Jewish Scene
Jewish dignitaries condemn Muhammad cartoon
Shirli Sitbon
Published: 02.02.06, 22:02
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31. #26 Jane
Khalid ,   Halifax   (02.03.06)
Well Jane, first off, all of the Arab governments you speak of were put to power, and stay in power, because of your buddies in Washington, not because we Arabs chose for them to be there, and you know this. And no citizens can force the governments to do anything because they are all dictators so if you're unhappy with the way theyre acting, let the Americans remove them as quickly as they installed them. Second, an attack on Muslims is different than an attack on Islam, just as insulting Jews is much different than insulting Judaism. I have never seen once a negative newspaper column, or sermon, or carricature of the great Prophet Moses, or the Prophet Jesus, or anything that has to do with Christianity and Judaism because as you know (or maybe dont) this is strictly against Islam. Having said that, I don't condone insults against the people that follow those religions either, but one must understand that there is a world of difference. If the cartoons depicted Arafat, bin Laden, or Saddam for example, Muslims around the world would not have rioted nor would they have felt insulted, even though all three of them claim to be Muslims. I know for damn sure that I wouldn't have been insulted.
32. Where Do You Get Off?
Daniel ,   New York   (02.03.06)
Regardless of issues of free speech and all the other important issues that surround this dispute, what chutzpah the posters here have to condemn Rav Sitruk for having the maturity and wisdom to calm things instead of inflaming them. And what on God's green earth gives all the morons who have posted here THE RIGHT tell other Jews what to do or how to be a "Good Jew?" Who died and left you in charge of even one other Jew?
33. to christian SWEDEN
stephane ,   france   (02.03.06)
hi christian,i'm jew from france,and i don't condemn the caricatures like our rabbi mr must know that in france we have 10 millions of muslims!so i think that the rabbi condemned because he want to protect the jewish community.but all my jewish friends around me,of course don't condemn the caricatures,and especially when it's from were right to remind the heroïc behaviour of the danish people during a jew,i will never forget and will ALWAYS stand with the danes.god bless them.
34. to jordi...
stephane ,   france   (02.03.06)
your talkback is simply...EXCELLENT.bravo.
35. French Jews
Hilda ,   USA   (02.04.06)
Obviously they are being intimidated and harrassed because I never heard of them protesting the horrible cartoons against Jews. My sympathy Time to go home to Israel
Daisy ,   USA   (02.03.06)
37. To Khalid-some brutal honesty
CZ   (02.04.06)
Once again blaming all your problems on Americans and not on yourself, it's the same old song. One can go so far as to blame the British and French for your problems for colonizing the M.E., or go back even further and blame the problems on Christians in the crusades. However, once you stop taking responsibility for your own country's deterioration, that's when the world stops feeling sorry for you and starts getting impatient. NEWSFLASH -your problems stem from your brutal dictators and their oppression of your *OWN* people. The end. Jews, Israelis, Americans, Russians, etc are NOT to blame for your problems. Not in 2006. Take some responsibility. Be mad at your leaders. Many countries have been taken over by dictators but the people have risen up against them and overthrew them. WAKE UP. The Americans have not taken down the Mullahs in Iran nor did they put them in control and look how wonderfully that is working out. #2 We Jews DON"T care if your Arab papers make fun of Moses. As you consider Mohammed "perfect" (and that is fine you are of course entitled to think that) but we don't regard Moses as anyone more than a person. We do not worship him and as we know he was NOT perfect. What DOES offend us are the anti-Semitic cartoons in Arab papers every day marginalizing the Holocaust and denying its existence. This is what makes us angry. Of course we don't burn your flag or anything b/c that, too, is disrespectful and a an irrational, emotional response. Now, I say those pictures of Mohammed were not decent or right and I believe they were meant to cause offense. However, by acting up like that, the Muslims are proving the Danes right. If your people were to stage peaceful protests by the thousands I think more people would agree with your plight. By turning to violence, people will not sympathize. And those are the cold, hard facts.
