Opinion  Ray Hanania
Harnessing power of Muslim World
Ray Hanania
Published: 04.02.06, 13:42
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61. #57 It is so easy to identify an anti-Semite
Roger ,   USA   (02.06.06)
like you. It is comical when you with warped outlook defend the indefensible by attaching yourself to something Jewish or your Jewish relatives in Israel. You, anti-Semitic enemies, are too transparent. Try something else for a change or read this: http://www.honestreporting.com/articles/45884734/critiques/Offensive_Cartoons.asp
62. to 61
again the same old brocken disc ... anti-simitic ... how come when i am simitic too ?? ... and my chalnge is to show me a jock or a caricature against any holly personality from any relegion in any arab country ... seams you failed to find any because what you showed here is against normal people not holly people ... only if you want to tell me the all the Jews are holly people ... then i will have to laugh . the chalange is still open
63. to 57
bob ,   potomac md usa   (02.06.06)
Frankly, I don't care if someone draws a picture of Moses looking like a monkey--but I do care if he draws a picture of a "Jew" or "Israel" looiking like a monkey. Wy? Because the picture of Moses, while offensive, does not encourabge violence and murder, whereas the picture of a aJew does encourage violence and murder. I don't know why this is so hard for you to understand. The Nazis drew dergoatory pictures of Jews IN ORDER TO encourage violence and hate against them. A dreogatory picture of Mohammed or Jesus or Moses is making fun of someone long gone from this world--and you can't do violence against them. Get it? Duh? As far as the drogatory captions of Arabs in Israel--the only ones who drqw such captions are the Kahnist extrmists. But it seems that in the Muslimn world, extrmism is much more widespread --and goes to the intellectual elite. If you don't understand this concept, I suppose you either cannot or chose not to undesand for other reasons.
64. to 63
i don't belive you , you are just saying this because you didn't find something else to say and i can bet with you that if this once happend that someone published a picture of Moses or any holly Jewish personality as bad jock the Jewish people will turn the earth up side down ... don't make it a la carte like the french saying ... and about incourging violence look at the school books in Israeli ... you will find alot of matireals incoureging hate and violence against the arabs ... but still this is not the issue now ... the report which we comment about now is about violating the holly peronalities in the relegions ... and if you do acsept that others jocks about your relegion's holly personalities we don't acsept that someone jock about even YOUR holly book peronality ... because we respect all the relegions but and when i speake bad about Bin Laden or about the right wing in Israel does not mean that i attack Islam or Judism ... i attack people because of what they do ... i let the relegions in side ... and i would like to read here from all the Jews who write here ... do you realy don't care if someone violated your Torah and it's holly people ??? ... be ohnest please
65. Wake up Ray...visit this website.
DR ,   Florida, USA   (02.06.06)
Everyone should see this websiet and realize the hypocricy we are dealing with here. Tomgrossmedia.com/arabcartoons This shows examples of the Arab media's continuing use of slandering cartoons against Israel. Do you see Israelis in the streets shouting death to everyone though??? I don't. This is typical behavior that we have to deal with and Ray has to wake up and see the truth instead of defending the lies.
66. to DR again
again you show nothing new ... your website is a political seite ... nothing holly in your site ... you too failed to find any cartoons or jocks against any relegion in the Arabs media ... Israel and the Israelians are not holly people ... i chalange you if can find any jock or cartonns against Judism or the Torah or any holly people in an Arab media
ALAN ,   USA   (02.07.06)
68. to 66 and to Ray
bob ,   potomac md usa   (02.07.06)
66: I assume that you are beinghonest in your opinion, and to that extent I can only say that we are talking form 2 totally different universes. You are obviously form a tradtional relgious society that values holy people over regular peoplle. I am from a Western society that values people as people. In the west we see pictures and jokes (not"jocks" as you say--a jock is a male undergarment used to protect the genitalia during rigorous sports activity) of Jesus, Moses and the pope and potestant leades all the time made to look ridiculous. Living in a liveral society requires you to accept that some people express those opnions. Only recently I saw a music video of a guy dressed as Jesus singing disco music and then get run over by a double-decker bus. If Muslims want to live in Europe they are going to have to learn that there is a right to express oneself. Of course, these are offenseive--but Christians and Jews do not riot and burn and act like psychotics. As the famous comedienne Joan Rivers says: 'GROW UP!" Ray: you are making youselv sound like an spolgist--frankly, the Hamas vicotry spells teither a long-gterm or a short-term end of secular Arab nationalism in which Christians played a leading roll in the 20th century. Without the secular movement--Christians (and Jews) are back to being Dhimmi--and the others--Druze, Bahais, Farsis(Zoroastrians) are in for very bad persecution--becasue Islam does not protect them. The status of the himmi was somewhat akin to that of blacks in the old South in the US--"protected" as long as they didn't get "uppity." Under the current psycho phase of Islam--which occurs form time to time--things don't look too good. I remember reading about Jews in Spain under the Moors--how they propered and flourished--but the chapters to often always ended with the statement: Then the mMusoims massacred the Jews. Beinbg a Jew or a Crhistian in a Muslim society is sort of like being the child of a bi-polar or parent: there are ups and then there are major downs.
