Why I back Israel sanctions
Udi Aloni
Published: 05.01.10, 11:56
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91. BBS
Dan   (01.05.10)
Of course there are no UN resolutions claiming that Indian land is occupied territory, nor are there resolutions calling for the US of A to return the Mexican land stolen from Mexico, or to return Brelau, Koenigsberg or Danzig to Germany. The UN is a joke, the truth is not on their agenda. So BBS (better bull shit) news, calm down and get a life!!
92. You are misguided
Rachel Avraham ,   Netanya, Israel   (01.05.10)
Even the far left wing group here in Israel, Peace Now, recognizes that BDS does nothing but harden hearts and reduces the chances for peace to be successful. Also, by supporting BDS, you are not only harming yourself as an Israeli, but you are also harming the Palestinians that you profess to care about, since the Palestinian economy of the West Bank and East Jerusalem relies to a large extent on the Israeli economy. Based on my experience of living in the US, the people that support BDS are the same people that want Israel whiped off the map and a Palestinian state created in its place, not the types who want a peaceful two state solution. And believe me, BDS is definitely not as popular in the US as you are making it out to be, even on left wing US college campuses. I would say that less than five percent of the US population supports such measures, with a good three percent representing the US Muslim population. This is not mainstream, my friend. Even in Europe, where BDS is a bit more popular, there are still no successful examples of this occuring. So nice dreaming, my friend!
93. Hey Matty - prove to me these "Palestinians" have lived here
JPS ,   Efrat   (01.05.10)
Bah - caught by your own web. There is ample proof that there were hardly any local residents of the holy land before 1900. There never was a country called "Palestine", there never was an independent country here since the conquest of Israel 2000 years ago. There ain't no such thing as a "Palestinian nation", or maybe Matty you can get the Palestinians to prove who they are descended from people who actually lived here? I doubt it. Before WW2 when the word "Palestinian" was in the newspaper, it generally referred to the Jews. Why? Because all the Arabs had belonged to different nations that controlled the area after beating each other up: the Brits, Ottomans, Byzantines, Greeks, Romans. Then, of course, when you try and find out where all the Jews came from, it all comes back to Israel. I don't have to prove anything to you. I live here legitimately, unlike BBS who is indeed the conquering settler. He should read up on the history of the native Americans from N Carolina - most of them were killed off in ethnic cleansing, that's why they aren't complaining today.
94. to 88
Dan   (01.05.10)
I am a Cohen and it was proven that the DNA of all Cohanim is the same and was traced back thousands of years so calm down and save your propaganda lies for those who are ignorami, like yourself!
95. :: JPS - #93
Matty Groves ,   Fairport   (01.06.10)
Gladly, once you answer my questions that I poses previously: Okay prove it? Prove that you are a ? JPS what you are trying to do is 'deflect' the discussion. 1) You make a statement 2) I question your statement 3) You change the subject and ask a totally different question to deflect the discussion. This is a typical weasel ploy to avoid backing up a spurious claim. JPS either put up or shut up about your ‘claim’ to be a ‘direct descendant of the original natives (Levite)’. Personally I think you are just lying to try and bolster your ‘justification’ (I use the term loosely) for illegally living on Palestinian land.
96. No Pali paper would print self-critical views
Michael ,   NY   (01.05.10)
No palestinian media and its flowering "democracy" would print views hostile to its cause. The writer would be shot as a Hamas sympthizer. Contrary to Aloni, Israel's democracy is strong and self confident enough to "take the strain" he levels upon it. Palestinians plight is the result of years of the wrong choices. Aloni is Living proof of the enemy of my enemy is my friend.
97. Good points JPS
Scott ,   Australia   (01.06.10)
Yes, BBS can ask why there are no UN resolutions in regard to the British raping ,pilaging and colonising North America as well as here in Australia. That's because most of the indigenents were all killed! And recently we have had "land rights" campaigns held by the few survivor's decendants..they have been given some land back - but not the whole country....as for Israel's arab population before WW2...or'48..in many places it was a swamp, that needed to be worked on to be viable - precisely what the Israelis did. A lot of land was sold too - nobody talks about that. As we all know many supposed "Palestinians" are actually from other countries - Yasser Arafat the Egyptian - perfect example. They only arrived in the area because of the economic activity by Israelis. If it should ever be handed over to the "Palestine arabs"...how would they feed themselves? That's right - hand outs forever to the world greatest moaners, liars and murderers.
