Story of life and death
Hagai Segal
Published: 23.07.10, 14:00
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61. 5. this is NOT about occupation
Truth   (07.24.10)
you have been trying to kill us since before the establishment of modern Israel on a TINY sliver of OUR land. You don't give a crap about Muslims killing Muslims, or Muslims occupying the land of non-Muslims or Muslims for that matter. Admitt the TRUTH. You seek to conquer and control where ever possible ,,,and murder where not.
62. The world MUST accept that they think ...
Israel is their land. The terrorists believe that the world is theirs to conquer and Islamasize. There cannot be a negeociated peace...there can only be victory. If we want to maintain Western life...it needs to be a Western victory over Islamfacism.
63. 52
Last I checked Jews were people, just like any other people, free to live where they want. Many non Sabra Jews do choose to make aliay to Israel every year. Many do not, for a multitude of reasons. One is that their lives are good or okay where they are. Another is that it's just not that easy to leave family and tradition behind...None that, however, changes the fact that modren Israel is a sliver of ancient Jewish land.
64. 50. U may not be ashamed of urself...
but ur mother must be. U make me sick.
65. The terrorist’s six-year-old daughter ,...
split ,   USA   (07.23.10)
They fired at the police patrol car guarding the settlement of Beit Hagai (south of Hebron) established on an occupied rerritory so that makes him a fredoom fighter not a terrorist.
66. Rep #5, #17 Occupation is not the problem,
Igor ,   Tel-Aviv ,Israel   (07.24.10)
It is consequence of the problem, which is Arabs refusal to live in peace with Israel as free state, and attempts to capture its lands,such as # 14 who call hospital land in Israel "our land, or #18 who cant even write " Israeli" without quotes.The war did not started in 1967 and you are the ones who refuse to end it. Israelis would not even be on your land, if you would not attack to take ours. If you want Israelis to leave, why you allow Hamas or other terrorists attack Israel, giving Israelis reason to stay? Accept that Israelis want freedom as much as you do and will defend it. If I would believed that ending the occupation will bring peace, I would of coerce support ending it, but as with Lebanon or Gaza, withdrawals without guaranties for peace, only boosts extremists, as they take credit. This only brings more wars against Israel, and I don't think that even Palestinians ever benefited from it. As for the article I so not agree with its point. It is not the fault of the mans daughter. If Israel will stop to do what is right and moral because of fear, it would be victory for terrorists. They want ordinary Israelis and Palestinians to to fear each other, and to have no contacts with each other. That way they can dehumanize Israelis easier, making Palestinians much more open to their ideology.
67. to Joao Eduardo
Igor ,   Tel-Aviv ,Israel   (07.24.10)
I think you got the reason for the problem backwards. Israel accepted Palestians right to free state way back in 48, when It accepted the partition. The problem is Arabs wanted Israeli land also. It is OK that you say to Israelis here " Palestine is not your land". Why you not saying the same way to Palestinians,like #17, that "Israel is not your land". Why are you not criticizing the same way Palestinians who say that Jews should return to Poland or US, the same way you speak against Jews who say that Palestinians must return to Arabia?
68. Story
debbie ,   israel   (07.24.10)
I have a sneaking suspicion that on the day that Israel finally completely cuts Gaza loose, i.e. supply your own jobs, food, water, medical care, etc etc., most Gazans will be very sorry. In spite of all their screaming "END THE OCCUPATION, END THE OCCUPATION" and "GET OUT" "GET OUT", at least now they have a good excuse not to get up off their asses and try to help themselves. In other words, everything bad in their lives is "ISRAEL'S FAULT", but not their own or their leaders. How very moral and convenient to always blame someone or something else for your leaders' failures. Isn't sympathy wonderful?
69. #14: Hadassah is NOT on your land. this attitude
will get you nowhere   (07.24.10)
We have a state and advanced medical treatment. You have nothing. So you are the first to lose from the lies you feed yourself and the world.
70. life and death
debbie ,   israel   (07.24.10)
TO DINO DOMINGO What laudable, lofty principles you have: Treat your neighbor well! Wow, why didn't I think of that! The only problem is your neighbor is the U.S. and our neighbors are primitive, brutal, bloodthirsty, animals who go about, blowing themselves and others to pieces. I daresay you don't have rockets landing in your yard, school or home in Vancouver, nor were you ever afraid to send your children to the supermarket or to get a bite to eat in a restaurant, or on a bus to school. Your principles do not apply here, Israel is in a state of war with Gaza and Hamas, and it's time for the world to be informed that Israel has been supplying them with medical care, food, gas, etc etc while they have been vowing to destroy Israel. There's a Jewish expression "If I am not for myself, who will be for me?"
