Democrat senators to Obama: Cut PA aid
Yitzhak Benhorin
Published: 07.05.11, 23:03
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31. Corrupt US Congress works for Israel instead of America
christianpalestinian ,   las vegas   (05.08.11)
The so-called US Congress is a corrupt mafia organization controlled by the zionists. Most people know this.
32. anon 27
Eaglebeak ,   Left Coast, USA   (05.08.11)
That's easy to say when it isn't coming out of your pocket. We really don't have enough money to spare for our friends let alone our enemies. The suffering of the palestinians is self inflicted. If I have to give away money I'd rather give it to friends and / or people who are really suffering through no fault of their own.
33. nuber 29
Anon ,   Johannesburg   (05.08.11)
I did not say that there is a 1% chance of peace... because I do not believe the Palestinians are capable of peace (Islam and peace just don’t gel). However, the one percent chance to get Shalit back, or save a life in the next few weeks could be worth a shot. All I am saying is let the Palestinians destroy themselves... no need for Israel to get involved here. It is obvious that aid will come from Iran anyways. Now there maybe a chance to play the Palestinians at their own game. The Palestinians are not stupid, (evil but not stupid) every move they make is calculated. They know Israel will object to aid; putting Israel and the West in disagreement... im just saying, let them unit because we all know that in 3 months they will be throwing each other of buildings in Gaza. If Israel is against the unity - that helps the Palestinians unite - there is no reason for Israel to help them unite... ignore them and let them destroy themselves alone. btw, more money in the kitty mean more infighting, I have learned this here in South Africa where money has corrupted all. To conclude, no I don’t live in Israel, but my advice is there just as that… advise. Yom Ha’atzmaut Samech to all.
34. 31
Eaglebeak ,   Left Coast, USA   (05.08.11)
The so-called christianpalestinian doesn't know what he is talking about. Most people know this.
35. The UK and USA need to find a pair of iron balls
Talula ,   Israel   (05.08.11)
What's the deal here. Why are they sending billions in aid to Pakistan and the Palestinians who are so openly hostile and hate both countries? You've got to be a real jerk to fight world terrorism, and inadvertently pay to support it.
36. STOP USA funding of terrorists
Spencer ,   Israel   (05.08.11)
it looks as though that at last, the democrats are begining to see the light. Hamas is exactly the same as Fatah. It's just that they dress differently. All the Democrats need to do now is get rid of the Muslim loving President who has brought the USA to it's lowest point ever. Barak HUSSEIN Obama is bad news for the USA, for Israel and for the whole of the free world.
37. 32
birdi ,   israel   (05.08.11)
kudos eagle, so well written
38. No. 35 UK aid to Pakis and Palis
Madeleine ,   Rehovot Israel   (05.08.11)
David Cameron is allset to give 650,000,000 pounds (pounds, not dollars) in aid to Pakistan. It's unbelievale. Reeading the comments to this and other islam/Moslem related articles inthe UK Daily Telegraph, the average Brit is totally against this, against multiculturism, against giving aid anywhere when Britain is in such deep financial s*it. However, I haven't seen any mention in the British press about withholding aid to the palis in the light of the Pali-Hamas so called unity agreement. Seems that U.s. senators at least, in demanding the U.S. halt such aid, have more decency than their British counterparts.
39. Let it be!
The month of May!   (05.08.11)
The West will never learn, least of all America!
40. #19 I agree but..
Israel Israeli ,   Tel Aviv   (05.08.11)
I agree that the US should immediately cut all foreign aid, both to the Arabs and Israel. But to call both killers? That you say the Fatah and Hamas are killers, we can agree, but can you give me one example where Israel was a "killer"?
41. # 10 Harry Wright
Elizabeth   (05.08.11)
That woman Clinton was always a clown even in the days of discovery of Monica Lewinsky. Poor Bill can't even move anymore. Forget about that woman Clinton... she'll be gone soon enough as with the muslim Barak Obama
42. It is not entirely clear to me why would the U.S....
JBI   (05.08.11) a Palestinian government which is governed by the Hamas-Fatah union, each one of which components and the union together calls for the annihilation of Israel and the demise of every trace of Jewish existence in it. Is this the face of the White House, one that would side with those eager to eliminate the tiny national home of the Jewish people, and against the best judgement and policies of the U.S. up to this point? Is it the B.H.Obama influence, to allow for a Hamas Islamist movement be part of the Palestinian Authority and then help sustain this Authority with Hamas in it? Does Obama hope us, Jews, to support him while this is his policy?
