Norway: Israel-bound subs banned from testing in our waters
Published: 01.10.10, 09:26
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31. #22 & #10: That's correct.
Norwegian Citizen ,   Oslo, Norway   (10.01.10)
# 22: Norway, represented by Foreign Minister Jonas Gahr-Store (in fact the same politican that has come up with this decision about the submarines), chose to sit and listen to Ahmadinajad's Anti-Semitic speech in the UN. #10: Norway was also the first country to recognize Hamas as a government and to support them economically.
32. #22 There do seem to be s series of unfortunate coincidences
Tim ,   Brighton   (10.01.10)
It would appear that these days (not always the case) within the Norwegian Political Establishment is definitely an embedded bias against Israel that borders on the racist So many of our Scandinavian friends subscribe to the view that this Norwegian bias against Israel is born of Aryan inspired and Islamic Anti Semitism which the Norwegian Political Elite have ignored and in some well documented cases encouraged Very very grubby and so out of step with grass roots Norwegian opinion
You should stick to telling mother -in -law jokes .You are a comedian after all .And read #11 " I will bless those who bless you and screw those who curse you ." Act accordingly .
34. :: Brian - #23
Matty Groves ,   Fairport   (10.01.10)
Brian I have warned you before about lumping all Palestinians into one group. Using your logic I could equally say that the renewal of peace talks “Israelis” have attacked and murdered Palestinians (at least 7 Palestinians have been killed since the 16th of Sept) and destroyed their land, crops and homes. As usual you are trying to put words in my mouth; I never said that the 4 settlers killed deserved to be murdered. Funny they say the same thing about settlers attacking and killing Palestinian civilians! And what about the Israeli war crimes? Shouldn’t the Israelis stop the systematic human rights abuses of Palestinians? Shouldn’t the illegal settlers stop destroying Palestinian crops and butchering olive groves? Shouldn’t the IDF stop firing live rounds at Palestinians who pose no threat? Can you cite any specific examples of nations stating this? I don’t think so as it is only a claim made by you which you can’t back up with any substance. Actually it is called the Occupied Palestinian West Bank. “Co-existence” eh? Tell me are they still building the Apartheid Wall around Gush Etzion? Are the settlements in Gush Etzion still forbidding Palestinians from living there? “Co-existence” my ass!
35. #18 'Good for Norway'
DR ,   UK   (10.01.10)
It was the Arab world which refused peace and partition in 1948 and sought the genocide of the Jews. It has repeated this process on a number of occasions since. Even the ceding of Gaza for peace saw the populace elect a terrorist entity sworn to eradicate the Jewish state and 10,000 Palestinian missile attacks upon Jewish civilians from the ceded territory. This is oppression, this is violence - defending yourself against such is not. Even the territory demanded by the Arab world for the Palestinians is to be 'free of Jews'. It is called 'ethnic cleansing'. Similar actions against Arabs violate human rights. Ethnic cleansing of Jews is acceptable by the west, including Norway. As it would seem is attacks upon innocent Jewish civilians. Yet a blockade to prevent such attacks results in this hypocritical action of the Norwegian government. The following is a historical fact. The Supreme Soviet, (referring specifically to the Soviet Union's occupation of Eastern Europe during and after World War 2, having defeated the invading Nazi forces), formulated the following which was wholly acceptable to the International Community;- ‘A people which has been attacked, has defended itself and wins wars, is bound by sacred duty to establish for itself in perpetuity, a political situation which will ensure the liquidation of the sources of aggression. It is entitled to maintain this state of affairs as long as the danger of aggression does not cease. A nation which has attained security at the cost of numerous victims will never agree to the restoration of the previous borders. No territories are to be returned as long as the danger of aggression still prevails.' (This declaration was published in Pravda on 02 September 1964.) What was deemed acceptable by the International Communty in relation to the Soviet Union however is international anathema when applied to Israel. The same International Community, including Russia, calls for Israel to return such land captured in 1967 and withdraw to it's boundaries of yester-year even at the risk of the Jewish State's eradication. Israel is the only nation in history to be repeatedly attacked by neighbouring armies and after inflicting humiliating defeats upon them, is then pressurised to adopt the posture of a defeated nation by suing for peace and returning captured territory, further endangering it's very existence.
36. #18 Matt Groves, Fairport.
