The truth about the conflict
Yaniv Blumenfeld
Published: 02.05.12, 17:55
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31. really?!
NG ,   USA   (05.02.12)
C'mon...THAT'S the reason you are giving for the inability to reach peace. Hmmm, lets take a step back here and get a sense of WHY Arabs are so "murderous". You can't deny that the conditions that the country has put on the population in the West Bank and Gaza, and the forcefulness of its military on these populations (which at some times were definitely necessary, but at others overly used) since the country's inception, had something to do with their sentiments. I would recommend for people to listen to "breaking the silence". These are combat soldiers who opened up about the ridiculous actions they had to take upon harmless families and their homes. This article is just feeding into the ever-increasing right-wing talk that has taken the country captive.
32. Thank you, we are proud of you (end)
Israely from Turkey   (05.02.12)
33. They just keep coming
horst ,   ge   (05.02.12)
Yesterday we had an op ed telling us the Palestinians have no interest in a homeland. they only want to wage war on the infidel. Today another loony post in the same vain. The Palestinians are all of murderous intent against the settlers that are rightfully there on Palestinian territory . To call these op eds junk is an insult to junk. However it does highlight the lunacy the world will have to face up to bring Israel to heel. an agreement with Iran is in the offing as is Obama's reelection. Luckily most of the settlers hold dual passports...
34. We cannot live together because they don't want
Yael Schlichting ,   Qiryat Motzkin   (05.02.12)
How many more years shall we give it a try? The Arabs already have completed their share of population exchange by making their lands "JUDENREIN". I believe it is time, to make Israel the National home for Jews and to fully implement a Jewish state from ground up. This is nothing bad. It would only implement the mandate from Lausanne 1923. If we want to live without conflict, we must give us the chance to live without one another, as long as one side cannot accept the other. I am sorry for all the peaceful Arabs, who are really good guys. I don't want to blame all Arabs, but at the end it goes down to the bitter end, that the good ones will have to pay the bill for their terrorists!
35. Yaniv
Daz ,   UK   (05.02.12)
Your occupying anothers person land that is the root of the hostilities. And what of the Arab farmers who live in constant fear from attacks by zealous Settlers, do you protect them?
36. @horst
Dan ,   Tel Aviv   (05.02.12)
Truth be told...many Arabs around here don't want to be in a Pali state, although it wont happen. You may not believe it, but they'll will tell you and looking at the region as a whole, I don't blame them. Also, Jews in Judea and Samaria aren't going anywhere.....sorry Euro peacenik
37. Thank you Yaniv,
i ,   jerusalem   (05.02.12)
but consider that you were lying in the mud due to the disarming of the Jewish population. Were they not abjured from speaking the necessary in hot flying lead, there would be no need for your service.
38. #36
Pete ,   UK   (05.02.12)
The upcoming UN investigation on the impact of the settlements should be very positive for Israel if this is true. ah just remembered the Israeli Government will have nothing to do with it. Surely if the Pals think as you say this should be made known? Right? Joe
39. so easy to hate.
Eli   (05.02.12)
Yaniv, your narrative and perspective are extremely one-sided. Go meet some of the Palestinians you speak ill of and exercise the "tolerance and the desire for peace" you speak of.
40. Let's try more PC-comment: Right On, brother!
tom ,   tel aviv   (05.02.12)
41. #36
Johannes ,   NORWAY   (05.02.12)
The truth is that the pagan world does not want to know the truth about Israel.
42. I salude you, Yaniv Blumenfeld
Beary White ,   Norway   (05.02.12)
This article could NEVER be re-written in the norwegian leftist newpapers or the state controlled media. If it should, then it would be drowned by a bunch of shit-stories on Israel printed simultanously. By commenting this I am once more being a racist in Norway when I salude to this story.
43. Emet emet
zvi ,   los angeles usa   (05.03.12)
Thank G- d for the brave IDF.
