Rabbi: Disengage from State
Efrat Weiss
Published: 28.11.05, 09:05
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31. i didn't know sharon was ever considered the true messiah
mike ,   usa   (11.28.05)
and that this secular state serves for salvation. must have missed all that. no wonder he's disillusioned.
32. mental case
alan ,   usa   (11.28.05)
Is this guy a mental case or just the standard bearer for enemies for Israel? this must be the type of Jew that Hitler wanted to destroy (amongst others)
33. If this is true
Israelite ,   David's Capital   (11.28.05)
that so many have now come to this way of is truly good news indeed. down with with the restored monarchy under Torah law.
34. #29
ZK ,   ISRAEL   (11.28.05)
of course five million arabs exist. they have created the term 'palistinian' but they are not. THEY ARE JORDANIAN. if people like you knew the history of Israel and knew the history of these arabs WE WOULD NOT BE HAVING THIS PROBLEM. the jew, in all of it's compassion, should have done what the arab did: EXPEL! EXPEL! EXPEL! but it's not too late. we need a leader who will stand strong and expel the arab to gaza and jordan. WE WILL NEVER LIVE IN PEACE. accept it! AND THE GENTILE WORLD WILL NEVER GIVE THE JEWISH NATION IT'S 'BLESSING'! DO WHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE ONCE AND FOR ALL!
35. Sharon = anti-christ
MARK ,   USA   (11.28.05)
Sharon is the anti-christ. The New Testament predicted he would come and betray the Jewish people. Rev. Falwell predicted the anti-christ is Jewish and he got called an Anti-Semite and crazy. I never thought he was an Anti-Semite or crazy. I thought he made sense. Do you?
36. there is no change or departure ...
Marvin S.T   (11.28.05)
.... from previous policies or pronouncements . chabad always spoke from 2 sides of it's mouth . on one hand , they are "where judaism wears a smile" . that is to entice the innocents , the fools and the uninitiated to join them. Among themselves however , (anash-anshei shlomeinu), they are full of hatred , arrogance and disdain towards everybody else . They are capable of receiving donations from somebody in one hand , and disparaging the same person with the other hand . They are all lunatics and their sole purpose is the rule of the deceased rebbe . There are no crazier and less crazy among them . Craziness is either overt or covert . Among those fooled , are people in all walks of like . from those in positions of power to former chief rabbis to current chief rabbis . they have turn a substantial part of our people into idolaters .
37. to #29 regarding Jewish attitudes
Ed ,   Pittsburgh, USA   (11.28.05)
Just for the record: "A poll commissioned by the Zionist Organization of America, and conducted by McLaughlin & Associates on June 26 - 27, 2005, with a sample of 1,000 American adults, showed U.S. opposition to the proposed disengagement. Respondents, by a margin of 4 to 1 (63% to 16%) opposed "Israel’s unilateral withdrawal from a section of Gaza and northern Samaria and forcing 10,000 Israeli Jews from their homes and businesses" and by a margin of 2.5 to 1 (53% to 21)%, agreed with the statement that "this Gaza Plan sends a message that Arab terrorism is being rewarded". Start reading and learning about what is really going on....I'm afraid that, especially for those in Europe, you are so inundated by the leftist media that it is difficult for you to see the fact that things are not always as you may think. Have a nice day.
Chabad ,   USA   (11.28.05)
39. I did not convert from Xstianity to serve a dead messiah.
Akiva Rogers ,   Chicago   (11.28.05)
He's my Rebbe too. Get your heretical paws off of him.
40. Insightment
shraga ,   London   (11.28.05)
This "Rabbi" clearly doesn't represent the majority of Orthodox jews. We have enough friction between the religious and secular without publishing things like this. Once again, thank you to the "tikshoret" for helping to widen the gap in our people!!!!
41. he is not chabad ?
