Environment  Animals
'Animal testing in line with Jewish principles'
Yitzhak Tesler
Published: 25.03.12, 09:00
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40 Talkbacks for this article
1. Clearly someone who has never owned a pet
Russ ,   Tlv   (03.25.12)
Then again, watching haredi kids attack cats and dogs in Tzfat Im not surprised
2. animal testing
Ingrid ,   Rehovot, Israel   (03.25.12)
shame on you
3. Fine! Then someone please explain Job 12:10.
Devorah   (03.25.12)
Nephesh is used for animals in this verse, not only man.
4. Cruelty to Animals!!!
Michael Gorinsky ,   Boca Raton Florida   (03.25.12)
How many Lipsticks,soaps Shampoos, and other chasarei do Humans need???It is high time to stop the exploitation and hurting of Animals. Yes, They DO have souls and feelings.Thou shall not kill.The World would be better and healthier without Meat!!!,/ Have compassion for Animals. They are Wonderful and have every right to LIVE!!!
5. Know your facts on Vivisection ? ?
Tali ,   Israel   (03.25.12)
You say 'Judaism forbids hurting animals' . Animals used for vivisection are kept in inhumane conditions. Animal tests are not effective or reliable, and nearly all drugs that have been harmful and even fatal to humans were tested on animals!! Experiments on animals proved that tobacco smoke was NOT harmful - and we all know that millions of people have died as a result of smoking.......
6. Now, after that these lights of Wisdom have spoken I can
tom ,   tel aviv   (03.25.12)
calmly inject some souless monkey with carosene... Glad to have THAT cleared out of the way by the purveyors of undiluted idiocy in the name of the Imaginary Friend.
7. WHAT?
shilgia ,   Israel   (03.25.12)
So "to rule" means, we can do whatever we please with animals? "To rule" means I can hurt and cripple and kill and abuse? Does this also apply to people who rule over other people? And how come you are so sure that animals have no soul? The whole articel is digusting! I am quite sure that there are most of the time other ways to test drugs- and if it comes to cosmetics- how about using natural cosmetics instead of all the chemical ones?
8. Very unpleasant, but 100% correct. Didja hafta put ...
a picture of the cutest little monkey ever as an illustration, though? I think that the author is correct overall, but incorrect in that the Torah would disagree with animal experimentation for unnecessary things like mascara, etc. For those things, testing in petri dishes can suffice and if it stings a persons eyes a bit, they should discontinue using it, and find another that works better. Those are wants, not needs. As for life-saving treatments/vaccinations, etc there is no question that human life should never be put at any risk. We have an obligation as Jews, as Humans to be caretakers of the world and all in it -- with thoughtful discretion and care not to abuse it.
9. ruling
Yuda Kahn ,   Bklyn - Yerushalayim   (03.25.12)
Permission to eat animals was only given after the flood. Rule over them does not mean eat them.
10. #6 - Tom
Devorah   (03.25.12)
I am the only one who referred to Tanakh. If you wish to make a comment about my post, address it to me directly.
11. I completely disagree!
Israeli 2   (03.25.12)
Compassion in theTorah extends not only to Jews (the ones with souls) but also to Goim(gentiles) and all other creatures (including animals and aliens) who the Torah claims have no souls. Thus, we should be compassionate to all creatures and not abuse them.
12. Shame on you Yitzhak Tesler!
A Jerusalemite ,   Jerusalem, Israel   (03.25.12)
13. Itsak Tessler not an authority on anything
deavman ,   Acco, Israel   (03.25.12)
Shame on you Mr Tessler for condoning the torture-filled treatment of monkeys . You are correct on one thing though, monkeys have no soul. That is true, it is also true that the soul t is just a religious concept that has no bearing on science and other real life matters. It was created so certain populations could feel superior and to so justify ill treatment of other humans or species . In fact, I have no soul, and you Mr Tessler have none. You are also spineless, lack morals and know nothing about ethics. Please keep your ignorant backward, barbaric opinions for the feeble minded that populate the yeshivas and other useless institutions. My two cents... Unlike the above, its worth something.