38. Religion?
Dudu ,   Tel-Aviv, Israel   (02.04.06)
It is amazing that their is so much excitement about nothing. There are no gods and religion is just a human error. The cartoons are really great and exposes the real human nature of believers of all faiths. I do not respect religion and their believers. Do they respect people who do not believe or follow their tradition? Religion creates hate, especially if one starts to claim that he or she has more right to life in a certain place. The pope, rabbis, muftis, non-believers they all can be the subject of cartoonists.
39. #38 CZ
Khalid ,   Halifax   (02.04.06)
"NEWSFLASH -your problems stem from your brutal dictators and their oppression of your *OWN* people." Another NEWSFLASH - our dictators were installed by Americans so as to protect American interests; OIL (have you heard of it? its what led to the iraq war) I'll quote Bush: "America is addicted to oil." Don't you find it reasonable that America will try to protect this "addiction." They do this by keeping in power the people they KNOW will protect this "addiction." Which Saudis voted to put the Saudis in power? Which iraqis voted to put Saddam in power? What Jordanians voted for Abdullah to sit on his thrown? Or Hussein before him? I can name several others and you should know about this. You say Not in 2006?? Well all these people are still in power aren't they?? Except Saddam (seems once you turn on the Americans, you pay dearly). If you want to debate whether these brutal dictators (IN 2006, NOW, PRESENT TIME, TODAY) were put in power; by choice of their respective citizens, or by foreign (American) assistance, I'll gladly debate you. Now, I don't agree with the flag-burning and bursting into embassies for retaliating for these racist cartoons, I simply said that they should not have been published and I find it extremely responsible and honorable of the great Rabbi to condemn these cartoons when frankly, he didn't have to. But come on, you can't tell all Arabs to stop blaming Americans for their leaders just because it's 2006, when theyre all still sitting on their thrones!
40. Khalid
tony mark ,   paris   (02.04.06)
Your blessings are obviously a warm welcome,to this Rabbis and his followers.So why do we not see the same Responsable CondemnationOf Rediculous calomnious and Inapropriate slander,,comming from the Arab world ,when they insult the Jewish people daily.In your schools,in your Papers,On Television;Tell me why,we do not here from your Imams on this subject..?.I would really love to know why. Is it because in the Arab countries,freedom of speach does not exist??Like you say,"Freedom of speach requires responsable speaking..So your Imams Must not be Responsable Speakers..
41. Lybian guy,in Italie
tony ,   paris   (02.04.06)
You must really be having a good time in Italy.Why did you leave Liybia.I wonder.Comparing those rediculous cartoons to human suffering,man you just do not get the point.As an Arab I would not have asked for more.The Portrayail of your mohammed,with a bomb in place of a turbin,is exactly what your fanatics are saying in their speeches.They state that Allah himself condones the murder,of all that are not of the Islam religion.Your Imams condone,the murder of innocent men woman and children,just because they do not belong to the same religion,so,Why all the scandle;???is this not what you muslims are preaching.???You see,you talking about the Holocaust,has no connection with the current matter.You in the Arab world ,have Slandered the Jews for so long,and have denied the Holocaust ever existed.Plenty people ,like yourself have in fact printed,stories and lies,about the Jewish people,and yes there has been public outcry;But to do what you in the arab world are doing,is beyond,Insanity,its just not NORMAL.So do you really think that we will go to the streets like wild ,undisciplined maniacs???Screeming "Death to the Infidels????and make dead lines within 48hrs,like the Palestinians have just recently done???What kind of world do you think you are living in.You who live in a western country,all snugg,If you do not agree with our way of life,and the freedom of speach we are entitled to,then go back to Lybia,and see the difference,and maybe it will be you ,who will be dreaming of freedom of speech.
42. #24 of turkey
pierre ,   belgique   (02.04.06)
Or maybe,you muslims should learn a little more of what your Coran does say.You are all so caught up with the violence of what is "supposed to be in the coran,Your different interpretations are what is causing ,what we are seeing to-day.Your Imams,and mollahs,and whatever,should get together and discuss once and forall,the scriptures.For even in Judaism,the orthodox also have disputes and discussions about the meaning of the Torah,of what is written and how we should interpret what is written.But ,we do not see such violence as we see with your religion.If one is not in agreement ,he is Executed.Isn't this what you mean when you say,that one should learn more about The Prophet????