44. #22 you don't know history so you don't understand :-(
michael redbourn ,   Arad Israel   (05.03.12)
Sorry, but it's very bright to post a response to an article if you don't understand it's history or the facts. Where to start? Maybe try this. The only natives in Israel are Jews. Arabs come from Arabia. Those who call themselves Palestinians have limited or no roots in Israel whatsoever. Most Arabs came to the Area that was known as the British Mandate Palestine to find work at the time, as the Mandate was to build a Jewish state, there was an influx of Job opportunities so they came. Arabs that lived there before the mandate where few an far between mostly nomads passing through. Jews on the other hand the real natives of the Area always lived there. In fact Jerusalem has had a majority Jewish population for over 2000 years. Arabs that came during the boom left when called to leave by the Arab leaders during their attack against Israel in 1947. High UN estimates put the number close to a million Arabs that left. Those Arabs where promised by their leaders a return to the area with more land and wealth taken from the Jews but they lost and instead put them into camps to feaster and fight another day. At the same time over a million Jews where expelled from their communities around the middle east. Many of those communities where thousands of years old and predated Islam. But those real refugees the Jews that did not leave their homes and properties voluntarily where welcomed into Israeli society. The Palestinians who left into Arab countries voluntarily where made political pawns. Not allowed civil liberties or any rights their children and grand children are born in Arab countries but denied all rights and kept in camps and called refugees. Even though they share the same language, culture, history, religion. Even if one relative that briefly lived in British Mandate Palestine for a short time ( I remind you it was a Mandate for a Jewish Homeland) are now calling themselves Palestinian refugees generation after generation. Did you know where the term Palestine comes from? When the Romans conquered Israel and exiled many of its Native Jewish Population the emperor renamed the Area Palestine after the ancient Jewish enemies the Philistines who were a European marauders and like many other ancient peoples no longer exist. However, there has never been a country called Palestine it was only a name for the area that was conquered by different groups over and over again. The only constant where the small Jewish communities that lived there. Before the British Mandate for a Jewish State the Ottoman Turks controlled the Area that was deemed uninhabitable. Most of the Arab communities that lived there where nomads that mostly passed through like they did throughout most of the middle east. Communities that were settled by Arabs for longer periods numbered less than a million people in the 19th century but the area also included all of Jordan and Israel put together. Did you know that Jordan was also part of Jewish Mandate Palestine. Over 85% of Jordan is made of Palestinians. Therefore Palestinians already have a country its called Jordan if they want to change the name they can. Arabs have over 20 countries Jews only have one. So if you want to talk about refugees lets talk about Jewish refugees. --- I hope the above helps and will cause you to seek out information.
45. What a load of bull...
Ehud   (05.03.12)
"They are not telling us about the Hebron massacre...?" Who is "they", "the left conspiracy"? It's in every Israeli schoolbook, dummy, you must have dreamed in school (probably of settlements). And what's that nonsense about "they don't want us to live in peace together". You occupy your neighbor's flat (the West bank) and are then shocked that he doesn't want to share it with you? Shocked about the fact that illegal Jewish settlements within a sea of Arabs are unable to move freely? This is politically motivated right-wing, facts-distorting BS.
46. Seriously, #22 Gunnar....
Mark ,   Lodz, Poland   (05.03.12)
..You're a Pallywood victim, having entered this debate in the middle. Go back and do your homework. Eretz Yisrael belongs to the Jews... Historically/Religiously, Politically and Legally. Start with the Balfour Declaration and take it from there.. and see what a mess the 'kurve' Brits made. See what Dr Jacques Gauthier has to say about it
47. One of the best opinion pieces I've read here..
Lobo ,   USA   (05.03.12)
Kol Ha'Kavod and thank you for serving. Please send this to all the major "news" outlets. It's time for the world to wake up.
48. #45 - some facts for you .. N. Tel Aviv?
michael redbourn ,   Arad Israel   (05.03.12)
Do you live in N. Tel Aviv? --- The only natives in Israel are Jews. Arabs come from Arabia. Those who call themselves Palestinians have limited or no roots in Israel whatsoever. Most Arabs came to the Area that was known as the British Mandate Palestine to find work at the time, as the Mandate was to build a Jewish state, there was an influx of Job opportunities so they came. Arabs that lived there before the mandate where few an far between mostly nomads passing through. Jews on the other hand the real natives of the Area always lived there. In fact Jerusalem has had a majority Jewish population for over 2000 years. Arabs that came during the boom left when called to leave by the Arab leaders during their attack against Israel in 1947. High UN estimates put the number close to a million Arabs that left. Those Arabs where promised by their leaders a return to the area with more land and wealth taken from the Jews but they lost and instead put them into camps to feaster and fight another day. At the same time over a million Jews where expelled from their communities around the middle east. Many of those communities where thousands of years old and predated Islam. But those real refugees the Jews that did not leave their homes and properties voluntarily where welcomed into Israeli society. The Palestinians who left into Arab countries voluntarily where made political pawns. Not allowed civil liberties or any rights their children and grand children are born in Arab countries but denied all rights and kept in camps and called refugees. Even though they share the same language, culture, history, religion. Even if one relative that briefly lived in British Mandate Palestine for a short time ( I remind you it was a Mandate for a Jewish Homeland) are now calling themselves Palestinian refugees generation after generation. Did you know where the term Palestine comes from? When the Romans conquered Israel and exiled many of its Native Jewish Population the emperor renamed the Area Palestine after the ancient Jewish enemies the Philistines who were a European marauders and like many other ancient peoples no longer exist. However, there has never been a country called Palestine it was only a name for the area that was conquered by different groups over and over again. The only constant where the small Jewish communities that lived there. Before the British Mandate for a Jewish State the Ottoman Turks controlled the Area that was deemed uninhabitable. Most of the Arab communities that lived there where nomads that mostly passed through like they did throughout most of the middle east. Communities that were settled by Arabs for longer periods numbered less than a million people in the 19th century but the area also included all of Jordan and Israel put together. Did you know that Jordan was also part of Jewish Mandate Palestine. Over 85% of Jordan is made of Palestinians. Therefore Palestinians already have a country its called Jordan if they want to change the name they can. Arabs have over 20 countries Jews only have one. So if you want to talk about refugees lets talk about Jewish refugees. -- Maybe forget the above and have another cappuccino.
