Opinion  Ray Hanania
Christian fundamentalism drives U.S. extremism
Ray Hanania
Published: 09.01.06, 19:19
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90 Talkbacks for this article
61. Ray Hanania
Werner Marti ,   Switzerland   (01.10.06)
You made fundamental statements--ergo--you are a fundamentalist--ergo--hate yourself
62. sorry the post no. 53 is to 23 not 24
63. Don't Be FooledBy Abdul Steiner
Digital Heretic   (01.10.06)
He is neither European or Jewish. He is an Arab symp who seeks to divide Israel with every syllable he utters. As for the article: It was poorly written and poorly edited and ranks among the BBC as far as believability...meaning not at all. The percepeption that Christians are hawkish is only believeavle in light of the fact that they stand united in the protection and presevation of Israel. Christianity is practically BANNED in the U.S. as a rampant liberal athiesm is the new religion...just as it is in Israel. "Extremeist" and Zealot" are derrogatory terms terms used by people who have opposing views and who are JUST as extreme and zealous in THEIR own beliefs. Steiner and his assorted Arab terrorist friends are prime examples of intolerance and hatred attempting to pose as logic and reason. Don't you buy it for one second. All of us have an agenda. In one degree or another. There are noble people who want to see Israel whole. We simply disagree with the menas to make her whole. Then, there are others like this "Steiner" who spread lies and dissent. Their true aim is to see Israel pushed into the sea. I, for one, choose to fight him and his ilk as should everyone who loves Israel.
64. Christian Fundamentalism
Michael Gregg ,   Bristol, Tennessee   (01.10.06)
True Christianity cannot be anti-semetic, because Yeshua WAS a Jew! Anyone who spouts anti-semetic rhetoric and still claims to be a Christian, is not truly a follower of Christ, but a liar !
65. don't mix up things
anti Israeli is somthing and anti simitic is somthing else ... not every anti Israeli you accuse him direct that he is anti simitic ... from the side or the relegion Christians should not be anti anything or anyone ... this what Jesus asked us to do even with those who hate us .... so any heter or hatress like Linda Rivera for example is a fake Christian ... and any relegios kill with the name of God he is a killer and fake relegios from any relegion .
66. Moderate Christians are not universallists
Geoffrey Grounds ,   Brisbane, Australia   (01.11.06)
Ray says Moderate Christians believe all the monotheists are going to heaven. WRONG. That is a minority branch of christianity called universalism. Moderate Christians would believe what the bible says eg. John 20:31 "But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name." and 1 John 3:23 "And this is his command: to believe in the name of his Son, Jesus Christ, and to love one another as he commanded us." and the clincher Philippians 2:10 "..that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth,.." Not the name of the Muslim God. Christians are CHRISTians (AKA JESUS-ians) - not Allah-ians or any other God-ians. Universalism is a logical extension of post-modern pluralism.
67. Self-Hating wimp
Pat Robertson is along with Jerry Falwell the only righteous Gentiles in the media save for a couple politicians that love Israel. Ray seems to be another self-hating Jew who hates the Torah. It is anti-semetic to LIKE SHARON and his traitorous plan to retreat from esha and create an Independant PLO terrorist state. www.jtf.org
68. RE: Ray Hananaia's article
Ted Hewlett, British ,   Surrey, BC, Canada   (01.11.06)
Pat Robertson is lacking in judgement and apparently lacking in Christian charity. But Pat Robertson is not the spokesman for all Evangelical Christians or Christian fundamentalists. As the son of parents who would have classified themselves by those names and who were lovers of Israel, I take offence at Mr. Hanania's opinion and at ynet's giving it such a prominent place. It's strange how some Jews insist on hating the very people who stand up for them. However wrong they may think Christian Evangelicals are in their theology, one would think Jews of all people would avoid making the sorts of sweeping genralizations which have been used to victimize them over the centuries. Fortunately, many Jews are able to see prejudice such as Mr. Hanania's for what it is.
69. #17... You're psycho too!
