Democrat senators to Obama: Cut PA aid
Yitzhak Benhorin
Published: 07.05.11, 23:03
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74 Talkbacks for this article
61. To: No. 56
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (05.08.11)
There is no statute of limitations on war crimes. Should the United States of America be brought up on charges of war crimes and crimes against humanity for the firebombing of Tokyo that cost over a million civilian lives? What about for Hiroshima and Nagasaki? How about the carpet bombing of Germany and the destruction of Dresden? The criteria fit. Israel is not guilty of war crimes or crimes against humanity. For you to suggest otherwise is demonstrative of an abysmal and abject ignorance on your part. Of course I suppose I could also address the use of napalm in Vietnam -- there's a war crime if ever there was one -- and the merciless bombing of civilian areas in Kosovo, Afghanistan, Iraq and Waziristan. Estimates of the civilian death tolls in the latter three run as high as several hundred thousand. The fact of the matter is that Israel's operations in Lebanon and Gaza were carefully conducted, and designed to minimize civilian casualties. In both cases, they were undertaken only after prolonged acts of aggression by terrorist elements that had targeted Israelis for years. Is it a war crime to defend one's territory? No. But that is what Israel does. Can you say the same for the wanton disregard of civilian life in Afghanistan, Iraq and Waziristan? No, you cannot. So -- perhaps you should shut up and stop embarrassing yourself.
62. #57 In all your wanderings, did you
BEN JABO ,   ISRAEL   (05.09.11)
happen to come across the anti-Semitism in Maryland, it's only a short distance from DC ? Israel is responsible for her own defense, she doesn't have the money or manpower to get involved in the wars of the USA I defy you to show me a single instance of IDF fighting alongside of American troops in any foreign country Now, be a good fellow, take your shovel and clean up th load of horse pucky you polluted the grounds with
GLENN ,   YUCAIPA,USA   (05.09.11)
64. Sarah B.
Deborah ,   Boston   (05.09.11)
Sarah B. save some of that energy for September. Are you sure Your not in D.C. part of Israels lobbying effort. Israel nor the Palestinians are above criticism and both are unworthy of our financial support. Israel is subliminally racist even towards its own Jewish population, corruption is at an all time high, amongst Israelis at home and abroad, international high-tech war mongering, pedophilia a bi-weelkly event, yeshivas falsify student enrollment for gov. funding=U.S. dollars. Orthodox, Conform, Reform, conserve oh I forgot the Ultra a form of supersizing the Halakah law beyond any social co-existence, by the way, why are you here? Your presentation of how Israel spends the American dollar should be submitted to Natanyahu when he comes here next week maybe he'll become a lover of peace and assist in stopping some of these world atrocities that you have plainly put before us And as to war crimes Israel is the only nation that uses a sledge hammer to kill a mosquito. And perhaps you should shut up and stop embarrassing Yourself, it might be self incriminating.
65. To: No. 64
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (05.09.11)
"Yourself?" I'm not a deity. But you are a fool. An ignorant one at that.
66. 64
birdi ,   israel   (05.09.11)
madam the 1 who is embarrassing herself here is you, who has come to this forum out of the blue, who attacks 1 of our champion & very well respected posters, Sarah B. You dont hold a candle to her & you never will. You think Israel is unworthy of American financial aid, please take it up with your congressman asap. As a loyal Israeli citizen I say to you, no country & no person is perfect & there are 2 sides to every story.
67. #52, #56 Rob
solomon ,   bklyn   (05.09.11)
No, you are decidedly not on my side. Your head is in the clouds while real people are dying down here on earth. You dare say that Israel "comes up short in the human rights arena" while bemoaning only a lack of leadership in the "Pals"?! You assume everyone thinks the same; not true. While the Israelis do want peace and have proved it time and again by sticking their necks out [examples: withdrawing from Gaza, Yamit], the "Pals" only take advantage of it. They want what they want, 'no compromises allowed'. Get real and open your eyes. All humans are not as holy as you wish. And your wishful thinking will get even more of them killed.
68. to #67
Jennie ,   Israel/US   (05.09.11)
I enjoy reading your posts, Solomon.. You always write honestly and to the point... As for the Big Rob guy(#52), he is clueless,floating on a space ship and when he lands on planet Earth, he'll find nirvana... I have posted 2 replies to #8 lunatic, but neither was posted...Go figure why his lies are being published, but simple facts about Israel are often being denied from publishing..
