Opinion  Ray Hanania
Christian fundamentalism drives U.S. extremism
Ray Hanania
Published: 09.01.06, 19:19
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31. #21
Michael U ,   SF, USA   (01.10.06)
God told us not to HATE, not Jesus... Baseless hatred is the cause of all the punishment Hashem has given to the Jewish people throughout history. I don't hate Xtians, I don't hate Muslims. I find great problems with their beliefs. I would like to explain to them the nature of Hashem. Hashem is awesome, his powers without limit, his desire is the perfection of mankind. The mitzvahs are provided as a path toward righteousness.. People need to open their spirits to the awesome nature of Hashem, then they will know the truth. Michael U
32. incoherent
tom ,   canada   (01.10.06)
unfortunately, mr hanania fails to make a coherent argument. pat robertson may be a racist bigot, but nothing in this article proves it. the christian fundamentalists may be as bad as the islamist jihadists, but he has given no proof for this. and i have never seen or heard a fundamentalist preacher justify any violence against unbelievers. the closest may have been to condemn them to eternal damnation, but that has never included ANYTHING about hastening the process. the argument that jews and christians are "just as bad" does not excuse the jihadists or their terrorism - "by their actions you shall judge them".
33. Christian fundamentalists
Anna ,   US   (01.10.06)
He who sups with the devil should use a very long spoon. Pat Robertson has just proved this adage. He and his followers are evil people, so why is Israel welcoming them with open arms? They are bent on the destruction of Israel and if they are not stopped that is just what they will accomplish.
34. Pat Robertson
Greg ,   USA   (01.10.06)
I agree that Pat Robertson's comments were yet another case of an American Fundametalist Christian shooting themselves in the foot. But to say that Christian fundamentalists are worse than Islamic extemists astounds me. Are you thick, do you see Christians wrapping bombs to themselves and killing Jews? Come on give us a break here. I mean really that is just mean spirited of you. People like you in Israel should remember who your friends are. I'm very pro Israel, and a Christian. You should apologize for your inexcusable comments, they are as stupid and ignorant as anything I've heard Pat Robertson ever say. And you are not worse than Islamic extremists. Nothing or no one is as dangerous as that bunch.
35. roger that
absalom ,   newport beach, calif   (01.10.06)
roger that Tel Aviv 'Observer' #1. Jews dont know when they are well off. Why its even in the New Testament. Dont stop him from preaching, 'if hes not against us, hes for us.' When are we going to stop looking a gift horse in the mouth and stop heaping abuse on our friends to please our enemies?
36. You failed as a comedian, now this? Try plumbing,
Ray ,   LA   (01.10.06)
there is money there. By the way I am Jewish..
37. Relax Ray - Pat was there
Andrew ,   Miami, FL   (01.10.06)
Relax ray - pat and the 700 club were there when we (jewsh people) were looking for friends - always 100 % there. I comb all news sources, and people...I always found pat there...100%Yes - his world is different and so is his rationale - Yes he can put his foot in his mouth every now and then (even with us) - but he was a friend when we needed them and always will be remember - its not like you can write what you want if you worked for the PA or Hamas...enjoy israel and help her when YOU can
38. Thanks Yasha and others
Ray Hanania ,   Chicago, IL USA   (01.10.06)
I was merely making the comparison on Iran to the spouting of hatred, not the comparison to the violence. I believe the conservative right is fundamentally anti-Semitic, they just hate one people at a time and the Muslims are at the top of the list. They go through them as fast as they can. but so far, they are slow. They are definitely anti-Semitic. Of course, if you are Jewish, you know that Robertson is wrong about his end-of-days beliefs. But that's not a reason to tolerate his ugliness. It's not easy to spea out against the fundamentalists. But fundamentalism in any religion be it Judaism, Christianity or Islam is a contradiction of God's teachings. And those who believe only their followers will go to heaven are also very wrong. Thanks for sharing your comments. And Robert Goldman, I always do read your comments and try to find the constructive criticism that is there. I take it in a positive manner. Thanks Ray Hanania www.hanania.com
39. pat robertson
michael livingston ,   cheltenham, pa usa   (01.10.06)
whatever one thinks of robertson individually, the concern for israel of the christian right strikes me as genuine, i don't think they should be dismissed as racists, antisemites, etc. this is just a reciprocal form of intolerance i believe. it isn't logical and doesn't help
40. Those Christians are strapping the bomb belts on as we speak
Steven Wilson ,   Anchorage, Alaska   (01.10.06)