98. High Treason
Dave ,   B.Aires - Argentina   (01.06.10)
Hey, Ynetnews, what kind of individual wrote this disgusting article? We, the "Galuth" Jews, living in a democratic country outside of Israel, think that he is commiting High Treason, not only to the State of Israel, but for all the Jews of the entire world. And guess ...what is the punishment for that fault in all the countries of the world, since the development of the mankind ? All of you know the answer...
99. Aloni is right
jackson ,   edmonton   (01.06.10)
I hate to say it but he is correct. It will take economic pressure to force Israel to give up its efforts to get rid of Palestinians.
100. BDS,another leftist fantasy
YSL ,   Jerusalem Israel   (01.06.10)
Shoppers buy products either because they like that product,and couldn't care less about the cost or where it was made.They would resent anyone telling them what to buy or not to buy.Others buy because it is cheap,or whatever.Except for a few deluded Loony Leftists.That crap on about on BDS's.Not many will bother .about dumb BDS's
101. Hysterical shrieks @ critical mass? #28 b4 and after
Dismayer ,   Australia   (01.06.10)
If it weren't so tragic it'd be funny. I foretold the precise chain of non-argument and then it all came so startlingly true. Some dimwit even tried to tar me with the whole 'Australia was a colony, go back to England'. RACISM people. What on earth makes me English, just because I live in Australia. For a nation of immigrants that's awfully naive... Wake up Israel. Your national pathology is malignant. The ISSUES are the problem, not the people voicing them. But you don't want to know that do you? In a world where Lieberman is your top 'diplomat' bizarro world is in full flight. You know, the South African government thought they were right too. Look how that turned out. Unfortunately the distract, dilute and defer tactic stopped working. It's a case of do it yourself, or have it done for you. No matter how much you scream. Doublespeak is sooooo last century. Shame for the expansionist, racist, segregationist types, innit? Keep screaming you lot. Udi and the other 5 billion people in the world don't mind. Sorry. And in exchange, one day you will be safe and secure. You'll just have to deal with building in your own borders. Oh the indignity.
102. honesty
vikram ,   london   (01.06.10)
Bravo despite you being jewish thier will be those who will unjustly label you an anti-semite you are just honest in your statementit is they who are an enemy of there own people
103. #94 Dan, I'm sorry that I have to ruin your fantasy
Ben Alofs ,   Bangor, UK   (01.06.10)
Your supposedly "priestly" cohanim gene" could just as easily be a "non-Jewish gene". Judaism is inherited from the mother, so it would not be far-fetched to assume that since the nineteenth century a good many non-believing cohanim have married "gentile" women, although the Halakhah forbids them to do so. These men may well have fathered "non-Jewish" offspring, bearing the "genetic seal" of the cohanim. But scientists like Karl Skorecki, the orthodox Jewish professor, who discovered the amazing "seal of priesthood" are not expected to consider minor details, certainly not after so much publicity in Israel. Curious though that no newspaper bothered to publish the findings of professor Uzi Ritte of the Department of Genetics at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, who had examined those famous priestly haplotypes on the Y-chromosome and found nothing distinctive about them. I suggest, Dani, that you get in touch with him, before publishing more triumphalist talkbacks.
104. I also support sanctions against israel
ivan ,   haifa   (01.06.10)
I think the international community must intervine, we are under a kind of dictatorship or military regime and can´t do enough from inside, help us stop our state.
105. I AM part of the "whole world" and Israel in not
guilty in my ,   eyes... BSASS   (01.06.10)
106. #56 BS News...His motivations are clear
Cynthia ,   USA   (01.06.10)
"BDS is a non-violent form of resistance to Israel's decades long ignorance of UN resolutions and international laws." Wrong. BDS is a racist effort geared to punish, isolate and economically damage Israel. It has nothing to do with UN resolutions or international laws. "The list of churches and religious organizations alone should scare the pants off you". Not scared at all. Post a list of these churches, religious organizations and individual members. Time to expose the haters and hypocrites of the world. Udi Aloni is one of them and the fact that he's an Israeli is sickening.
