Jewish Scene
General: Women should sing on any stage
Moran Azulay
Published: 22.11.11, 14:35
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88 Talkbacks for this article
61. Major-General Orna Barbivai
Philip ,   Afula, Israel   (11.23.11)
Has more courage and up front common sense than those who should have stepped forward earlier with a normal and healthy common sense approach such as hers. Could it be that women have more honesty courage than men ?
62. There is no right to a captive audience
Kyle ,   Southpark, CO, USA   (11.23.11)
What if Rebecca Black joins the IDF? Does everybody then drop whatever they are doing and get strapped to a chair to listen to her?
63. #44 I'm glad tt u r differnt! But the no. is very small
Jew1   (11.23.11)
I wish many more haredi people were like you. I am not against religion. I follow shabbat, my children go to ulpana academic schools but now a days haredim are showing fantastic side. Woman singing tika must be acceptable (I am not talking about entertainment songs), high court is the final authority (and not tora laws), they must recognize the existence of Israel, no riots in barbaric way and destroying public property, must include proper curucullam in studies to land proper job, must stop milking the country and start working, must stop throwing stones on those who choose to drive on shabbat, must not try to bring polygamy in practice, must not differentiate between sparadi/ashkenazi, must not call 6 years old whore (or anybody whore), must not force woman to sit at the back of bus or send them on separate footpaths, all higher/key job positions must be available for woman also, there has to be alternative divorce/marriage system, no one should object to a modest woman photo in ads (and don't try to burn the public bus). One must walk with 21 centaury with good thighs taught by our religion and must must have courage to change / modify whatever is required, either in constitution or in religion. Fanatism will bring shariya law to our country and this will bring the doom to our existence.
64. What do u mean by seculars r compaining from both the ends?
Israeli ,   Israel   (11.23.11)
What do you mean by seculars complaining from both the end? Why seculars, don't you have any duty to your country and it's people? What someone has to demand that out of you? Why the sense of responsibility did not come 60+ years before. And yes, seculars have every right to be unhappy as it is not only secular's duty to protect both seculars & haredim, but it is duty of both the sectors to protect our country. Our country is only 60+ years old and have so many different people coming from Russia, Europe, India, Ethiopia, Nepal, Iran, Turkey and so on. They all have different back ground and different cultures. They all jointed or participated idf without any conditions and kept their differences out of it. It is only haredim who have conditions to join idf, they are given bribes/special conditions (free education and so on) to join idf. And after giving so much, and opposite side extorting so much in back, they do not want to join but concur the idf with their ideology? They do not want to participate but change the face of idf. This is the difference and that's why you hear complaints from both he ends. The problem lies with haredi attitude and not seculars
65. #28 If women start to sing with Hamas or Hesbala stop
rebecca ,   Modiin   (11.23.11)
Women singing has NOTHING to do with the combat. When we're at war do you want the soldiers to stop fighting to quickly listen to the women doing their important singing. I assure you this will be a disaster, because Hamas and hesbala will not stop fighting for a bunch of women singing.
66. All my life I've fought for my rights as a women
rebecca ,   Modiin   (11.23.11)
My right to work in a man's environment, for equal pay, to not be told "oh you're a women, you cant work at night so we cant employ you", or for men at work to not think my backside is a resting place for their hands. And this is the best the IDF can do??? Ensure women can protect our country by SINGING???
67. Yes, women should sing on any stage, except
male it to us   (11.23.11)
in an army performance. Glorious male voices have always belonged in an army choir, and give an inspiring performance. Loads of places for us to enjoy women singing, but not in the army. Forward, Men of Harlech!! Thank Gd the song isn't 'Women of Harlech, march to glory, victory is hovering o'r ye' etc etc For goodness sake, stop the pathetic nonsense and give us all glorious male choirs like the Welsh do.
68. Do us women a favour
singing in the rain   (11.23.11)
and give us Leonard Cohen's new song 'show me the place' from hebrew ynet. Will ms army boss object? So call him Leonora maybe.
69. ridiculous
chaim witz   (11.23.11)
This is ridiculous. And how are we going to defend Israel from our enemies? With singers?
70. You go, ladies': I like hearing angels' sing
Taz Man ,   USA   (11.23.11)
71. Who is saying that female cadets can't sing on any stage?
American Sabrah ,   Israel   (11.24.11)
If they want to sing, let them sing. If people want to eat pork and violate Shabbat, let them do so. If people want to have sex before marriage or look at porn, let them enjoy themselves. We live in a Jewish state that promotes democracy. Having said that, the State of Israel should recognize the rights of all citizens regardless of their religious and cultural background. Forcing religious soldiers to sit through an all women's concerts and discharging them because they refused to do so is in violation of their rights.If they only want to eat kosher, you may not serve them shrimp or bacon instead and force them to eat it either. In this case, the commander who dismissed them looks bad and is portraying the IDF in a negative light. Bottom line : we the religious respect your secular lifestyle and culture although we may not always agree with it. We are merely asking you to reciprocate the same respect and consideration and let us live our lives the way we see fit just like you do. I love the idea of women singing but not the idea of forcing men who are not related to them to listen.
72. Living and serving in a Jewish country
a ,   Israel   (11.24.11)
we have a Jewish country. our sons, brothers and other's serve in the army in a Jewish country. the Jewish religion not only Should, but must be respected in our Jewish country. Part of the Jewish religion is kol isha, if a Jewish male is religious his beliefs Must be respected. the attitude of Major-General Orna Barbivai is one of ignorance, and total lack of respect for Judaism, if this was a non-Jewish country it would be called anti-antisemitism. get real, get honest, get some respect where it belongs.
