Opinion  Ray Hanania
Harnessing power of Muslim World
Ray Hanania
Published: 04.02.06, 13:42
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31. Hanania, I thought you were better
Jorge ,   Tegucigalpa   (02.05.06)
When will Muslims and Arabs start looking inward for their own ineptitude, it is a society that hates the west, wich is blamed for all things that go wrong in your countries, as long as your religion and institutions spread hate to other societies, Arab and Muslims will see the breach widen between the west and itself, the only "asset" that keeps you afloat is oil, and that is an accident of nature
32. Ray Hanania & Jackie Mason
33. Asking for tolerance while preaching hate
Susan ,   Philadelphia, USA   (02.04.06)
Ray the Arab boycott includes the boycott of businesses owned by Jews or with Jews on the board of directors. Businesses were even boycotted because of "Jewish sounding names" of non-Jews. Is this fair and just? It seems to me that most American newspapers are pro-Palestinian. I know many Jews think that Israel is treated unfairly in the mainstream American press. The response is hypocritical because the Arab and Muslim press is filled with Nazi-like anti-semitic propaganda. Arab television stations have broadcast mini-series based on The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, a Czarist Russian era forgery, that has become a staple of antisemitic literature ever since its creation. A Saudi newspaper published an editorial written by a university professor claiming that Jews use the blood of Muslim children to create Purim pastries. It would be funny except that they really believed it. Al-Jazeera is one of the leading disseminators of classic anti-semitic conspiracy theories, including blaming Israel for 9/11. Yes, Jews and Israelis were murdered on 9/11. They were not warned by the Mossad. Perhaps you should compare and contrast the Jewish response to Arab and Muslim antisemitism to the Muslim response over these cartoons.
34. Oil Embargo in the 1970's
Warren ,   New York, NY, USA   (02.05.06)
While you claim the Oil Embargo was harnessing power 'positively,' it is the primary reason that the American people have contempt for the interests of the Arab world. They played their hands, and the rest is history. It will take generations to reverse this mentality of the American people. As offensive as the cartoons have been to many, there are ways to express displeasure through diplomacy. Burning down embassies and physical violence shows the world that these rioters want things there way or no way at all. They are the thought police, and perhaps have 'won' through intimidation as compared to persuasion.
35. Ray
Ken ,   Skokie, USA   (02.05.06)
It is interesting that you seem to feel that the outrage is simply due to the insulting image of your prophet. If you look below the surface the actual reason that the imams are whipping the crowd into a frenzy is that they are morally bankrupt in that they apply their double standard to their situation. They constantly berate and insult any other religion and depict all others in their papers in the most insulting of tones but can't cut it when the shoe is on the other foot. Now let us look at what the true motives are. The issue is that the leaders are unable to provide physically or spiritually for their masses and use an old tactic which is to deflect the issues and blame someone else. This frees them from introspection and allows their people to remain in the misery that they accept. If the true desire of these leaders was to lead their flock into a better place, then they would focus on their shortcommings but clearly this is easier. They also know that if one suicide bomber dies then another will be willing to step up as their culture and religion is one of death. Mark Twain said that a man who was good at making excuses is not good at making much else.
36. #20 Did the German, Polish, Ukrainian Nazis
Roger ,   USA   (02.05.06)
or their French, Dutch, Hungarian, Romanian, Greek, etc. collaborators were from Mars? No, they were from Europe. Just because you, an ex- Euro, living in Israel has no bearing on the fact that the European soil is drenched with Jewish blood.
37. Apples and oranges, Ray....
Elliott ,   Tel Aviv   (02.05.06)
People in American boycotted John Lennon and the Beatles, NOT the entire country of America. People boycotted CNN, and NOT the entire country of America. The US has never cut off aid to the palestinians in the past, and is only NOW considering doing it because they elected terrorists to run their government. If the Us cut off aid everytime the PA broadcast images or sermons on their state TV that were offensive and/or inciteful against Jews, the aid would have been threatened to be cut off EVERY DAY, Ray. And we know that is NOT the case. Wake up. Surely, Ray, you are smart enough to see the difference between these examples and the Muslims boycotting ALL of Denmark because of the actions of one newspaper. At least I hope you are.
