PM's CT scan shows slight improvement
Attila Somfalvi
Published: 07.01.06, 18:43
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61. Mohammed , Gaza
Gabrielle Goldwater ,   Geneva Switzerland   (01.07.06)
You are a real moron, if it goes by your measures, than in fact the entire Arabs in the territories would have to be punished by YOUR Allah, since one can count the days, if you can count, you Arabs have been doing nothing but killing Jews ....... what you Arabs did in Hebron in 1929 alone would have been enough to punish all of you, and send you ALL to hell you are nothing but a fool, sort out your Gaza etc... since when you cannot find Jews to kill ... you kill each other and lynch each other That's what kind of insects you are. Animals behave better
62. May God Show mercy on Sharon and....
Abdullah ,   Kuwait City   (01.07.06)
all others who are suffering or struggling with death! This is a reminder that no matter how much might, strength or wealth we manage to get at the end we are all the same when it comes to death! So the best anyone could do is do good deeds and be ready to face God when death comes about! I ask all people who came here to spread hated and joke about Mr. Sharon's serious situation to think by the brain first then by the heart! Peace.
63. Ariels persecutors
alan ,   south africa   (01.07.06)
Ariel Sharons reward for risking his life every day for us since 1948 was to be hounded and persecuted by many of the the same Israelis he protected. ..They were only happy when they were chasing after him like the dogs chase the fox... Always some action against him. Are they better off today?
64. Mohammed#55
Valerie ,   Canada   (01.07.06)
You are so ignorant with your talk about Allah and Ariel Sharon. I don't know what the future holds in store for Ariel Sharon, but just remember to be careful what you wish for because it may come back to haunt you.
65. To Gabe # 61
Mohammed ,   Gaza   (01.07.06)
I will not try to go low to your level & start to call the jewish people names. You are trying to reminde us about 75 years ago while your army is killing us may be last 75 minutes. I suggest you enjoy your stay in Geneva & do not try to act patriot while you are cheicken out of the holy land. OurLand. PALESTINE.
66. War Crimes
Munther ,   Palestine   (01.07.06)
With the exception of the US administration and Isarelis who feel that their occupation of the West Bank and Gaza is acceptable, Sharon embodies dirty colonial occupation fully. One can argue that he has done his utmost to serve Israel, but in the process he acted as any bully dictator and war criminal. Persoanlly I feel sad to his current status and wish him recovery. Politically I beleieve he should stand before an international tribunal.
67. #65, Mohammed from gaza
kapara   (01.07.06)
quick question for you, if "palestine" is yours, does that mean the jews get 40% of bagdad back? Do I get my property in Yemen back? Do the hundreds of thousands of Jews that were ethnically cleansed from the arab world because the arabs chose war instead of peace get their property back? An arab has been living in my house for 50 years. Is it not time to teach your children that the clock is not going backward ever and they will need to compromise with the jews?
68. Response to kapara (post #67)
Abdullah ,   Kuwait City   (01.07.06)
I am sorry for your loses but my question is if you were kicked out from Yemen and someone has stolen your property in Yemen, why is it the Palestinians that you are taking their homes from them? Why don't you seek your revenge on those that actually stole your land and property! While I agree with you that your land and property must be returned back to you, I cannot accept you taking your revenge on the Palestinians! Salam.