DR ,   UK   (10.01.10)
If anything is 'bigotry' it's your hypocritical one-sided appraisal which approves of Palestinian violence against Jews in the wake of Israel's ceding land for peace in Gaza - while condemning Israel's right of self defence against those who have violated such peace agreements as a platform to use the territory to kill Jews. Israel's response to the Palestinians is just that, a response. A response to hatred, unprovoked terrorism and the murder of it's innocent civilians. A response to another pathological hatred indoctrinated in the entire Palestinian population from it's leadership to it's mosques, schools and children. Where are the measures taken by Norwegians against Hamas for it's own murder of Palestinian civilians on mere suspicion of collaboration with Israel, or for the unprovoked missile attacks upon Jewish kids who have to live and attend school in bomb shelters. Where are the Norwegian sanctions against Hamas for failing to remove the fundamental platform of it's charter and existence that calls for the destruction of Israel and the creation of an Islamic state of Palestine in it's place.... All are conspicuous by their absence. Cloaked in the more socially acceptable political/humanitarian euphemisms anti-Israelism or anti-Zionism it doesn't much effort on the part of a honest individual to see the basis of Norwegian actions allegedly in support of the Palestinians. Criticism of Israel, like that of any other nation, is quite normal as long as it is comparative, contextual, and fair. However, when the Jewish nation is the only party criticized for faults, often obsessively, that are far worse among other peoples, then such criticism crosses the line from being acceptable to being blatantly anti-Semitic. There is no balance within Norway's actions. They are blatantly anti-Israel and by definition exactly as I have just described. Shame on Norway. Shame on you.
37. Norway
hebrew prophet ,   israel   (10.01.10)
Exactly how much oil can little Norway put on the world market ,let,s have some estimates ,please ?
38. #19 hiding weapons in mosques, factories expensive, ineffect
observer   (10.01.10)
During the Cast Lead, the IDF released a video claiming to show evidence that Hamas had used a mosque in Beit Lahya to store weapons. But an analysis of the video casts doubt on the claim; the secondary explosion in the bombed mosque was nothing but a second missile. In July 2009, the Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs released a report stating that, "the IDF inquiry revealed that the mosque was not attacked at all. At last, the IDF recognized that it had been cheaper and effective for Hamas to hide weapons plainly in the underground, without bomb shelters, and protection is most effective. there were no marks there as well.
39. anti-semitic and ignorant Norway believes arab spin
marlene ,   Philadelphia, USA   (10.01.10)
It's just what we would expect from Norway. Let G-d's curses come!
40. Norway neo-Quislings
RayS ,   USA   (10.01.10)
Nuff said
41. Shame on leftwing goverment!
Christian ,   Norway   (10.01.10)
It's a great shame that we have a government that boycott Israel like this, im ashamed of the policians in the socialistic government who have implemented this! I expect that ThyssenKrupp will cancel their agreement with the City of Kristiansand of renting this marinebase for the future. I really hope they do NOT support the norwegian economy anymore now. The policians in Norway need to learn the hard way! Inhabitant of Kristiansand, Norway
A bleak ,hateful place which will be cursed by the Almighty .
43. # Collective punishment....
DR ,   UK   (10.01.10)
The true collective punishment here is that directed against the Jewish civilian population in areas within missile range of the Palestinian terrorist entities who have been given land for peace in Gaza, and who use the territory as a platform to further their agenda. Firing thousands of missiles from civilian areas and using civilians as human shields is a war crime - period. Using schools, hospitals and other civilian buildings, including mosques, as places to either launch or store weapons in order to draw attacks upon such locations that will allow the opponent to be condemned is cowardice. Such are the actions of Hamas and it's cohorts. You are in good company with Goldstone as you both see fit to omit such references. Perhaps Israel should have just indiscriminately launched 10,000 Kassem missiles into Gaza in response. Of course not! That would not be acceptable either. It is Israel's very right of self defence that is the cause of disdain here. Many Palestinian supporters cite that such missiles haven't killed many Israelis. Well this is more by miraculous accident than by design. Every Palestinian missile was designed and intended to kill or maim Israeli civilians. The thousands of innocent Jewish kids who have been traumatised and forced into bomb shelters with 15 seconds notice of running for their lives are of little concern to either you or Goldstone. This is what Israel got in response to ceding land for peace. A terrorist entity using the land to attack Jewish civilians and members of the international community responding with a thunderous silence against those who perpetrate these attacks. A silence only broken when the Jewish state eventually, after thousands of such attacks, responds to defend it's own population and which enforces a blockade to stop the supply of the very weapons being used against them.