71. #5. Obviously an idiot
A ,   Belgium   (07.24.10)
"We don't mainly need nice gestures, we don't need to help a child or a woman, or to allow someone to learn in your university, or to send some food to Gaza" That just about puts it all in a nutshell. Israel is OUT of gazastan. I personally would like to see NOTHING go from Israel to gazastan...food, water, electricity...NOTHING! Starve and drink sewer water, you deserve it. And when gazastani children need modern medical care, they can go to Egypt, IF your arab bretheren will even let them in.
72. to Jason Whito 53
Joao Eduardo ,   Aracatuba   (07.24.10)
I will not wast my time with you. Stick to the religion argument and you will not get anything. Israelis have the right to live within the Green Line not because they lived there 4000 ago or because of "this was the land of our forefahters". They have the right to live there because people were hostile to Jews throughout History. Let me remind you again that if Arabs had accepted the Partition you Jews would not have Jerusalem today. And it would be much better. Israel would have the standard of life of Switzerland today. When your arguments are based on the Bible there is no more talk with you. Is the same of listening to Muslims talk about fatwahs, Christians talk about the return of Christ, etc. Your argument is exoterical and doesnt help hundreds of honest, decent Israelis to live in peace. You have half of the land, within the Green Line. And in two years no more you'll have to change all your Bible talk.
73. to Anna, Montreal
Joao Eduardo ,   Aracatuba   (07.24.10)
YOur arguments only support my position. THe whole story is based on nacionalism, not religion. Jerusalem is not important to Jews, but Israel is necessary to work as a safe haven to Jews. If this cliche about " the land of our forefathers" was correct, Jews should also claim Mount Sinai and Jordan as their territory, but they dont bring more this issue to the debates because they know they have lost this forever. About the zionists, you are right. They made the land, not the religious segment.
74. to 53
Joao Eduardo ,   Brazil   (07.24.10)
It is much more confortable to people like you resort to old arguments like "arab terrorism", "denial" of Israel than understand tha the world has changed. Arafat died, institutions the PA are being buit rapidly, money is coming in big quantity from the Gulf to construct new cities in the West Bank, there is the Arab Iniciative that accepts Israel. What else do you want? Palestians have probles within them, like Hamas, but Jews also had with Irgum, Stern, Jewish terrorism, etc. But it seems people like you dont know what to do with the fact that Palestinians have changed and all they want is to live in the Green LIne in peace and work with Israelis with respect and dignity. Hamas for the Palestinians are the equivalent to the settlers to the Israelis: troublemakers that have to be incorporated into the Green Line mentality.
75. to Igor
Joao Eduardo ,   Brazil   (07.24.10)
You are right. Palestinians in Gaza and even those in the West Bank that deny Israel are the problem to the conflict. Most of the Palestinians accept Israel. Jews that live in Israel are Israelis of Jewish faith. Period. Israelis with druse faith, Israelis with Muslim faith, etc. Why Jews should go back to Europe if they now have a nationality?
76. The Arabs Are Sitting On My Land
Dav Lev ,   Burbank. CAUSA   (07.24.10)
Look everyone, decades ago, a prominent Israeli leader said, dont ever debate how Israel was formed, and its morality or immorality. Debating is futile. The Arabs only know Nakba..and celebrate it yearly. That say it all. 2 states were created in 48, and violated by 7 Arabs states. A war was fought, which could have gone the other way. Drop it. 800,000 Jews forced from their Arab homes..because of Zionism. They were integrated to an extent. Several hundred thousand Arabs left during the 48 War, expecting to come home. NO way. Wars change things. Hitlers loss could have been a win, had he been smarter. No. Vietnam now hosts Hillary..while No. Korea menaces. Iran fought Iraq..and millions died..now they are buddies. A weakened Israel, means no Israel. It wants peace,,,okay, through strength. There is no other remedy. Jordan is the real Eastern Palestine, what should have been the Jewish homeland..per Balfour and the League of Nations. Its the Arabs that stole OUR land.
77. One day when Palestine is Free, we'll do goodwill gestures
Happy Now   (07.24.10)
78. What about Palestinian that donated SON
MIke ,   USA   (07.24.10)
organ that was killed by Israeli terrorist to Israeli patients.
79. To #5 Palestinian
miri ,   israel   (07.24.10)
You refer to land we inhabit as quote occupied territories unquote A war was fought - and you lost. there truly is no reason for redemption. Make do with what you possess.