107. Udi Aloni is absolutely right! salvation from abroad now!
Guyava- TA   (01.06.10)
108. Ynet do some soul search
joseph ,   miami   (01.06.10)
Publishing articles and writers like this brings your level down several floors. Clearly this guy is an idiot that should leave the country, convert to some other religion and live then do some soul search. We have enough enemies in the world... I am sick and tired of these idiots within us that simply help our enemies. They should have no space in our 'serious' media.
109. Actually maybe BBSNews is right!
JPS ,   Efrat   (01.06.10)
Maybe Israel should pick up on what BBSNews said and use the successful American settlement model: -bring in enough armed settlers to overwhelm the locals (in his case BBSNews and his fellow American settlers simply kept bringing more settlers and breeding until they vastly outnumbered the natives) -send out the army and militias (like the Americans did) and simply wipe as many natives off the map as possible, then take their lands and bring in more settlers -Get it to the point where the settlers outnumber the natives several hundred to 1, stick them on "reservations" and give them citizenship. Remember, of course, that the American settlers like BBSNews did this centuries before the UN even existed, so it's no wonder the American aborigines are in no position to demand their lands back and kick out 298 million settlers squatting on their lands. Ok BBSNews, I accept your model and we'll start using it here in Israel. Do you want to come over here and show us some American know-how based on experience and precedent, and show us which Palestinian chamulot we should ethnically cleanse first using the BBSNews-American method?
110. Matty Groves can't prove the impossible either
JPS ,   Efrat   (01.06.10)
Groves obviously is ignorant of Judaism and Jews, so my claim is based on the knowledge that for the past 3000 years Jews of the Levi tribe have been called so-and-so son of so-and-so the Levite. We get special treatment in the synagogue when reading the Torah, have to wash the Cohen's hands sometimes, etc etc. So I'm a Levite cuz my dad was, and my grandfather, and their fathers and grandfathers. We pass it down from generation to generation. No, I obviously can't go back to the villages in Russia from 400 or more years ago, and I don't know what year my ancestors arrived in Russia from wherever else they were refugees, and I don't know if those refugees were from which exile imposed on us by invaders and occupiers, but I do know that the Levi tribe did indeed reside in Israel, and Jews can't call themselves Levites unless you really are. And I've never heard of anybody faking being a Levite, so you're just gonna have to accept the facts of history. Why don't you take some of the Jewish families from Hebron, the survivors of those massacred by the Pals in 1929, and ask them how far they go back. But of course, you don't care about the truth and probably want to make sure that Hebron is illegally ethnically cleansed of Jews by the Palestinians. You're nothing more than a dupe for Palestinian propaganda. There never was such at thing as "Palestine", and if the Palestinians keep up their war crimes, there never will be.
111. He looks like Darth Vader....he IS DARTH VADER!
Eri ,   nyny   (01.06.10)
I may be America, but we have Udi Aloni's here, too. In fact, Udi Aloni's exist in every country. They get made fun of in high school, and develop a deep resentment of the society around them. Others who faced hardships growing up decide to dedicate their lives to changing society, but the Udis of this world are filled with hate, and they decide to destroy it. They get satisfaction out of destroying it. Read between the lines. Udi Aloni is preaching hate. Luckily, BSD is a joke. Not one college has a divested from Israel, but a dozen have divested from Iran. Udi, do us all a favor and get a haircut, a therapist and come to terms with your Jewish identity. When you do, re-think your life. Has it been about revenge, sweet revenge? If so, make it about change.
112. I also support BDS
fortuna ,   from the south   (01.06.10)
it is non violent and will slowly be effective, when the Palestinians struggle with violence they are delegitimized, and when they choose a non violent struggle, it is also not accepted, wake up: we need to end the occupation
113. If the Cherokee Elders knew what
Robert Haymond ,   Ashdod, Israel   (01.06.10)
Michael Hess was doing, they would treat him as an errant child who required specialized behavioral intervention. Because they are Elders, they would treat him with the special understanding reserved for underdeveloped spirits. They would also treat him with the care reserved for those who consistently travel on the dark (evil) side. You can be sure that Michael's Cherokee Elders see right through this bluff bully's talk for what he really is.
