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Netanyahu to Clinton: No apology to Turkey
Attila Somfalvi
Published: 17.08.11, 17:10
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151. To nr 149 - Yes I'm waiting for Turkey's apology
Alexander ,   Tel Aviv, Israel   (08.17.11)
It seems that you have a selective memory dear Turk. Was it Lebanon or was it Israel that was bombed into dust, sand and gravel? It was Lebanon. Israel did not fight a regulary army - Israel fought terrorists hiding among civilians, hospitals and mosques. Nasrallah is hiding in a bunker. Former PM Olmert and present PM Netanyahu do not. I haven't exactly seen that Turkey was successful against Kurdish freedom fighters. When will Turkey apologize to Israel, the Kurds and the Armenians? When will you stop occupying Kurdistan? International waters belong to Israel as well, and killing, threatening to kill, abusing, lynching or threatening to lynch Israeli soldiers in international waters is not legal either, but Israel's firing at the Turkish anti-Semites was a response to Turks almost lynching Israeli soldiers. You are a typical deceitful and insincere anti-Semite: When Jews are attacked - you're silent. When Jews strike back you protest. With friends like you who needs enemies? International Law does not support abusing or beating up Israeli soldiers in International Waters. But International Law does oppose unprovoked attacks. You Turks are to blame. You should apologize to us. Speaking about wars, it might have escaped your attention, that Israel has won every single war against its neighbours - including Egypt, Syria, Jordan and also Saudi Arabia. Pakistan? I haven't exactly noticed that thay are actively involved in attacking Israel. Iran has no nukes. If they had, they would have used them already against Israel. If Turkey is so tough and militarily strong, why is it then that Turkey hasn't yet attacked Israel? Could it be because Turkey's military might is an illusion? As I said before - Israel has nukes - Turkey does not. Your rethorics and your Turkish pride will not change that. How do I know that Turkey has no nukes? What's the matter with you? Are you Turks smoking weed or what? If you had nukes you have had considerable influence and more freedom of action and less talk. All Turkey does is talk. Turkey threatens with this and that. Why doesn't Turkey send warplanes to Israel? I mean, you said you have nukes right? So where is your logic dear Turk? I would very much like to see Turkey "attacking" Israel - it will be the last thing you will do. In this case, we are deling with terrorists hiding among civilians. We are dealing with state terrorists in tanks and warplanes - easy targets. But sure, go ahead, if you don't trust me when I say that Israel is militarily superior to Turkey, then try us - and then beg for your lives. Turkey can harm Israel. But Israel can destroy Turkey. We have nukes. You don't. I hope that Turkey will apologize for breaking international law, apologize for screaming "death to Jews" and pro-Nazi slogans and that Turkey will apologize for beating up and attacking our soldiers. Apology from us? Apologize for what? For DEFENDING OURSELVES IN INTERNATIONAL WATERS? Honestly, we don't Turkey. The only turkeys we have are those for dinner.
152. Stand strong, Bibi, stand strong for Israel!
John ,   Alaska   (08.17.11)
Please continue to resist the pressure of the current Presidential Administration. Remember, the US Legislature applauded your standing strong in the face of pressure to shrink Israel to truly indefensable borders. The American people will continue to applaud as you stand strong now!
153. To: No. 127
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (08.17.11)
The very fact that the vessel attempted to breach a fully legal and internationally recognized blockade and refused orders to heave to is in and of itself an illegal act. It purported to be carrying "humanitarian aid" and was found to be carrying a couple of boxes of expired over-the-counter medications and some mouldy old blankets. So the whole "humanitarian" angle didn't fly. The Palmer Report -- which Turkey has been scrambling desperately to suppress has concluded that Turkey was complicit in organizing the failed flotilla and that IHH is a terrorist organization. That pretty much seals the deal with NATO -- Turkey will be removed from NATO, and will lose all those lucrative NATO bases. Israel is not in the habit of apologizing for killing terrorists. It isn't murder, anyway -- it's pest control. The whole nonsense of demanding an apology was intended to blunt Turkey's embarrassment. Too bad for Turkey, huh? By the way, your post is one of the stupidest things I've ever read, and what with the trolls on this Forum (split, graczek, salma, nour) -- that's really saying something. I'm thinking about nominating you for a Darwin award. Along, of course, with Erdogan.