43. some good books.
tony ,   Paris   (02.04.06)
Hey Libyan guy,,It is not us who need to read books on Islam.I think it is you,and the Muslims of this world,to define onceand for all,what your books say,'cause,none of you seem to be in accord of what is written.Some say that Allah commandes you to murder the Infidels.all those who do not follow the words of Islam,and then there are those who say Islam is a peaceful,and loving,and respectful religion..So yes More books should be read ,,But by the Muslims,and when you have come to the right conclusions,maybe then,we who are not Muslim;will dain to read your books..Salam and Shalom to all...
44. Sitruk missed an occasion to shut-up
French Zionist JEW ,   Paris, FRANCE   (02.04.06)
His silence would have been roaming.
45. lets pay them back.
Jonathan ,   Basildon   (02.05.06)
No cartoon however offensive could ever portray my disgust at Islamic violence which claims dozens of lives each week world-wide. Now we know what hurts them, lets pay them back. .
Arsen ,   Sydney, AUSTRALIA   (02.05.06)
Many of these very same Muslims protesting the Danish/European publication of cartoons depicting the prophet Mohammed are also the very same ones that, through their own media, regularly publish cartoons and televise programs depicting Rabbis drinking blood of gentile children, denying the Holocaust, comparing Sharon to Hitler, Israelis to Nazis, etc. Gee, i guess it's only Islam that is untouchable, but everything else is fair game?
47. Actually--I thought it was an exploding Bagel
Steven Wilson ,   Anchorage, Alaska   (02.05.06)
on his head. It looked mighty anti-semetic for a good while. So Muhammed doesn't have his followers hide explosives in their turbans? Why not---and if not---where are they supposed to hide them? Is there some religious edict---about not hiding the bomb---by your noggin? Obviously Muhammed carried some bombs in his day. I mean---the Muslim leaders tell all their followers, that it is okay to blow up the infidel. Muhammed has authorized it. So the real crux of the problem is---the cartoonist put the bomb---on the wrong part of Muhammeds body. This being said----where was the friggen bomb supposed to be. We don't want to offend anyone else, by putting the bomb on the wrong part of muhammeds body, next time. Might I add. Muhammed looked fabulous in his Arabic attire, in the cartoon. He looked like his beard could of been trimmed a bit though. He's looking good for his age though. Is he on the lean cuisine diet program? Or does he use one of those new fangled aerobic exercise machines? And by the way----When can I quit worrying about riding the city bus? Is there some time frame before people will quit blowing themselves up? Just curious. Give Muhammed our love. Kiss the Camel.
48. #30
Jane   (02.05.06)
Don't call me honey. I am not one of your abused Muslim women. You incite against us all the time. You threw us out of your countries. You deny us our birthright. You kill us and blow us up. Do not expect sympathy for you who have 22 and a half countries and cannot leave us alone in peace. It is you who think you are superior, with no justification. It is you who is selfish, greedy and filled with contempt and hate for everyone who is not Muslim.
49. #31 Khalid
Jane   (02.05.06)
We are called pigs and monkeys in your mosques. Your imams incite against us. Your miniseries show our religion as using the blood of others for our cakes - one of the oldest Anti-Semitic/Anti-Judaic blood libels around. Don't tell me that you respect our religion. If you did, the Koran would not categorize us as dhimmi. Don't twist things to make Islam innocent.