Marvin S.T   (11.28.05)
to chabad usa So he is not chabad ? ok he is not . But the chabad you belong to is no different . Such monstruosities , are the creation of chabad , of the exagerated messianist expectations , and the influence of the rebbe ; who , what can i say ? was the cause of all this mess . He was chotei umachatee ! Don't kid yourself ! You cannot return to normalcy without repudiating the rebbe take his oversized pictures from all your shuls your homes , and asking president bush to discontinue "education day usa" in his name . As it brings lidei aveira !
42. What about all the Lubavitchers who Believe
To 38 ,   USA   (11.28.05)
That the rebbe is Moshiach are they not chabad ???? What about the two years the Rebbe encouraged from his podium the singing of Yechi Adonainu Morainu Verabainu Melech HAMOSHIACH leolam Voed. Remember the quote of the talmud Kol Haposel bemumoi Poisal. Please don't sign chabad and have the decency to give your real name or an alias.
43. How dare he?????
Dan ,   Nashville, TN   (11.28.05)
I know there are many in the haredi movement who do not support this kind of trash but as someone who is religious myself the whole concept is on thin ice. After years of accepting the sacrifice of other families' sons and daughters in the defense of the state so that they would have a safe place to practice their particular form of Judiasm, after years of living off state subsidies financed entirely on the backs of overburdened Israeli taxpayers, after years of accepting foreign donations from gullible Zionists like myself, he has the audacity and chutzpah to disown the state of Israel. How dare he? The state of Israel should cut him off and disown him. It is way past time anyway.
Linda Rivera ,   New York   (11.28.05)
Protect Israel and the world! Re-take Jewish Gaza! It has been transformed into a global base for terror. BECAUSE THEY ARE JEWS AND NOT MUSLIMS, 10,000 Jews in Gaza and northern Samaria were rendered jobless and homeless for implacable enemies sworn to Israel's destruction. In a cruel, sadistic act Jews are forced to pay mortgages on their destroyed homes. IT TOOK THE GLOBAL VILLAGE TO RAISE THESE TERRORISTS. The PLO/Palestinian Authority terrorist organization's bank accounts and war chests are filled with billions of American and European tax dollars. PLO/PA are not expected to create businesses with their finances, long hours, and hard work. All of this was to be done for them by the Jewish victims of their terrorism. An Islamic terror state in Israel is the international reward and approval for over 26,000 terrorist attacks against Israel in the last five years and the maiming and murder of thousands of Jews. Wealthy PLO/Palestinian Authority terrorist organization were given fabulous gifts of Jewish land, thousands of greenhouses, and hundreds of farms of the Jews the terrorists attacked and murdered. In intense hate for G-D, Muslim mobs destroyed the synagogues. Hamas flags flew from synagogue roofs as synagogues burned. A major victory for global jihad. Murders, pogroms, genocides. Deportations. The stealing of Jewish land and assets is the way Jews have always been treated. Racist U.S. EU, and UN are uttlerly ruthless in their demand for ethnic Jew cleansing from Judea and Samaria criminally making hundreds of thousands of Jews jobless and homeless. The U.S. EU UN deliberately created economic and human crisis will be enormous. Weakness is universally despised. Israel will inspire great respect by refusing this cruel and depraved victimization of Jews.
45. rav wolpe reprsents the orange camp
elchonon ,   jerusalem   (11.28.05)
to #38 you can go kiss my ass because the only lubavitchers who fought with me in gush katif were messianists... regular "main stream" chabad stayed quiet... krinsky ahronov and brod are traiters! to #39 i guess you did not really convert or you would learn some simple torah... Show me where it says moshiach needs to be alive ? genuiesses! and finally YES rav wolpe represents us in the orange camp!