44. #12
DR ,   UK   (10.01.10)
Anyone who believes that returning to the 67 borders will result in peace isn't living in the real world Bernard. The 'moderate' Fatah and Hamas have declared as much. In 1967 Jordan invaded Israel from these borders having occupied them for 19 years since 1948. They lost them as Israel defended itself. During the 19 year period of Arab occupation no Palestinian state was created in the territories, only the PLO in 1964. Israel the only land left to be 'liberated'. It's the same now as then. If the true priority of the Arab world is nationhood for the Palestinian people, instead of just ridding themselves of the Jews, then a negotiated settlement could arise by allowing Jews to remain in a future Palestinian state by guaranteeing them the same rights that Israel gives to Arabs within it's borders. There'd be no need for the settlement dispute or delays surrounding negotiations. If the 400,000 Jewish 'settlers' living among 2.2 million Palestinians are an obstacle to peace, why are 1.4 million Arab citizens in Israel no risk to the 6 million Israelis? While the evacuation of Israeli Arab villages is seen as a violation of human rights, how can the evacuation of Jewish 'settlements' in the West Bank be any different? If what is being genuinely sought is a 'two state solution' with Israel and 'Palestine' living in peaceful coexistence side by side, why the Palestinian insistence that the territory they receive be ethnically cleansed of Jews? The notion that an Arab state with such a platform of hatred could possibly live at peace with Israel is utterly ridiculous. Evacuating the Jews from Gaza has made a mockery of the 'land for peace' theory. Does the world really believe that a 'Jew free West Bank' will be any different. Gaza wasn't ceded to Hamas, it was given to the Palestinian Authority. Haven't we learned anything from history? It's not for nothing that the Arabs want the West Bank to be free of Jews, just like Gaza. It's all part of the phased plan to eradicate Israel.
45. #38 Hamas used 100 mosques during Cast Lead
DR ,   UK   (10.01.10)
Hamas used close to 100 mosques throughout the Gaza Strip for military purposes during Operation Cast Lead, according to IDF intelligence information revealed in a new report aimed at countering the UN’s Goldstone Report. The new report was compiled by the Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center (Malam) and dedicates an entire chapter to Hamas’s use of mosques before and during last winter’s offensive in the Gaza Strip
46. #19 hiding weapons in mosques, factories expensive, ineffect
observer   (10.01.10)
During the Cast Lead, the IDF released a video claiming to show evidence that Hamas had used a mosque in Beit Lahya to store weapons. But an analysis of the video casts doubt on the claim; the secondary explosion in the bombed mosque was nothing but a second missile. In July 2009, the Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs released a report stating that, "the IDF inquiry revealed that the mosque was not attacked at all. At last, the IDF recognized that it had been cheaper and effective for Hamas to hide weapons plainly in the underground, without bomb shelters, where protection is most effective. there were no marks there as well.
47. # 32 Tim
Norwegian Citizen ,   Oslo, Norway   (10.01.10)
Tim, you are partly right on the "Aryan inspired and Islamic Anti Semitism which the Norwegian Political Elite have ignored and in some well documented cases encouraged", but PLEASE DO NOT FORGET: that norwegians have a long history of anti-semitism -even before there were any muslims in the country. Example: Oslo's chief of police during WW2, Knut Rød, was perhaps the most central figure in the deportations and killing of jews in the Oslo area. After the war he was on trial several times, but found not guilty, and he got his job as chief of police back in 1950. You can read about him on english wikipedia:ød
48. Israel got the final 2 subs in 2009
zionist forever   (10.01.10)
The 2 new subs that Israel was due to be delivered in 2011 / 2012 were both delivered in September 2009. They are currently being fitted out with classified Israeli systems not installed in Germany and undergoing sea trials but they are in Israel although only three are operational. The navy & defense ministry is now interested in a sixth sub if they can get it for the right price. As for Norway the Europeans have always been anti Israel. Norway is also one of the countries that favors a secular binational state rather than Israel and a palestinian state next door. Israel now has all its subs unless it can get a sixth so who cares about their refusing to allow Germany to test any subs destined for Israel. If Norway had their way then Israel would probably be banned from having submarines.
