Opinion  Sever Plocker
Paris intifada
Sever Plocker
Published: 06.11.05, 11:02
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96 Talkbacks for this article
Linda Rivera ,   New York   (11.08.05)
Jews are desperate. THEY ARE NOT RIOTING.They are trying desperately to survive. JEWS MUST HAVE HUMAN RIGHTS! BECAUSE THEY ARE JEWS AND NOT MUSLIMS, 10,000 Jews in Gaza and Northern Samaria were rendered jobless and homeless for implacable enemies sworn to Israel's destruction. In an act of sadistic cruelty, the Jews are forced to pay the mortgages on their homes Israel's military destroyed. The terrorists, their bank accounts and war chests filled with billions of American and European tax dollars, are not expected to create businesses with their finances, long hours and hard work. All of this was to be done for them by the Jewish victims of their terrorism. An Islamic terror state in Israel is the international reward and approval for over 26,000 terrorist attacks against Israel in the last five years and the maiming and murder of thousands of Jews. The wealthy PLO/Palestinian Authority terrorist organization were given fabulous gifts of Jewish land, thousands of greenhouses, and hundreds of farms of the Jews the terrorists attacked and murdered. In intense hate for G-D, Muslim mobs destroyed the synagogues. Hamas flags flew from synagogue roofs as synagogues burned. A major victory for global jihad. Murders, pogroms, genocides. Deportations. The stealing of Jewish land and assets is the way Jews have always been treated. The U.S. EU, and UN demand Jews accept this criminal and depraved treatment. Road Map architects ruthlessly demand more Jew cleansing from Judea and Samaria, to make hundreds of thousands of Jews jobless and homeless, greatly exacerbating Israeli Jews dire poverty and joblessness. Creating a huge economic and human crisis. And massively destroying Israel's security. Stop the ethnic Jew cleansing. STOP THE EVIL JEW HATE.
62. america: the problem isn't there
sebastien ,   Lyon, France   (11.08.05)
please my friends do not use the french riots in political issues with the jews or about the value of a given religion. Firstly you don't know about the life in the french "ghettoes" nor about French Politics. Secondly, i disapprove the fact american seem to enjoy this vision of a France that suffers social troubles. Just because America cannot bear an opposition on the political world stage. Rather than talking let s watch how American and Israeli governments make suffer the palestinian people, each day, and since many time...
63. #62 Sebastien US Gov't places "Palestinians" above Americans
Linda Rivera ,   New York   (11.08.05)
I am an American. Americans do not enjoy France suffering social troubles. We are grieved that French innocents are the victims of violent Muslim mobs. You state: "lets watch how American and Israeli governments make suffer the "palestinian" people.." What horrible lies! In America, there are many homeless and hungry, including homeless families. A Portland, Oregon article on the homeless, described those new to being homeless on the streets; middle aged single women unable to get work, some with medical problems-cancer. Instead of taking care of these desperate homeless Americans, the U.S. government gives massive amounts of U.S. tax dollars to the PLO/Palestinian Authority for the Muslim Arab society. How dare you say the American and Israeli governments make the "Palestinian" people suffer, when our American brothers and sisters go homeless and hungry on the streets.
64. Miss Muslima
AK   (11.08.05)
You're quite right that Sarkozy didn't say that France has replaced brainy Jews with scum Muslims. The words to that effect were written quite recently by a Spanish journalist, after he had visited Muslim slums in one of Spain's larger cities, Barcelona. I think. Same thought is occurring now to many more people in Europe than that journalist.
65. Sebastien, you are getting what you deserve.
AK   (11.08.05)
66. #62
MARK ,   USA   (11.09.05)
France deserves this. The French people deserve every minute of rioting because they love Arabs. They caused all of this and want to blame the Jews for their incompetence in immigration policy. Typical French-Anti-Semitism The Drefyus Affair. Who did they blame?The Jews. That is why they are members of the evil union. E.U..
