The ethnic cleansing plan
Ahmad Tibi
Published: 12.10.10, 11:00
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77 Talkbacks for this article
31. Basing your theory on one source is
Yaffa ,   Israel   (10.12.10)
far from serious. I can name you other historians that proove the truth about the jewish people. I am sure, that you wont like their conclusions, about the so called Palestinian people...To start with Joan Peters who wrote a book named ''from time imemorial'' Josefus Plavious who lived in that area during the roll of the Romans he wrote a book named ''The antiquity of the Jews'' and more.Joseph Barnea,Nathan Ron and Benny Morris. this is only a partial list of sources. And about the Palestinian People I would like to quote an Arab named Achmad Shukeiry (I hope I didnwt misspel his name) who said in an interview to a western paper:"A creature like Palestine does not exist that land is actually the southern part of Syria"
32. Well, why not vote with your feet?
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (10.12.10)
Dr. Tibi, if you feel so discriminated against in Israel, why haven't you picked up stakes and moved to Ramallah or Schehem, and devote your knowledge and your talents to helping build a viable "Palestinian" state? For centuries, the pattern of the world has been if you want a better future, pick up stakes and move where you will feel more welcomed and less discriminated against. Oh, wait. Give up your generous Knesset salary and your luxurious home? Your taxpayer-paid Mercedes-Benz and security detail? Your frequent "fact-finding" junkets abroad, also paid for by the Israeli taxpayers? You fly First Class everywhere you go -- what's wrong with Coach? What despicable conditions you endure! I truly cannot for the life of me understand why you haven't moved to be among your own kind, where you will feel no discrimination and can participate in building a country more to your specifications. Instead of trying to change mine.
33. y the arab population even voted for this guy?
ghostq   (10.12.10)
he did nothing to the arab comunity, just take is fat check from Israeli gov, except of turning them against the Israelis, he does nothing, absalutly nothing, he is so use to whine Israel this and Israel that, while in other govs in the Me he won't be able to even think of critisze the lokal gov, he should appreatiate what he gots.
34. to #24 simple cause they r not part of Israel
ghostq   (10.12.10)
and got no ambition to rule over jews, but jews got only one state on earth and the bill doesn't refere to minorities or claim they should be left out, just secure the facts that the state of Israel will be for jews, cause palis got no reognition of jews rights for their own state, other wise they won't have problem with jews around their villages, as you see this picture is distorted, oh and the last time jewish ended by acsident to Beith lechem area, it almost got lynched.
35. #7 given he gets less than 2% of the vote
Danny   (10.12.10)
it is unlikely.... Unless you are using the non standard definition of democratic
36. #13, you mean Israeli "historian" Shlomo Zand
Danny   (10.12.10)
37. ..."we never immigrated here"...
eporue ,   europe   (10.12.10)
either MK tibi or me has got something totally wrong... please enlighten me...: the "palestinians" always speak in the sense, that they are the people who have been "here" forever, since all times... its b.s. the muslims conquered the place, LOOOOONNGGGG time after jerusalem, the jewish presence was established, and living for 1000s of years already in palestine... so, MK tibi: how can you claim, that you (or other of "arab" guys in israel, wb, gaza) are NOT of the muslim tribes who conquered the place - and stayed ? were it YOUR anchestors, who conquered palestine, raped, robbed and expelled the jewish population - some 100s of years ago ? i mean, not that this "counts" anything (to me !), but i'd really like to know, where this "we are the people who have been here since all times"-attitude comes from... so, where did you and other palestinians come from, mk tibi ? iraq, turkey, egypt... ? this is more likely (that you are descendents of the conquerers), than that all of you (muslim) population in palestine have peacefully converted from judaism, paganism or christianity...
38. Tibi, which tribe are you from? What is your identity?
Eitan ,   Chicago   (10.12.10)
We don't know if your descendants came from Hadramawt or Himyar in Yemen in the 7th century, from Berber lands in the 16th century, or from Syria in the 1920s. But you're almost certainly not Banu Judham or Banu Lakhm, which makes your people occupiers of Israelite and Samaritan land. You shouldn't be concerned with allegiances - from the Zubayrid revolt onward, intertribal Arab political intrigue made the notion of allegiance to the Caliphate almost impossible, and created the need for Mamluks to protect your ancestors' occupation regime. So it's not as though the Arabs have a solution to the issue of allegiance. Prove your heritage, or leave for good.
39. Response to Post#13 about Shlomo Sand
Ken Jurist   (10.12.10)
They did a study last years which showed the Jews Y chromosome is closely related to the Kurds and the Ancient Israelites.
40. Ahmad Tibi
Ezra ,   Florida   (10.12.10)
When in the world Israel is going to throw the Tibis of the world out of the Knesset?and try him for treason? He and his cohorts are the reps of Hamas . Wake up Israel's "democracy"
41. Cheeky Tibi
Reader   (10.12.10)
Cheeky Tibi sits in the Knesset and from day one has done everything possible to condemn and vilify Israel. The louder he shouts, the more he makes himself look foolish and not worthy of the trust the people put in him when they voted for his party. His latest outburst will continue to fuel the hatred of Israeli Arabs. He has never spoken for co-existence and his complaints that there is no equality between Arabs and Jews is simply a lie. As much as the Palestinian narrative is a lie. Tibi, as a member of Knesset, should have worked harder at being a good legislator instead of an agitator.