69. Mohammed-Gaza who is Gabe here ????
Gabrielle Goldwater ,   Geneva Switzerland   (01.07.06)
Sort out your own lynch-brigade who kills even your very own, those who try to run Gaza ........ report about your own atrocities and sort those on your Arab website, instead of being ignorant Why not learn reality and history educate yourself: WHO ARE THOSE SO CALLED PALESTINIANS ? The Arab claim that they were the "aborigines" - that Arab Palestinians are the equivalent of the ancient Philistines. This is totally incorrect. The latter were a non-Semitic sea people from the Eastern Medit. or Aegean Sea area (of David and Goliath fame). Arab Palestinians are, for most part--despite the blending of populations over the millennia--mostly newcomers themselves from other Arab lands in the 20th century, and at most descendants from the 7th century C.E. Arab conquests by the Caliphal successors to Muhammad. With all the bally-hooed talk of the " RIGHTS OF RETURN " for the "Palestinians" this thought occurs to me : We do remember the posters and placards ubiqitously displayed in Vienna after the Anschlus proclaiming: "JUDEN NACH PALASTINA." And the philosopher Emanuel Kant, in his frequent anti-jewish vituperations, suggested to " send these Palestinians " back to where they came from. Palestine was always only a region never a sovereign State - even the UN calls it a geographic region only History in a Nutshell
70. abdullah Kuwait city #68
Marcel ,   Florida   (01.07.06)
You wrote; "Why don't you seek your revenge on those that actually stole your land" The Jews don't seek revenge as the arab moslem does.He does not think as they do. The truth that you ignore abdullah is that the struggle against Israel is an Islamic one ,not a Palestinian one. Moslems cause Jews to flee Yemen and every other Islamic country. That is only to decieve the world. As you know Islam's Dar al Harb CANNNOT ALLOW Kufar Israel to remain on land once under allah's control. Israel is faced with the front line Islamic warriors we know as palestinians . So Israel must defeat this Islamic batallion and other moslems will come to remove infidel Israel. Only when Islam is soundly defeated and no more will there be real peace. The moslems of IRAN
71. To Kapara # 67- Not on my account
Mohammed ,   Gaza   (01.07.06)
Dear Kapara If the Iraqis, Yamenis or the German kicked your ........That does not justify you kick us out of Palestine. If some one steal from u. You do not steal from others. If u still remember the holy land after more than 2000 years away. Then we need the same amount of time to do so.
72. To Gabe #69
Mohammed ,   Gaza   (01.07.06)
Dear Gape Keep thinking & dreaming & wishing & hoping that Palestine is your land. That does not change our thoughts & dreams & wishes & hopes that one day will be ours. The promise from Allah to Ibraham stated that it is for Ibraham & his childerns unless his childern become un fair & un just. Guess what ? Isreal does it all to us. It is the time that the other part of the family rule. The son of the slave (Hagar) By the way Gape means in Arabic " Stupid".
73. A response to Mohammed of Gaza
Kate ,   London   (01.07.06)
Mohammed writes: "That does not change our thoughts & dreams & wishes & hopes that one day will be ours" That only confirms our worst fears: that you do now want peace with Israel, but instead seek its destruction. In the end, of course, you will only bring about your own total destruction with this kind of ideology. If you were a sensible man you would be working hard to improve your lot in Gaza. But naturally such actions are anathema to you, and as a result you will lose everything. In any event, to hand over a successful first-world nation like Israel to the Palestinians would rather like putting a five-year old child in the driver's seat of a Ferrari. In nothing flat the car would be destroyed and the child would be dead. You can thank your lucky stars that it will never happen. Mohammed writes "By the way Gape means in Arabic " Stupid". " Given how little Arabs have achieved in the last 500 years, I don't really think you're in a position to call anyone stupid, and especially not a member of the preternaturally successful Jewish people.
74. A response to Abdulla of Kuwait
Kate ,   London   (01.07.06)
Abdulla writes: "I am sorry for your loses but my question is if you were kicked out from Yemen and someone has stolen your property in Yemen" Given that your own artificial nation (a totally corrupt and extremely authoritarian country that has achieved nothing beyond living off the oil that Westerners found) rightfully belongs to Iraq, I really don't believe that you're in a position to give lessons to anyone else.
75. 68 and 71, my friends abdullah and mohammed
kapara   (01.07.06)
You don't get it. The jews stole no land from arabs, when the arab world chose war instead of peace, they should accept the consequences of their actions. If the ararab world starts a war, should they not have to live with the results. Sorry it did not turn out the way you wanted it, maybe you should address your problems to the rest of the arab countries that caused your problem, not the jews. The only ones who stole property are the arabs from the jews when they ethnically cleansed nearly all the jews from the arab countries and stole their property. Maybe if israel had put me in a "refugee camp" instead of absorbing me and hundreds of thousands of other jews from the arab world, then I could have the pity of the world that you seek. How inhuman for the arab countries to create "refugee camps" instead of being accountable for their actions and absorbing the arabs that chose to run away as a result of the wars started by the arab world. How is land won in defensive war...stolen? Have you always felt that you should not be held accountable for your actions? We have a disagreement, no one will be declared the winner, there can only be compromise. So I guess there is no compromise. It is just not in you and your people. Call us when your ready to move forward and not backward.