67. #64 - " HOW EUROPE DIED "
S. V. RODRIGUEZ   (11.09.05)
The following is an article written by a Spanish journalist, Sebastian Villar Rodriguez. ( September 20, 2005 ) " Europe died in Auschwitz " I was walking along Raval (Barcelona) when all of a sudden I understood that Europe died with Auschwitz. We assassinated 6 million Jews in order to end up bringing in 20 million Muslims! We burnt in Auschwitz the culture, intelligence and power to create. We burnt the people of the world, the one who is proclaimed the chosen people of God. Because it is the people who gave to humanity the symbolic figures who were capable of changing history (Christ, Marx, Einstein, Freud...) and who is the origin of progress and wellbeing. We must admit that Europe, by relaxing its borders and giving in under the pretext of tolerance to the values of a fallacious cultural relativism, opened it's doors to 20 million Muslims, often illiterates and fanatics that we could meet, at best, in places such as Raval, the poorest of the nations and of the ghettos, and who are preparing the worst, such as the 9/11 and the Madrid bombing and who are lodged in apartment blocs provided by the social welfare. We also have exchanged culture with fanaticism, the capacity to create with the will to destroy, the wisdom with the superstition. We have exchanged the transcendental instinct of the Jews, who even under the worst possible conditions have always looked for a better peaceful world, for the suicide bomber. We have exchanged the pride of life for the fanatic obsession of death. Our death and that of our children. What a grave mistake that we made!!!
68. miss mushlima ignore her
JAMES McNamara ,   melb aus   (11.09.05)
for all you know he/she is a man, posts mostly gibberish. lapping up all the attention which he/she doesnt get any where else. stop feeding the troll.let it starve.
Linda Rivera ,   New York   (11.09.05)
The Muslim claim that Israel belongs to Islam, is made about Europe. Muslims declare Europeans don't belong in Europe. Conforming with demands made on Israel, and in response to Muslim violence, and Muslim claims that Europe belongs to Muslims; does the U.S. EU, and UN plan to initiate a peace process to give away half of Europe to Muslims? See part of article: Radical Islam blamed for French rioting Muslims 'scorn' Europe's ways, 'conspire to take it over' November 5, 2005 By Jon Dougherty http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=47236 "The great majority of Muslims in Europe see themselves as bearers of a superior civilization and see themselves growing prodigiously," he told WND. "Through a cultural, religious and demographic confidence they feel scorn towards European ways and conspire to take it over." As rioting exploded in France, Muslim-influenced unrest also began in Denmark, fueling further speculation that Europe is increasingly under siege by Islamic extremism. In the Danish rioting, Kaplan said, Muslim immigrant youths have even taunted authorities, saying, "This territory belongs to Islam; you don't belong here."
70. re: #62 concern for the suffering
Warren ,   Maryland USA   (11.09.05)
A familiar retort to criticism of French policy is to express concern for the endlessly suffering palestinians. Is this concern largely self-serving or genuine? Are "palestinians" better than "iraqis"? The French government did tens of billons of dollars worth of business and lapped up big contracts with Saddam Hussein (not to mention other tyrants) while Saddam was killing as many as one million of his own people and brutally torturing and maiming others. Iraqis, in contrast with palestinians who are mentioned without letup, suffered in total silence. It is understandable someone would take offense to someone else rejoicing over their misfortunes and the belief that they deserve them. On the other hand, the attitudes and policies of Vichy France towards Jews and de Gaulle (and the Gaullists) towards Israel were arrogant, contemptful, offensive and mean spirited. It was revealed not too long ago that de Gaulle had prepared a speech shortly before the outbreak of the 67 war that he had planned to give about the destruction of Israel that he anticipated. Some condolences were likely to be expressed. de Gaulle had told Israel it must refrain from any "aggression", while expecting that Israel would shortly be destroyed through attack by all of its' neighbors who had implemented a naval blockade of Israeli shipping, had hysterically promised Israel's destruction and whose armies were massing on its' frontiers. de Gaulle then punished Israel for surviving the war by imposing a total embargo. The main question, though, is where do we go from here?