69. to nr. 30.
justice for all ,   world/planet earth   (05.09.11)
reading your reaction it gives me the prove that this is pure one-sided, biased, partial and selective indignation/anger towards the palestinians. what do you think of the zionist settlers on the west bank e.g? the comparison with japan and germany in ww 2 is not a good one because the circumstances were very different of 2 palestinian groups joining eachother. why and how hamas came into existence in the 1980"s? because of the brutal surpression and occupation of the palestinian people since the 19th century by the zionists. of course every people which is surpressed and occupied by a repressive and dictatorial, occupational (foreign) power has the right to resist and( try )to liberate itself from it. e.g. what happened in apartheid-south-africa with the struggle for freedom of nelson mandela and the anc? i can also give you many examples of the meddling/ crimes the us has committed since 1945, eg the korean and the vietnamese wars etc. where millions of innocent people were killed by us-forces. do i need to give more examples of us-crimes/us-dominance/us-hegemonism/us-imperialism? 9/11-2001 was horrible but need not to happen if there were no us-troops stationed in 1990/1991 in saudi-arabia near the holy muslim cities of mecca and medina. the us authorities should have known better then and now. they are/were also for a great part responsible for 9/11. the palestinians have also done cruel things. let us try to be honest and objective in all cases. if i may say so i have already read much about history. i donot hate the jewish people and i admire their ancient civilization, culture, history, science etc. but i donot agree with israelism/zionism. i donot hate the american people but i am critical of us-world-dominance/us-world-hegemony. i donot hate any people, but bad apples and pears are to be found everywhere and always. (good[-willing] and bad[-willing] people).
70. #68 Jennie
solomon ,   bklyn   (05.09.11)
Thank you for your kind words. But a lot of what I write is gleaned from other TBers (thanks guys); no one can remember everything. They also can make connections I didn't see. A lot of it also comes from within. I also have written replies that were not posted. I wish there was a function key to save them automatically, as sometimes if I again send the same reply, my second try will be posted. Or I change a few words and that works most times. I have been told the selection of what to post is done by computer. Peace. Shalom.
71. 69
birdi ,   israel   (05.10.11)
justice, what would you do if a loved one was stabbed to death whilst walking through the old city of jerusalem, or blown up in a suicide bombing because of his/her religion? what would your reaction be if your home was hit by a quassam rocket? nope you have not read history. you dont accept the fact that the pallies were told by their leaders to leave the land for safety because the jews were going to be murdered, kicked off their land. if you believe that the us authorities should have known better then and now, they are/were also for a great part responsible for 9/11, you are a dreamer. it is so easy to criticize after war/terror attacks have taken place. wake up. smell the coffee.this is real life, not make believe. no one likes war, no one likes killing. the only way peace in this region can be achieved is by talking, negotiating in honesty and with trust. hamas is a terror club, fatah has now joined hamas for one reason; united together in preparation for a pal state,sworn enemies have come together to expel us from our land.
72. Some uninformed souls
Ralph Haglund ,   Lund, Sweden   (05.11.11)
think that USA still gives money to Israel.... Israel and USA works together on military stuff, Israel is the US defence in that area of Middle East, otherwise - well - remember the US soldiers in Beirut, slaughtered in batches of 100 by muslim terrorists. USA gets an awful lot from Israel instead - USA pays Israel to develop smarter products. Why has nobody got the idea to LEND money to the Palestinians??? Treat them like normal human beings, put up an industrial village, to be paid back by certified products. If it can be done in China - are the arabs so much more untrustworhy? Don't give them a thing, lend. EU has gone all crazy, there are several EU countries that are almost bankrupt, still they ship tons of gold to the palestinians instead...... Be happy you do not live here. No place to put a cross on the taxation blankets with "no money to palestinians" unfortunately.
73. to nr. 71.
justice for all ,   world/planet earth   (05.12.11)
nobody/no party posseses the truth and wisdom alone, always and everywhere. hope you will get (more) objective and reasonable in your talkbacks. perhaps then you will be able to convince me of your arguments.
74. Fatah-Hamas unity.
Daniel Teegan   (05.16.11)
Recognising Hamas as lawfully elected representation is a must.just as in ireland,bringing IRA-Sinn Fein into the political arena,lead to peace. Hamas has offered to recognise Israel as a state,so,Israel should agree to recognise a Palestinian state, and stop the land grabbing which is the greatest threat to peace..
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