Hezbollah warns Israel against 'stealing' gas
Associated Press
Published: 26.07.11, 23:39
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76 Talkbacks for this article
61. Sorry to repeat ...
NilsG ,   Helsingborg, Sweden   (07.27.11)
... the old plattitude, but, basically, the fat guy is threatening to fight to the last Lebanese. Hezbollah is the harder target, the civilians soft - who will suffer most?
62. El Blobbo is afraid
Devorah   (07.27.11)
that too much water will be displaced into Israel's boundary if he goes for a swim.
63. i say let the hezis participate-surely
Barney ,   USA   (07.27.11)
there will be a need for many manual laborers.
64. Lighten up guys....
Avi ,   Israel   (07.27.11)
Lets be honest with ourselves. Is there anyone of us who would not trade Netasnyahu, Barak, Olmert and Peres for a leader with the qualities of Nasrallah? Like him or not, he is a good leader for his people....
65. To MIchael, California
Tahl   (07.27.11)
Have you been living in lala-land in the past 30 years? If it were up to Israel, we would have had peace with Lebanon long ago. Since the first Lebanon war, Israeli leaders have made endless appeals to Lebanon to negotiate peace with us, only to be totally rebuffed each time. The Lebanese have proven, time and time again, that they are not interested in peace with Israel. The facts that we have retreated from Lebanon over a decade ago, and that we have no territorial disputes with Lebanon, are immaterial to them - they seek to constantly preserve the state of war with Israel. We have seen blatant examples of their belligerance, when Hizbullah invaded Israel, abducted and killed IDF soldiers in 2001 and 2006. They would not even consider peace, even if we reached a settlement with the Palestinians - Nasrallah said so many times. They simply do not accept our right to exist here, period. I am sure, by the way, that Israel would agree to give away the disuputed territory to Lebanon, in exchange for real peace, and real cooperation in the gas-finding efforts. It's a big sacrifice for us, but it's worth the outcome. Would Lebanon agree to this generous offer? Fat chance. They simply do not accept our right to exist here, period. Wake up and smell the coffee.
66. #64 "Good leader for his people"?
Tahl   (07.27.11)
Tell that to the families of the hundreds of Lebanese who lost their lives in the last war, those lost their homes, and those who were forced at gun-point to serve as human shield to Hizbullah. Not to mention all those who invested in the Lebanese economy. But I guess if you are a fanatic shiite and dedicate your life to a holy Jihad, and don't mind being a pawn of a cynical thug - then all of that is acceptable, and indeed you'd consider such cretin to be a "good leader".
67. Oh goody another Israel Lebanon war!
Bad assed Jew. ,   United States   (07.27.11)
When it comes to stealing no one knows how better than Hezb'allah. They stole Lebanon, they stole peace, and the Lebanese will be destroyed if Hezb'allah continues to use them as mindless sheep being led to the slaughter. I figure it will take two maybe three days and Lebanon would be in ashes.
BEN JABO ,   ISRAEL   (07.27.11)
Time to head on home, Nasrallah is waiting for you, your AK & uniform are ready for you to pick them up
69. #50 Michael CA
BEN JABO ,   ISRAEL   (07.27.11)
Christian's may have been ready for Peace, however, even you should know that the Muslim's weren't, they were so unready that they went to War against Israel in 1948 and are still in a state of war, a Peace was never signed Now, all you have to do is figure out how to separate the Muslim's from the Christian's, so that when Israel responds to their next acts of aggression, that only the Muslims wind up getting killed or injured, you’re a genius, figure it out BTW-In the 80's the Lebanese were sheltering Arafat's killers, allowing them to use Lebanon as a base for attacks against Israel, or didn’t you know ? As I view it, Lebanon felt quite free to fire rockets over out border into Israel; we’re just reversing some of the traffic The gas fields or offshore of Haifa, not Lebanon New or creative, what are your thoughts, thus far all I have heard are condemnations & criticism of Israel, It’s no wonder you left, your neighbors must have gotten fed up with your constant bellyaching
70. Coming soon to an Israel near you LEBANON 3
zionist forever   (07.27.11)
STARING Hassan Nasrallah Benjamin Netanyahu Ehud Barak Avigdor Liberman War is inevitable just a matter of time. The UN will almost certainly agree the borers unilaterally declared by Lebanon should be the official border The UN would say the gas belongs to the arabs if it was in in Tel Avi Sheraton's swimming pool because the arabs have said it belongs to them and not to Israel. Israel will of course decide there is to much money at stake to go along with the UN judgement . Hezbollah will say even the UN is on our side Israel is stealing our gas we must go to war. If something amazing happens and the UN votes in favor of Israel then Hizbollah will say the UN is impartial run by zionists and they are letting Israel steal Lebanon's gas we must go to war. When your talking about billions of dollars and two countries neither of which is rich laying claim to it, both sides are well armed then you have a recipe for war. Can also add to that the UN has said Hezbollah were involved in the death of Rafik Hariri and they are soon going to be loosing an ally in Syria so they have even more reason to want a war in an attempt to tighten their grip on Lebanon. This war is coming eventually and if we were smart then we would prepare to pre empt before the gas starts getting pumpped commercially.