SEBASTIEN ,   LYON FRANCE   (11.09.05)
I can t understand you, your saying has no sense. We like arabs and the majority of the country likes jews as well. I do. What you are too stupid (typically aemerican) to understand is that disapproving the action of Israel and the USA doesn't mean being anti semit at all. I don t hate any people, you hate the french and the arabs. sorry for being more tolerant imperialist is the name of what you as a person and through your declaration , mark, are and represent in the majority of the world... and please stop this crazy Bush who also strangles South America
72. Sebastien?
yoel   (11.09.05)
I'm really sorry for you. I'm not american, I'm not Swiss, not german, not spanish, not French, and not israeli. I come from an arab country (Morrocco), and I witness that french people behave until now like imperialists. You could come freely visiting my country, go on holidays with your french ID card, you even don't need your Passport.... At the opposit, if I want to visit my family in France, I need to apply for a Visa, and I'm asked so many papers that it's impossible for me to come even as a normal tourist. Have a look at what happened in the border between Spain and Morrocco where african immigrants were shot dead while crossing to Ceuta. These people were not terrorists! Spain exploits maghrebians for collecting strawberries and tomatoes. French do the same in the South, around Bordeaux, Toulouse or Marseille. Have also a look at what did the french troops in Ivory Coast, firing at civilians and killing 30 demonstrators in front of the french embassy. Alliot Marie was obliged to fire a recently granted General... So, I would say I'm not happy for what's happening for french people. But, concerning the french government, they are in trouble, and face to many political mistakes they have done in the past. For them, for Sarkosy, Debre, Pasqua, and others, I have no compassion. You can also read my message #9 and see I know your country. Concerning Mr Bush, it's so easy to say he's crazy. BUT concerning your president Chirac, if he was american or israeli, he would be in prison since long time ago. Wasn't he crazy when he spoke about "le bruit et l'odeur"? The french Band Zebda even made a song to remind him how he was stupid. Wasn't he also crazy when he dissolved the General Assembly? He was firstly elected because of his message concerning the "Fracture sociale"? He didn't do anything and it is even worse: the reason of these riots! Then, he was reelected just because he was facing to J.M. Le Pen. After failing in his policies, the next step could be Le Pen's daughter in power. Just to remind you: she was the first one to ask for a curfew at tthe secund day of riots. The government's prime minister applied it after 9 days!! Chirac was also the best friend of Mobutu, Hafez al Assad, Saddam Hussein, and many african dictators... So, it's easy to give lessons to others, but it's time for you facing the reality. Your country has serious troubles. Some in this forum call it an Intifada, because they have faced some similar riots in Israel. If there is any injustice towards palestinians, it will not excuse the seggregation towards french muslims, or blacks in France who also live in very bad conditions. They ace to racism, unemployment, and uneducation. Just wake up and look around you!