49. Thanks for the intelligence
Robert ,   Brisbane, Australia   (10.01.10)
Maybe your Mossad should infiltrate Norway and shoot up a few more innocent people. And #48, thanks for the intelligence.
50. You seem to preach mas violation of human rights
Surprised Reader ,   London   (10.01.10)
There are about 7 million people living in Israel. You suggest to put a siege on them all - old, young, sick, innocent, like what the Germans tried to do in WWI and WWII to the UK. This is collective punishment, and declaring war on civilians. You hatred seems to simply blind you.
51. Norway
bart martin ,   Buenas Aires Argenti   (10.01.10)
Is this the remnants of the Norwegian nazis that colaborated with the Nazis during the Quisling years or some perverted strange Protestanism...,,In any case it`s horrible and many Norwegians I know are ashamed of their government when it comes to Israel.. particilarly because Norway has BIG TIME problems with Isalmic terroism
52. Matty Number34
Anon ,   Johannesburg   (10.01.10)
As i explained before, i will explain again. There is no apartheid in Israel, and its a security wall you are talking about. As long as Muslims enjoy full right in Israel proper, such as; the vote, same bus, same public toilets, same schools, members in the knesset and many other rights. As long as all these rights are given to Arab Israeli's then there is no apartheid. What happens over the green line, is war not apartheid. Your definitions are useless, the day the state of Israel declare that the west bank and gaza is in fact part of Israel proper, and the same facts remain on the ground then an apartheid line can be used, until then, its an war\conflict as self defence.
53. Norway
Anon ,   Johannesburg   (10.01.10)
Israelis need to remember that only 40% of Norwegians support their Governments disgusting behaviour towards Israel, which leaves a great majority that don’t. Curse the racist Norwegian Government but not the people.
54. Maybe a Nokia Stuxnet might convince Norway otherwise
Sub   (10.01.10)
55. ha ha
Jim ,   NYC, USA   (10.01.10)
look at all you losers sounding off. Norway is a great and very very RICH country.
LAWRENCE ,   SAFED ISRAEL   (10.01.10)
Let Norways' treatment of Israel be a lesson for Israel .The more Israel capitulates to enemies and false friends ,and the more Israel gives away its precious land and is compliant and yielding, so the more Israel earns the contempt and animosity of the nations.
57. Norway: Israel-bound subs banned from testing in our waters
mannie165 ,   Staines U.K.   (10.01.10)
I looked on the net to see what I could boycott from Norway. Their main export is oil. What are they going to do when it runs out? They have a new Norwegian car called "Think" Who would want to buy a car with 6 reverse gears!
58. Norway is Strange
Ron ,   OC, USA   (10.01.10)
They have the balls to print cartoons of Mohammad but they ban Israeli subs. No more sardines for me. They will see it Israel's way when they to take in enough Moslems.
59. 14. Norway just being usual antisemites they know how to be
split ,   USA   (10.01.10)
Maybe because Norway and the rest of Europe had the "pleasure" to live next to you for centuries and got to know you better - Just look at your posts above and notice the hate and an arrogance,...
60. Matty Groves and co-existence
Brian Cohen ,   Judean Peoples Front   (10.01.10)
Yes, Matty, they're still building the security wall to keep out Palestinian suicide bombers. Tell the Palestinians to declare an end to suicide bombing, and we'll take the wall down. And no, just like Jews haven't gone into Abdallah Ibrahim, Wadi Nis or Beit Fajir looking to buy a house, I haven't heard of any Palestinians trying to buy homes in Jewish communities. You still hide who and where you live, so I don't know what kind of society you come from, but if you want Apartheid you should ask the Palestinians why they want to ethnically cleanse the Jews from Hebron - again. Why is it that you can't see that the Palestinians maintain a totally apartheid regime? Can you name me any ethnic/racial/social group other than Palestinian Arabs who are allowed to live there? Here in Israel we do indeed allow all ethnic groups to live in the country, yet the Palestinians don't? And why do you keep on turning down my offer to show you first hand what is going on here? Why do you keep hiding your head in the ground refusing to get first hand information by visiting the story?
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