Scott ,   Mpls USA   (01.11.06)
70. fundamentalist anti-semitism
William R.Jones ,   Nashville,Tn   (01.11.06)
Mr Hanania --- in spite of left wing liberal souls like your self, a true turning toward Judaism is happening in Christendom. A real desire to be forgiven and to aid Judaism and the Nation of Israel is fiercely growing among Christians. It is sad to read such vitriolic garbage as you have penned in this article. It is obvious to anyone but the most ignorant and ill informed, (take a long look in the mirror)that the greatest friends of Jews and eretz Israel is the Christian fundamentalist, the charismatic born again "holy rollers". This must really be hard for you to take. Your attitude seems to be that you would rather suffer death and alienation and see the end of the nation of israel, than to have these lowly ignorant back woods countrified idiots as allies. Thank the creator that all Jews are not puffed up ignorant stuffed shirts like you. you need to have a talk with Rabbi Eckstein of Int'l fellowship of Christians and Jews, who is supported by a group of Christians that have provided over $100,000,000.00 to Israeli needs, asking nothing in return. If this is anti-semitic, I am a rubber ducky, that can type. there is no denying the past horrors inflicted upon the Jewish people by christians in the past, and gunshy and suspicion is expected on the part of the hurt, injured, tortured and maligned. No doubt there are many Jew haters among so-called christians, but there are hundreds of thousands and perhaps millions that painfully regret this horrendous history and are doing something about it. Start investigating your misguided hostility and deep seated personal racism and maybe you will unearth which screwed up christian hurt you in the past. then you will be able to forgive she/he or they and become a happier person Shalom
71. Christian suicide bombers?
Sharon ,   Jerusalem, Israel   (01.11.06)
Ray, how could you write this? "I am certain that if Christian fundamentalists in America were to ever find themselves in the same situation as the Palestinians, for example, they would defend suicide bombing as a “justified” form of combat. " Have you ever asked yourself why it is that no one other than Palestinians (and more recently, fundamentalist Muslims) uses suicide bombings? Or why it is that no other party employs deadly force against obviouly innocent "targets" (e.g., 16-year-old girls waiting to go into a club, families eating pizza, elderly people celebrating a Seder)? I'll tell you why. It's because everyone else recognizes that suicide bombings, and indeed terror, are reprehensible, period. Nothing that could possibly be gained from such tactics could ever justify them. Christians suffer plenty in this world, mostly at the hands of Muslims, (both in Muslim countries and increasingly in Christian countries). And yet they don't strap explosives to themselves and look to kill as many civilians as they can. Stop trying to justify the unjustifiable by crying "look how bad things are for us." Until and unless all forms of terror (deliberately attacking civilians) cease to be a tactic, nothing will change in this region. Until and unless Palestinians choose to take responsibility for their actions, they will continue to suffer.
72. #70; Ray is an Arab who pretends to be Christian.
Daisy ,   USA   (01.11.06)
And Michael Steiner is an Arab who pretends to be Jewish.
73. to Daisy 72
and you are nothing who pertend somthing .... i told you many times write about Donald Duck better for you ..... gg
74. #73; Please learn to spell idiot!
Daisy ,   USA   (01.11.06)
75. Daisy
i promiss you i will learn to spell as soon as you learn anything in your life ... you ignorant hatress ... lol
76. Question
Tom ,   Canada   (01.11.06)
Hanania wrote "Christian fundamentalism is built, somewhat, on a latent hatred of Jews." Could those who bash Christians please let me know what alterior motive did Christians have for providing hiding places in their homes for Jewish people during the second world war? As a result, millions of them died at the hands of the nazi's and often in the same prison camps as Jews.
77. Christian Fundamentalist
sara ,   santa cruz, ca   (01.12.06)
I am a Christian fundamentalist and I LOVE ISRAEL!!!!!! I believe the BIble absolutely and completely, and God says in the Bible that whoever blesses Israel He will bless and whoever curses Israel He will curse. And I bless Israel. But speaking the truth is not cursing and thats all Robertson was doing-at least about what the Bible says, i wouldn't presume to say that God struck a man down.
78. #23 Excellent
mac ,   ny ny   (01.12.06)
I agree with everything you say except for one small point in regards to morasha. The heritage belongs to those who uphold the commandments. It is written that the land belongs to G-d and HE gives it to those who obey HIS law. Those who do not uphold the commandments will be "vomited" out. History always repeats itself.