76. #72 here is a wake up call.
Molly ,   Ireland   (01.07.06)
the facts given by Ms. Goldwater has nothing to do with wishing and hoping but truth. Something you can never provide. Remember Ms. Goldwater provided FACTS THAT are as true as if they were etched in stone.
77. good will save him (inshaa alla)
zhila ,   sweden   (01.07.06)
I die , you die , every ones die.. and no one remember us ! but a great man like sharon he is a man before leader and every human has a part of good and evil in his hart . if you tolking about what he done with palestinian people (saddam is muslims ) and he kills milone peoples and until now thire is some one in some where wont him back .. so sharon is aleader loving his country and i am shour that he do his best to his people . the arabs allways dinsing fore some one die .they must pray to good to send to him a leader like sharon and then they will be sive
78. To Kate # 73
Mohammed ,   Gaza   (01.07.06)
You write "That only confirms our worst fears" Your worst fears is written in the Quran & your bible. You write " You would be working hard to improve your lot in Gaza". I am dreaming about improving & cleanning a bigger lot than Gaza. You write "and as a result you will lose everything" I have nothing to lose. I call Gabrielle "Stubid" because he called us insects & animals. although the eurobeans people like you called him "Blood sucker"
79. Response to Marcel (post 70)
Abdullah ,   Kuwait City   (01.07.06)
Dear Marcel I found that you are deeply blinded by your hatred to Islam and Muslims in a way that makes any rational you are trying to justify invalid! Therefore it is quiet pointless to make any sense in arguing with you! I ask, Allah, Hashem or God to bless your ill soul A SAP.
80. Response to Kate (post 74)
Abdullah ,   Kuwait City   (01.07.06)
Dear Hate monger, I won't dignify you with an answer to your insults! Pity.
81. #75. You forgot something.
Mo ,   U.S   (01.07.06)
prior to the war the Mufti's and Arab leaders told their people to flee. They said when they win the war they can come back and retake not only their homes but the ones of the Jews. All talk no action. These now so-called Palestinians have their leaders from the past to blame and their leaders PRESENT. Sad thing is they will never take responsiblity for their own actions but continue to lay false blame while their hearts continue to explode with misplaced hate for Jews. By so doing their tyranical selfish leaders along with the appeasers of the world can continue to use them.
82. Response to kapara (post 75)
Abdullah ,   Kuwait City   (01.07.06)
Dear Kapara, You make it sound like the Jews were and still are the underdogs and the whole world should allow them to do whatever they want just because they once were almost wiped out by the Nazis! Ask your self this question? Why wasn't the Nazis punished by taking their lands from them like your occupation forces leaded country did to the Palestinians? Anyways, you also talk about meeting with you guys when we are ready to compromise, yet you and your country have turned off every peace gesture the Arab had offered you since Oslo! Israel has rejected a peaceful solution to the conflict by the offer given by the Saudis! The truth of the matter is, Israel wants peace but it does not want to compromise! Israel wants the Arabs to accept its own dictation of how peace ought to be! Israel has its own unique interpretation of how the road map to peace is ought to be, not even the U.S. administration knows what the hell is the road map is to Israel! At the end kapara, the Palestinians won't accept the little fenced jail you want them to call a country as a final solution to the conflict! And sooner or later if Israel do not seek an acceptable to all parties solution, Israel will be SOL with the Palestinians demographic bomb in both the West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem and Israel will be forced to absorb them into Israel which as you know will lose Israel its Jewish character in about 20 years period democractically! The only solution is for Israel and the Arabs to accept a solution based on the pre June 4th 1967 war green line borders. Peace.
