Why the Left isn't right
Dan Calic
Published: 13.03.13, 21:40
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72 Talkbacks for this article
61. Dan Calic # 58 The answer
Sagi   (03.15.13)
can be found in my post # 41. The forces that have driven and continue to drive this conflict are beyond the power of any one person or any organization to bring about a solution. These forces are also beyond reason and logic, I am prepared to give you an historical event of this if you will, when reason and logic are displaced by emotions and further by emotions which are driven by metaphysical nonsense then a solution is not only far out of sight, it is unattainable.
62. #58. There is a clear solution in sight.
Chaim ,   Israel   (03.15.13)
Do you particularly care why "Palestinians" would love to mass murder Jews and steal our sole tiny Homeland? However, there is a clear solution in sight. It is very simple. Stop the lunacy of showering "Palestinians" with Israeli support. End the flow of money, food, electricity and materials of all kinds to Fictional Palestine. Pay "Palestinians" for one thing only. To permanently leave our land.
63. To No. 60
Bertram ,   London, UK   (03.15.13)
Chaim, how about responding to the central point? You bang on ceaselessly about Israel's lack of a 'defensible border' if it reverted to a '9 mile waist'. Even the annexation of the West Bank would not make Israel any less vulnerable to modern weaponry. At least Sarah B's argument is on the basis of Israel's 'right' to the land, not on some mythical notion of greater security. Let's face it, neither the 25 mile stretch of water separating Britain from the rest of Europe saved it from the Blitz nor did the vast distance between Hawaii and Japan prevent the bombing of Pearl Harbour. And that was over 70 years ago! By the same token, Singapore, a much smaller entity than Israel, lives in peace with its much larger neighbour, Malaysia. If Israel is to continue in a permanent state of warfare with the Palestinians it wouldn't matter much if they remained where they are or, given your preferred 'solution', if they were given a few thousand shekels and tossed over the border to Jordan. Following your argument, Israel would continually need to expand its borders, taking over Jordan and neighbouring countries in order to achieve and maintain its security. A never-ending story, but as they say, you make your bed, so you shall lie on it.
64. To No. 62
Bertram ,   London, UK   (03.15.13)
"Pay "Palestinians" for one thing only. To permanently leave our land." Now respond to No. 54.
65. # 62 Chaim Response
Sagi   (03.15.13)
Of course your proposed solution would be wonderful. I even go as far as to say that it would be the best and most desirable solution for both sides in the long term. It would bring stability and prosperity to all concerned. Unfortunately it will not happen for the reasons that I stated in my post # 41. You want Utopia, I shall give it to you. Saudi Arabia produces 10 m barrels of oil per day. To the best of my knowlege they net around $70 per barrel. If they were to forego one week's revenue and hand out to each Palestinian refugee a lump sum and repatriate them to Jordan, the problem would be solved. It would be the equivalent to a bag of popcorn for them and more importantly one of the cornerstones of islam is charity, especially to your "brothers".
66. Albert Einstein would give Zsolt a big hug!
Eliyahu ,   Los Angeles, USA   (03.15.13)
Einstein, whose 134th birthday was yesterday, and who in addition to his more esoteric accomplishment was a tireless spokesman on behalf of Zionism, would certainly have embraced Zsolt. But not because of the love of Israel in his words (that too), but because of his kindred realization that peace was ultimately impossible without supra-national cooperation. In particular, not a political hatchet-man joke like the UN, but such a true global unity that attacking Israel, as much as any Arabic national entity, would be as brain directing body to attack the heart. However, Israel itself must become a heart, not just a mind, and to that end it must achieve an internal unity itself. And a unified world, which in a deep sense would be a reflection of a unified Israel, could no more hate Israel than you could hate your mother. -- And who knows, they might even be willing to eat our chicken soup! :-)
BUILD BABY BUILD ,   United States   (03.15.13)
68. I had a dream
Norman Gellman ,   Rehovot   (03.16.13)
The idea of a 2 state solution looks good as a goal, but it it in reality an attainable idea. 1 scholar said the Palestinians are good at always missing an opportunity. Nothing the Israeli side can do or prose will have any real effect until such time as all the Palestinian factions accept the existence of the sate of Israel. . Until then I can only dream
69. #68. Two State Solution looks like the Final Solution.
Chaim ,   Israel   (03.16.13)
How does the Two State Final Solution "look good as a goal"? It features: * 9 mile wide Israel (15 minute tank ride). * Constant bombardment of Israeli cities and towns with rockets. * Israel being inundated by hostile Arabs. * Anti Israel soldiers (from Iran and elsewhere) massing for the liesurely stroll to cut Israel in half. This is the Final Solution and that fact is obvious to any child who can read a map.
70. Chaim, it will not happen if .......
Luiz F Haddad ,   Niteroi, Brazil   (03.16.13)
...new frontiers are drawed, enlarging the "9 miles", and if Palestinian State is demilitarized, having only police forces. In fact, "before June 1967'" must not be restored. What do you think about it?
71. Security and Quiet
Zechariah   (03.16.13)
Security for Jew and Arab from the sea to the River in Military and Socioeconomic areas a just support for the Shoah Survivors Victims of Terror and injured soldiers and Disabled number one priority ,Livna ought protect the Arabs and nonjews against fascism and hooliganism and argue for autonomy democratic and with human rights with an anthem and emblems interim to a truce of nonviolence then peace.
72. How can Palestinians reach an agreement with people
who believe the Palestinians don't exist? At least that seems to be the consensus among the talkbackers here.
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