49. To: No. 33
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (05.03.12)
All ersatz "Palestinian" efforts to achieve a state are indeed in vain. They lack the will and the ability -- they only want to take over the paradise on earth built by the Jews. You unwittingly hit the nail on the head (no pun intended). It would be "in the same vein," by the way. But I like your uneducated slip much, much better.
50. To: No. 22
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (05.03.12)
Well, non-sovereign territory acquired in the course of fighting a defensive war is the victor's to settle, retain and even annex. Don't like it? Too damned bad. I imagine that the sun will rise again tomorrow whether you -- or anyone else -- takes us seriously or not.
51. NG #31 explain a few things to me then
Gee ,   Zikron Yaakov   (05.03.12)
Why the massacre in Hebron in 1929? How many 'settlements' were there? What caused it? Why the tens of thousands of terrorist attacks from 1948 to 1967? Again how many 'settlements' caused those? Why was the PLO formed in 1964 a mere 3 year BEFORE there was a single 'settlement'? Why are they called 'settlements' when they existed in 1948, hell Gush Etzion goes back to the 19th Century and the Jordanian Army ethnically cleansed them. Answer those questions to yourself and tell us again how it is the 'settlements' that caused all the problems.
52. nice piece of hasbarah
rm ,   Amsterdam NL   (05.03.12)
but any people that were confronted with an Israeli style of occupation which entails the mass-taking of land while curtailing freedom and opportunities should be prepared for some form of resistance....it's not as black and white as this soldiers paints it......and besides....right-wing Israeli propagandy vis a vis Arabs is just as ugly
53. propaganda
TB ,   Lienden NL   (05.03.12)
Sorry but this opinion piece is just that...the opinion of one (obviously) right-wing Patriottic Israeli. It's got all the hallmarks of their point of view...the 1929 Hebron massacre...innocent Jews, murderous Arabs, Palestinian incitement....them...them....them.... Not a word about how the settlements strangle Palestinian towns and villages, curtail freedom, don't allow for growth, nightly raids, and an appaling permit-system..... Just a few 'perks' that come for the Palestinians with Israeli settlement on their territory...
54. #45, absolutely not true.
Israeli ,   Haifa   (05.03.12)
They are occupying JEWISH land that Elohei-Israel gave to us thousands of years ago. And from there, they plan our murders. We have every right and reason to protect ourselves until WE GET OUR LAND BACK! Mashiach will come and liberate our ancient heights.
55. I did not intend to recommend #16
Dshap ,   Miami USA   (05.03.12)
I disagree with # 16. Unfortunately I touchéd the recommend on my iPad in error. I think the author of the article has his eyes wide open. He recognizes our history. He appreciates our present. I hope as my son serves his service in IDF, he too, can have the sense of satisfaction in his service in defense of the land of Israel and the Jewish People.
ALBERTO   (05.03.12)
57. You could travel at will.
Michael ,   California, USA   (05.03.12)
Couldn't Ynet put a better picture in? If there was peace Israelis could go to Hebron, Bethlehem, and other better looking places. Country's border cannot run on the fences of settlements protected day and night by soldiers wet in the mud. I am sorry you were forced to do such hard reserve duties. Those settlers could have had their Pesah in a Negev or Gallil village somewhere and really rejoice..
58. #44 immigration & facts vis-a-vis your propagated falsehoods
Emmanuel Tierra ,   vistavision USA   (05.03.12)
1 Historiical Record: Jewish legal & illegal immigration into the Mandate of Palestine by European Semtitic Sephardic & non-semitic Ashkenazi Jews from 1922 to the Nov 29th 1947: Arabs are Semitic natives 2 Mandate of Palestine was NOT t o build a Jewish State: UK Foreign policy Balfour Declaration was not international law; Regardless was REPUDIATED by PM Churchill. 3 Nakba orignated with the Irgun's massacre of 248 men,women, & children at Deir yassion; Whereof, Begin in his auto-biography owns up the massacre. 4 Village of Arab was in what was the Kingdom of Judah. 5 Askenazi are Japhetites; this a genealogical IMPOSSIBILITY that you could be Semitic Abramite Jacobites.
59. to 20
nana ,   jerusalem   (05.03.12)
fact is what you accept as fact which will never changed as iam nan my mother is lucy this is a fact but israil if it is a fact why they fear its destruction why there is a conflict .... lastly i want to say my openion about the supporters of this article ...do they want what it is presented here to be forever ?????????????to me i can not accept it as a fact
60. not apartheid and yet...
Ironlionzion ,   Jaffa, Israel   (05.03.12)
ok, so in the dictionary definition, it is not apartheid, but it is interesting that the message of this soldier is exactly the message of many whites who supported apartheid in SA: 'we have to oppress them, lest they rise up and slit our throats.'
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