It's against Christian beliefs to commit suicide. They believe it is a straight ticket to hell, unlike Ray's Muslim buddies. It's funny that Ray tries to drive a wedge between Jews and Christians in America. What's his purpose? So that the Jews will reward the terrorists that kill innocent Jews? It really wouldn't matter if Robertson believed we would all turn into Monkeys, if we weren't of his faith. All that really matters, is that he doesn't encourage Christians to strap on bomb belts, to blow up Jews, as a weapon to get some dirt in the West Bank, and Gaza Strip. Imagine if the Jews were strapping on the bombs and blowing up Jordanians. I mean the Arabs sacked Jerusalem, and expelled Jews to all corners of the Earth. If the Jews used the same tactics, ( suicide bombers), would Ray explain them away, as he has done in this article? Would he say, that Christians would probably use the same tactics, if they were in the Jews situation? Being American Indian----Would Ray basically condone such suicidal behaviour, if I showed up at his door with a bomb? It's my land he is sitting on. Would he justify my behaviour too.? He might as well say it is okay to kill Jews, because of the Palestinians living conditions. By saying Christians would do the same thing in the same conditions, he Condones the act of Serial Killing for an effect. The effect is getting your land back through terror. There is no excuse for what the Palestinians are doing. They have music video's playing on their Television sets--extolling the virtues of children blowing themselves up for Allah. If you teach your Arab Children to blow themselves up, and become serial killers, don't lead the Jewish community to believe that American Christians, are teaching their children the same barbaric morals. It was a good try, to drive a wedge between the only group that likes the Jews in the first place. As far as Christians hating Jews. That is one of the most bald faced lies I have ever heard. Yes they may believe they are the only ones that are going to heaven. But they aren't blowing up Jews to get there before their time. Obviously Ray doesn't really hang out with many Christians in America. If he did--he would know that most Christians are very fond of Israel---while disgusted by Palestinian Suicide Bombers. Imagine if Americans strapped on Bomb Belts every time an imminent domain case was settled in court. Bombs would be going off all the time. Maybe Americans don't place as much revelance to blowing yourself up for dirt. Maybe Ray sides with his rascist buddies on the West Bank and Gaza. Or does he really believe this blowing up innocent people is justified? I mean the Christians would do it---if they were in the Palestinians position!
41. Michael Steiner promoting serial baby killing?
Steven Wilson ,   Anchorage, Alaska   (01.10.06)
Why do you fight so magnificently for Jewish rights, when you won't shed a tear for innocent children being killed in abortion clinics. I mean, it's okay to hate Christians, if it floats your boat. But if you really believe in human rights, as much as you suggest, then how about showing that you have a set between your legs, and stick up for innocent children for a change. Killing 4000 children in America every day, and 900 a day in Israel, is a bit much. Wouldn't you agree? I'm not religious---and even I know this is murder. Did any of those children give permission for mommy to kill them? I didn't think so. As far as, far right idiots blowing up abortion clinics. Their terroristic tactics are reprehensible. But so are the mothers, and the far lefts actions. They condone innocent childrens murders by being silent. Just as Germans remained silent when Jews were being marched into the Gas Chambers. A medical facility sign doesn't change the fact that you are murdering children. Neither does the statement that it isn't against the law. It wasn't against the law for Hitler to kill Jews either. As far as saying all Christians are rascists because of the Ku Klux Klan. That's a pretty steep argument you are trying to make. Most americans aren't card carrying KKK members. And just because they support Israel and are far right gives you no right to say anything to them about being rascist. You sound like a rascist every time you bash these people, because they aren't left wing tree huggers. If they had long hair, used LSD, were for free love, and carried a fatal sexual disease, would they be acceptable in Steiners world? Or are you an entity unto yourself? A legend in your own mind?
42. Sometimes I disagree with Ray but...
....at least he has the balls to call a spade a spade. So keep up the good work Ray, I dont always agree but I do understand and respect your point of view. On the other hand there are a lot of seriously weird people who write back about bible verse no. 204 fourth line from the left says blah blah etc. Bit off the topic but anyway. Pats a moron. I wouldnt even give him the time of day. Hes no better than the far-right wacko shmucks on our side, or the wacko shmucks on your side who want to wipe us off the planet (and I must tell you my wife has quite a temper so if a terrorist ever comes a knocking at this door and shes home he better bring lots of band-aids) Hes a little like Ahmejinedad in disguise as a cowboy from Texass. (except minus the hareem of camels)
43. Christian Fundamentalism
Jonathan ,   Santa Maria, USA   (01.10.06)
Ray Hanania's editorial on Pat Robertson was about as incorrect as can be humanly possible. Though outspoken he takes the biblical position that the Jewish residents of Judea, Samaria and Gaza also hold..and yes Pat is a great supporter of Israel, again based on the promises of God's Word in the Bible.
