The truth about migrants
Erik Arnold
Published: 22.07.12, 21:10
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105 Talkbacks for this article
61. start the free daily flights back
jack bauer   (07.23.12)
get a c-130 hercules like the ones that flew to entebbe, fill it up each day with the illegals until they have all been sent back. There are more then enough problems without the infiltrators here
62. #59
that is exactly what people said about the Jews. Do you even listen to half of what you say with your big mouth?
63. #56 Robert
BEN JABO (MACHAL) ,   ISRAEL   (07.23.12)
Read my post carefully, it seems it didn't penetrate the first time I was asking him to set an example by extending his own hospitality instead of telling others to do it for him
64. #42 EM Ra'anana
BEN JABO (MACHAL) ,   ISRAEL   (07.23.12)
Next time be generous with what's yours not that which belongs to others That would be a sign of sincerity & being a good host In plain words, you want others to do what you won't Hypocrite !!
65. #8 Just because you have a headache
BEN JABO (MACHAL) ,   ISRAEL   (07.23.12)
that doesn't mean that I too should have one
66. Truth about African's & Jews
BEN JABO (MACHAL) ,   ISRAEL   (07.23.12)
Europe is a large continent they wouldn't shelter less than 10 millions Jews Israel is a small country, it doesn't have the space to shelter large numbers of African's, who by the way have proven themselves to be robbers, rapists & full of social diseases, which the Jew of Europe didn't have or do
67. #39 Steve, ashamed of your own name?
BEN JABO (MACHAL) ,   ISRAEL   (07.23.12)
Aliyah Bet didn't bring boatloads of rapists & criminals, who made the people afraid to walk in their own streets, nor did it bring disease carriers As for "Native Palestinian's" there weren't any Arabs that were, which other Arabs have attested to: "There is no such thing as Palestine in history, absolutely not." --- Professor Philip Hitti, Arab historian to Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry, 1946. Prof. Philip Hitti, testified against partition before the Anglo-American Committee in 1946, he said: "There is no such thing as 'Palestine' in history, absolutely not." In fact, Palestine is never explicitly mentioned in the Koran, rather it is called "the holy land" (al-Arad al-Muqaddash). You can't rely on the accounts for history in most Arab nations, because they never accurately teach it, and have this amazing habit of reinventing it on the spot. This whole notion of there being a Palestine is a recent invention - 1967 to be exact. The homeland of the so-called Palestinians is not Israel. The historical homelands of these nomadic Arabs (Ottomans and Turks) are Jordan, Turkey, and Saudi Arabia, and approximately 80% of the Jordanian population is made up of Palestinians. They were exiled from these nations, and others, because they were always trouble makers and no one wanted them. To this day Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia and other nations finance Arafat and his terrorists in order to keep them out of their countries. "From the end of the Jewish state in antiquity to the beginning of British rule, the area now designated by the name Palestine was not a country and had no frontiers, only administrative boundaries . . . . " -- Professor Bernard Lewis, Commentary Magazine, January 1975. Here’s a little more egg for your beer PALESTINIAN’S ARE INVENTED PEOPLE Hamas Minister of the Interior and of National Security Fathi Hammad Slams Egypt over Fuel Shortage in Gaza Strip, and Says: "Half of the Palestinians Are Egyptians and the Other Half Are Saudis" Al-Hekma TV (Egypt) - March 23, 2012 - 03:09 HIS VIDEO IS ON YOUTUBE “FATHI HAMMAD” Hamas official reveals where Palestinians came from "Half of the Palestinians Are Egyptians and the Other Half Are Saudis" Al-Hekma TV (Egypt) - March 23, 2012 - 03:09
68. #45 Mike - You have given this thought
BEN JABO (MACHAL) ,   ISRAEL   (07.23.12)
How many of the ILLEGALS have you decided to invite into your home to shelter & feed, any number other than zero would be an acceptable response
69. #45 Mike - your sort of remind me of GREGG
BEN JABO (MACHAL) ,   ISRAEL   (07.23.12)
who claims to be from Haifa,sailing under false colors Same claptrap, new name
70. # 60
Mike Carmel ,   Rishon le Zion   (07.23.12)
Thanks Sarah for your constructive comment.
