IDF soldier filmed kicking Palestinian boy
Itamar Fleishman
Published: 04.08.13, 19:50
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61. #43 My reasoning is very good
nickisverige ,   Sweden   (08.05.13)
You are right that you rarely see such incidents but you do, in fact, see them - and my point is that you cannot generalize from them.. Search on YouTube for "Swedish police brutality in Stockholm 2013-07-12". It's not typical; the police in Sweden are generally very good. The story made the news in Sweden but there was not much (if any) international coverage; why not? Answer: There isn't an anti-Sweden agenda in the international media and there are no groups of international activists interested in creating such an agenda. Watch any police program such as 'Cops' in the US (or similar programs in Europe) and you DO see worse acts of aggression than what happened in this latest 'Pallywood' production. Even in the most democratic, moral of societies, things sometimes go wrong. You cannot generalize from such incidents. The most important thing is for that society to hold itself to high standards and to work to make improvements. Without doubt, Israel does that.
62. 11
anton ,   istanbul   (08.05.13)
i guess the truth about morality hits some nerves :D so we have a kurd symphatizer jew here or vice versa, here is the diffrence genious :) you have sent link for police brutality while the subject is the army turkish people do not claim to be most moral nation iam sorry light unto nations;) and having most moral (haha im sorry again) army in world now if you make such ridiclous claims, expect to be mocked you should have taken it as friendly criticisim i am not even harsh on israel yet :)
63. to #43 london
Commentator   (08.05.13)
Do you have cameras everywhere in your military bases in Afghanistan as well? Because trust me, British soldiers do this kind of stuff and worse, like killing innocent civilians everyday in Afghanistan. And anyway, how stupid is that to compare filming of a tense conflict zone to the streets of a city? Speaking of which, last time I remember watching a video from London, it was about a beheading on your own streets. Hypocrite.
64. To: No. 55
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (08.05.13)
Funnily enough, it is perfectly acceptable for members of the IDF to shove interfering wanna-be actors to the curb. This wasn't a kick. A kitten can kick harder than the soldier kicked this boy. Of course, this soldier stands a very good chance of never being decapitated on a busy London street. Can you say the same for British armed forces? History would seem to indicate that you cannot. So, oughtn't you shut up and let the British armed forces cave in and let the IDF do what it must? Do you have any idea how many Jews live in constant danger in Hebron? OUR city! OUR people! The Machpela has belonged to the Jewish people for several millennia .... and you would consign those brave Jews who did nothing but return to our ancestral home to a vicious and violent death at the hands of interloping Arabs? What, wasn't the first massacre of Jews in Hebron enough?
65. To: No. 62
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (08.05.13)
You wish to make a distinction between police and military? Fine. I will help you. Was it not the Turkish army that brutally massacred over one million defenseless Armenians? Was it not the Turkish army that slaughtered nearly five hundred thousand defenseless Kurds? You were saying? Perhaps you shouldn't say. Perhaps you should acknowledge your country's disgraceful history and abide by that old truism -- never overlook the opportunity to keep your stupid mouth shut.
66. No 43 CCTVs in London
Alf Red ,   Londonistansk   (08.05.13)
When "kids" in London will start throwing rocks and abuse at police - then you will see things much worse than at this clip. You must be kidding, comparing streets of London with so-called "West Bank", where these "kids" are taught from day A to hate and prepare for the sweet hour of pogrom. Or for the bomb-belt to blow in the midst of crowd in Tel Aviv.
67. ok one question
rm ,   Amsterdam NL   (08.05.13)
suppose this soldier would do the exact same thing to a jewish boy in the territories. The exact same thing...would that be acceptable to all you internet warriors?
68. This is nothing
When after the huge bombing Netanya, the IFD went into shem. The 9 y/o exploded himself and killed 20 soldiers. In US newspapers there was a story that a boy 9 y/o killed 20 soldiers. If his perents send a boy to kill then tey boy MUST be killed. In US, gangs sending small children to kill. Because if you are 7 y/o you cannot get death.
69. What's the kid was doing there, anyway?
Another Provocator   (08.05.13)
70. #54 Sarah
Bob Cassidy   (08.05.13)
"Neighbour" is the original British English spelling, you imbecile. "Neighbor" is the US bastardised spelling, which you as an ignorant oaf have adopted.
71. sarah
anton ,   istanbul   (08.05.13)
i normally avoid you unless you go over your head and write something extremly funny and ignorant at the same time but since you have adressed me i have no choice but to educate you again :) i didint wish to make disticntion i have pointed out the fact that person used wrong materials for a logical comeback :) to answer your question no it wasnt turkish army it was ottoman army who marched armenians out of the country modern turkey is founded at 1923 just incase you dont know ;) i have often asked to you provide lınsk when you talk about numbers do you know why? because i know you just make them up, turkey didint massacre 500 thousand kurds while we are in this subject why dont you mention defensless palestenians cause everybody knows israel attacked gaza and killed thousand civilians not terrorists civilians, i would love to give you a lesson about impartiality but you proudly accept your not impartial, just one sided now lets see if i can take the words out of your mouth if i accept turkish ill behaviours would you be willing to accept your wrong doinds? or you still gonna say oh no my dear israel dont deserve to be ciritcized cause she did nothing wrong it wasnt wrong when we bombed gaza and 1200 civilianz died it was terrorirsts fault they hid themselves among civilians it wasnt wrong when on many occasisons soldiers beaten kids cause they were provoked for god sake woman how is it possible for you to always make supporting comments?(its against every rule on earth) :D i know one possible expalanation for this, you are psycologicly damaged(often reminding readers of holocaust and being a survivor) i am not saying this as an insult dont take it wrong while you are still sane and partly intelligent you have lost it when it comes to israel and rest of the world you dont have balanced judgment fair aproach or common sense if you belive in your god or any god i strongly advise you to rid yourself of hatred you have against others for youare failing the test of this world if not a believer then medical help is due cheers :)
72. Re #47 code of conduct
Do you say that because the IDF HAS one, or because none of the other "armies" do....or both? No army anywhere in the ME conducts itself under more scrutiny that the IDF. You're simply looking for another way to brand Israel as the problem.
73. Out of context
Dave ,   Montreal, Canada   (08.05.13)
What happened in the minutes leading up to this conveniently cut video? It looks to me like the teenager was trying to provoke an incident for the cameras. How about releasing the full video uncut? In any other country in the world, harassing a soldier gets you shot. This kid is lucky to only have a bruised shin.
74. investigation
Rau   (08.06.13)
It'll definitely be investigated and case subsequently dismissed for lack of evident. heard that many tines...
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