154. To: No. 121
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (08.17.11)
IQ doesn't lie, babycakes. Read "The Bell Curve." Jews are off the charts.
155. Whats up 'doc'?
Ypip ,   Canada   (08.17.11)
156. no apology
ian ,   israel   (08.17.11)
effing idiot,,,he will eat sh@t in the end....and no dignity at all ,,,,,
157. To #16 many, many Americans say Amen!
John ,   Alaska   (08.18.11)
158. #145 Bernard le Parisien
David Israel ,   New York, USA   (08.18.11)
Anton is not a retard. He is just a young Turk whose blood is boiling and acting out of his personal emotions rather then his logic. When he matures he will turn to be a supporter of Israel. Many ultra left wing Turks (many of my good old friends from Izmir and Istanbul) who used to protest USA in th e1960ies and 70 ies turned out to be USA lovers during Pre3sident Clinton's time. This is the nature of Turks. One day they turn to one extreme and then to the other extreme.
159. more BS from Sarah B
marc   (08.18.11)
Pakistan does not have delivery systems for its nukes?...This is one of your silliest bit of BS so far on Ynet. You're so full of it, its impossible to parody you. Thats why your imposter always says he is over 50 years old just so we know his post is a parody of you and not the real Sarah B.
160. To nr 149 - Regarding Turkey's ostensible military might
Alexander ,   Tel Aviv, Israel   (08.18.11)
Greece is considerably weaker militarily speaking than Turkey in terms of the size of the army and air force. As you know, Greeks and Turks have fought each other for decades in the 20th century. Why is it that this "powerful" Turkey could not defeat tiny Greece? Why is it that "powerful" Turkey hasn't managed to obtain full control over Cyprus? I mean, we are not exactly dealing with major powers here but rather small nations. Why is it that Turkey issues deadly warnings against Syria and even threatens to intervene in Syrian affairs but does no do so visavi "weak" Israel? Since the Ottoman empire has collapsed, how many wars have you won? Speaking about military might: why does Turkey purchase Israeli military technology - including drones - but not vice versa? Speaking about nukes: the Moslem world - Turkey included, would have destroyed Israel a long time ago if they only could. In 1948, Israel was desperately weak and in a dire situation - economically, militarily, demographically and politically - and yet defeated Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq and Saudi Arabia. Today, Israel is an economic, scientific, technological, educational, industrial and military powerhouse. What is Turkey? A banana republic - poor and underdeveloped. There has not been a single conventional Arab-Israeli war since 1981, when Israel shot down several Syrian warplanes in Lebanese air space. Ever since 1973, not a single Arab state, government, navy, army or air force has ever attacked Israel - rather they used proxies such as PFLP, PLO, Fatah, Hamas, Hizbollah and so on. Why is that? Turkey has made several threats tro Israel - INCLUDING THREATENING TO FORCE Israel to open the fully legal blockade of Gaza. Why is it that Turkey has not sent its navy or air force to Israel if you are so powerful? Where are your actions? You said you want to prevent further escalation - your own words. But you also said that Turkey would "destroy" Israel. But then, why avoid escalation dear Turk? You are so "powerful"? Turkish alliance with Iran? Recently you were "allied" with Syria. Now you threaten Syria. Some "alliance". Iran is weak and can't destroy Israel. Israel would pulverize Iran. Iran delivers threats - just like Turkey, but doesn't act. Pakistan? What has Pakistan to do with Turkey? Pakistan is too busy fighting with India over Kashmir. Suppose that Turkey "has nukes", there is no law of nature that says that "Turkish nukes" can only reach Israel. Israeli nukes can de facto reach all of Turkey. If you mess with Israel, you will have to face Israeli nukes in the worst case scenario, and that would mean the end for Turkey. Now dear Turk: APOLOGIZE TO ISRAEL. APOLOGIZE for sending TURKISH TERRORISTS and TURKISH NAZIS/JEW HATERS and APOLOGIZE for attacking our soldiers. The pictures and photos of angry crazy armed violent Turks beating up Israeli soldiers are real. Some "activists". International Law does not favor Turkey and does not reject Israel.