71. #54 Excellent talkback
esnuffnstl ,   USA   (07.23.12)
72. A Clear and Present Danger!!
E. Freedman ,   SomeWhere, China   (07.23.12)
Has anyone asked themselves, how is it possible, that month after month,2-3000 of these "Refugees" enter Israel? Whos directing them, paying them and advising them upon arrival. And the BIG question, how is it, that the security establishment doesnt look at this as a major security issue? Most of these "Refugees" are between 20-40 yrs. old, no teenagers, no woman or old men. All military conscript age. Its letting a foreign, hostile Military Brigade into the country EVERY MONTH!!
73. Immigration Woes
Karen English ,   USA   (07.23.12)
I can understand your sentiments and probably every African who's country has had to endure the European footprint. Think of the poor Native Americans in the US. Think of what the hoards of Europeans did to them and... the poor Palestinians. They're still enduring what the hoards of Europeans did to them.
74. # 69
Mike Carmel ,   Rishon le Zion   (07.23.12)
Sorry to disappoint you but I'm not Gregg. But I do agree with some of his stuff. And that's my democratic right, isn't it? Or was I just being naive in assuming that such a right exists in Israel today?
75. Well, that makes my decision easier!
Interested Tourist ,   Annapolis, MD   (07.23.12)
I was considering taking a vacation in Israel later on this year, but given this disgusting op-ed and the talkbacks from all the racist keyboard commandos, I suppose I'll be taking my business to Costa Rica instead. Thanks for helping to clarify my decision, everyone!
76. To nr 54 - How can Israel exist without a Jewish majority?
Alexander ,   Tel Aviv, Israel   (07.23.12)
I have to say that your monologues do make me worried about your mental health but it seems you are incapable of or unwilling to answer a single of my questions. In what sense do you express sympathy and support for Israel when you support Arab and African demographic warfare in Israel? How can a Jewish state exist when Jews are reduced to a minority? Are you seriously telling me that you didn't know that civilizations and nations can conquer each other through demographic warfare? If you support Arabs and Africans flooding Israel and turning Israel into a non Jewish state, it begs to question how you can support an Israel without a Jewish identity? It's like saying that you support England but you have no problem reducing the English to merely 50% or 20% or 10% of England's population. It makes me wonder how an England without the English can be called England? And may I ask what exactly is so narrow minded in what I have stated so far - if you don't mind telling me? And why are ethnic nation states "narrow minded" and multi-cultural societies "enlightened"? What are you basing your statement on? If you have befriended "Palestinian" Arabs it makes you a traitor to the Jewish people, since the "Palestinian" identity is neither a nationality nor an ethnic group of people - it is a political ideology espoused by many Arabs. The "Palestinian" identity is an invented identity in 1964 aiming at destroying Israel. You know that - I know that. The only way for Israel to be "tolerant" and "enlightened" in your eyes is for Israel to cease to exist as a Jewish state. "Palestinians" as you know don't exist and have never existed in recorded history and you have never bothered to explain why they can claim a land that never belonged to them and why they need our land when they already have 22 Arab states. You have never answered that question. The very fact that you have befriended the very people that want Israel destroyed, live in our land, claim our land and history proves to me that you are an enemy of Israel. How would you describe "decent values"? The 10 Commandments say that you shall not kill, you shall not steal and you shall not lie. Arabs have massacred Jews by the thousands for 1400 years, stolen our land - (yes Judea, Samaria and Gaza is stolen by Arabs - stolen as in "taking something that doesn't belong to you") and steal or even deny 4000 years of Jewish history and even lie about who is the owner of the land. It seems Bertram's "decent values" consists of mass murder, theft and lies.
