.24.09)
to define Islam as not idol worship religion. in fact there are rituals in Islam which are derived from pagan religions which were part of pre Islamic Arabia. another problematic detail that despite the apologists of Islam deny that they are worshiping muhammad. their actions actually project they do. so if a Jew convert to Islam is far worse. at least in Christianity they adhere to the Jewish scripts as well where in Islam what they plagiarized from Jewish scripts they distorted to their suite. not I'm not advocating conversion to Christianity I merely pointing out Islam is far worse. what christians did in the past to jews were actually in the contrast of what jesus allegedly preached as written in the NT. what islamists do it is accordingly to Islam scriptures. I infer from your statements you have not studied Islam. I suggest to visit to be educated.
76. Should Christianity be taught in schools?
Michael   (02.24.09)
Christianity? Which one? There are many denominations and doctrins. Should New Testament be taught in schools? Are you serious? It will be total disaster for Rabbinical Judaism and Islam!
77. 60 Define misojudaic
Steve   (02.24.09)
78. #71 Getting warm - No to Christianity schooling
Josh   (02.24.09)
Isaiah 50 starts off about Isaiah himself although in spots he does speak about Israel. The key to the falseness of claims is the fact that this text is written generations before Jesus and is PAST TENSE. There is no way to mistake it, this past tense passage is NOT prophecy. As far as the virgin birth, God could do it, but this miracle, if it did happen, is also past by the time Jesus arrives. Isaiah 7:10, 12, and 14 al show that this event occured some 20 generations prior to Jesus for the sake of a sign to Ahaz. It could not be a sign to him if he were dead for more than a hundred years. Furthermore the prediction was for a child to be named Emanual. The new testament states Mary's child who tests and separates living Jews fro dead Jews in the chose life (doing the laws) and chose death (sinners Jesus collected) scenario was to be named Jesus. It matches (Deut) Deverim 13 tester prophecy only. As far as God eating, who says he doesn't eat, have arms, etc? God has a face as one of the curses is that he will hide his face from us. He uses his right hand to punish. The idea that he is invisible is not really supported either. He just choses that we use no form to represent him. He had enough form to pass over Moses or to travel/walk through the Garden of Eden. We after all are made in his image.
79. Mr. # 5, DO NOT convert me, either!
mike ,   israeli gentile   (02.24.09)
"I do respect their religion,but I am against missionaries that are trying to convert jews. " I do appreciate your religion, but please do me a favor. DO NOT convert me in Judaism as you Jews do to my brothers here in Israel. I hope, the idea with Holy Giyur has been passed away here in Israel, or I am wrong?
80. to 15. we took it from the british. ,   israel   (02.24.09)
81. #73, That is not true
Jake   (02.24.09)
What you said about the Saducees is incorrect. There is no evidence that they were "Hellenistic" as a group. In fact, their reputation was for being the most dogged and literal in their interpretation of written law. They formed the Temple clergy, and they were known for extreme ritualism and purity. Some of the individual Saducees were Hellenistic, and during the Roman period, the High Priest was a political appointee of the Romans. However, the Pharisees had a long track record of collaborating with both the Greeks and Romans against the independent Jewish monarchy. What you are trying to say is that Christanity is in fact the same Orthodox Judaism, and it just isn't so.
82. "the sight of a person wearing a cross disturbed them"
Christian ,   NYC   (02.24.09)
The sight of a religious Jew roaming the streets of NY disturbs me. As for not allowing Christians to buy land, well, I say we should stop allowing Jews to buy land and build synagogues in US.
83. To Fake Jew
Matthew Joseph ,   Chicago,IL US   (02.24.09)
That is all you are, Yeshua was the Messiah, Just as the jews where mislead back then the catholic church does the same thing now. I agree missionaries are not to force anything if it is forced it is not from the Father. You need to read the Torah again and then maybe you might see Yeshua is what He claimed to be. Peace only in Yeshua.
84. 77 Steve Misojudaic defined
Paqid Yirmeyahu ,   Ra'anana, Israel   (02.24.09)
Miso = hatred of Judaic = Judaism = Torah (includes, by definition of Torah, Halakhah and the Beit Din system ordained by Mosheh at Har Sinai) and the Judaic (= Torah-keeping) people, nation and land: Israel.
85. #74 What's with all the questons?
Josh   (02.24.09)
Is that your way around defermentation of character suits? LOL Crooked hands doing crooked deeds.
86. Josh ...even christian scholarship admits
Fake Jew ,   USA   (02.24.09)
Is. 52 is about Israel (not that Jesus could be a spiritual version). I don't believe in Holy Spirit persons or people (its a holy marriage union between G-d and man). What purpose for G to impregnate an underage female, to fulfill a prophecy already fulfilled (although some writers at this time often associated prophecies as in spiritual context)? Especially since Jesus was mikvahed for repentance of sins by John the mandeann? Spirit man is not born of the flesh. Flesh man is born of exchange of body fluids. Christainity is about trying to make Jesus a certain Jewish view of some Jews = literalism, that existed at that time. Its a false view. Not all Jews believed or believe in that form of literalism.
87. Matthew.....I am not the one trying to convince
Fake Jew ,   USA   (02.24.09)
Jews that Jesus is their own version of a Messiah by trying to make Jesus fulfil or become things he never can literally become. Jesus did not come from of have an earthly kingdom(his kingdom was not of this earth) why do you folks keep trying to say he does, so he conforms to the Jewish version of a kingdom? Christianity is a RESTRAINER force which was supposed to keep the nations from BIBLICALLY dumping their guilt upon Israel in captivity, until the "WEANING PERIOD" is complete.
88. Josh..forgot....anthromorphism was rampant amongst some
Fake Jew ,   USA   (02.24.09)
of Israel and the nations. I believe in Maimonides view concerning G-d. A few sages believed in corporality of G-d (thats how the romans could make Jesus the godman). This is the only way writers could describe G-d being revealed in things created. For instance a Holy Spirit by some would be understood to be the arm of G-d, or a righteous mind working of G-d (man and G-d working together).
89. #81 U are Wrong
E ,   Canada   (02.24.09)
The Saducee party were the followers of the heretic, Zaddoc, who postulated that the oral Torah was not to be believed. Indecently, according to the NT, John the Baptist claimed direct decadency from this heretic through his dad. Paul, on the other hand, played both sides. He claimed to have been a Yeshiva student under the tutelage of the great house of Hillel. Yet, as would have been against all Parasitical beliefs, he capitulated with the Saducee High Priest, who was a sort of anti-priest or anti-pope of the day. The whole thing makes for a very unlikely story. Somewhat akin to an evangelical Southern Baptist Xian with a commission from the Vatican!
90. Catholicism
aramkr ,   nyc   (02.24.09)
If you want to get accurate information about Catholicism, you probably should be ignoring the rabid Baptists on this site (whose scripture on which they base everything, by the way, was defined by the Catholic Church long before they popped into existence. Also, to be ignored are guys named Cohen like #16 who presume to categorize things about which they have not the flimsiest understanding.
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