14. Relax! ALL Animal rights laws come from the Torah.
BUTSeriously ,   Australia   (03.25.12)
There are some 20 of such laws, including "FEED YOUR ANIMAL BEFORE YOURSELF" Consider the premise a mother must secure herself first, then her child, in a dangerous situation - else she won't be able to save her child. The same principle applies with animal testing. Ultimately, it is for the benefit of animals via securing humans first. However, where an alternative mode is possible, then animals must not be used for such purposes.
15. No soul??
Michael ,   New York   (03.25.12)
For anyone who believes the drivel that animals have no souls, shame on you and your excuse for causing pain, misery and death to these glorious creations of other species. I KNOW that every dog I've ever brought into my life has a soul. We employ them as companions, as search and rescue, and loving, as being able to detect cancer and other illnesses in humans. We make them part of our families, why? Because they are. They feel and know love, pain, depression, joy, and virtually every emotion we humans do. A soulless creature would not. Shame on ANYONE who uses the ideas in this article to say otherwise. Perhaps it is those people who have no soul.
16. Who's got no soul?
annette ,   israel   (03.25.12)
I'm sorry but as a Jew it's clear to me that anyone who can justify the deliberate pouring of chemicals into the eyes of animals is spirtually lacking. In fact, it makes me shudder, disgusted to think people are actually capable of such things while others sit back and condone it.
17. Tesler and Vivisection and Animal Cruelty
Shulamith ,   Israel   (03.25.12)
Yes, the Torah does say man must rule over the animals, but does it say man must be cruel and vicious at the same time. He Should try making friends with one of our dumpster cats, feed it, housetrain it and he will see what awesome souls some of the lower forms of life have. Mine talks, is extremely intelligent, knows when I am oversleeping and will sit on me until I become aware and open my eyes , is a far better mother than some human beings. I would like to be round a corner when HaShem asks Tesler why he was in favour of wanton cruelty to animals.
18. I PITY YOU Yitzhak Tesler
Cheryl ,   United States   (03.25.12)
This decision may be a sad development for monkeys, but marks a huge step for Israeli society? Why don't you speak with Jane Goodall, or .Neal Barnard, M.D. of PCRM .Are you afraid to?. You are a stupid, pathetic little person that hides behind your Torah. There is a place in Hell for all like minded people such as yourself, who don't let the facts get in the way of their view of the world and all the beings that inhabit it.. You, Yitzhak, are the souless monster who does not even know what they are talking about, but feel qualified to write about it. May all of the pain and suffering of the innocents bear down upon you. "Love of all creatures is also love of God, for whoever loves the One (God) loves all the works that He has made. When one loves God, it is impossible not to love His creatures. The opposite is also true. If one hates the creatures, it is impossible to love God Who created them . - Rabbi Judah Loew, The Maharal of Prague (1525-1609"
19. All about interpretation!!
Kim   (03.25.12)
The passage quoted in Genesis states to 'rule over' the animals - not cause them intense suffering. There is an element of stewardship implicit. To care for, act as a husbandsman - not a tyranical dictator.
20. The point is
We do not need druugs or cosmetics. They are useless, damaging things full of harmful chemicals. Eating a proper diet relieves 90% of all ailments. The body can be cleansed with just water, we do not need shampoos which either irritate or don't irritate the eyes. They are toxic substances.
21. #20 If you had a raging infection,you'd NOT take antibiotics
? -- just try to wash it outta your system with water, hm? I'd like to see you try to get peanut butter out of your kid's hair with just water. I'm guessing that you don't have children. Soap is our friend.
22. Biblical text
Marcela Araújo ,   Brazil   (03.25.12)
I do not believe that this interpretation of the biblical text is correct ... In this case the word dominion means leadership and not authorization for destruction / exploitation of other living beings.