38. Ray, you seem to be somewhat different...
G   (02.05.06)
there is something said about people acting on their animal instics...it seems to be only acceptable with children. Okay, not acceptable by tolorable. How can you feel the need to sypothize with people who are acting this way. Why doesn't the muslim world speak louder against this behavior. This behavior is spreading throughout the world and people are beggining to really hate ALL arabs, so tell me ray, who is going to stand up for what is right in this world? Are you also going to sypothise with Hamas who threatens and uses 15 year old retarded boys to walk to a check point with a backpack of explosives in it for 20 shekel? I am so sick and tired of people saying not all arabs are like this..as time goes by I am starting to believe that there are. Why? Because I don't hear anything else coming from you mouths but hate. Ray...Do something good for this world, help bring the arabs back to the ground. Speak of peace and mean it...
39. Ray
Jordi Gomis ,   Barcelona, Catalunya   (02.05.06)
Ray, I agree with you most of the times, but not now. I agree, the cartoons are really unfortunate and might be offensive...but the answer given by the muslim world is unnacceptable...the same way I do not accept Christian or Jewish fanatism. It hurts seeing that we, in europe, have been defending muslims everytime we thought it was necessary, but....I am catalan, there is a spanish broadcasting company who is all day long insulting catalans....did I even think about burning their place? no!!! i miss muslims demonstrating in the streets with the same rage when bombs are exploded in trains in Madrid (in spain millions of people, millions went out to the street protesting against the war in iraq...in barcelona, my hometon, 1.5 million)...i miss the muslim world defending salman rushide, the buddha statues in afghanistan...and well, the list goes on for ever. It hurts me when with my taxes and all the good will, muslims come to spain scaping from dictators in their countries...we welcome them...but what happens? they want rights here that anyone of us has...they want my girlfriend to pay the taxes for a mosque...a mosque where she can't go...protesting becouse in france the scarf is not allowed in school (together with kipas and crosses)...listen Ray, the muslim world has turned in the same direction as chriostianism did in the 15th century. Protesting the cartoons is nice, but solidarity and respect are a two way street, and the day i see the muslim world standing up against misseducation in religious schools, antisemitism, and so on i will be the first one standing up next to you...but i will never accept this display of rage becouse of a cartoon...never...as i do not accept the behaviour of ultra-orthodox jews, or fanatic christians...simple as that. Moderate islam has to stand up soon, cos if not you will be swallowed by this wave of fanatism, and muslims will be labeled as terrosists without exception. I would like you to stand up and get more people like you against radical islam. I walso wanted to point to many US cityzens here....hapy cos the euros running. Guys, for decades your gvernment has been harvesting hate, creating monsters like Bin Laden on your own interest...a war in Iraq in your own interest...and now you laugh? do you think it's funny to see this? are you realy happy? most of americans have the same level of culture as this fanatic muslim crowd...so accept your responsabilities, cos so far, the only ones running around somewhere are your kids in iraq...but you're so narrowminded that you even like that...and by the way, the us is not the most appropiate country to wave the flag of freedom of speech, not with bush in the white house at least. Religion is a personal option, and i will never accept to be imposed one. It will be sad to see that someone died just becouse a cartoon, cos it's just that, a cartoon...and it's up to the muslim world not to be displayed as an eternal terrorist...i hope all the muslim world can learn from you Ray and just fight and protest with words and reason, not with a kalashnikov and some molotov cocktail.....i will not allow any fanatic from any religion to tell me how and when can i believe in someone or not...basta. Pecae and love. שלום ואהבה
40. Ray (#24):
Michael Steiner ,   EU   (02.04.06)
You're a nice and intelligent guy so I'm surprised you're arguing for something so contrary to common sense here. The 1960s were a somewhat different era in the so-called "West." Then you could still be fined for "blaspheming" against "jesus." But the secularization has in the meantime ensured that Jews, Xians and others CAN be mocked, which is something very different from incitement or hate speech. Islam seems to be an exception though and it's ONLY because Muslims are so damn militant. Images of dead soldiers are borderline. One can argue about good taste (on the other hand, those who elect those who have the power to launch, continue and stop wars have the right to see some products of those wars) but it's not a question of racism, xenophobia, hatred, etc. The majority of things churned out by the PA and other Arab media concerning Jews IS objectively racist and offensive. Let me give you an example of Islamophobia: when that jackass Robert Kilroy Silk in Britain said that Arabs were a bunch of "suicide bombers, limb amputators, women repressors" a couple of years ago. THAT is Islamophobia and racism par excellence. Laughing at the beliefs of an ascending world philosophy is neither. And even if it was, behaving like a bunch of stoned savages is NOT the way to deal with it.