42. #13 Salma
Reader   (10.12.10)
Shlomo Zand? That communist and racist, discredited by most historians, as a fabricator of false facts? No wonder Salma, Palestine, recommends his book though what she fails to mention is that Zand also claims that the Arabs who call themselves Palestinians are the real Jews! So Salma, have you recently checked your own ancestry?
43. #24 Maybe because we have TRUE peace with them?
44. I have exposed the Jewsih conspirancy!
Bloodyscot ,   Dallas, Texas   (10.12.10)
One only needs to look at my No. 18 post to realize that I believe that Jews control the world and that the Holocaust was caused by Jews so that they can steal Arab land that Arabs stole from Jews before that.. It is all true, I read it in "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion" and in old copies of Der Stürmer posted on my local Al Qaeda website. My Tex-Mex Burrito Crystal Ball informs me Obama reelected in spite of Jewish money (Soros et al.) that helped him elected the first time and now disappears. It is alI true, I only report the way I see it with 100/100 vision through Al Jazeera colored glasses from 8000 miles away Middle East. BLOODYTHIRSTY SCOT GREATEST EXPERT OF TEX-MEX BURRITOS, ENCHILADAS, FAJITAS, MIDDLE EAST, FAR EAST AND NOW HUMAN RIGHTS IN MUSLIM COUNTRIES!!!!!! DALLAS, TEXAS
45. As a vanquished people who has lost..
Janice Cohen ,   ירושלים   (10.12.10)
everything, they should lower their expectations, since they're already getting more than they deserve.
46. To: No. 21
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (10.12.10)
Since the "Palestinians" rejected Resolution 181 in 1947 (when accepting it would have eliminated the need to seek a "right of return") -- and have rejected the opportunity to implement a two-state solution twice since, both which would have enabled "Palestine" to absorb all the refugees it wanted -- then you lose the right to whine and complain. The "Palestinians" need to suck it up, admit that their history is one of extraordinarily bad choices, take responsibility for those choices AND MOVE ON. You cannot put toothpaste back into the tube. The "Palestinians" certainly do use their presence as a weapon. Why do you think you have been kicked out of Jordan, Lebanon, Tunisia, Kuwait, Oman and Muscat? Isn't it time you found a better way? Sixty-two years of violence have not served you in good stead anywhere in the world; terrorism has not endeared you to anyone. Why cannot you see yourself as everyone else sees you? A fractious, belligerent and violent buch of crybabies and whiners who have contributed nothing to civilization but terrorism on a global scale and who blame everyone for their woes .... except themselves, which is where the blame is rightly placed.
47. To: No. 18
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (10.12.10)
So now it is our fault, because we are smart, we value education, enter graduate school and the professions at a greater rate than any other U.S. ethnic or religious group, and are phenomenally successful? How about you blame YOURSELF for YOUR failures instead?
48. Disgusting
Zionoid Entity ,   Occipied Toronto   (10.12.10)
If Jewish and democratic can't go together Dr. Tibi then will you tell the Saudis they have no right to exist as an Islamic dictatorship? Will you say that to the other 57 Muslim states? You want a "Jew Free" Palestine and a "Binational" Israel. You want to cry discrimination and lobby for the Palestinians while enjoying all the benefits Israel offers you
49. Well Spoken Ahmad Tibi
World Citizen ,   the world   (10.12.10)
Mr Tibi has defined the dilemma perfectly and Ynetnews should be commending for posting his article. Israel has some very tough decisions to make in the next several years. For the sake of the Jewish people I hope its citizens make the right ones. Somehow there must be justice for all the people. Apartheid does not work.
50. It may be unfair . . .
noa ,   israel   (10.12.10)
but Jews needed a homeland after, not 40 or 50 years, but 100s of years of wandering and whose existance was always dependent on the moods and caprices of the nations who hosted and used them. There are so many Islamic countries. Why can't there be one Jewish state in the world. As far as equality. I have lived in Israel for 30 years. I work side by side with Arabs in a factory. Many of them make more money than I do, have more rights than I do, because of senority and maybe even because of ability. What will it be like in the Palestinian country? Will there be Jews there? Will they have rights there? Politically, we and the Arabs here have been enemies. Although we are trying to make peace, we are vastly outnumbered, and he is expecting the kind of behavior from us the Arabs should be exhibiting.
51. Tibi and the Nakba
Geoff ,   London, UK   (10.12.10)
Everyone agrees that the Nakba occurred. The point is, who was responsible for it?
52. To # 44 Bloodyscot
ABU IUSSEF al IAHUDI ,   Bs_Aires_Argentina   (10.12.10)
Very GOOD !! Great post, fully loaded with IRONY - BRAVO for you !!
