Arab judge, Jewish words
Noah Klieger
Published: 01.03.12, 18:17
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61. #54 please answer: what's the difference between him and me?
Puss in Boots ,   The Netherlands   (03.03.12)
I would like to know what the difference is between an Israeli non-Jew and me when it comes to singing the anthem. I was born into a Christian society. That was not my choice. It was just a fact. In Holland I have been singing this since childhood: My shield and confident art Thou o God my Lord [and trust me, the God of this anthem is a very Calvinist Christian God - with no offence to any Christians reading this but it is not my Jewish concept of God] In you I want to trust - do not ever forsake me That I may stay this pious; at all times your servant And drive out the tyranny that had settled in my heart That is part of the Dutch anthem. What about me or all those other Jews, Catholics, Muslims, buddhists, hindus and atheists living in Holland? Should they all fall silent and not sing? Why is no one writing letters of protest about this? Am I being discriminated against? What is the difference between Joubran and me? And then why is the case of Hatikva so unique?
62. #59
MM ,   USA   (03.03.12)
Hi Solomon, What are your thoughts re: #52 and #13? To the best of my knowledge, the evangelical Christians who support the Jewish people and the Jewish State of Israel do so because they love (and therefore, do their best to obey) the Holy One of Israel. Unlike what some could call "secular Christians", Evangelical Christians read the Hebrew Bible, and they believe that the G-d of Jacob who is Lord of Hosts will fulfill everything He has promised the descendants of Israel. Has Justice Salim Joubran explained why he abstained from singing the HaTikva? I would really like to know his reasons... First of all, we would know the truth and would no longer be discussing hypothesis . Maybe as someone suggested, he does not sing in public. While my dad has played several instruments in different orchestras, he refrains from singing because he knows his limits.
63. to #50
daniela ,   panama   (03.04.12)
Tom, the difference between other countries and Israel is that it is not only a country as any other one but it is THE place were jews can live as jews. If you are surprised that Hatikvah is the only national anthem that has religion in it, is because when the State of Israel was created it was not supposed to be a country as any other one, but a Nation of the jews and for the jews, and that include religion in its anthem, in its moral and ethical approach, etc..I really hope Hatikvah remains as the anthem of Israel and that it will continue expressing our religious beliefs, in our land of the jews and for the jews... whoever cannot live with that concept is free to go somewhere else, where the anthem doenst express any religious or nationalistic ideas.
64. #13
MM ,   USA   (03.04.12)
Hi Charles, I have been told by Messianic Jews that like Yeshua ben Yosef and His first followers, they see themselves as 100% Jews, celebrate all the Jewish Holy days and festivals, etc. They also pointed out that they call themselves Messianic because they agree with the Jews who were Yeshua's first followers, that He fulfilled many of the Hebrew Bible prophecies, including Isaiah 53. Also, American Messianic Jews seem way more pro-Israel than many other Jews. Is this what Messianics say in Israel, too? I'm curious how Messianics view themselves and are viewed in Israel. I'm asking you this because you said "What about the Messianics ... that are citizens here that sing it?", and I feel it's best for me to not ask my Jewish friends/mentors/etc. any questions re: Messianic topics unless they bring it up first.
65. #61 puss
solomon ,   bklyn   (03.04.12)
Hatikva has the word "Jewish" in it. What you have been singing in Holland does not. That is the crux of the matter, which it seems you ignore.
66. To sing or not to sing
Norman Gellman ,   Rehovot   (03.04.12)
Everybody has the right to sing or not to sing the national anthem. However, the underlying reason for not singing is the important point. The Israeli national anthem can be considered mainly Jewish, but that is the anthem. If the reason for not singing is denial that Israel is a Jewish State or to express a person’s disagreement with the existence of Israel as a Jewish State then that person does not belong on Israel’s Supreme Court.
67. Wrong
Zionoid Entity ,   Canada   (03.04.12)
There are many Jews who live in Canada as I do and have to sing the anthem in French which includes a line about "wearing the cross". We all sing it because we respect our country and the Christians who constitute the majority.
68. #66 norman
solomon ,   bklyn   (03.04.12)
When you speak of Jewish hopes, you don't speak of a Jewish state as much as you speak of being a Jew. He is an Israeli. He is not a Jew.
69. Good Point: So he shouldn't be a judge in a Jewish Country
No arab should be expected to sing a Jewish song; unless they chose to. But herein lies the problem with the leftist state of Israel: it hurls itself headlong into the fire of left-wing idealism and stupidity; creating impossible situations from which they find themselves humiliated, embarrassed, angered, the brunt of anti-Semitism, anti-Israelism, anti-Zionism, etc., etc. What state, country or nation would be dumb enough to put themselves in such a position? It doesn't matter if he is a good judge or a decent man or what have you. That is irrelevant. Israel was created as a Jewish state and already we have arab MKs assaulting the state from within, arab justices who stand out like sore thumbs during public events like the one above.... its a moronic concept. Is Israel a Jewish State? Is it a democracy (G-d save us if it is)? Is it a wing-it state? Is it a corporation? What the heck is it? So far, from observation, it is an extremely confused, big-gov't mafia run dis-organization with a brilliant and powerful army. So...please...help us to define what Israel is supposed to be? Its such a drag sitting around wondering what crazy steps the so called 'state' is going to take next which will drive it further and further away from being anything BUT a Jewish Nation.
70. #62 mm
solomon ,   bklyn   (03.04.12)
You want to claim he is a Jew the same way Messianic Jews say they are Jews. They are not, even though they use the word Jew. Read what another poster wrote who says it better than I (David N: #13 speaks of evangelical and messianic Christians. The judge is neither. #52 is an unusual Christian. It also may speak to his hope of heaven in that Jews must regain Jerusalem so Jesus can return. Whatever, it is his feelings that he is allowed to have. But he is not Jewish. Neither is the judge.
71. #50 daniela - I agree
solomon ,   bklyn   (03.04.12)
I also don't want Hatikvah changed. But that is not my point. Read my post #63 again. The judge can live with the concepts you note and showed that he can, as an Israeli. To sing of Jewish hope is what a Jew would do. He is NOT a Jew. A Jew is more than someone who lives in Israel. He was not born into a Jewish family nor did he convert. He is agreeing, as a non Jew, that it is a Jewish country. He upholds its laws. We all want non Jewish Israelis to be that way and that is what he is; a non Jewish Israeli, loyal to the State. How many Druze, especially in the IDF, many who have given their lives for Israel, do you expect sing the Hatikvah?
72. #69 ezra
solomon ,   bklyn   (03.04.12)
All that matters is if he is a good judge or a decent man. Israel being a Jewish state does not mean it must be 100% Jewish. Many countries were founded as 100% Christian or 100% Muslim and threw us out. Many still do. Do you want Israel to also threaten innocents just because they aren't Jewish? Do you want Israel to mirror those countries where Jews aren't allowed? Israel is an attempt to be both Jewish and democratic. If you give up on it now, what will you have to be proud of, other than a real apartheid state (not the fake one touted by it's enemies)?
73. The problem with israel is
Zaab   (03.08.12)
The only state in world that nationalty is a religon
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