41. nation....religion
aya ,   jerusalem   (02.05.06)
ray you said arab and moslem and i want to tell you something arab is a nation but islam is a religion ..in quran allah said it create many nations with diferent toung and if it want the people to be one nation he can do it but god decide to be many nations to know each others not to be enemies and this rule must controle the arabs and other nations ///but what about islam it is a religion the last religion from the sky to mohamad which is the last profet befor the islam there is the cristian and the profet jessus and the oldest religion is judism and the profet mosa god never against the religion he do it .god never against his profets but god against who do not believe in him and his profets it is against the jews when they make the golden cow to warship and so on so islam as a religion is for the humanity as a religion but not for this nation to rule the world now the cartoons is against the religion the islam religion not against the arab it is against the american moslems also but this demonistrations and articles like yours mix the arab with the islam the politics with the religion the benifits with the beliefe and many do the same if they mean it or not and many are moslems also ...my openion as a moslem these who put the cartoons puplish them read them distribute them are kafer what is the principle he has and punishment will be from god .god protect his religion moslems are angry becouse these cartoons is against their beliefe but sure these cartoons is offensive in their doing and meanings and will do not any moslem to change his religion it is a war against islam not moslems islam from god moslem are in evry nation not arabs only so if these cartoon affect any nation it is against the first rule of god it make enemies but sure it will not affect the islam as a religion [allahu akbar ]
42. Don't preach to us, Ray!
Melanie ,   USA   (02.05.06)
Preach to your Arab brothers!
43. to # 36 Roger
Roger in every war there are people that side with the enemy, so called collabrators. I'm Dutch and because of some good people my mother and her sister survived the war, please don't teach me any history and the WW2 has nothing to do with this article . I'm not an ex European btw and the Euro is our currency, we are not Euro's........
44. #43 Keep giving the Euros more excuses
Roger ,   USA   (02.05.06)
and allowances. The fact is the majority of Jews were annihilated in Europe. Hopefully, you will treat the Arabs better than you have been treating the Jews.
45. to 1
you are abig ignorant laier , the Arab newspaper and the Moslems are not allawed to publish anything against any relegion by law , and the reason is very simple that the Moslems are obliged by the relegion to respect the Jewish and the Christian relegions (people of the book) but to publish anything agains the Israel this has nothing to do with the relegion ... i can bet with you if you can publish here any karikature made in an Arab newspaper they joked in it about any holly personality in the Jewish relegion or in the Christian relegion ... your hate speaking but your brain is empty ..... by the way i am not Moslem
46. to # 45
bob ,   potomac md usa   (02.05.06)
# 1 is not a liar-. You are correct t6hat Islam forbids discrespect for teh religious founders of Judaism and Christtioanity--but their depiction of Israel and Jews in their newspapers is the same agross depiction as found in the Nazi press during the 1930s--with Israel as en evil hook nosed mosnster in Hasidic garb who drinks the blood of children. Thius kind of hate literatrue appears on a regular basis in the Muslim world and in the Arab world in particular. Ray, whom I gnerally respect, is way off the mark here in trying to be solicitous to those who would slash his throat.
47. "Religion of Peace?"
Elango ,   Chennai, India   (02.05.06)
So suddenly we see the real face of the so-called 'Religion of peace' that everyone from 'GWB' to 'CAIR' was talking about!
48. to 46
first i thank you for the polite way you write with .... but still i insist and i bet if some one shows me here a joke in any arab newspaper showed and named any holly personality from any relegion not even the Pudism ... because it's very simple , in the arab countries there is a law forbid anybody to pubilsh in a bad way any holly personality from any relegion . the one who do it he go to prison ... it's a crime . and the Jews so belief in the free speach why they attack most of the world when they critisize them in anything ... why they acuuse anyone who don't agree with them with anti-simitism or Nazism or terrorism ... they are not better at all ... come on ... we say who built his hous from glase ... not to throw the others with stones .... shalom
49. to 48
bob ,   potomac md usa   (02.05.06)
the Muslims will not depict hooly people from Judasim in a derogatory way because those people--Mosees, David, the prophets, etc, long with the founders of Chrisitianit--are also revered in Islam. HOWEVER, stand by my comment that the cartoon depictions in the Mulsim world (for lkocal consumption)of Israel and Jews is viciously anti-Semitic. If you want to see for yourself, go to the ADL website, which has collected them (alkong with cartoons depicting racisim against other ethinic groups) for this particular subject, go to http://www.adl.org/Anti_semitism/arab/cartoon/arab_press_080702.asp you can 'google" other sites--these are not inventions by the websites depicting them, but they are actual cartoons that come from the Arab press. You can also google "nazi antisemitic cartoons" and comipare what appears inthe Arab press today with what appeared in the German press in the 1930s. I am not being paranoid--I am being accurate.