Linda Rivera ,   New York   (11.10.05)
Below is part of an article from: http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=44718 FAITH UNDER FIRE Nigeria`s war on Christians Islamic law brings death, suffering to non-Muslims Posted: June 11, 2005 © 2005 WorldNetDaily.com "More than 10,000 Christians have been killed since 1999, the year Islamic "Sharia law" was introduced in Nigeria, according to Voice of the Martyrs, a group that aids the persecuted church around the world. Nearly 1,000 homes and churches have been burned down by Muslim radicals – with a wink and a nod from a government that doesn't recognize the rights of non-Muslims. The war on Christians began in 1999 when Alhaji Ahmed Sani assumed the office of governor in Nigeria's Zamfara state. Just five months later, he introduced Sharia law. Soon 11 other northern Nigerian states, all with Muslim majorities, followed Zamfara's lead and implemented some form of the harsh Islamic legal code. Sharia is based on the Quran and Hadith, the Islamic sacred book and teachings. It imposes a strict code of conduct on the population. For example, if an individual is convicted of stealing, the punishment is amputation of his hand. In the case of adultery, the punishment is death by stoning. "If you go around villages, you will see people missing one hand or one foot," explained Rev. Obiora Ike. "Do you think that’s the result of an illness? That is the result of Sharia Law." Christians in the country say the imposition of Sharia law has resulted in a wave of violence and attacks against them, their homes, churches and villages as the militants wage jihad, or holy war, against them. Sharia law permits violent attacks against non-Muslims and the killing of former Muslims who have converted to Christianity or other faiths. The destruction of churches and the prohibition of new church constructions are considered legitimate actions. Recently, before a large crowd, the Zamfara state government recently held a five-year anniversary to celebrate the implementation of Sharia. Governor Ahmad Sani recalled why Sharia was introduced into the state: to satisfy the desire of the people for governance by the "laws of Allah … to cleanse society of social and moral vices like alcoholism, gambling, theft, armed robbery, prostitution, bribery, corruption and deceit." Muslim zealots are being financed by Saudis who want to Islamicize the entire African continent. The implementation of Sharia has been blamed for the vast violence and deaths occurring not just in Zamfara state, where it was first implemented, but in other states as well." In Sudan's jihad, over two million Christians are dead, including Animists. Hundreds of thousands of Christians have been taken for slaves by Sudan's Muslims.
Andrew ,   Miami,FL   (11.11.05)
75. Sebastien #71
MARK ,   USA   (11.11.05)
Wrong When you are Anti-Israel you are an Anti-Semite. You do not want to admit it. We are not stupid aemericans. You represent your country very well. Anti-Semitic, arrogant and rude. That behavior is what I hate and it is very common throughout France. The people are unfriendly.
76. I want to reply to tom from washington who say, french idiot
paula ,   France   (11.11.05)
I tom, I'm Paula live in france but im from portugal. I think you are very rude, why you said such words (french idiots)? did you live in france and in those suburbs to judge like that? I think you are not very intelligent. if you want my advice, try to spend less time in front of the tv and come here to make your reel opinion. it would be better.
77. #76 Paula
MARK ,   USA   (11.11.05)
Paula I disagree with you. Tom is 100% correct. I have visited that country and I will never ever go back. There is nothing nice about France. They are rude idiots. I am telling you the truth and Tom is intelligent.
78. Sad Jewish bigots
Robert Farrell ,   USA   (11.11.05)
If you have a society in which minorities are discriminated against and disenfranchised, they are going to break windows from time to time. That's not surprising. What I personally find more interesting is the slobbing-at-the-mouth hatred of the goyium that comes through in these talkbacks. Sure, maybe France made a terrible mistake treating French Muslims as French -- after all, the Israeli approach of demolishing houses and murdering children is working so well!
79. 63. -- putting Palestinians first?
Robert ,   Portland, Oregon   (11.11.05)
"In America, there are many homeless and hungry, including homeless families. A Portland, Oregon article on the homeless, described those new to being homeless on the streets; middle aged single women unable to get work, some with medical problems-cancer. Instead of taking care of these desperate homeless Americans, the U.S. government gives massive amounts of U.S. tax dollars to the PLO/Palestinian Authority for the Muslim Arab society. How dare you say the American and Israeli governments make the "Palestinian" people suffer, when our American brothers and sisters go homeless and hungry on the streets" The largest recipient of US foreign aid is Israel -- 4 billion dollars a year. So if you're worried about the homelessness in my hometown, your slogan should be: "No more money for Israeli Apartheid."
80. To Robert Farrell #78
Tom ,   USA   (11.11.05)
I suggest you read your bible. Judge not, that you be not judged’ (Matthew 7:1) You have no right to judge us. There is only one judge in the universe and you need to seek his grace and mercy. I pray that you find G-D because he will help you remove that anger and rage. I wish you peace and happiness in your life.