50. Remember<
bibi ,   UK   (02.05.06)
You started by in vading our countries, You fuked them up and left us with your pupets?kings /presidents... If we are in europe it is because you need our labour. However, when you were with us you were masters and expolited us. So it is time for oaying us back...As for freedom of speech remember our Civilisation in Andalousia, we thoought you everything ..Algebra, maths ..etc at a time when you were infighting deepoly ignorant and enjoying Bull fighting .. So go back to Hostory and learn OK
51. so we're out to get you eh?
abq ,   UK   (02.05.06)
I thought I'd point out that we make up about 1/5 of the world's population, are in every corner of the world, and if Islam was all about hate then we would have destroyed the world by now and ourselves with it... But oh wait, about a billion of us aren't burning flags, aren't anti-semitic, aren't blowing ourselves up and actually live genuinely peacefully with other cultures and religions. I'm not condoning the actions of the flag-burners or Arab media but you're overlooking that the majority of muslims don't live in those countries. And you'd be surprised at how many of us do stand alongside other religions when they're in the firing line. If you're gonna go on about the mullahs and their anti-everything attitude, I should also point out that where the country's leader is a puppet of the West (usually a ruthless dictator with an appalling human-rights records) do you really think he's gonna appoint a moderate mullah who has a bit of sense and true understanding of Islam and wants the world to live in peace??? I could sit here all day and drag up the not-so-perfect history of the West in the part they played in screwing up the world, or I could call on my fellow Muslims to stop letting off steam and help the rest of us to make a positive change to our society (which includes living in peace and harmony with the Jews and Christians). We've done it before, we can do it again..
52. To Khalid and the other Jew haters here
Arie   (02.05.06)
You post here how upset you are over the caricature and that the Rabbi was obligated to condemn it. I also notice no comment from you or your MoHAMmedan friends about the cartoon of Anne Frank in bed with Hiter. It's ok - I understand. You are what you are, regardless of how you post. You are not against Israel, you are against Judaism. Israel is just a convenient excuse under which to hide your Jew hatred that has become endemic in modern Islam!
53. #52, do you read my posts before you bash me?
Khalid ,   Halifax   (02.05.06)
"You post here how upset you are over the caricature and that the Rabbi was obligated to condemn it." -READ WHAT I WROTE! this is me: It was "honorable of the great Rabbi to condemn these cartoons when frankly, he didn't have to." frankly, HE DIDN'T HAVE TO.. how am I saying that he is OBLIGED TO??? Everyone calling me a Jew-Hater: You can't make me a Jew Hater just because you say it and just becaue you want me to be. I know who I am and I know who I respect. I will never be Jew Hater no matter how hard some of you try to make me to be. I will always cherish my friendship with Jews, and all people regardless of their religion. You will never make me a Jew Hater and for some odd reason, I think that upsets you. Well if it does then I'm sorry, but never will I discriminate agains someone becaus of their religion.
54. To #51-The truth is killing you?
Arie   (02.05.06)
Yes, your people make up 20% of the World's popuation, but we also know there are billions of rats and leeches on this earth. As for your comment that you "would have already destroyed the world," well...all one need do is look atevery headline and one sees that that is your intention. Let's look at reality: -Every armed conflict in the world involves Muslims! -Your people kill with wild abandon, all in the name of Allah -You go on the Hajj, and Allah seeks his retribution over your miscrean heresy by going after you en masse -you kill innocent kids for the publicity -you kill any woman that does not meet your "moral standard." For you is is OK to kill indiscrminately, but heaven help the woman that says "no" to any male relative or has the audacity to be raped by any man - for that you redeem her by initiaating an "honor killing" -Your people murder Christians in Lebanon, Egypt, Phillipines, Spain, and any where else in the world they can -Your people kill other Muslims because they worship the "wrong" Islam -Your people just like to kill! -You oppose Democracy or any Freedoms Simply put, you are no different than the billions of vermin infesting this eart - feeding on misery death and destruction Allah must be so proud!
55. #54 and anyone else who thinks the same
abq ,   UK   (02.06.06)
Actually pretty much every armed conflict in the last 50 yrs has been instigated by the West, "arm the muslims to wipe themselves out while we run off with their oil." is the current motto. Almost every point you made holds true for lunatics of any religion, nationality, race etc... But that's not the point. Believe it or not, these people are a very small percentage, its simple math.. If you looked at history you'd notice most of the points you made only apply to recent times, maybe its to do with the mass brainwashing thats going on by the "Bin Ladins" of the day... (btw, the guy Saudi's follow was a also a western puppet sent in about 150 yrs ago, and look at the state of the place now...) You seem to know so much yet you're overlooking that the most heavily populated muslim countries are already democratic. As for killing women indiscriminately, those were due to man-made laws, it would surprise you that women are actively BRINGING BACK sharia law so they can get the rights that the women of the West only recently discovered. Of course, the great thing about democracy is keeping out the corrupt politicians, oh wait, France can tell you first-hand about that...