43. I can't believe that even this bad administration will
Sal ,   St. Paul, MN USA   (05.08.11)
support the Hamas and Fatah union. There must be an end to cynicism even for the Obama White House, don't you think? And, then again, maybe not for this White House!
44. Madeleine Rehovot @38
08 May 2011   (05.08.11)
If the Brits cann0t see this 'mishap' themselves, then there is nobody who can help them. The muzzies are (or have) taken over GB and that's the reason the Brits are moving over and out. I feel sorry for those Brits who cannot leave! They really are to be pitied. But it's all their own fault. They were born with a tongue and should have used it years ago. As a PM, NOT ONE of them would get passed my decision.
45. # justice for all - the us should stay out of it
Rebecca ,   Modi'in   (05.08.11)
and giving them any money would be interfering. Stop supplying them with money and lets see what this unity brings - as if they have not already told us what to expect. To Quote "we have only one enemy - Israel".
46. #19 I agree, CUT AID TO ISRAEL!!!!!!!!
American ,   US   (05.08.11)
47. Nonsense! The govenment will include professionals only!
like Salam Fayad ,   The cuurent PM   (05.08.11)
This declaration shows either ignorance or stupidity - or on the other hand reckless cynicism!
48. 37 /Birdi
Eaglebeak ,   Left Coast, USA   (05.08.11)
Thank you Birdi !
49. #31 christian
BEN JABO ,   ISRAEL   (05.08.11)
"Most people know this", have you any proof that shows that Congress is corrupt or a survey where "that most people know this" ? If you want to talk about corruption, don't forget to include your leaders, who have stolen you deaf, dumb, blind & stupid for more than 60 yeas Corruption, how in the devil do you think that Yasser Arafat managed to swipe almost a BILLION DOLLARS, allowing his widow and what they say was his child, when most poeple knwo that his preference was men, not women, to live in Europe in the lap of Luxury ? One more fact, although you may dress like a Muslim, talk the same language and eat the same food (although you’re allowed to eat pig, while they aren’t) no matter how you cut the mustard, you’re still a Dhimmi, you Dummy, in the eyes of the Muslims you’re an Untermensch, and their Koran instructs them how to treat you, as a lesser person
50. # 46 "Another ALLEGED AMERICAN
BEN JABO ,   ISRAEL   (05.08.11)
Cutting requires practice, let's start with your throat
51. To: No. 19 and No. 46
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (05.08.11)
It is clear that you are ignorant of how U.S. foreign aid to Israel is structured. Allow me to educate you. U.S. aid to Israel takes three forms: 1. A small amount is in the form of interest-bearing cash loans. There are only two countries in the world with a perfect repayment record. Finland is one. Israel is the other. 2. A somewhat larger amount takes the form of military credits, which must be spent in the United States. These carry a back-end provision which requires Israel to make available to the U.S. manufacturers any improvements made by Israel. These improvements have been legion, and have always been shared. 3. By far and away the largest amount of U.S. aid to Israel takes the form of joint venture investment capital. Do you carry a mobile phone? The technology was developed in Israel in a joint venture with Motorola. Well over half of the chemotherapy protocols in use throughout the world were developed at the Weizmann Institute in Rehovot; also a product of joint venture investment in Israel. Improvements in mass spectrometry, magnetic resonance imaging and computerized axial tomography have also resulted from American joint ventures with Israel. Facial recognition software, too. Huge strides have been made in all manner of information technology. The United States has benefited mightily from its joint ventures with Israel. U.S. foreign aid to the "Palestine" Authority takes the form of huge amounts of cash, most of which is siphoned off into the pockets of the so-called "leadership" of the "Palestine" Authority. This has enabled them to purchase multiple lavish homes in Europe and maintain very hefty offshore bank accounts. Do you admire Abbas' private Gulfstream jet? Congratulations -- you helped pay for it. Some of those missiles that are fired at Israeli school buses? The American taxpayer has helped pay for that, too. Money given to the "Palestine" Authority does not to maintaining infrastructure; it does not go to build hospitals, schools or universities. The "Palestine" Authority has been closing hospitals and schools left and right; most of the universities in the West Bank -- all of which were built for them by Israel following 1967, by the way -- are now either closed or on reduced schedules. On the other hand, the so-called "leadership" of the "Palestine" Authority drive around in very fancy cars. So do their children. Finally -- if you remember nothing else, please remember this: On September 11, 2001, while Jews in Israel queued for hours in order to donate blood, Arabs celebrated, fired rifles in the air, kissed pictures of Osama bin Laden (may his name be cursed throughout eternity) and handed out sweets. American tax dollars helped fund all that Arab rejoicing -- which continued for days -- while Jews in Israel wept. Do not dare compare how U.S. aid to the "Palestine" Authority is used with how U.S. aid to Israel is utilized. Money invested in the "Palestine" Authority is money thrown away. Money invested in Israel is returned to you, ten-fold.
