The hateful Norway debate
Manfred Gerstenfeld
Published: 28.07.11, 18:01
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98 Talkbacks for this article
91. So What Glenn Beck Said Was Correct
Aryeh ,   Haifa, Israel   (07.31.11)
Pictures of AUF youngsters playing Gaza flotilla “games” on Utoya, and of the poster there calling to boycott Israel, will be reprinted many times in the future. As much as we try to have it both ways, we can't. The grandchildren of the police who turned Jews over to Nazis still hate the Jews. They merely found a nice way to teach their hatred.
92. never again
Mike ,   Australia   (07.31.11)
The Norwegians will tighten up on their security now, just like the US has done since 11 Sept 2001. No more will people who dress up as policemen be able to parade around and catch boats to little islands, fooling every one else around them It is a tragedy that so many young people were murdered. What Norway now needs to understand clearly is this - NEVER AGAIN means NEVER AGAIN!! Not just for Norway, but also for the Jewish world and for Israel. NEVER AGAIN!! Not even when Norweigan political youth play Flotilla games and promote boycotting of Israel engendering rampant Jewish hatred, then being shot by a crazy person. NEVER AGAIN means NEVER AGAIN!
93. Norweigan killing other Norweigans is nothing to do with us
Wise jewish Guy ,   Israel   (07.31.11)
There is no connection between the Oslo event and the middle East.
94. # 85 Beary White
J.K. ,   Brooklyn USA   (07.31.11)
You analized the issue correctly,this is the situation in the other western countries,where the colleges and the media are controlled by the left,in the US David Horovits an x leftist who saw the light,when he is allowed to give a lecture in a college,he has to be protected by body guards,from the politically correct mob,the media and the colleges also were in the service of the soviets,they played an important role in prolonging the plight in the soviet block by 10 years,in the seventies the US planned to create the Neutron bomb,the soviets were horrified,realizing what it will cost them to build the bomb,so,they activated their stooges in the media who attacked the government as being war mongers,and the bomb was shelved, what ultimately brought down the soviet union,was Ronald Reagan who was not afraid of the media,when he planned the bogus star wars,which the soviets believed is reall,and the price of oil dropped to $ 10 a barrel,the soviets gave up,today the media become the new Pravda of the leftist pro muslim governments in the west,BBC-CNN-NBC christian Aljaziras.
95. #93
Paul ,   Jerusalem, Israel   (07.31.11)
Everything, everywhere, any time, any place has to do with Jews and the Middle East, the anti-Semitics, tapping into their demonic sensitivities know it, the Christians know it, the Muslims know it, God knows it, only the Jews don't know it.
96. Re 15 Eva,your country support terro attacks against Israel
chris ,   wales   (08.01.11)
It because your Country supported terrorist against israel and the chicken has come home to roost..sorry about the innocent deaths,but your Norway support terrorists against Israel,,sorry,but you need to look closer to home and realise your country even accept Hamas..I have little sympathy for Norway but genuine sadness for the loss of life,the man was evil but your nation has reaped what it sown
97. to nr. 38.
cosmopolitist ,   world(-wide)   (08.02.11)
this talkback is an incitement to terror/terrorism/war/destruction and who wrote this one may be very glad that the personnel of ynetnews.com published (one of) his thought(s)/announcement.
98. Peace
Petter K ,   Oslo, Norway   (08.03.11)
When you see a heated conflict from the outside, you have the opportunity to evaluate both side's positions calmly. Very, very rarely is one of the parties "right" and the other "wrong". Typically their positions are both valid, from their own point of view. For me (a Norwegian), this is how the Israeli-Palestinian issue looks (and I have done a lot of research to understand the facts and the feelings on both sides). I am "pro-Israel", I have no preferences as to people's religion, but I am very much against current Israeli policies. Especially I am worried that the continued expansion of settlements, which in my opinion is unlawful and escalates the conflict (I know the readers of this newspaper tend to view it differently). We Norwegians are nevertheless your friends, and it is hard to understand why you try to make us enemies by labeling us as "anti-Israel". It is in fact possible to love Israel and its people, but at the same time disagree strongly with its policies.
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