56. #55-your 1/2 truths are endemic of Islam
Arie   (02.07.06)
Armed conflicts initiated by the West? Look at Indonesia and their Islamic massacre of Christians; Sudanese Muslim genocide of Christin in Dharfur; Egyptian muslim massacres of Coptic Christians;on going islamic terrorism against Jews;Islamic mass murder of Christian Phillipines; Pakistani muslim assaults on Hindus; Chechen Muslims and their joy of killing hundreds of kids in their classroom;The Spanish Massacre; 9/11;the London massacre..and more and more Your comments just don't add up, refuted by the facts on the ground. A western puppet from 150 years ago? That's bin laden? LMAO! bin laden is an off spring of extremist Saudi policy and religious beliefs where the "Religious Police" can burn 15 young girls alive fr having the audacity to run out of a burning school without head covering - Now THAT'S Islam! The most heavily populated Muslim countries are democratic? MORE LOL: The ONLY truly democratic Islamic state is Turkey. Please name one other muslim 'democracy" that is more than a one-party state. Women are bringing back Shaaria? Well, that just shows that suicidal tendencies are inherent in Islam. But explain that to the multitude of women killed in so-called "honour killings" - including litle girls murdered because they dared to be raped by Uncles and Brothers! Using France as an example is typical of Islam. I don't see why you would condemn France given they were the first Euraian country to surrender to Islamic terror. As for the UK, I understand that your people have established terror training camps in the UK. And you condemn the West so completely, why don't you move back to one of your "democratic" muslim states?Perhaps Iran, Syria, or Saudi Arabia. Then let's see how you proclaim the wonders of the local "democratic institutions." Especially when you are being questioned by the religious police. Hide your women: Shaaria is coming!
57. Rabbi Sitruk
Norbert ,   France   (02.07.06)
Rabbi Sitruk has missed another opportunity to shut up. He does not understand the whole manipulation organized by the Muslim Brotherhood around these poor cartoons, most of them hardly offensive. His declaration, made for very small temporary gains, plays right into the hands of those who want to submit him and return him, and all of us, to the status of dhimmi. He may accept this fate, but has no right to impose it on us who definitely refuse it. If I do not like these cartoons, There is a simple solution, not look at them. But no restriction of freedom is acceptable if the object concerned is not an incitement to hatred, which the involved Danish cartoons definitely are not. It is not the case of the made up cartoons which Danish imams brought to Saudi Arabia to launch this campaign to make believe in hatred incitement, but were never published anywhere. Who made them up ? These Muslim clerics claim that they received them as hate mail, but never could show the source when asked (Daily Telegraph source). So, in addition to being a stupid declaration, Sitruk's declaration became the accomplice to a forgery and incitement of hatred toward the west. Nice show Mr Rabbi
58. Khalid - #53
Arie   (02.07.06)
Reading is not one of your strong suites, ignorance is. The Rabbi was oblifgated under Jewish norms to condemn such cartoons. Everyone notices however that all the Muslims, including yourself, steadfastly dodge comments on the DAILY cartoon depiction of Jews in Muslim media, including the cartoon of Anne Frank in bed with Hitler. No I cannot make you a Jew-hater ust because I call you one. You are a Jew hater because you are one! I will never make you a Jew hater, that is true. Hatred is endemic to your religion and I am not inducing it.
59. To Libyan Guy
Donni Shuna ,   Malta   (02.07.06)
Gaddafi is waiting for you back home to teach you freedom of speech. What are you doing in Italy?
60. Rabbi Joseph Sitruk ANOTHER FOOL
DACON9   (02.09.06)
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