Rabbi: Disengage from State
Efrat Weiss
Published: 28.11.05, 09:05
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61. #60: you're an idiot!!
Michael Steiner ,   Praha, EU   (11.29.05)
;-) Just kidding. I agree with what you say.
62. Menachem Christ
Moishe Kapoishe   (11.30.05)
I'll tell you what - when Menachem Mendel makes his "second coming" appearance, I'll start praying exclusively for the Kingdom of David. Until then, I'll pray for both the civil government of Israel as a redemptive force and for Hashem's annointed to be appointed. Honestly, I cannot understand why any Jew (Satma, Neturai Karta, or the Christian wing of Chabad) would withhold prayer for the civil government of Israel. Do they want another Holocaust? Do they really want Jews to live under the iron fist of Islamist regimes? Maybe they should give up their religious courts and dynasties, as well, and wait for Hashem to bring back the religious rule of the Cohanim. After all, it's the same thing, isn't it? No beit din has the same authority as the Cohanim, so why obey any ruling of any rabbi, especially one who maintains a heresy of a Menachem-god, until G-d himself explicitly makes his priests Tamei once again? Take a look at the website of the Naturei Karta ( and see if you can stomach their nonsense? Are they even Jewish anymore? They might as well become Imams.
63. The Lubavitcher Rebbe
Shlomo ,   Israel   (11.30.05)
The Lubavitcher Rebbe was indeed a great man. But it is totally absurd to consider him the to be the Mashiach. The Rebbe was a great educator and a charismatic leader. He was no doubt a very fine Jew and good and compassionate person. He seems to have had an amazing intelligence. But he never fulfilled any of the messianic prophecies. We still do not have world peace. We Jews must wait for the Messiah who will be preceded by Elijah the Prophet. May G-d protect us from false messianism.
James ,   Usa   (11.30.05)
The Lubavitcher Rebbes Opinion on isreal 1) Security of the people Jews And Arabs 2) Religious aspect of who is a jew 3) Yishuv Haaretz (settle the land) The reason the Lubavtcher Rebbe O.B.M. did not hold of taking an official stance in politics was because. A) it only divides jews and separates the religious and the secular b) israeli politicians have a tendency of not being consistent with there initial veiws and promises Chabad is not zionist in the politics is because zionism fails to include g-d in the constitution (the only western country) (read the book perfidy by ben hecht for more reasons why chabad doesn't hold of official Zionism) however Chabad Hassdim are in the army, habad hasidim serve in civil duties, habad hasidim worked and works the land There is a letter that the Rebbe OBM work regarding the settlements. stating that theirs no point moving there when the government holds the land for the wrong reason (not nationalistic reasons) and will eventually be given back. on top of that he never sent any emissaries to the territories. Regarding the Rebbe being moshiach one of the rebbes secretaries asked him (point blanc) if he was moshiach he said "even moshuach doesn't know that he is moshiach until he comes e.g: calling a president president before he wins the elections. the messianic factions politics with main straem chabad goes way back befr the messiah issue ever existed. only after he had a stroke and he was by and large opened for interpitation due to his lack of ability to speak , and especially after he passed away in 1994 did they take advantage separate them selves with the establishment\ because of a lack of power Wolpo is condemn by main stream chabad "
65. what they say and what they mean I
Marvin   (11.30.05)
James , James Your presentation is exactly Chabad language . Allow me to add a few elucidations : 1) Security of the people Jews And Arabs . -To the Rebbe MHM wannabe and to Chabad , it means the Jews preferably under the kingdom of David , preferably Chabad ruling over the Arabs who would preferably be happy to be governed by such government . 2) Religious aspect of who is a jew . -Exclusive Chabad . Tied up to who is a Rabbi , and who is a chief Rabbi . 3) Yishuv Haaretz (settle the land) The reason the Lubavtcher Rebbe O.B.M. did not hold of taking an official stance in politics was because. - Actually it's because it's bad for fund raising . b) israeli politicians have a tendency of not being consistent with there initial veiws and promises - Oh , yes Israelis (false redemption is bad) Chabad (true redemption ?) is good . What did we say ? Unity, as long as it is under them .
66.  what they say and what they mean I I
Marvin   (11.30.05)
however Chabad Hassdim are in the army, habad hasidim serve in civil duties, habad hasidim worked and works the land . - in the army when they don't study and when they are not well cinnected enough to be spirited to eretz hakoydesh of crown heights . american chabadniks nowadays are embarassed to be in the company of the israelis , bad for fundraising. they are so transparent ! There is a letter that the Rebbe OBM work regarding the settlements. stating that theirs no point moving there when the government holds the land for the wrong reason (not nationalistic reasons) and will eventually be given back. on top of that he never sent any emissaries to the territories. - the sightings of those in chabad uniforms yelling to the tp of their lungs in NY and Gush Katif , must have been illusory or impersonators . secretaries asked him (point blanc) if he was moshiach he said "even moshuach doesn't know that he is moshiach until he comes e.g: - it is clear that the reply is not point blanc . befr the messiah issue ever existed. - the messiah issue is from the days of the alter rebbe or even the besht . of power Wolpo is condemn by main stream chabad " - Bad for business , that's why . The creeds are no different .