Aiden ,   United States   (03.25.12)
Mr. Tesler, thanks for pointing out that Israel is NO LIGHT UNTO THE NATIONS!!. You have just blown out that mighty candle, and revealed the true nature of Israel regarding compassion for animals..there isn't any. We are living in the 21st century, yet they look forward to the slaughter and burning of animals on the altar in the 3rd temple . Thank youYitzhak You have single handedly revealed the hidden and Very Dark Side of Israel.
24. #18 Cheryl - Kudos to you
Devorah   (03.25.12)
for mentioning PCRM (Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine). It is an excellent organization that has been in forefront of protecting animals from unnecessary testing. They take on anybody and everybody from universities to the military, and their success rate is exceptional.
25. All Red-Blooded Creatures Have Souls
Dave ,   Florida, USA   (03.25.12)
Proverbs 12:10 states that a "righteous man knows the nefesh of his animal". The fact that nefesh is used is consistent with Leviticus' "the nefesh of a creature is in the blood". In both cases, nefesh is used which indicates that all red-blooded creatures have souls, not only humans. This would also be consistent with a rabbi once telling me that humans can be reincarnated as animals, most often pets, to finish a mission that wasn't completed when they were in human form.
26. It is beyond my understanding how cruelty can be justified
Susan ,   Raanana   (03.25.12)
When will some people ever wake up and realize that because some behaviors were once common and even "permitted" by religious law, that does mean that they were correct. Children were routinely spanked in schools and at home to "educate" them. It was common for cousins to marry to ensure the blood line. Women were not allowed to vote or appear as witnesses. The list goes on and on. The torture and experimentation on animals, especially primates who are very close to humans is against UNIVERSAL law. Period. Fuming, Susan, Raanana
27. By the way, animals do have souls
Susan ,   Raanana   (03.25.12)
By the way, animals do have feelings and souls. They are different from humans and do not reincarnate when they die, but nevertheless, they certainly do feel! Susan - still fuming!
28. Whoa-whoa! Something fishy here. It must be...Haredi Pinata
time! Since when does the Ynet readership take an avid interest in what the Torah does or does not allow? Coupled with the inflammatory usage of the word "vivisection" in the byline-- I am questioning the existence of this Mr. Yitzhak Tesler. I mean it's just too stupid to write "Torah" perspectives to such a rampantly secular readership! It's a set-up. Like throwing bloody stuff at the sharks to see them get all worked up: "Heeeeeere you are, Ynet-ers -- something you're going to like! It's not only PRO-"vivisection"(with heartbreakingly sweet little monkey pic), it's also written by someone who sounds Haredi! Does it get any better? Go! Have at it!" CHOMP! RIP! CHOMP!
29. Souls
Abu Yussef al Yahudi ,   Bue_Aires-Argentina   (03.25.12)
The article is totally disgusting, and the statements of the author include an inexcusable cruelty, and are also against the teachings of the Torah. Surely the animals have souls, anyone that have had a pet knows that. It seems that the one that hasn't soul is Yitzhak Tesler itself !
30. who has no soul?
Iselin ,   Oslo, Norway   (03.26.12)
Why has this unfeeling, heartless, dare I say soleless person been given column space? Anyone who has ever shared life with a companion animal knows that these wonderful small beings possess a whole realm of emotion and empathy that we can only speculate about, and love and appreciate. I had a mouse that weighed 35 grams (at his heaviest). I shared my lunch with him every day at work (he loved peanut butter), and he sat on my shoulder as my cat sat on my lap - the lion and the lamb. I am a better person for having known him. There is no need for animal testing of cosmetics, and there are many humans who would gladly be subject to experimental drugs in hope of a cure. Basically, what does anyone know about the soul, if anyone has one, or if it's just the figment of someone's imagination to make him feel superior to what he deems are lesser beings?
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