114. Good to hear from Dr. Ben Alofs from
Robert Haymond ,   Ashdod, Israel   (01.06.10)
Bangor, U,K., who otherwise takes his practice to Gaza and treats Palestinian patients. Unlike the heroic Dr. Zhivago in Boris Pasternak's novel, he takes sides. He pities the poor Gazans but has expressed no compassion whatsoever for the thirty-seven dead Jews killed by their rockets and missiles between 2000-2008 nor the large number of mutilated Israelis, including children, hit by Hamas launchers nor the considerable states of PTSD induced by Hamas and associates. Unlike Dr. Zhivago, Dr. Alofs' compassion is reserved only for Palestinians. That's why one can fairly state that there's really something objectionable with Dr. Alofs. Readers can google him. By the way, Doctor, Boris Pasternak was a Russian Jew caught up in the inferno of a terrible civil war. You could read his work.
115. Shulamit Aloni, the writer's mother,
Robert Haymond ,   Ashdod, Israel   (01.06.10)
fought in the IDF and worked on behalf of refugees to the holy land. Whether or not you (the Reader) approves of her later political opinions, she worked on behalf of the Jewish people when we were most in need. As for her son, I think he's one of those entitled types and does nothing except for himself. I'm sure his mother would be secretly ashamed if she is alive today.
116. John F. Kennedy once said . . .
Chanya ,   Israel   (01.06.10)
He once said that it is unfair that God put a limit on man's intelligence since he clearly put no limits on man's stupidity. This article proves the truth of Kennedy's words. Honestly, Israel has enough problems with such idiotic drivel. To say that the article is one-sided, selective in "facts", etc. would not do justice to the depth of stupidity this article betrays.
117. to 103
dan   (01.06.10)
First of all, I did not tell you taht you canm call me Dani, so where do you take the chuzpa from without askeing me, you supoposedly educated civilized person? Second of all, your ramblings do not interest me. Third of all, you are wrong
118. this is a very good article.
citizen of israel   (01.06.10)
thanks Aloni for writing it, and publishing to citizens who no nothing, the situation is getting worse and isreal is committing war crimes, that every citizen is responsible for - we should do something, and if that is: we should support BDS call.
119. Shulamit Aloni's failure is political and zionistic
JPS ,   Efrat   (01.06.10)
Aloni is indeed still alive. Yes, she fought for her country and served it well in public office for many years. However, like other politicians, her pursuit of a narrow agenda rendered her and her party irrelevant. Although I'm a resident of Judea and perceived as a right-wing settler, I had a lot of admiration for the left-wing parties that were the basis of Meretz (the amalgamation of Ratz, Shinui, and Mapam). These parties had a heavy emphasis on social democracy: civil rights, education, labor laws, equality in society, justice for all. However, once they merged to form Meretz (under Aloni) which had a powerful presence in the Knesset with 12 seats. However, since 1993 the Meretz ideology has almost completely dropped anything to do with social justice in Israel. The main message of Meretz is now that they are the "Zionist peace camp". There is nothing else to them than the message of "peace with the Palestinians", and thus the Israeli electorate has rendered them almost useless. They managed to scrape by with only 3 seats in the last elections, and there is a good chance Meretz will disappear at the next vote. It's not Aloni's legacy alone, as she had more than ample support from other politicians who overdosed on Oslo and became nothing more than Oslo-junkies. The legacy Aloni and Meretz leaves in their wake is the failed ideology that the only single issue facing Israel is peace with the Palestinians. Meretz and it's once vocal voice for social responsibility within Israel will disappear. Those Israelis who need job protection, better education, health care, social welfare and all the issues that have nothing to do with the peace process stopped voting for Meretz . The legacy and sad epitaph for Aloni and Meretz will that they sacrificed social values on the altar of the false god of the Oslo peace process. What we're left with is no peace, and a society within Israel that has no champion for civil rights.
120. Reciprocity is the key
PuntaDiLancia ,   Basel, Switzerland   (01.06.10)
Dear Mr. Aloni You want "to see an end to our local conflict and regional peace, according to the principles of international law, in the benefit of both peoples". Wonderful. I want this, too. Please tell us, whether HAMAS or even FATAH is willing or able to sign such a principle. The key of a solution is reciprocity. Peace for peace, security for security, recognizing the Jewish state for recognizing a Palestinian state - both side by side. But do not avoid to recognize the tragic and dodgy situation by demanding from Israel measures without demanding the same from the Palestinians. It is a phantasy of omnipotence or an antisemitic prejudice that Israel is the key for peace and understanding.
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