77. Ubermenschen vs untermenschen
78. To #76
Bertram ,   London, UK   (07.23.12)
I admire your resiliance, Alexander. It is like trying to have rational conversation with a Scientologist or a Creationist. I have nothing more to say. I know when I am beaten. Good luck!
79. #77
Do "ubermenschen" fight for their very right to exist and be free and do "untermenschen" build empires and conquer others? "Ubermenschen" don't fight for their very right to live, to exist, to be alive, to be free, to have a country of their own. No - "ubermenschen" believe they can conquer others. That's precisely what the Germans thought of Europe and the world. That's precisely what Arabs think of Israel and the West, that's precisely what the illegal African immigrants seem to think of Israel and Western countries. The question for you is: who is Israel trying to conquer, invade and dominate? And who spoke of "racial superiority" or "racial inferiority"?
80. Migrants
Floriane ,   Israel   (07.23.12)
Get them out Quick, quick it is never too soon. It is a disgrace to the philosophy of the Jewish State we have priority. How many other Jews need to set themselves on fire because of economic reasons. Israelis need help NOT Migrants can your site relay out tallklbacks fo the Knesset so they know how Israelis feel.
81. #73
The problem with your reasoning is that Native Americans are the actual natives of America whereas the Jews are the actual natives of Israel. "Palestinians" are as native to Israel as Karen is to the US of A. But it's obvious that Karen knows the historical truth and uses an invented "Palestinian" people to express hatred for Israel. But I guess cheap racists like Karen seem to express sympathy and empathy for all human beings and all nations except for the Jews. Yes poor poor "Palestinians" - obese, tons of food, clean drinking water, roads, motorways, schools, senior high schools, universities, hospitals, TV, computers, internet, cell phones, banks, shopping centers, the right to appeal to Israel's Supreme Court, the right to steal and conquer Israel and Israel's old and ancient Jewish history and even the right to carry guns and weapons provided to them by Israel - even attacking and murdering Jews while Jews provide the "Palestinians" with electricity, running water, food, clothes and a modern society. The "Palestinians" have a standard of living higher than most Turks, Arabs, Africans and Asians. Poor poor "Palestinians". They have increased by 1000% since 1948 and poor poor "Palestinians" receive more money from the UN than any other group of people. Poor poor "Palestinians" who never had a land in world history and never existed in world history. And we know that Karen cares about Israel's demise - not about the invented "Palestinians".
82. Bertram
Eyal ,   Israel   (07.23.12)
Alexander's resilience? What's all that about? Isn't Alexander allowed to ask you simple questions and state facts? I have followed your debate with Alexander. Alexander has completely pulverized every single one of your arguments over and over again in another thread and you never seem to be able to answer his questions. Strange! You avoid his questions, you mock him, you turn facts into opinions and opinions into facts and you claim you represent this and that - but you never answer his questions. Are you afraid of the truth Bertram? Do facts scare you? Just a quick note: where exactly did Alexander refer to religion or absolute belief in a higher being? He asked you a bunch of questions and he has given you proof for his statements in the past in another thread. What about acting like an adult and answering Alexander's questions since you are so honest, decent and enlightened?
83. #75
Linichka ,   Gdynia, Poland   (07.23.12)
Just as well. The vibrant and fascinating land of Israel is not for the feeble and those with over-delicate sensibilities. I for one cannot understand your taking offense that the Jewish Homeland does not wish to be overwhelmed by roaming migrants of a vastly different culture. Israel has no room or resources for these people, who are entering illegally and cannot contribute to this nation. It is not Israel's fault they come from failed states in a largely failed continent.
84. To #81
Bertram ,   London, UK   (07.23.12)
You said: "Native Americans are the actual natives of America whereas the Jews are the actual natives of Israel." On that basis, would you support a Native American takeover of the US as the rightful owners?
85. Spain 1492?
Daniel ,   Marseille, France   (07.23.12)
Erik Arnold shows how the Spanish monarchs must have reasoned in 1492 when they expelled all the Sefardic Jews, along with all Muslims, in order to "save the Christian state".