83. Abdullah Kuwait City it's difficult to swallow truth is it
Gabrielle Goldwater ,   Geneva Switzerland   (01.07.06)
If it would not have been for the USA you would not sit any more in your young country. the shame is only, that most of you still after having been saved by the USA, still want to fight America as the big Satan you are all cut from the same cloth......... cry for help when you need others to save your but, and stab them into the back when suitable when it is pointed out, you just come with insults to the table
84. Gaza little man
Gabrielle Goldwater ,   Geneva Switzerland   (01.07.06)
you said: ....I call Gabrielle "Stubid" because he called us insects & animals. although the eurobeans people like you called him "Blood sucker" ...... First stubid does not exist ... it is stupid, but we know the Palis cannot say the P same is for Europeans..... a P........ not b Then next it is not HE, the Gabrielle .. is a female name, same in male would be Gabriel Go and hide behind your women and kids that's what you do best learn history. learn spelling and after you have sorted out yourselves in Gaza and become normal citizens ....... than open your uneducated mouth again
85. #55
Jason ,   Ghajnsielem, Malta   (01.07.06)
Hi Mohammed - how typical of your creed. You have turned God into a caricature of hatred.
86. sory
zhila ,   sweden   (01.07.06)
sory i mene gud not good
87. Abdullah in Kuweit still has not understood facts
Gabrielle Goldwater ,   Geneva Switzerland   (01.07.06)
.Abdullah in Kuweit still has not understood anything He says:....The only solution is for Israel and the Arabs to accept a solution based on the pre June 4th 1967 war green line borders. ..... Facts: The fact that the Arab states did not accept the Partition Plan. voids any past recommendation of any legal basis. Resolutions 242 and 338, which call for negotiations and a "withdrawal from territories" (not "withdrawal from THE territories") captured in 1967, after a war that was lodged by Arabs States against the State of Israel, are "recommendations." ONLY These resolutions were drawn up under the UN Charter's Clause VI, which deals with non-mandatory recommendations - as opposed to Clause VII resolutions, "which are mandatory, and which deal with a threat to world peace, such as those taken earlier against Iraq." there is nothing in international law that requires a Palestinian state between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean - not even the UN Partition Resolution of Nov. 29, 1947. "According to international law," "Israel has full right to try to populate the entire Land of Israel with dense Jewish settlement, and thus actualize the principles set by the League of Nations in the original Mandate Charter of San Remo in 1920. At that time, the mandate to the Land of Israel was granted to the British, and the introduction to the mandate charter states clearly that it is based on the international recognition of the historic ties between the Jewish People and the Land of Israel. Clause II of that mandate charges Britain with 'ensuring the existence of political, administrative, and economic conditions that will guarantee the establishment of the Jewish national home in the Land of Israel.'" By Arabs never agreeing to anything but to lounge 3 wars instead against Israel, Arabs have lost any and all claims to any partition plan ever. You cannot lead war against Israel, lose same over and again, and then believe the LOSER, who started the agression and war will be given choices ..........
88. A response to Abdullah from Kuwait
Kate ,   London   (01.07.06)
Abdullah writes: "Dear Hate monger, I won't dignify you with an answer to your insults!" True to form, whenever an Arab is forced to come face to face with facts, he runs and hides. It wasn't hate but reality that formed the basis of my answers. Let me reiterate: 1) Kuwait is a totally artificial entity. It's quite obvious if one looks at the history of the area that the land on which Kuwait sits rightfully belongs to Iraq. Naturally, from the perspective of its own interests, the West obviously couldn't allow Iraq's invasion of Kuwait to stand. On the grounds of principle and morality though, Saddam's claims to Kuwait were 100% correct. 2) Despite the promises given to the U.S. and others after their forces bailed Kuwait out in the early 1990s, Kuwait hasn't done one single thing to change its undemocratic ways. In Kuwait, nepotism and corruption are everything and meritocratic notions and the rule of law are as nothing. 3) Apart from the oil that was discovered by the West and despite the great riches that have been bestowed on it, Kuwait hasn't achieved one single thing of significance over the decades. Spending money on nonsense appears to be the national religion of Kuwait. Wasting time appears to be the main occupation. 4) The notion that you, a citizen of Kuwait, has the right to speak up for Palestinians is utterly risible in the light of the fact that Kuwait ethnically cleansed hundreds of thousands of Palestinians after the first Gulf War.
89. A further response to Mohammed from Gaza - post # 78
Kate ,   London   (01.07.06)
Do you think you could let me have an English translation of your answer?
90. To Gabya #84
Mohammad ,   Gaza   (01.07.06)
Sorry I did not know you were a woman. I would have called u gabya. Execuse my English. but I speaks Arabic & Hebrew better than you atleast. P or B who cares. At least u got my message u still a stuBid Gabya from euroP Plood sucker
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