81. Tom -- don't take the consonants of the Lord in vain
Robert Farrell ,   Portland, Oregon   (11.12.05)
"When God commands to take the trumpet, and blow a dolorous or jarring blast, it lies not in man’s will what he shall say, or what he shall conceal. If he shall think to be silent as Jeremiah did, because of the reproach and derision he met with daily, “and all his familiar friends watched for his halting,” to be revenged on him for speaking the truth, he would be forced to confess as he confessed; “his word was in my heart as a burning fire shut up in my bones; I was weary with forbearing and could not stay.” "
82. No Mark... only old angers
Paula ,   France   (11.12.05)
I Mark, What tv showed about France is totaly wrong. American have something against France, I mean old angers who young french people today is outside about that. Then American medias transform the story like they want and it's sure that makes people angry. May I tell you the real the problem about what is happening about riots is simply those kids don't have education. French state give a lot of subsidies to big families, they make a lot of children, and they don't take care about them. I lived with them in the past and saw they leave their children outside all the day, even since those children were small. At midnight they are still outside... so they grow up without education and they bad things. What happened this time, one riot started, they saw on tv and wanted to do the same. so I don't see why the world now think bad about french people!!! In this website people are angry about france, they talk about intifada... palestine... and i don't know what... things totaly outside what is happening!!!!... I agree with you some of frenchs are rude, but let me say i lived in usa, some of them are not very kind also. There is bad and good people everywhere. By the way how long did you stay in France?
83. #78 Facts completely wrong
Lemar ,   UK   (11.12.05)
As you well know the circumstances Israel destroys houses is when they belong to a suicide family or house terrorists. You will always have innocent children killed when retaliation has to be carried out by bombing. The difference is Israels kill by error whereas Muslims kill by terror. But you know all this so why write stupid comments
84. Lemar, you can't even keep your lies straight
Robert Farrell ,   Portland, Oregon   (11.12.05)
Israel was murdering children decades before the first suicide bomb; you know that. You even admit that innocent children are killed "when retaliation has to be carried out" -- i.e., revenge killings. This is not "killing by error" any more than a suicide bomb is. It's killing for revenge. But you know that, so why try and sell that tired racist propaganda to people who aren't buying?
85. Please go to France and help the Muslims
Mark ,   USA   (11.12.05)
Why don't you help them? You would fit right in. France is filled with ignorant people who claim they are intelligent ,cultured, and sophisticated. They justify Anti-Semitism and deny they are Anti-Semites. The French think they are wonderful people with a beautiful culture. They are a disgrace to the world and are disrepectful people. That is the truth Robert Farrell and that is not hatred. That is a fact. These talkbacks are telling the truth and I appreciate their honest feedback. Keep sending in your feedbacks.
86. There are rude people everywhere. I agree.
MARK ,   USA   (11.12.05)
One month. That same French attitude is also found in Quebec. A lot of the people are cold,unfriendly, arrogant and abrupt. They are not warm like the people in other European countries. Those countries welcome you to their country. The French just want to show you how superior they are. In France, people called Americans stupid and fat. They viewed Americans as second class citizens. In some cases it was very obvious but the French are usually subtle. The buildings and streets are beautiful but the people treated me as a "dumb American". I hate that "dumb American" mentality. We are guests in their country and not treated like a guest. The rest of Europe is not like that. They are warm and friendly and treat you with such respect and admiration. I do not think that is too much to ask from the people of France or Quebec. Do you?
87. stop hatred
you american hate the french and enjoy watching our problems on your FOX or CNN how interesting, how clever nothing to add vive l'Europe et les arabes
88. The Reason Why
MARK ,   USA   (11.13.05)
Many people in France are rude, disrepectful. unfriendly Anti-Semites. Why should we like that? Americans have manners which is something the people of France need to learn. We hate bad behavior. You are proud of being rude and arrogant and that attitude is what I hate. Look at your behavior and lack of manners and you will see why you are being hated. Swallow that French pride for once. There is nothing to be proud of. I do not want to hate anyone but I can not tolerate bad behavior wherever it may be in America or any where else. There is no excuse for bad behavior. That is the reason why.