Linda Rivera ,   New York   (11.28.05)
The extremely wicked U.S. EU UN political agenda includes forcing Christians to live under horrific Islamic Sharia law. TAKE BETHLEHEM & OTHER CHRISTIAN TOWNS INSIDE GREEN LINE NOW! PLO terrorists conducted barbaric jihad against Lebanon's Christians murdering huge numbers. Click on photo gallery - 20,000 Christians handicapped by PLO atrocities. PLO savagery was rewarded. The PLO terrrorists were implanted into Israel as "peace" partners through Oslo to continue their jihad. Christians in PA areas suffer horrendous persecution under cruel occupation of PA/PLO and other terrorist organizations. Christianity Dying In Its Birthplace By Daniel Pipes | September 13, 2005 "What some observers are calling a pogrom took place near Ramallah, West Bank, on the night of Sep. 3-4. That’s when fifteen Muslim youths from one village, Dair Jarir, rampaged against Taybeh, a neighboring all-Christian village of 1,500 people. The Ajajs and their friends broke into houses and stole furniture, jewelry, and electrical appliances. They threw Molotov cocktails at some buildings and poured kerosene on others, then torched them. The damage included at least 16 houses, some stores, a farm, and a gas station. The assailants vandalized cars, looted extensively, and destroyed a statue of the Virgin Mary. “It was like a war,” one Taybeh resident told The Jerusalem Post. Hours passed before the Palestinian Authority security and fire services arrived. The fifteen assailants spent only a few hours in police detention, then were released. As for Khouriyye, the Palestinian police arrested him, kept him jail, and (his family says) have repeatedly beat him. A cousin, Suleiman Khouriyye, pointed to his burned house. “They did this because we’re Christians. They did this because we are the weaker ones.” The Khouriyyes and others recall the assailants shouting Allahu Akbar and anti-Christian slogans: “Burn the infidels, burn the Crusaders.” This assault fits a larger pattern. According to the Catholic Custodian of the Holy Land, Pierbattista Pizzaballa, Christians in the Bethlehem region alone have suffered 93 cases of injustice in 2000-04. In the worst of these, in 2002, Muslims murdered the two Amre sisters, 17 and 19 years old, whom they called prostitutes. A post-mortem, however, showed the teenagers to have been virgins – and to have been tortured on their genitals. “Almost every day – I repeat, almost every day – our communities are harassed by the Islamic extremists in these regions,” Pizzaballa says. “And if it’s not the members of Hamas or Islamic Jihad, there are clashes with … the Palestinian Authority.” In addition to the Islamists, a “Muslim land mafia” is said to operate. With PA complicity. it threatens Christian land and house owners, often succeeding to compel them to abandon their properties. The campaign of persecution has succeeded...Bethlehem and Nazareth, historic Christian towns for nearly two millennia, are now primarily Muslim. In 1922, Christians outnumbered Muslims in Jerusalem; today, Christians amount to a mere 2 percent of that city’s population." "Islamic mafia accused of persecuting Holy Land Christians" Every single agreement has been broken by the PA/PLO, rendering Oslo, Road Map and ALL agreements NULL AND VOID. IDF, HELP! Stop Islamic cruelty. Liberate Christians from ALL terrorist organizations now!
47. Disengagement?
Mike ,   Halifax, Canada   (11.28.05)
What about the arabs that were suffering while the settlers were stealing their land, dumping sewage on their shores, and using their water? Have you forgotten what kinds of lives they were living? What do you suggest should happen to them while if the settlers should have remained??
48. to 41 Marvin and 38
Nachm Sanow ,   USA   (11.28.05)
Before spewing your nonesense remember how many Bale Teshuva the rebbe returned to Yiddishkeit. The mesiras Nefesh he had in sending out his own talmidim to every corner of the world to bring back Yidden to Yiddishkeit before any body even dreamt of Kiruv Rechokim. That the rebbe can be moshiach, if you were a learned scholar or at least learned something about moshiach in the talmud or Shalas and teshuvos you would see the rebbe is a perfect match to be Moshiach. To conclude as I wrote earlier Rabbi Soloveitchik and Rabbi Hirshprung both true Torah Giants Have written (After 5754)That for people to hold that the rebbe is Moshiach is completely in the realm of Halocho.