52. We have a winner!!!!
Big Rob ,   D.C.   (05.08.11)
@19 David You get the prize, we have a winner!!! I hope more people come to this conclusion. That U.S. support for both of these people has yielded nothing but vain discourses, unbalanced drains on all economies and unfair dealings in terms of who is favored, while we watch the word Peace just thrown around meaninglessly. If we were to archive the use of the word peace in our contemporary times, in publications relative to the Arab Palestinian, Jewish Israeli issue and yes video material right up to this very second, peace has lost it meaning in the hearts and minds of these two people. Its like a child failing in school and we the U.S., actually the whole world, we are rewarding failure, who rewards failure, what parent rewards failure, not only is it unhealthy but it dements the mind. Like the proverbal hamster on the treadmill, this poor creature is going nowhere but what it does provides us with is a scientific principle of motion and progress and sadly its just not there in neither one of these people, Israel, powerful got the upper hand, but comes up short in the human rights arena, the Palestinians sad to say their lacking in leadership is severe, its tragic. Its not abandonment its tough love. 95% of recovering successful addicts where tough love came into play, these WINNERS have more appreciation for life, respect for their bodies have self esteem and so on. The U.S. not financing either one can't hurt, whats the worst that could happen, well we've seen both of these peoples at their worst and its not a pretty sight
53. #19 and #46 - neither of you understand aid to Israel
michael redbourn ,   arad, israel   (05.08.11)
100% of the money that Israel gets from the US is for arms and 80% of it must be spent in the US and that provides much needed jobs in the US. Israel is the forth biggest arms exporter in the world and is prevented from selling arms to many countries because of its deal with the US. Many politicians in Israel would like to scrap the deal! No US aid to Israel is for civil purposes and Israel has been buying huge amounts of dollars for several months to try and prop up the dollar. Please paste the following into your browser. The PA gets direct "aid" most of which goes into the pockets of corrupt politicians. Hopefully the difference will be very clear.
54. #52 Rob
BEN JABO ,   ISRAEL   (05.08.11)
Lost heart, like when the U.S. bombed the hell out of Vietnam, incinerating the population with massive doses of Napalm How conveniently you forgot about the U.S. invading Iraq, based on the false rumor that Saddam Hussein had WMD Afghanistan invaded in a futile attempt to destroy Al Qaeda Pakistan, drone strikes against suspected targets, killing many innocent civilians in the process The same holds true for Afghanistan & Iraq, kill before you know what you're killing Israel got the upper hand because she was forced to, after having been attacked from the day that she was established, and for years before that I see your post is from D.C., the epitome of Foggy Bottom & double speak I almost forgot, Libya, the USA attacked to supposedly to better the lot of the people and depose KhaDAFFY, he's still there and the people are now worse off than they were before The U.S. meddled in Egypt, it seems now that the Fundamentalist’ are about to take control As of now, the present administration, under Obama & Hillary are about to see the Muslim Brotherhood taking control of most of the Middle East
55. The House needs to act, not Odumba
Gee ,   Zikron Yaakov   (05.08.11)
The House of Representatives control the money. Not the Senate, not the President. Odumba could not give the Arabs an icecream cone without Congressional approval. Just follow American laws and end all funding for terrorist regimes like the PNA, Lebanon, Egypt, Turkey, etc.