86. #75 American political blogs
Logic ,   Israel   (07.23.12)
That's like me deciding not to visit the US due to the infinite amount of idiotic and mean spirited comments on American political blogs and newspapers. I think you're only punishing yourself, but whatever.
87. #65 Interested YOU BE THEIR HOST
BEN JABO ,   USRAEK   (07.24.12)
The African's are in Africa, not Costa Rica, just in case you didn't realzie that Travel to Africa and pick up a bunch them to take home, they will be the sourveniers of your trip You can add them to your collection of 20 million plus people south of your border, who don't belong What's another 50 or 60 thousand
88. #75 Interested
BEN JABO (MACHAL) ,   ISRAEL   (07.24.12)
How many of the illegal's in the USA, which number 20-30 million, have you invited into your home ? State with zero & work your way upward
89. #73 There never was an Arab Palestine
BEN JABO (MACHAL) ,   ISRAEL   (07.24.12)
Therefore, Palestinian peiple are imaginary THE HISTORY "There is no such thing as Palestine in history, absolutely not." --- Professor Philip Hitti, Arab historian to Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry, 1946. Prof. Philip Hitti, testified against partition before the Anglo-American Committee in 1946, he said: "There is no such thing as 'Palestine' in history, absolutely not." In fact, Palestine is never explicitly mentioned in the Koran, rather it is called "the holy land" (al-Arad al-Muqaddash). You can't rely on the accounts for history in most Arab nations, because they never accurately teach it, and have this amazing habit of reinventing it on the spot. This whole notion of there being a Palestine is a recent invention - 1967 to be exact. The homeland of the so-called Palestinians is not Israel. The historical homelands of these nomadic Arabs (Ottomans and Turks) are Jordan, Turkey, and Saudi Arabia, and approximately 80% of the Jordanian population is made up of Palestinians. They were exiled from these nations, and others, because they were always trouble makers and no one wanted them. To this day Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia and other nations finance Arafat and his terrorists in order to keep them out of their countries. "From the end of the Jewish state in antiquity to the beginning of British rule, the area now designated by the name Palestine was not a country and had no frontiers, only administrative boundaries . . . . " -- Professor Bernard Lewis, Commentary Magazine, January 1975. Here’s a little more egg for your beer PALESTINIAN’S ARE INVENTED PEOPLE Hamas Minister of the Interior and of National Security Fathi Hammad Slams Egypt over Fuel Shortage in Gaza Strip, and Says: "Half of the Palestinians Are Egyptians and the Other Half Are Saudis" Al-Hekma TV (Egypt) - March 23, 2012 - 03:09 HIS VIDEO IS ON YOUTUBE “FATHI HAMMAD” Hamas official reveals where Palestinians came from "Half of the Palestinians Are Egyptians and the Other Half Are Saudis" Al-Hekma TV (Egypt) - March 23, 2012 - 03:09
90. # 84
"You said: "Native Americans are the actual natives of America whereas the Jews are the actual natives of Israel." On that basis, would you support a Native American takeover of the US as the rightful owners?" Who said Native Americans are "righful owners"? To be native is not enough as a basis. Native and rightful owner are not the same. North American Indians are the natives for sure, but not the owners of America. The Indians had no states and they were not settled permanently in the land. They were nomads. The Jews are the natives of Israel, were and are still settled and had a state in ancient times and still have a state. Being native is not enough. You need a state in ancient times to claim the land. Many ancient civilizations can fulfill these criteria - Jews being one of them. North American Indians are natives but no owners. USA is not native to North America but is the owner since they haven't invaded any Indian state or civilization. Jews are native to Israel. And Israel of ancient times and today is the legal owner. Are the Arabs or Moslems native to Israel? No. Did they have any state in Israel in ancient times prior to Israel's existence as an ancient kingdom? No. Has there ever been any "Palestinian" state in history? No. Case closed.
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