69. to bob
first i would like inform you that i am not Moslem and i live in the west since more 25 years ... so i know well both socities and that's why i can see it better ... i would not react like how most of the Moslems reacted if something like this happend to my relegion ... i have another way to defend ... by writing , discussing and so on ... but we speake now about people playing with fire ... they knew that this could happen and still they did it .... why ??? we don't need it .. we are looking for more peace not more wars .... this makes me thinking that someone wanted this to be happen ... why all now speaking about free opinion , free of speach and when the point comes to Jewish matters and we say our opinion about it ... they accuse the whole world with their brocken disc melody ... anti-simitism , nazism , terrorism and they don't even try to dicuss such matter and sometimes they forget that alot from us are simitics too ... gg ... and about the west ... still many countries have this old relegios traditions .. like in Italy , Spain , Greece but it's nothing bad .. everybody should be free in his relation between him and God ... but no one else has the right to violate this relationship ... the case here is not a case of relegions ... it's case of the need of more peacful time ... the world is fed up ... we didn't need this too ... and don't forget that the west made this people like this by occuping them hundreds of years till they became too much behind them . ... peace on all
70. #66
DR ,   Florida, USA   (02.07.06)
I understand your point very well, but now we are getting into grey areas of what is hloy to people. Something that is hloy to you may not be to me and it is my right to say so. Burning the American flag is illegal here, but Arabs don't seem to mind that so much. If I want to draw a picture of the gods, which ever one it be, I should have the freedom to do so. If fanatics want to dance in the streets and burn flags and threaten the whole world, it only makes my point stronger. You seem smart, but yet, you defend these barbaric acts and then go even further and blame it on other people's actions...weird!!!
71. to 70
freedom and democracy does not mean that everyone do and say whatever he want ... here democracy will be a big mass ... in the USA you can say and drew whatever you want to show to your friends or just for your self ... but to publish something like this you should have a goal or a message you want to send it to the people ... can you tell me something like this cartoons what is the message or the aim from publishing this ? and we can not say what's holy for me maybe is not holy for you because holy items is for all the same .. all what's belong to God ... or what's belong to the relegions .. holy is holy the rest you can call it the most interesting for you but it's not holy ... the American flag is very important for you ... ok .. you are right but you don't pray to your flag ... this barberian way you speake about came from this people because of their anger for violating their Prophet but riots happend even in the USA and sometimes even bader with burning shops and stealing what's in it and burning cars and hurting inocent people ... if you remeber and the last was it just after the hurîcan when the black American exepressd their anger by rioting and making a big damage and are Americans should be well civilised but their anger was stronger that their civilisation , it was just an example and was not the first time ... are they parberians too ? George Bush had to apologise to them to calm them ... but Danemark refused to apologise to the Moslem .. i don't defend the riots and burning the embasies at all .. i just blame who did this cartoons and i blame the Danish government how they behaved and how they dealed with this story ... their was not wise at all ... and in a democratic country many from the government should resign because they didn't know how to deal with such problem ... and sure you can not axept an opinion from someone comeing like you say from a barberian countries and you want to make me wrong by force ... very democratic way ... and even you end your post with a very nice word WEIRD ... thanks any how .. i will try to more civilised and i will end my post with .... peace on you .... smile
72. to #71
DR ,   Florida, USA   (02.07.06)
Yes, I agree with you that there are riots and looting here as well b/c people were and still are angry at the gov't, but this is different. The muslims are threatening people from all over the world not to show their faces or they will be killed. Extreme Islam teaches to kill those who oppose your views and those who do not believe in Allah...this is crazy! In Denmark and Sweden they believe that the right to express yourslef and for free speech is more important than religion and that's how most western people see it. Muslims should understand and respect this difference in philosophy. There was a point to all these cartoons and it was to show the violent nature of extreme islam. Again I say Extreme. My boss is Muslim and I don no think he is a bad man. All these riots and threats do, is add truth to those cartoons. It is hard to defend people who are so filled with rage and who are willing to kill in the name of something so trivial.