44. Hey Ray
Greg ,   USA   (01.10.06)
You have absolutely no clue my friend. Fundamentalists are the most non anti-semitic people on the planet right now. Yeah they believe these are the end times. You don't have to be a Christian, or a fundamentalist, as a matter of fact you can be a total atheist and the argument can be made that these are dangerous time. They are beyond dangerous, and the one and the only reason is Islamic fanatics. Period, and if you had an ounce of honesty in you, you would admit it.
45. No fan of Robertson, but Hanania is as wrong as he is
Jeff ,   Herzliya   (01.10.06)
I disagree with Robertson about a lot of things, especially his public foreign policy pronouncements supposedly connected with Biblical truth. But, Hanania, from under which rock did you crawl out? Calling Christians "Ayatollahs"? Saying that evangelicals are the most anti-Semitic people on earth? Ynet, please, isn't there anyone else who can be doing these columns? Getting a failed comedian to write op-eds?
46. Good one!
Martel ,   USA   (01.10.06)
Hey Ray, now I know why people love your comedy -- it's hilarious! Racists?! Brilliant! Christian fundamentalists the same as Islamic suicide bombers? Priceless! You had me cracking up, Ray. Nice job!
47. Ayatollahs
Michael Greengard ,   Holon, Israel   (01.10.06)
Christian fundamentalists are racists and demagogues? How many Arabs and Jews have they killed? How many synagogues and mosques have they wrecked? If you want to find racists and demagogues, look at the Arab countries and at Arabs who have moved to Western countries - that's where you can find them.
48. to Michael 31
your first sentenc shows no respect for Christianity when you said God told us not Jesus .... the Prophets came to show us the way and to tell us everything about God ... and the truth you speake about it's the truth you belive in but it does not mean that this is the truth ... did you chose your relegion or you borned you found your self like this ? now you are to able to fight and you are convienced that this the only truth .... for somthing you didn't chose ... don't you think it's funny .. all of us fighting for somthing we didn't chose ... in this case the best is to have respect for everybody ... and not to try to tell anyone you are right or you are wrong because everyone he is right in his eyes ... all relegions telling us about God so about what we are fighting ... we are all relegios but not wise ... much harder to be wise than to relegios ...
49. Simple, Ray doesn't like when Jews have friends.
50. Ray, I tried to tell them..
Dorothy Friend ,   Tel Aviv, Israel   (01.10.06)
... that the Christian fundamentalists + evangelists won't stop at red triangles and pink triangles, but will progress on to yellow Stars of David, but from some of the talkbacks here, you can imagine the answers I've gotten on that.
51. Palestinian Christians
JohnE ,   USA   (01.10.06)
I know that Palestinian Christians are upset at Evangelical Christians for giving to people in Israel, but it doesn't mean that we don't care about the Palestinian Christians or think that G-d loves them any less.
52. To all the idiots who support Robertson:
Michael Steiner ,   EU   (01.10.06)
You jerks obviously don't learn.As Dorothy (#50) said: when Robertson and your fundy Xian friends graduate to yellow stars, don't come crying to those of us who've warned you for help. You should understand that those who have so much intolerance in their hearts (even if that intolerance is FOR THE MOMENT directed at those you consider to be your bitter adversaries: Muslims, Arabs or whoever) will CONSTANTLY have bear that hatred in them and will CONSTANTLY need to take it out on someone. Don't be surprised when it's the turn of Jews again to be at the receiving end.