56. Slow down I'm on Your side
Big Rob ,   D.C.   (05.08.11)
@54 You can believe I am the chief RABBI, well in my mind, just a little levity, because I live in my mind. Any way I am about peace the ultimate peace, the eye of the storm type peace. What living in D.C. has afforded me as You suggested is an understanding of politics and the power of the lobby and from my Foggy Bottom and double speak domain I can venture just a few miles to Capitol Hill and watch men and women in three piece suits trod on hallowed soil that are war mongers and investors in war and bloodshed. Israels encrypted relationship with the U.S. makes her a party to all the crimes wars and bloodshed You described. There's nothing descriptive, there's no sides to take when our planet is violated when a human is violated. Never forget that Jerushalaim is the inner peace in our bodies and the outer peace in the earth. Its a suffix and end game. And yes the U.S. has a mountain of bad Karma coming its way so why should Israel be part and partial of this wanting aid from the U.S. worrying about the Palestinians. As the saying goes "All money aint good money"
57. #15 - Did NYT actually speak to Hamas?
William ,   Israel   (05.08.11)
NYT sure wasn't invited to the unity conference, and so far Hamas has never said they recognize Israel nor they will accept her in 1967 lines. Hamas DID say (many times) that they would accept a State in 1967 lines, ALL "refugees" returning to Israel, and the right to be armed to the teeth. Even if they received these "red lines", they admitted the war to destroy Israel and place an Islamist State in its place is the goal, and would take place from their nascent State. Hamas demanded just one day after unity was announced that the PLO rescind ALL agreements with and recognition of Israel. Now - who to believe - NYT who has an agenda, or Hamas who has launched rockets on civilians and has a charter underscoring their goals? You're an idiot.
58. #19 - Americans appear to be so ignorant of themselves
William ,   Israel   (05.08.11)
Namely, your claim that US money is stolen from US kids is retarded - and that's being kind. 100% of the money given to Israel is spent inside the US, which supports thousands of jobs. That means it has helped families keep their homes, send their kids to school, and feed their family. 0% of money given to "Palestinians" is spent in the US. It's the massive wealth you give Arabs for their crappy black goo, and its used to attack you and your families. If you're a product of the American education system...I'd say the entire country is in trouble!
59. #31 - latest poll - 73% of Americans DO NOT support Pals
William ,   Israel   (05.08.11)
so it looks like US Congress is indeed working for the American people after all. Had they done that from the start, Arafat never would have returned to falsely claim the self-pronounced title of "leader" to you rejects. The world has changed but "Palestinian" reputation of terrorism and corruption has been constant throughout.
60. To: No. 52
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (05.08.11)
One might actually say that peace has lost its meaning for the American people. You're the ones embroiled all over the world and dying like flies for all the wrong reasons. I remind you that Israel was not the aggressor in any of its wars; merely the victor. If that offends you -- tough. I note for the record that while you spout a fair amount of vitriol, you're a little short on facts. Your statement that Israel "comes up short in the human rights area" is laughable. Israel has to deal with terrorists bent on her destruction. And how exactly do you think the United States acquired the information which led to the successful raid on the Al Qaeda compound in Abbottabad? Tea and crumpets and some gentle dialogue? Yeah, right. You are nothing if not hypocritical; you just used other countries to ask the questions and apply the force. It is clear that you are completely ignorant of how U.S. foreign aid to Israel is structured, and how much the United States has benefited from that aid. Cutting off aid to the ersatz "Palestinians" makes sense - why fund their corrupt leadership's penchant for fine homes in Europe and hefty offshore bank accounts -- but I assure you that aid to Israel is a very different matter. It would not be a half bad idea to cut off aid to Pakistan (who sheltered America's most vile enemy for so long) or Afghanistan -- whose cash crop of poppies ends up in heroin on American streets. Why aren't you out there clamoring for that?
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