50. ignorants!
keren ,   sao paulo   (02.06.06)
This increasing mass of muslins is a mass of ignorants;big,enourmous mass of ignorants!and their liders are a bunch of crazy people that don't care about this point ,in order to change it ,but instead use this mass for their evil purposes!
Linda Rivera ,   New York   (02.05.06)
WHERE is the MUSLIM APOLOGY to the ONE GREAT G-D of the UNIVERSE? Jews and Christians are outraged at the continual ATTACKS ON G-D by the Muslims. Muslim mobs destroyed Gaza Jews' synagogues where G-D was honored and exalted. Hamas flags flew from synagogue roofs as synagogues burned. Joseph is the beloved Bible hero of Jews and Christians. Muslims murdered IDF soldiers at Joseph's Tomb. Muslim mobs burned Jewish prayer books that gave praise and glory to the One great G-D, and destroyed the Tomb. In the Islamic invasion and filthy desecration of Jesus Christ' birthplace, Church of Nativity, BIBLES WERE TORN UP FOR TOILET PAPER. It was an act against G-D. Inscribed in those Bibles are the laws G-D gave to Moses. Some of the laws - Exodus 20: "You shall have no other gods before Me" "You shall not make for yourself an idol" "You shall not murder" "You shall not commit adultery" "You shall not steal" "You shall not bear false witness" "You shall not covet" Exodus 21:16 "He who kidnaps a man, whether he sells him or he is found in his possession, shall surely be put to death" JERUSALEM is MENTIONED OVER 800 TIMES in the BIBLE, not once in the Koran. G-D designated the Temple Mount to the Jews for His worship and prayer only. Muslims on the Temple Mount repeatedly engage in massive rock throwing at Jews, turning the HOLIEST place on earth into a common place of violence! Muslims have perpetrated massive desecration and destruction at Judaism's HOLIEST site, the Temple Mount. The OFFENSE to G-D is ENORMOUS! The Temple Mount must be returned to its Jewish owners immediately!
Linda Rivera ,   New York   (02.05.06)
WHERE is any MUSLIM RESPECT for RULER of the UNIVERSE, the G-D of ABRAHAM, ISAAC and JACOB? On March 27, 2002, at the Park Hotel in Netanya, terrorists targeted for murder Jews honoring and thanking G-D for His great mercy: Exodus 12:14 “you shall celebrate it as a feast to the L-RD” Exodus 12:42 “It is a night to be observed for the L-RD for having brought them out from the land of Egypt; this night is for the L-RD, to be observed by all the sons of Israel throughout their generations.” The Islamic homicide bomber murdered 30 Israelis as the Jews obeyed G-D, taking part in the Passover meal. 140 Jewish innocents were injured. The bomb was filled with nails and other metal pieces to maximize the suffering of survivors. On August 19, 2003, terrorists targeted for murder Jews who worship G-D - Giver of all life. The homicide bomber blew himself up on the bus as Jews returned from prayer at the Western wall-the Temple Mount, the holiest place on earth, is Judaism's holiest site. Jerusalem is mentioned over 800 times in the Bible, not once in the Koran. The gruesome attack-the bomb packed with metal pieces, killed 22 Jews and injured 134, many seriously. If Jesus Christ lived today, from the time Jesus was in his mother's womb, he would be targeted for murder by the Islamofascists for being a Jew living in his homeland of Israel. The Palestinian Authority hailed as heroes the terrorists who brutally murdered defenseless 8 months pregnant Jewish Gaza mother, Tali Hatuel, and four little daughters in Gush Katif in May 2004. In defiance of Israel's G-D, and massively breaking G-D's law given to Moses: "YOU SHALL NOT MURDER", the Palestinian Authority teach that murdering Jews is a religious obligation through their mosques, media and public education system. Islamic human bomb murderers of innocent Jews are revered and considered heroes. Broadcast from Gaza mosque, Oct 13 2000, Dr. Ahmad Abu Halabiya, on Palestinian Authority TV (transcribed by Memri): "Have no mercy on the Jews, no matter where they are, in any country. Fight them, wherever you are. Wherever you meet them, kill them. Wherever you are, kill those Jews and those Americans who are like them..."