53. to 24
and by standing beside everybody how you to solve the problem of both sides without deviding the land ?.. don't tell me to send the Palistinians to Alaska like this one from Iran said to the Jews ... to speake with the name of God is a dangroes game the Prophets spoke enough and told us einough ... but to use God for privat interest in any relegion it's like playing with the fire ... fundamentalists in any relegion are dangrous ... Moslems , Christians or Jews ... people who kill with name of the relegion are some gangs and killers ... the Crusades were killing with name of God .... El Quaeeda killing with name of God ... the Jews came to this land killing the Palistinans with the name of God .... God is inocent from all the killers .... and tell mr. Pat .... when God want to punish someone ... God don't send one killer to shoot him cowerdly like what's happend to mr. Rabin (God bless him) ... it's very rudy to say that the killer of mr. Rabin sent by God because he wanted to devide the land .. come on guys ... God does not need killers to punish someone .... stop playing in the heads of the people with the name of God ... God is known and clear .
54. Cheap shot to get higher ratings
Rachel BenDavid ,   Peduel   (01.10.06)
Calling Pat Robertson, and the other Christian fundamentalists ayatollahs is ridiculous. Comparing suicide bombings to "bombast" is disgusting and shows that you have stopped being able to think rationally - and have turned into the type of extremist that you supposedly hate so much. I used to like reading your opinions, even if I didn't agree with you. After this one I won't read anymore.
55. here's a question for you Ray
Laurie ,   Detroit   (01.10.06)
imagine if you will for a second.. A higher power abducts you and gives you a choice of one of two places you can be. 1. dropped off in Gaza,suddenly stuck mute with an American flag, and a God Bless the USA tatooed all over your body. or 2. dropped off at the studios of the 700 Club, suddenly struck mute with a Koran in hand, a tatoo of Osama Bin Ladens face, a shirt that says "I love Al Qaeda, Hamas, Hezbolla, and Bless all the suicide bombers". If somehow this were possible you and I both know which you would chose don't we Ray?
56. Pat Robertson's Statements
Ed ,   Pittsburgh, USA   (01.10.06)
.....he quotes the bible....says what others are afraid to say....and that scares the crap out of people like Ray and the many writers to this talkback.... If Pat Robertson was not correct he would not get such a reaction...Ray as tha bard says "methinks he doth protest too much"....
57. Pathetic article
Micha ,   Jerusalem, Israel   (01.10.06)
It is hard to understand why any newspaper would publish an article so biased and flawed as this one. He makes wild unsubstantiated claims. He steriotypes Christians, Jew, and Muslems. The article is almost too pathetic for words.
58. Defending Robertson
Daniel   (01.10.06)
I think Jews accept the fact Pat Robertson is right. Real Christians support Israel, building the Temple, destroying the Moslems and Islam. When Judgment Day comes, Jews will embrace Jesus, the Jewish Rabbi and Prophet. Robertson is not a racist. He knows that those who don't believe in Jesus will not go to Heaven. Read the Bible. Sorry Ray. You're a Moslem in disguise, a self-hating Christian; I question if you are even a Christian at all. But face Armageddon and your real stripes will come out. Join us or die like all the other non-believers. (Didn't I read somewhere one of your relatives is a leading Christian Evangelists, from Ramallah? You Hypocrite! Tell them about Benny!) God Bless Israel.
59. To Dorothy & Steiner
Elle ,   NYC   (01.10.06)
We use them as they use us and nothing more. We don't fool ourselves thinking they are so in love with us or anything. If they plan on "graduating to yellow stars" then they will do so regardless of how we act. In the meantime, might as well not make any more enemies as we have enough as it is. Enjoy Christian support b/c it's not like we have a lot of it, especially not coming from Steiner's friends in the EU. And a heads up to you Steiner- While you go on and on calling others names on here, you shouldn't be surprised when the EU reveals those lovely tendencies they revealed in the 30's & 40's. To quote you: " don't come crying to those of us who've warned you for help."
60. Surprised at Article
Joe Levi ,   Los Angeles. USA   (01.10.06)
I admit to being surprised, but not shocked at the analysis expressed in this article. I listen to TBN, a Chrstian Broadcasting Network, locally, with worldwide reach. This is the ONLY Christian program which has, without limits, supported Israel, in it's ongoing conflict. Pat made a mistake, by equating the illness to a political stance by Sharon, like Bush who went into Iraq on the WMD theory. But both men have world peace at heart, including a resolution to the M.E. conflict. Christians mainly loathe Mohammad, and the Muslims think of us as Infidels. The attitude towards Jews we all know. We need Evangelicals now more than ever. Tell that to this author and Abe Foxman, and maybe Spielberg, who are considered sons of monkeys and apes by you know who. BTW, isn't there a fatwa outstanding in parts of the Muslim world.....not to forget the shouts of "death to Sharon" heard in some quarters (Spain).
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