71. to nr. 70.
cosmopolitan ,   global-municipality   (07.27.11)
if i were you i should watch out that zionism will not commit another/more agression(s), crime(s). some-one who is inciting/worshiping to war(s) and destruction is a pure coward hypocrite/hate-monger/war-monger. think of your child/children, if you have one/them, to be an example. zionism is something different than semitism, jewry and judaism. the last 3 terms i understand and i have my respect for, as for the jewish and any other country/people as for mankind as a whole.
72. #17 - easy to say when its not your's
William ,   Israel   (07.27.11)
Do you often give away things that don't belong to you? You know, we could give California back to the Mexicans. After all, there is plenty of land for everyone - too much for Americans, I believe. Besides, why would we give this gas field, a major source of energy and economic independence for Israel after decades of illegal Arab energy boycotts, to Lebanon when 99.99% of it sits well inside Israeli territory? You speak like a typical deluded liberal. Since you have cash in your pocket (presumably) why don't you give 50% of it to the next person you see because it's unfair you keep it all, right?
73. #19 - Haifa is well inside Israel, is it not?
William ,   Israel   (07.27.11)
And the majority of Leviathan is off the coast of Haifa, and Tamar gas field is south of that. Now, is it still someone else's? You have a funny definition of ownership, hence your often skewed talkbacks. Looking at the 1923 borders, Israel's exploration of gas is well inside of them. Intl Law interprets those borders (one's that Lebanon rejected) and in lieu of borders, draws lines perpendicular from the land - which also pertain to 1923 borders. It seems YOU have a problem with Intl Law. Intl Law dictated that the Gaza blockade was perfectly legal but you still won't accept it. Too bad. I don't think you'd take kindly to digging in your garden and finding gold, then having a neighbor say suddenly that his property actually includes your garden but he never admitted it before.
74. #20 - they put him in the govt, so I guess Yes
William ,   Israel   (07.27.11)
except when he loses the next war (again), the Lebanese will claim Nasrallah doesn't represent Lebanon and acted allow, and Israel is a criminal for targeting all of Lebanon for the acts of Hizbullah despite them being in the govt.
75. To: No. 71
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (07.27.11)
For the record, all six of Israel's wars were started by the Arabs. All Israel did was defend herself, as all sovereign nations have the absolute right to do. I'm sorry that you are offended that Israel emerged victorious in all six. Deal with it as best you can. Hezbollah, in Lebanon, and Hamas, in Gaza, fired rockets into Israel for years. Israel had a perfect right to invade by way of retaliation. You are remarkably ignorant. Zionism is the nationalist movement of the Jewish people which found fruition in the creation of the modern State of Israel. The Jews needed our own state, because the global municipality of which you proudly claim to be a cosmopolitan member massacred Jews at every opportunity. Finally -- the late Golda Meier (z:"l) said it best -- peace will come between Arab and Jew when the Arabs learn to love their children more than they hate us. That day hasn't come yet, so I very strongly suggest that you launch your little cautionary diatribe about thinking of our children against the Arabs. Several months ago, an ersatz "Palestinian" terrorist murdered a sleeping family of five. Included among the dead were three children, the youngest a girl who was only three months old. Her throat was slit. So save your lecture for the people most in need of it -- the ersatz "Palestinians."
76. gas fields
Guillermo Bastante ,   Valdosta, USA   (07.28.11)
Has Israel ever declared fixed borders? Does Israel have declared and internationally recognized borders between it and Lebanon? Does Lebanon have internationally recognized borders? If either country had legal, recognized borders, then why did the UN have to have to create the current artificial border?
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