67. To Marvin #65
Sholmo ,   Israel   (11.30.05)
You completely misrepresent the objectives of the Chabad movement. I am critical of claims that the Rebbe was mashiach. However I have great respect for the Chabad movement and for the great late Rebbe. Chabad reaches out to all Jews with love. They endeavor to educate people to be more observant of Judaism. Some Chabadnicks behave in a silly way and make foolish claims. However most Chabadnicks are wonderful Jews who study, observe and teach Torah and mitzvot.
68. Shlomo 67
Marvin   (11.30.05)
Shlomo , I used to think like you . Now I think it's a giant act of deceipt . Achizat Einayim and Gneivat Daat . Total lack of hakarat hatov . Look at the bottom line , the result : וַיְקַו לַעֲשׂוֹת עֲנָבִים, וַיַּעַשׂ בְּאֻשִׁים for heaven's sake , they have now elokistim . This is result of unwise action and dare I say megalomania of their leadership , including the Rebbe !
69. Rabbi Wolpe
Hanina ,   USA   (11.30.05)
Dear Rabbi, I like you and would sit down and have lunch with you any day. But you are way off in left field. We must always pray for our fellow Jews and for the State of Israel. Until you can summon the special effects, best la shev basheket.
70. a Tragedy
Aharon ,   Galut   (11.30.05)
As I read these talkbacks I again see the tragedy that is modern Israel a nation less then all the others devoid of Jewishness or purpose beyond survival. Truly the hitnakut showed Torah jews the bankruptcy of the state as it exists. A State of people who scream of the greatness of Democracy but only so long as you agree with me. If you wish to sve Isral and make it a Jeewish State the only real hope is a Torah Monarchy the Qeren movement is that hope. I ask any Torah true jew to join us.(If you are worried about the fact that we want a King not necessarily from David learn Rambam Hilchos Melachim. To uinderstand that a non-Davidic King is permissable.)
71. To Rafi
NYC Girl   (11.30.05)
You find them in Brooklyn, New York which is where this man belongs. The majority of Israelis aren't religious to begin with, and this sort of attitude will only make them more hostile toward religion, which is fine as far as I'm concerned, but I don't think it's the aim of groups like Chabad.
72.  30. Rafi , Canada
Marvin   (11.30.05)
WHERE ELSE YOU FIND THESE pervert religious fanatics except in: ISRAEL and IRAN You forgot Thornhill , ON Rafi !
73. What Farrakahn is to USA Wolpo is to Chabad
Rick Stern ,   NY NY   (11.30.05)
I hear a quote form Rabbi Wolpo: "Perhaps it is worthwhile that Chabad is taken down [by the Messianic faction] so long as it brings the Redemption" That statement speaks for itself
74. Kudos for the rabbi - a man of courage!
ruffy ,   USA   (11.30.05)
It's about time a rabbi got up and stands up against the KGB tactics of the Israeli government. Years ago, when a rabbi wanted to ship Arabs out of Israel, they ostracized him and banned his electorate. Arabs, even while they speak abusively in Knesset against the country, are okay. Arabs are kosher, only religious Jews (commonly labeled "fanatics") are looked at with askance. The country has gone crazy. Soldiers cannot shoot Arabs until they're shot at. Prisoners, with blood on their hands, are let free, while religious Jewish girls, who stood at crossroads to protest the disengagement, are jailed - for months now. They rip out Jewish settlements and give it to our worst enemies. Enemies who teach their young to this day to hate all that is Jewish. Instead of flattening out terrorist-infested cities like Jenin, they go in their with silk gloves to root out the vermin. The country's leadership has gone mad and G-d is showing you and me that a war against religion is really a war against Him. No matter how much the bleeding liberals will flout their tongues - in the end Moshiach will win the era for all Jews and good gentiles the world over.
75. Rabbi???
Michael   (11.30.05)
There is no end to the stupid talk comeing out of these people, what i recomend and strongly beleive is that if they want to live in guskatif and other places like that would they then pray for the "IDF" to protect the lousy souls? If they want to live there let them and then they can pray for Mohamed, it would certainly fit them better, better yet why not stay in NY.
76. ruffy#74 made common sense...
Marie ,   USA   (12.01.05)
What is lacking is common sense. Democracy can not take the place of worshipping the ONE TRUE G-D OF ISRAEL...I am a Christian Zionist and believe Israel should stand up for Judiasim, NOT the other way around. Same for USA...The USA schould stand for Christianity and not the other way around. Jews and Gentiles should support eachother as democracy, the false "peace" God and the One World Government "attempt" to erase the real G-d from existence.