53. PA Cartoon Offense
Steve ,   USA   (02.06.06)
B"H The PA cartoons are always offensive to Judiasm, and there is no apology there, although that is long overdue! Or how about the PA textbooks. Do Jews need to riot in order to be listened to on that rotten subject matter? Or is there really any sense of "inner justice"? Lighten up Ray. What goes around comes around. And be happy that the major newspers are discriminating in FAVOR of Arab grocery owners, instead of complaining about the newsbox policy! Because, who would want to bypass that peaceful public, right? Is it you who really thinks THAT practice of supporting peaceful Arab grocery owners is not fair?
54. Ray the Yoyo
Yehuda ,   Seattle   (02.06.06)
Ray, I can't tell if you stand for secular democratic governance or monolithic religeous regimes. Tell us Ray? You normally support people's right to express their opinions even if you don't agree with them. The reaction by the muslims to these images was over the top. Danes who came to aid Palestinians were threatened to leave or else. They came to help the Hammastinians and you support intimidating them becasue some other Dane draws a picture they don't like. Now that's racisim. And then the Hammastinians cry that they need foreign aid bacause the people they are governing will starve. How do you expect anyone to help the Palestinians when they shun their biggest supporters. I now know why Arafat is your hero - he to claimed that he wanted peace but couldn't help his urge to screw the people who wanted to help his cause either. Smart Palestinians must decide what they want and then need to make smart decisions to achieve their goals. Supporting this move is a poor decision Ray. BTW, if you're trying to make the point that Arabs have fianally learned to Boycott vs murder everytime they don't like something then I have news for you. The Arab world has always Boycotted Jewish stores e.g. Marks & Spencer. Of course, after a few weeks Arabs can't help compromising their virtuous causes over their primitive material needs. Just go to the M&S store on Baker Street - mohammad definately went to the mountain there. Ray, you know how to help the Palestinian cause - this article is not the way.
55. "May constitute a hate crime"?
Serge ,   Montreal, Canada   (02.06.06)
Mr. Hanania thinks that the cartoons in question "may constitute a hate crime". I think he's wrong. But, luckily, in the West we have indeed laws to prosecute hate crimes. If the Danish imams who stirred up all this trouble truly thought so, they had only to take Jyllands-Posten to court. Why did they not? Perhaps they realise that they would have no case? As to the idea that "the Arab and Muslim Worlds, despite being the target of a constant and unyielding campaign of hatred in the Western Media" -- please. Spare us. We know what a constnat and unyielding media campaign of hatred looks like, and it is not being waged in the "Western media" It is being waged in Arabic, and we are sick of the hypocrisy.
56. Ray comes to Jews to defend evil
Mel ,   USA   (02.06.06)
Who breeds such people?
57. to 49
again , here we don't discuss anti-simitism and don't forget that most of the arabs are simitics too not only the Jews ... and your ADL does not open ... and like some newspapers publishing things against the Jewish people there is alot of Israelian newspapers publishing things against the arabs ... but this is not the point ... the point is that even if our way of thinking is against eachother we attack eachother on the paper but we should not violating any holly personality because of our political situation , still i bet if anyone can show me any jock in any arab newspaper against any holly personality from any relegion ... Nazi , anti-simitism , terrorism .. all of those things has nothing to do with any relegion ... playing with relegion like playing with the fire ... i hope you got my point ... i am not Moslem and part of my family are Jews in Israel .. so i have no interest to be in the side of anyone ... i just say my opinion . .... shalom
58. oh poor Linda ...
you became more bala bala than before .... God help you .
59. Christian Hanania all out for the "Ummah?"
AK   (02.06.06)
Hanania, Levine's "The Oslo Syndrome "is definitely a must read for you.
60. #20 Nazis were not visitors from Mars, they were Europeans.
AK   (02.06.06)
And not exclusively Germans and Austrians, either.
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