53. To: No. 21
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (10.12.10)
Since the "Palestinians" rejected Resolution 181 in 1947 (when accepting it would have eliminated the need to seek a "right of return") -- and have rejected the opportunity to implement a two-state solution twice since, both which would have enabled "Palestine" to absorb all the refugees it wanted -- then you lose the right to whine and complain about a mythical "right of return." The "Palestinians" need to suck it up, admit that their history is one of extraordinarily bad choices, take responsibility for those choices AND MOVE ON. You cannot put toothpaste back into the tube. The "Palestinians" certainly do use their presence as a weapon. Why do you think you have been kicked out of Jordan, Lebanon, Tunisia, Kuwait, Oman and Muscat? Isn't it time you found a better way? Sixty-two years of violence have not served you in good stead anywhere in the world; terrorism has not endeared you to anyone. Why cannot you see yourself as everyone else sees you? A fractious, belligerent and violent bunch of crybabies and whiners who have contributed nothing to civilization but terrorism on a global scale and who blame everyone for their woes .... except themselves, which is where the blame is rightly placed. Moreover -- do you remember what happened to the Jews living in East Jerusalem and other parts of Judea and Samaria in 1948? I will tell you. They were expelled. Count your blessings that you were not expelled when Israel reunited Jerusalem in 1967 and took control of Judea and Samaria; keep up your ridiculous demands, and you WILL find yourself on the road again .... we're really rather sick of "Palestinian" demands, "Palestinian" intransigence and the incessant "Palestinian" whining. Do you have any idea how close you are to holding your never-ending pity party somewhere else?
54. Ahmad Tibi
Jewish Warrior ,   Israel/USA   (10.12.10)
Despite your claims that Jews are immigrants, genetics show that 90% of Jews bear a resemblance to the Middle East. Archaeological finds always show ancient Jewish artifacts with Hebrew text which existed long before Islam was born. For thousands of years, the Jews waited to return to their ancestral homeland. You Arabs, on the other hand, originate in Arabia. No Arab set foot in this land until 636 CE. Now, even though they have but ONE nation among 22 Arab states, and even though Arabs in Israel enjoy more rights than ethnic minorities (especially Jews) enjoy in Arab countries, they are still not satisfied. You want a "right of return" for descendants of refugees who have never seen the land, while cynically ignoring Jewish refugees. Rather than resettling them in the spacious Arab world, you lock them up like dogs and use them as a moral weapon, while tiny Israel takes in all Jews. You think that all peoples, even the make-believe "Palestinian people" (no different from other Arabs) have a right to self-determination, but that Jews must submit to being a minority in a Rwanda-style "bi-national state". YOU are the true racists!
55. to#15 Ian
Marcelo ,   Berlin / DE   (10.12.10)
that is not important, I am not an hypocrite, I dont stand hypocrits, jews-haters, and israel-bashers per-se. If Israel does any wrong it is OK to critize but not to see the other side repuls me...BTW, I am an argentinean, living in Germany, who loves Israel...even more confused??
56. To Salma #21
sol ,   Toronto   (10.12.10)
Salma, that is the point. Palestinians rejected resolution 181 because you reject that Jews have an inalienable right to an independent Jewish homeland in Israel. That is the crux of the matter - the continued rejection of Jewish rights. If you had not there would not have been a Naqba, there would have been peace. Perhaps it is now time for Palestinians to come to terms with the mess their narrative has caused just as Jewish Israel needs to come to terms with the mess that it has caused. Hold to your narrative and you will end up with nothing except misery - like the last 62 years. Israel has changed now it is time for a Palestinian change.
57. And if Tibi's plans work out...
Nick ,   Tel Aviv Israel   (10.12.10)
...to whom (or to what) will we be required to pledge our loyalty? To Marx? To Democracy? To Mohamed? Tibi has studied Western intellectual fads quite well and is using the "symbolic reversal" technique. He balks at the pledge because has no loyalty to the State of Israel. Like others in the Knesset (including too many Jewish members), he should be banned and his political party made illegal. If you read this, Tibi, remember something: NEVER AGAIN! isn't a hollow slogan.
58. Excellent Article
Joseph   (10.13.10)
Excellent article by Mr. Tibi. Israel is no democracy, it is a very racist theocracy that has dreams of ethnically-cleansing the native Arabs of the lands. We all know this.
FIRE TRUTH ,   WATER TRUTH   (10.13.10)
60. Rascist Fascist Israel
Nathan Rai ,   Bangalore   (10.13.10)
Israel is racist and fascist. Hamastan and their agent in the Knesset, Tibi is not. Hamas loves Jews, Christians and others. There are more synagogues, churches in Hamastan now than maybe 2 years ago. Jews and Christian historical places are protected by Hamas. The Hamas legislature has Jews, Christians and Netanyahu is a honorary member of the Hamastan parliament. While look at what Israel is doing... Israel is truly rascist and fascist. Tibi is a Israeli. And I am Napolean Bonaparte. God save Israel. Only he can. The question is will he want to ?
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