161. Re #83 Okay ... so Israel ...
John ,   Alaska   (08.18.11)
caused an earthquake. This makes sense. Since the 14th of August, every night the Jews have shaved off a little of the moon to turn into gold. It's not much yet, but it's noticeable, and if they keep going, but next Sunday, there'll only be half a moon left! Actually, I shouldn't say stuff like that; someone who believes Israel can cause earthquakes might actually believe the Jews are stealing the moon as well.
162. #127 stop inventing garbage
rachel ,   usa   (08.18.11)
163. #146 - split
solomon ,   bklyn   (08.18.11)
Agreed! Graczek, lebanon, seadog, anton, observer, nour, some others...and you. It's difficult to tell who is #1, but you are certainly in the running.
164. Israel is willing to give a Peace Offering, full-heartedl.
mary of Bethany ,   singapore   (08.18.11)
No to apology. but Israel will offer a Peace Offering full-heartedly in the form of Beautiful Zoabi to Erodgan. Option 1: He can use her as one of his latest wives. Option 2: He can plant her on the Flotilla (which is gonna convert into a tourist showboat) to entertain stupid tourists with real life stories of how the "bad bad Israelis Navy Seals" tortured poor poor un-armed "peace activitists".... Option 3: He can throw her into the Meditterrean Sea to appease the Poseidon Sea-god so that future flotilla can be successful. After all that she has done for turks, does she not deserving an "Happily-ever-after" ending? (again, NO APOLOGY!) just take it or leave it.
165. to 20 and Arabs-post 9 is an impostor
John Darren ,   cairns-Australia   (08.18.11)
Always the idiot-don't you know that post no 9 is not Sarah B but an Arab like you who is absolutely always chastised by the real Sarah. Ynet-please post.
166. #127 is indeed stupid and a liar too.
Israeli 2   (08.18.11)
"There was no threat on those ships, there was no weapons and there was no terrorists." What? Watch the video! read the report!!
American ,   Los Angeles   (08.18.11)
It's obvious that the turkish jihadists regime is openly standing on the side of Israeli enemy.Turkey is a threat to the ME stability by supporting islamic terror.Recognize the Armenian genocide and let's pay atention on the issues of Cyprus and the human rights violations in Turkey.
168. to 127
john Darren ,   cairns-Australia   (08.18.11)
Chastised by Sarah B again-you are too dumb even by Arab standards.Even silly Salma must cringe at your post.
169. wise government
Yael Schlichting ,   Haifa - Israel   (08.18.11)
1. The point of time is good, because it leaves Turkey no time to make a lot palaver. 2. An apology would only be an apeasement to Turkey. It may win a little time, but it wont stop it on its way to an islamist country. Clinton and Hussein actually know this. In fact the price of an apology is to high for virtually nothing in return.
170. #149 sipahi
solomon ,   bklyn   (08.18.11)
A blockade in INTERNATIONAL waters is LEGAL. Read, even if you don't like what you are reading.
171. Turkey and history
steven L ,   NY   (08.19.11)
Nb 25: you obviously are an ignorant of the Ottoman history and the Balfour and San Remo declarations. Get an education then come back and will talk.
172. #18--One day all muslim throwbacks will
Don Rosenberg ,   Palatine USA   (09.01.11)
be gone. You will start a war and be annihilated. but you will get to see your 72 virgin whores. All I can say to you and your racists friends "Kish mein tuchus"' moron.
173. End the Occupation!!!
Tyra ,   Lebanon, USA   (09.05.11)
End the illegal occupation in 2012!!! and NEVER apologize for defending your nation.
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