73. smile DR
why you ask the Moslems to understand the others and you don't ask the others to understand the Moslems ??? smile riots in the USA is diffrent you say ... the american riots should not be an example the others should do the same ... we import alot from the USA ... you want that we import how to loot and riot too ? Extremists are every relegion not only in Islam ... and it's wrong information if someone think that Islam pushing the people to kill the others ... the Moslem killer get punished by executing him but Islam asked it's people to defend them selfs and their lands ... eye by eye ... the Jews has the same principle ... we can not make the situation a la carte like the french says this rioting is acseptable and this not ... it's humanbeing nature .. we have to deal with people like they are not all the same ... not what's all in the west are right like not all what's in east are right too ... we are no engels but we should take more care not to increase the problems around the world for no good reason ... my advice from one not Moslem ... is to read a bit more about what real Islam is to know the diffrent between the relegion it self and the behavior of some Moslems so your judgment will be more right .... shalom
74. #73
DR ,   Florida, USA   (02.08.06)
The riots that we see here in the US are usually against our own government. Something that does not happen in many Arab/muslim countries where you are not allowed to criticize the gov't or you'll be areested or killed. Americans believe that every person has the right to worship as he/she likes and that people can believe in anything. So you are wrong about the fact that we are asking muslims to understand us without understanding them. I lived in a mostly Jewish town in New York and we had an Islamic community center there as well and everyone lived in peace. We also believe in free speech wherw you can say whatever you want and print it. if someone deosn't like it, they can boycott your publication or write a rebutal. This is how humans act. What we are seein form the muslim world is not civilized behavior. They are shaming Islam and themselves.
75. Ray
Mike ,   South Africa   (02.11.06)
As an Orthodox Jew from South Africa who reads Ray's columns I'd like to dissent with the majority of my fellow Jews. Why shouldn't Muslims use their collective clout to voice their displeasure? I'd have liked Ray to be more clear on distancing himself from violence but leave that aside. If you read Ray on a regular basis he is not the voice of militantcy or anti-Semitism but fairness for his own. We have been on the wrong end of Christians for thousands of years which we quickly forget in some sort of "the enemy of my enemy" stupidity. Muslim vs Secular and Christian wars infest the planet. Why do we always feel the need to side with one side? Israel's location places us in a conflict situation with the Muslims. I pray that a two state solution will be found. When that is over I would like us to be neutral rather than kissing up to any group. Jews are meant to be a light unto nations and we can far easier achieve this by staying out of wars that are not our own. If you really want to rage go after anti-Semites like Pat Buchanan and Taki whose best friends are Jewish.
76. A Message From a Muslim
Osama ,   Cairo, Egypt   (03.04.06)
from all what i saw here , i can see that all opinions are against islam and muslims , but as the last poster said , why printing these stuff if everyone knows that it will hurt alot of people and cause problems , offcourse no one expected all of this , but anyone knows anything about muslims and the arab world , knows that there is some lines no body can cross , and they crossed it , the arabian papers and magazines always publishes cartoons against israel not jews , all muslims believe in god and all the prophets like Moses and Jesus , it's integrated in our religion , and we can't say anything about that even if we believe that we are right , what i want to say is , whatever happends and in any way , muslims never insults any other religion cause this is integrated in our religion , but from this point of view , we see that we have the full rights to defend our religion with anyway , and remember that all that began when the paper refused to apologize about the cartoons , while the same paper refused before to publish cartoons about jesus , and also refused to publish cartoons about jews , so where is the freedom they are talking about ?
UK   (08.09.07)
hahaha you people make me laugh i mean look at you people saying whatever you hear from the media and considering it to be true. Muslims have brought so much to this world yet you people dont see. The west attack muslims everywhere because they are scard of the muslims and try to seperate the muslims by creating divisions shia muslim sunni muslim etc. The leaders of the western countries know what the muslims could do if they unite and insha allah even after all the efforts by the west the muslims will unite. The rights of the women were introduced when islam came into excitence. The women in the western countries have only recently been given rights so i dont know where you people get your stories from. The mathematics, numberes, medicine, science, architect etc are all from muslims. Before attacking anyone remember to look at the history.
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