David ,   New York   (11.28.05)
Mainstream Torah Judaism has never believed anything other than that we are in exile. It's only the extreme wing of religious Zionism that advocates the position that the State of Israel is some sort of messianic entity. Even mainstream religious Zionism doesn't take it any further than the State being a sign of "the beginning of our redemption." And Chareidim believe that it's an actual offense to try to set up the State before the Moshiach (who is definetely not Schneerson), although many, if not most, have compromised with the State for money and services. So who is this guy Wolpe talking to? Who believes that because of the Gaza disengagement we are "NOW" in exile, as opposed to before when we suddenly were not? Does either wing of Chabad believe that we were out of exile until the disengagement? That's news to me. And what does this mean for the Messiah-hood of Schneerson? Perhaps this is the first attempt by the loony Messianistic wing of Chabad to come up with a reason why Schneerson obviously wasn't the Moshiach - they're going to claim he was, but that the redemption was undone by the disengagement. This will explain why none of the predictions came true. They really are completely nuts. Was it Rav Schach Z"L who said that the other religion closest to Judaism is Chabad?
50. Agree with #14
Rickie ,   Porto Alegre, Brazil   (11.28.05)
Rabbis studied to be rabbis, not politicians. Soldiers get their time at the IDF to be soldiers, not politicians. Also: who built the State? The chabbad or the zionists who came from all over the world leaving their belongs, houses, shops, money and so one just to help to build the State? Zionists (both right & left, sefardim, askenazim and local people) gave their blood on kibutzim and/or at the battle fields for the State! Where were these chabad people? Away from Israel complaining about the 'fake Israel' and sometimes, praising the enemies! Shame on them!
51. Simply put: this man is a boob.
Andy ,   Washington   (11.28.05)
52. Chabad Mashichist and Zionism
Michael Lewis ,   Plantation, FL 33324   (11.28.05)
Why are you surprised? This has always been the position of the Chabad movement. 1) Prayers for Jewish soldiers but not Medinat Yisrael 2) Star Spangled Banner but not Hatikvah 3) Israel’s Birthday not Yom Hatzmaut So his position is logically consistent with the movements’ position. What’s new is that since the rabbi can’t even bring the majority of his movement (and I honestly think that they do excellent spiritual work) to follow his view about redemption then he is now trying to hijack Religious Zionism. His world view can not cope with the democratic model. The citizens of Israel on March 28th will have the opportunity to accept or reject Mr. Sharon’s world view. This is a system that religious Zionism has historically accepted. If they can convince the majority that the model of historical compromise as suggested by Mr. Sharon is wrong then the secular majority will accept this decision. If not they will have another day to make their argument. In the meantime since Rabbi Wolpe doesn’t want anything to do with the Zionist enterprise I suggest he does what Diaspora Jews like myself should do. Shut up, watch the process and wait for the ultimate redemption.
53. The question is..
.....why is someone who dresses like an 18th Century Russian mumbling and grumbling like a lost old fart? Who cares what he thinks. He can stay at home in Neeew Yoooiiik and have a nice day
54. Will the people of Israel commit the same mistake twice?
Uzziel   (11.29.05)
Once the people demanded the Creator for a king and He answered why we wanted a king if we had HIM? And Hassan #10 you are absolutely right. We are committing an unforgivable sin by quarreling between us instead of kicking your sorry and coward as**s where you belong: to the arabian peninsula. Then the land would be holly again.
55. No place for racism!!
Miohael ,   Lewis   (11.29.05)
Uzziel The word is HOLY not holly. A plant Christians use to celebrate the birth of their redeemer!! Your note is marked by a lack of eloquence