80. To #28-Mike in N.Y.
miri ,   israel   (07.24.10)
You are an ocean away from reality
81. Joao Eduardo
Anna ,   Montreal, Canada   (07.24.10)
Every one see what he wants to see. I see opposite. Zionism rose on the religious background in my eyes. You are looking only at Western European Jews who brought the ideas, knowledge and money. Eastern European Jews were mostly religious and they came big families, and they worked. The difference between Jews and others in a desire to create and not to destroy. Jew definitely could but wouldn't claim biblical lands. So, what was your point? "Palestine belongs to 4 million people that simply hate you" ...hm I am sure the picture is not just black and white.
82. Salma, split, ian and others...
Anna ,   Montreal, Canada   (07.24.10)
How do you call a sniper who is targeting unsuspected near by passers? If you don't like the term "terrorist" there is another, even more appropriate: "Murderer". Who are you to give the excuses to the murderer? What occupation are you talking all about? WB and Gaza under the control of Fatah and Hamas. Israelis keep FOR NOW their right to enter WB only in the cases of emergency concerning security of human lives.
83. Michael, #78
Anna ,   Montreal, Canada   (07.24.10)
What about Jewish parents donated their children organs to the Muslim patients? Or you count only one side good deeds? We can count on one hand the names of the Jewish terrorists. There are thousands of brainwashed blood thirsty slaves of Allah who don't care less of anyone's life including their own.
84. 82 Anna - What occupation are you talking all about?
split ,   US   (07.24.10)
O'k , the settlement was established on stolen soil. Better ? ,...
85. Israelis always want to prove
Mark ,   NYC   (07.25.10)
to the rest of the world that they are holier than Pop. Until Israelis character change to the spirit of מכבים‎ one should not expect any turn to the better.
86. To # 84
Mark ,   USA   (07.25.10)
Are you talking about US land that been stolen from indians and mexicans? If so, this is related to you moron rather than to Israelis.
matty claims that ".. hagai segal was the terrorist that planted a bomb in the early 80's in which the arab mayor of ramallah lost his leg in the explosion". THIS IS A LIE! there was another jewish man by the name of hagai segal who lived in the west bank settlements area and HE WAS THE ONE WHO PLANTED THE BOMB. HE WAS A ZEALOT AND A CRIMINAL. THIS IS NOT THE SAME ONE AS THE HAGAI SEGAL HERE. THIS HAGAI SEGAL was a young boy at that time. IF YOU GO TO THE WEB SITE OF HAGAI SEGAL AND OTHER INTELLIGENCE REPORTS, YOU WILL SEE THAT THIS HAGAI SEGAL WAS A YOUNG BOY AT THAT TIME AND THAT ANOTHER MAN BY THE SAME NAME PLANTED THE BOMB. HIS NAQME WAS ALSO HAGAI SEGAL, BY THE WAY. if you look at hagai segal/s birth, you'll know he was a young boy at that time and he could have never planted that bomb. there was a trial in israel and the hagai segal who planted that bomb is still in prison and an old man. MATTY, STIP LYING AND INVENTING "NEWS" THAT DO NOT REFLECT ON REALITY. ANY RESEARCH ON THE WEB WILL TELL YOU THAT MR. SEGAL, THE ARTICLE WRITER WAS A MERE B OY AT THAT TIME. IF YOU LOOK FURTHER, YOU'LL ENCOUNTER A WEB SITE THAT TALKS ABOUT THE JEWISH HAGAI SEGAL THAT PLANTED THE BOMB AND THAT IS STILL IN ISRAELI PRISON TO DATE. THIS HAGAI SEGAL SAYS IN HIS WEB SITE THAT MANY PEOPLE CONFUSE HIM WITH THIS JEWISH TERRORIST, BUT THAT HE WAS A VERY YOUNG BOY AT THAT TIME AND THAT THE OTHER MAN IS TO BE FOUND IN THE ISRAELI PRISON SYSTEM TILL TODAY. what say you matty? provide a source for your stupidity and lies! people doing research about this incident can refute you 100%. as did i. hameed aboughaze, iranian
88. #57 Matty from Fairport
Don't you get tired of writing in Sarah B's pseudonym? If you want to write something, use your own.
89. #65 Mr. Split
Israel Israeli ,   Tel Aviv   (07.25.10)
During the Cast Lead Operation Israel killed about 1200 Arabs, 900 Hamas combatants and 300 civilians used by Hamas as human shields. Would you agree this is OK because all 1200 were colonists occupying Jewish territory?
90. #1 Wouldn't it have been a lot easier
Edwin   (07.25.10)
to aim the bullets at their hearts. I don't refer to the child, but I do point my finger at the ungrateful bastard of a father.... possibly even the mother too.
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