89. To #1
MARK ,   USA   (11.13.05)
You described my attitude perfectly. I do not want to harm anyone in any way shape or fashion. I do not wish anyone harm. It is not my nature but the French people seem to identify or understand what the suicide bombers are doing when they kill innocent men,women, and children. They have no compassion for the victims of terror. I am happy to see the riots only for one reason. Justice must be served. France has gotten away with it for many years and now it is time for them to face their bad actions. Their bad behavior can not go unpunished. May the riots continue until they repent and change their attitude. They need to apologize.
Linda Rivera ,   New York   (11.13.05)
PLO terrorists conducted bloody, barbaric jihad against Lebanon's Christians, mass maiming and murdering huge numbers. www.free-lebanon.com Click on photo gallery - 20,000 Christians handicapped by PLO atrocities. The reward for PLO savagery was to implant these PLO terrrorists into Israel as "peace" partners through Oslo to continue their jihad. Christians in PA areas suffer horrendous persecution, under the cruel occupation of PA/PLO and other terrorist organizations. The following are parts of an article: Christianity Dying In Its Birthplace By Daniel Pipes FrontPageMagazine.com | September 13, 2005 http://www.frontpagemag.com/Articles/ReadArticle.asp?ID=19453 "What some observers are calling a pogrom took place near Ramallah, West Bank, on the night of Sep. 3-4. That’s when fifteen Muslim youths from one village, Dair Jarir, rampaged against Taybeh, a neighboring all-Christian village of 1,500 people. The Ajajs and their friends broke into houses and stole furniture, jewelry, and electrical appliances. They threw Molotov cocktails at some buildings and poured kerosene on others, then torched them. The damage included at least 16 houses, some stores, a farm, and a gas station. The assailants vandalized cars, looted extensively, and destroyed a statue of the Virgin Mary. “It was like a war,” one Taybeh resident told The Jerusalem Post. Hours passed before the Palestinian Authority security and fire services arrived. The fifteen assailants spent only a few hours in police detention, then were released. As for Khouriyye, the Palestinian police arrested him, kept him jail, and (his family says) have repeatedly beat him. A cousin, Suleiman Khouriyye, pointed to his burned house. “They did this because we’re Christians. They did this because we are the weaker ones.” The Khouriyyes and others recall the assailants shouting Allahu Akbar and anti-Christian slogans: “Burn the infidels, burn the Crusaders.” This assault fits a larger pattern. According to the Catholic Custodian of the Holy Land, Pierbattista Pizzaballa, Christians in the Bethlehem region alone have suffered 93 cases of injustice in 2000-04. In the worst of these, in 2002, Muslims murdered the two Amre sisters, 17 and 19 years old, whom they called prostitutes. A post-mortem, however, showed the teenagers to have been virgins – and to have been tortured on their genitals. “Almost every day – I repeat, almost every day – our communities are harassed by the Islamic extremists in these regions,” Pizzaballa says. “And if it’s not the members of Hamas or Islamic Jihad, there are clashes with … the Palestinian Authority.” In addition to the Islamists, a “Muslim land mafia” is said to operate. With PA complicity. it threatens Christian land and house owners, often succeeding to compel them to abandon their properties. The campaign of persecution has succeeded...Bethlehem and Nazareth, historic Christian towns for nearly two millennia, are now primarily Muslim. In 1922, Christians outnumbered Muslims in Jerusalem; today, Christians amount to a mere 2 percent of that city’s population." "Islamic mafia accused of persecuting Holy Land Christians" http://news.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2005/09/09/wmid09.xml Every single agreement has been broken by the PA/PLO, rendering Oslo, Road Map and ALL agreements NULL AND VOID. The U.S. EU, UN, Israel: the Christians of the world appeal to you. Stop the injustice. Stop the cruelty. Stop the massive criminal human rights violations. Liberate the Christians from ALL terrorist organizations immediately.
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