MOSES ,   BROOKLYN   (12.01.05)
78. False Messiah ?
Jerald ,   Montreal,Canada   (12.01.05)
Now is not the time to separate Jews from within & without Israel . Although Sharon's actions in removing the Jewish settlers from the Gaza was dispicable , it would only make matters worse , not better , to assume that for this reason Sharon be given the title of the "false messiah" . If memory holds the false messiah is to come from Rome ? Israel needs all our strength & support to awaken them to the serious situation presently confronting them .Perhaps the fact that Sharon has voluntarily removed himself from his own Likud party is a good sign & that he will be replaced by someone whose values & ideals will bring Israel back from its seance into believing that Sharon & Bush's Road Map for Peace is but a charade & must be changed to safeguard the very existence of Israel . Who will be that man? May we as concerned Jews world-wide be that man & continue to try to awaken her indomnitable spirit & choose the right man to protect the G-d given land of Eretz Yisroel . What say you ?
79. apearently shnerson wasent the messiah
david   (12.01.05)
who are you to say that...dosent really matter anyways since the chabadnics in israel dont even bother serving in the army and almost all dont even have a job and waste the governments money by making the government pay for everything since all they do is tell people what not to do
80. What MAKES a medina
Avraham ,   Lakewood USA   (12.01.05)
Many people here seem to be upset that many people think that people should disengage from the government. The truth is that the government violated THEIR mandate from the people - in MANY ways. Omri Sharon, btw, isn't the only one who should be indicted...Regardless, it is the PEOPLE who make up the medina, not the government. The rabbi's point is to disengage from a corrupt government. Exactly what people here in the US should do...In both cases, if the people DON'T, only doom will come of it. Think on that, people...
81. to Michael re: Rabbi
Avraham ,   Lakewood USA   (12.01.05)
Michael - You accuse the religious of having LOUSY SOULS and imply they're not grateful for the IDF. The first part is dispicable on your part and concerning the second part - those in the territories are for the most part MEMBERS of the IDF - most of those with medals, at that. In addition, the IDF, as a military, NOBODY argues with. It is the POLITICAL IDF which sits back while Kassams rain down, bombers murder people, et al, that people have a problem with. It is the IDF who is subservient to Sharon people don't like - not the IDF who's brave, moral and upright generals who stood up to Sharon and were canned by that rasha. Think before you speak.
82. On the Non-Religious
Avraham ,   Lakewood   (12.01.05)
Just to clarify something noted in previous posts : MOST people in Israel happen to be religious to SOME extant - most are NOT atheists and most are TRADITIONAL if not shomer shabbat. And concerning those who are NOT shomer shabbat, please consider why...look at the history of the secular socialists who seized power in the original founding of the medina. Look at the yemenite children, the camps where they programmed the religious children to hate religion, the kidnappings and sales of children. The non-religious TODAY and the children and grandchildren of the above mentioned people. Always keep things in perspectives, people and don't be manipulated into hating jews different than you due to media mongering.
83. #74
Jeff ,   Atlanta GA   (12.01.05)
You said all. You are 100% correct. Nothing else need be said
84. Dialogue
Rabbi Chaim Adelman ,   Amherst, MA USA   (12.01.05)
I'd be happy to engage anyone in dialogue on this subject. I'm a Chabad rabbi and agree with Rabbi Wolpe. Email me at
85. To Avraham
NYC Girl   (12.01.05)
Leaving aside my personal experiences having been married to an Israeli and seeing the negative attitude toward religion a lot them had I would have to disagree with you. And they weren't European socialists either. They were originally from Iraq, and while each one of them was willing to sacrifice their lives to defend Israel, none of them were kosher or Sabbath-observing and many of them wouldn't even fast on Yom Kippur. But that aside, there was an interesting survey done recently that tried to gauge attitudes toward religion among many different cultures in a variety of countries. The question was asked as to how much of a role God played in people's lives. It turns out the people who felt God played the LEAST role in their lives were South Korean Buddhists, and Israeli Jews. Just something to think about perhaps.
86. Wolpe=sabati zve??
alan ,   san francisco   (12.01.05)
Both were delusional and therefore led a large segment into believing them. Go figure. Wolpe has the grace of Charlie Chaplin. If only he would stop talking for the cameras, we could laugh at the preposterousness of his delusions.
87. he's 100% correct
david ,   miami beach   (12.01.05)
myself and many "modern orthodox" jews feel the same way. for years we have fawned over the State of Israel. people would go to israel and join the army because it was considered something holy. what we were blind to is that the intention of people like sharon was to use those institutions to pull jews away from their religious roots. it was partially successful. now we have to wake up.
88. Allan 86. Wolpe=sabati zve??
Marvin   (12.01.05)
no , it was the rebbe who was like shabbetai tzvi leading the foolish believers in their songs of yechi etc... Volpa is merely one of many clown cronies . As to David No. 87 Miami so some MO's for the sake of convenience are as silly and contaminated by the idolaters ! A real pity !
89. MESHUGAIM !!!!!
Rabbi Shalom Dov Wolpe & CO
90. Childish statements!!
Michael Lewis ,   Plantation, FL   (12.01.05)
Sir 1) Nobody pulled you away from your religous roots 2) Rav Kook heralded the Socialist settlers as harbingers of the messianic age. This predated Mr Sharon and they certainly were less committeed to Jewish Tradition 3) the decsion to be a Zionist is yours and yours alone 4) Dont be childish!! Just because you are not wining the game dont take your toys home and run!
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