56. Messirus Nefesh ?
Marvin   (11.29.05)
Nachm Sanow No. 48 Hassiru et elokei haneikhar asher bekirveikhem vehitaharu vehachalifu simloteikhem the stink is reaching heaven ! ".......remember how many Bale Teshuva the rebbe returned to Yiddishkeit..... " no tshuva and no flying kites . It is at best fetishism and at worst idolatry . "The mesiras Nefesh he had in sending out his own talmidim " there is no nefesh and no talmud or talmidim among them . I know the previous rebbe had more messirus nefesh than moshe rabbeinu . baloney ! ".......back Yidden to Yiddishkeit before any body even dreamt of Kiruv Rechokim. ....." keep your keiruv to yourself and study instead what mishlei says about getting close to the bad woman . (read meschichisten , the overt and the covert among them r"l ). "That the rebbe can be moshiach, ..... you would see the rebbe is a perfect match to be Moshiach. .......Rabbi Soloveitchik and Rabbi Hirshprung both true Torah Giants " Oh ! now the snags are giants ? if they ever said anything of the sort , it's because they did not know the extent of kfiro chabad was already deep into . " the realm of Halocho. ?!" assei syag latorah ! shun evil !
57. excellent spiritual work ? michael lewis
Marvin   (11.29.05)
michael lewis nothing spiritual , rather reducing this great religion to fetishistic rituals is more like it . and to the worship of a mediocre human dollar dispensing machine posing as a neo deity ! try reading tanya chapter one , see the depth of the intellect and the spiritual experience . feh
58. Who is Hassan ?
Marvin   (11.29.05)
Uzziel , your are poking irony at the name Hassan ? I have no idea what was your father's or grandfathers name . Could have been a corrupt germanic non jewish name . But Hassans ? ABOUL HASSAN Yéhoudah Ibn Ezra (XIe-XIIes.). Spain. High executive in King Alphonse VII court. HASSAN Moché de Zaragua (XIIIes.). Spain (Catalogna). Poet. HASSAN Chélomo (?-1790). Morocco (Tétouan). Diplomat. Spanish consul. Advisor to the sultan Sidi Moulay Abdallah for foreign commerce. HASSAN Joshua (sir) (1915-). Gibraltar (Moroccan origin). Led the movement for the autonomy of Gibraltar from Britain , knighted and became prime minister. HASSAN Salvador D. (XIXe-XXes.). Morocco. Philanthropist. Consul of Portugal and Italie in Tétouan. Founder of a bank in Tangier. Advisor to the Portuguese delegation. Vice-président of the Jewish community of Tangier. HASSAN Jacob M. (XXes.). Morocco. Secretary of the Institute of Sepharade studies Arias Montana in Madrid. Historian. Published studies on Judéo-Spanish and Hebrew poetry in Morocco. HASSAN David (?-1785). Morocco (Salé). Rabbi. Travelled with rabbi Haïm Benattar - the Ohr haChayim hakadosh- to Jérusalem and succeeded him at the head of Kénésset Israël. Returned to Morocco for a while. Chief rabbi of Alexandria. Returned to head a rabbinical seminary in Jérusalem. Served as rabbi in Livorno, Italy.Author of Mikhtam lédavid (David's poems), Maïmonide et Kodèch David (Maimonides and David's sanctity) relating to the Choulhan H’aroukh (Moses Code). And who are you twirp ?! Take the lice off your dirty hair !
59. To Marvin 56 57 Do teshuva
Nahm Sanow ,   USA   (11.29.05)
in Yoreh Daiah 243 seif 3 It is a big sin to embarass Talmidei Chachomim or to hate them Whoever Embarases Chachomim Has no portion in Olam Habah Vhu Bichlal Ki Dvar Hasem Bozo And Look in Rambam Hichos Talmud Tora Perek 6 Go ask your Rav for a derech in Teshuvah And a lot of Shmiras Haloshon from the chofetz Chaim will help. And also don't forget according to many gedolai Hatora if not all That which we prayed for thousands of years Es tzemach Dovid Avdecha Mehaira Tazmiach which refers to Moshiach Yes a Human being is about to happen. And as the Rebbe said Hinai Hinai Moshiach Ba and lets prepare to accept Moshiach. PS don't forget to take your pills
60. Why all these insults?
Michael Lewis ,   Plantation, USA   (11.29.05)
If you can not have a true iopen discussion without insulting each other the Moshiach is along way away. This goes equally to our Chabad and Mitnagdim friends. All discussion should be reelvant to the question and not personal
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