73. Rules about oppressing women are really about oppressing men
Josh   (11.24.11)
The idea of preventing a man from seeing is what it is all about. They didn't say the women should do anything, they said the men should. Why listen to a Rabbi so you can get a good shiduk with a woman when you can go out and see and get one for yourself. Just another case of oppressing Israeli men.
74. If our soldiers had to sit thru a Shabbat service
rebecca ,   Modiin   (11.24.11)
or listen to a Haradi concert, that would be religious coercion and the secular would object loudly. So what is the difference here?
75. And what if?
Shmuel ,   Ashdod   (11.24.11)
By listening woman sing these haredim think of her nudity. OK but this can happen to woman also. By listening man sing, even she can view them in that way, then what? Now if a woman is lesbian then she can view that lady singer in her mind in that way, then what? Now if a man is homo and he views the man singer in that way, then what? If the all options above are happening then no one should sing for anybody and no photos (even your rabbi photo) should be published anywhere. The rule must be applied to both, men and woman. But if this happens then men has to pay the price. Wow, that's not possible. So, let's discriminate and ask only woman portion to suffer and sacrifice and lets put all the possible prohibitions on woman's account and we men do what we want! What a Hippocrates!
76. Get Serious
babawawa ,   new york, usa   (11.24.11)
The rule on men hearing women sing is thousands of years old. Why the outrage about it? If you want the religious to serve, then respect their observance. If you don't, then shut up when they don't enlist.
77. Song of Solomon !!!.
78. The Physical atraction between the Sexes !.
Arn. ,   Sweden.   (11.25.11)
This Force is the strongest of Nature. If it is not Disciplined and Controlled, it can destroy whole Nations. Song of Solomon 8 4 I charge you, O daughters of Jerusalem, that ye stir not up nor awake my love, until he please." 5 "Who is this that cometh up from the wilderness, leaning upon her beloved? I raised thee up under the apple tree; there thy mother brought thee forth; there she brought thee forth that bore thee." 6 "Set me as a seal upon thine heart, as a seal upon thine arm; for love is strong as death; jealousy is cruel as the grave; the coals thereof are coals of fire, which hath a most vehement flame." 7 "Many waters cannot quench love, neither can the floods drown it; if a man would give all the substance of his house for love, it would utterly be contemned." Comment - There is a Cause and Reason for the Rabbist regulation in this matter, Mens Minds can be totaly distorted and lost by the Charm of Women. I cant understand why the Highest Brass in IDF dont understand this. Are they so unexperiensed from bouth camps in this matter, or do they just follow popular opinions as cowards ?. Arn.Sweden.
79. Womens in the army
Zvi ,   Zimbabewe Bat yam   (11.25.11)
Sitting in Boston playing bakward ortodox with the dakness of middle age mentality and giving lessons to the Israelis Wake up Israeli is not Iran Nice try
80. Profane
Zvi ,   Zimbabewe Bat Yam   (11.25.11)
Profanity in religion is only to misuse the name G.d All the rest is a nonsense inventented by backward ortodoxes living in the darkness of the middle age and behaving like only the orthodox have a right to Judaism
81. I believe the Halacha comes from "Shulchan Aroch".
nibor ,   israel   (11.26.11)
This was written by Rambam, Maimomides, who was read and respected world-wide by all religions. I don't accept the Halacha, personally, and find it horrifying, but it has been in practice for hundreds of years among the very religious. Especially because of the Holocaust, we in Israel, meaning also the IDF (the peoples' army) must respect their religious beliefs. Because Judaism is more than living in the present: we are the sum of our past.
82. SIng your heart out
Mitchell W ,   Seattle, WA   (11.26.11)
This is just another example of the settler movement and their rabbis subverting another institution of the STATE OF ISREAL. Women and Men soldiers have been singing at ceremonies before the founding of the State. When living is a secular state, all citizens have to show respect for those institutions, the settler movement and their rabbis do not. They are only interested in their theocratic ideas, and stealing land. In the IDF you obey orders and participate, we secular soldiers were never asked by the any rabbi if their being there was offensive to us, Shomer negiah should be limited to ones home. Rabbis who tell their students that they should refuse orders or take part have crossed a line that borders on being traitorous.
83. What a false, misleading headline!
mzk1 ,   Haifa   (12.04.11)
A rabbi says a person should martyr himself rather than violate Jewish law, and the headline is "Rabbis face firing squad", as if they are the aggressors. Blame the victim. Do you know Israel, according the IDF spokesman, is the only coutry in the world that exploits its women by forcing them into the army?
84. Who is doing the fighting.
Michael Pielet ,   Israel   (12.06.11)
The religious soldiers are doing the fighting. The chelonim are jobniks or draft dodgers. In case of war who is going to save the country, the religious soldiers. The young ladies should save their beautiful singing for the stage after the army or the shower.
85. haredi soldiers
Marc Caplan ,   Israel   (01.04.12)
Perhaps the general should focus on recruiting more Haredi and Chassidic troops. They should be in the own unit's not seldom mix with the other units.
86. sing
john ,   toronto   (11.23.12)
I have sung in public and I don't understand why anyone should have any objection. I love to hear women sing If a woman wants to sing what does she do. She has a talent appreciate it.
87. women
john ,   toronto   (11.23.12)
I would say let the women sing if that is the only way to prevent men from fighting. Religious men are better serving God .
88. bad language.
john ,   toronto   (11.23.12)
Treat a woman with respect never refer to a woman like this. It reflects badly on the religion .
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