79. Poor Guy
sam ,   beit shemesh   (01.12.06)
I feel sorry for Ray. He unfortunately has a problem with his Jewish identity. He lashes out at someone who supports the Biblical and God given right that the land of Israel belongs only to the Jewish people. Our "peace partners," the Palestinians, and most of the Moslem world, who would want nothing more than to see us disappear off the map and respond to our peace gestures with murdering a good many of us are better than Pat Robertson. Apparently, the writer has a problem believing in our divine right to our land. He probably feels that we stole this land from the Arabs. After all, they believe that this land is their divine right, and they would never give away any inch of land they thought was theirs. The writer fails to appreciate when even an "anti-semitic" Christian supports our claim, and calling him a racist for passing judgement on PM Sharon. I'm not convinced that the writer knows much about Pat Robertson or Christianity or Islam. He knows even less about Judaism.
80. Ray is Arab (end)
81. #76 ... an answer
The Christians who helped protect Jews during the Holocaust were an exception to the rule. They were not fundamentalists. And maybe even they acted out of guilt. Take your Robertson. I'd rather face the enemy I know like the Palestinians, than the ones who claim to be our friends, like Robertson. At least Azmi Bishara tells us what he really thinks and doesn't put hsi arm around us saying he loves us, but !!!! Ariel
82. Seeing that everyones way off the topic......
.....is it just me or does Ray look a lot like Ray Romano from Everybody Loves Raymond?
83. Way off topic
He's more like an Arab Woody Allan ... who prefers Jewish women to little girls he adopts.
84. Time to come to our side
True Believer   (01.15.06)
Jews for Jesus is in fact what Robertson represents. It's the final transformation of the Jewish people. When they rebuild Israel and the Temple, they must also rebuild themselves. Because we are polite, we don't speak much about that transition inevitability, but it is there. We welcome the Jewish people back into the fold of God and support the independence of Israel from the Islamic threat. Shalom. A True Believer
85. #84
Robert Goldman ,   cooper city Florida   (01.15.06)
Tell us how many lead paint chips did you have to ingest to start thinking like this? if you REALLY READ your BIBLE what you are saying for us Jews to do is actually AGAINST G-d..... Now I'm not a religous guy. Hell I'm as Kosher as a Ham on rye. BUT I do know what you are pushing, and it is worse then a slow death...
86. Murderous "palestinian" scum are the racists, not Robertson.
Bunnie Meyer ,   Santa Monica, CA   (01.16.06)
87. #81...other questions
Tom ,   Canada   (01.16.06)
Ariel said "The Christians who helped protect Jews during the Holocaust were an exception to the rule. And maybe even they acted out of guilt." What is the "rule" that you speak of? I wouldn't even dignify your "they acted out of guilt" with a comment. "I'd rather face the enemy I know like the Palestinians." You know them do you? If it wasn't for the enormous human suffering of the Jewish people at the hands of those you think you know so well, and of course do not, your comment would almost be laughable. What is your opinion of those Jews in Israel who have made (are still making) basically the same statement as Robertson?
88. Hmmmm/ Well I still think Ray looks like Ray Romano.
89. Ray hits the mark
Pocho ,   Paramount U.S.   (02.05.06)
I agree with you Ray, Pat Robertson does not teach the words of the Prophet of Peace and Love and discredits through his ignorance and by necessity of his continuous retractions the peace loving Christian multitudes of our Country. I agree with Hiram from TelAviv who maintains his optimism through what must be trying times in Israel. I continue to pray for peace and restoration for the world and your safe keeping ...Shalom
90. Couldn't have said it better myself
Nesie ,   USA - East Coast   (02.19.08)
It's about time people bring those so-called christians on the carpet. The US Constitution allows for free speech, yet their speech while being broadcast on the airwaves without impediment, they are actively seeking to censor that of others. I am sick and tired of them. Their negative and divisive policies regarding the Middle East showcase them for the duplicitous demagogues they really are. Doesn't their bible promote peacemakers as in Blessed are the peacemakers? Yet they are the first to sound the trumpet for war. They make me sick.
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